public void Append(string key, string value)
     //This could be done far more efficiently and atomically with a sproc
     using (IKeyLock keyLock = GetKeyLock(lockPrefix + key, DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(10), new SimpleLockRetryStrategy(5, 500)))
         var existingValue = Get(key);
         Set(key, existingValue + value);
        public ulong GetNextSequenceValue(string key, int increment)
            //set up a sproc for this
            using (IKeyLock keyLock = GetKeyLock(lockPrefix + key, DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(10), new SimpleLockRetryStrategy(5, 500)))
                ulong value    = 0;
                var   valueRaw = Get(key);

                if (valueRaw != string.Empty)
                    value = (ulong)int.Parse(valueRaw);

                value = value + (ulong)increment;
                Set(key, value.ToString());