Example #1
		public static void Nested_Readers( IKLink link )
			Console.WriteLine( "\n===== Nested readers..." );

			var cmd = link.From( x => x.Countries ).OrderBy( x => x.Name );
			Console.WriteLine( "\n> Command => {0}", cmd );

			foreach( var ctry in cmd.ConvertBy( rec => {
				CountryTable table = new CountryTable(); dynamic d = rec;
				table.Id = d.Id;
				table.Name = d.Name;
				table.RegionId = d.RegionId;

				_Nested_Readers_Employees( link, table );
				return table;
			} ) ) Console.WriteLine( "\n> Country => {0}", ctry );
Example #2
		static void _Nested_Readers_Employees( IKLink link, CountryTable ctry )
			var cmd = link.From( x => x.Employees ).Where( x => x.CountryId == ctry.Id );
			DEBUG.IndentLine( "\n> Command => {0}", cmd );

			foreach( var emp in cmd.ConvertBy( rec => {
				EmployeeTable table = new EmployeeTable(); dynamic d = rec;
				table.Id = d.Id;
				table.FirstName = d.FirstName;
				table.LastName = d.LastName;
				table.CountryId = d.CountryId;

				ctry.Employees.Add( table );
				return table;
			} ) ) DEBUG.WriteLine( "\n> Employee => {0}", emp );

Example #3
		public static void Query_WithChainedFroms( IKLink link )
			Console.WriteLine( "\n===== Query using a chained From syntax..." );

			var cmd = link
				.From( x => x.Regions.As( x.Super ) ).Where( x => x.Super.Name == "Europe, Middle East & Africa" )
				.From( x => x.Regions.As( x.Reg ) ).Where( x => x.Reg.ParentId == x.Super.Id )
				.From( x => x.Countries.As( x.Ctry ) ).Where( x => x.Ctry.RegionId == x.Reg.Id )
				.From( x => x.Employees.As( x.Emp ) ).Where( x => x.Emp.CountryId == x.Ctry.Id )
				.Select( x => x.Emp.All() )
				.Select( x => x.Reg.All() )
				.OrderBy( x => x.Reg.Id ).OrderBy( x => x.Emp.Id );
			Console.WriteLine( "\n> Command => {0}", cmd );

			foreach( var obj in cmd ) Console.WriteLine( "\n> Record => {0}", obj );
Example #4
		public static void Fake_Query_Extended_Syntax( IKLink link )
			Console.WriteLine( "\n== A fake query to show the extended syntax usage..." );

			var cmd = link
				.From( "Employees AS Emp" )
				.GroupBy( x => x.Cube( x.C1, "C2 with Embedded Spaces" ) )
				.OrderBy( x => x( x.C3, "Text without meaning", x.C4 >= 9 ) )
				.Select( "C5 as C6" );

			Console.WriteLine( "\n> Command => {0}", cmd );
			Console.WriteLine( "\n> NOT EXECUTED AS IT HAS NO MEANING ..." );
Example #5
		public static void Query_WithSourceFroms( IKLink link )
			Console.WriteLine( "\n===== Query using a command as the From source..." );

			var cmd = link
					link.From( x => x.Countries.As( x.Ctry ) ).Where( x => x.Ctry.Id == "us" ),
					x => x.Location )
				.From( x => x.Employees.As( x.Emp ) ).Where( x => x.Emp.CountryId == x.Location.Id )
				.Select( x => x.Emp.All() );
			Console.WriteLine( "\n> Command => {0}", cmd );

			foreach( var obj in cmd ) Console.WriteLine( "\n> Record => {0}", obj );
Example #6
		public static void Query_With_In_and_Equal( IKLink link )
			Console.WriteLine( "\n===== Query using the IN and EQUAL syntax..." );

			var cmd = link
				.From( x => x.Employees ).Where( x => !x.CountryId.In(
					link.From( y => y.Countries ).Select( y => y.Id ).Where( y => y.RegionId.In(
						link.From( z => z.Regions ).Select( z => z.Id ).Where( z => z.ParentId =
							link.From( p => p.Regions ).Select( p => p.Id )
							.Where( p => p.Name == "Europe, Middle East & Africa" )
				) ) ) ) );
			Console.WriteLine( "\n> Command => {0}", cmd );

			foreach( var obj in cmd ) Console.WriteLine( "\n> Record => {0}", obj );
Example #7
		public static void Query_GettingOneValue( IKLink link )
			Console.WriteLine( "\n===== Query getting one value instead of a record..." );

			// As anonymous columns are not supported, we need to give a name to it
			// The easiest way is by using an alias for the object returned by the database

			var cmd = link
				.From( x => x.Employees )
				.Select( x => x.Count( x.Id ).As( x.SumOfEmployees ) );
			Console.WriteLine( "\n> Command => {0}", cmd );

			dynamic obj = cmd.First();
			Console.WriteLine( "\n> Using the record => {0}", obj );
			Console.WriteLine( "\n> Using the property => {0}", obj.SumOfEmployees );

Example #8
		public static void Query_MultipleTables_AndSkipTake( IKLink link )
			Console.WriteLine( "\n===== Query multiples tables..." );

			var cmd = link
				.From( x => x.Employees.As( x.Emp ) ).Where( x => x.Emp.JoinDate >= new CalendarDate( 2000, 1, 1 ) )
				.From( x => x.Countries.As( x.Ctry ) ).Where( x => x.Ctry.Id == x.Emp.CountryId )
				.Select( x => x.Ctry.All() )
				.Select( x => x.Emp.Id, x => x.Emp.BirthDate, x => x.Emp.LastName );
			Console.WriteLine( "\n> Command => {0}", cmd );

			foreach( var obj in cmd ) Console.WriteLine( "\n> Record => {0}", obj );

			Console.WriteLine( "\n===== Query multiples tables with skip/take..." );

			foreach( var obj in cmd.SkipTake( 2, 2 ) )
				Console.WriteLine( "\n> Record => {0}", obj );

Example #9
		public static void Query_Basic_ConversionToType( IKLink link )
			Console.WriteLine( "\n===== Basic Query with conversion to a given type..." );

			var cmd = link.From( x => x.Employees.As( x.Emp ) );
			Console.WriteLine( "\n> Command => {0}", cmd );

			foreach( EmployeeTable obj in cmd.ConvertBy( rec => {
				// Using several ways of accessing the columns...
				EmployeeTable emp = new EmployeeTable(); dynamic d = rec;
				emp.Id = d.Id;
				emp.FirstName = (string)rec["FirstName"];
				emp.LastName = (string)rec["Emp", "LastName"];

				// Using the hard way, the indexed one, we need to take care of the type conversions...
				// object orig = rec["Employees", "BirthDate"];
				// CalendarDate date = orig == null ? null : new CalendarDate( (DateTime)orig );
				// emp.BirthDate = date;

				emp.BirthDate = d.BirthDate; // If using dynamics no conversion specification is needed
				emp.JoinDate = d.JoinDate;
				emp.StartTime = d.StartTime;

				emp.Active = d.Active;
				emp.ManagerId = d.Emp.ManagerId; // Using the alias
				emp.CountryId = d.Employees.CountryId; // Using the table name
				emp.Photo = d.Photo;
				return emp;
			} ) ) Console.WriteLine( "\n> Employee => {0}", obj );

Example #10
		public static void Query_Basic_ConversionToAnonymous( IKLink link )
			Console.WriteLine( "\n===== Basic Query with conversion to anonymous..." );

			var cmd = link.From( x => x.Employees.As( x.Emp ) ).Where( x => x.LastName >= "C" );
			Console.WriteLine( "\n> Command => {0}", cmd );

			foreach( var obj in cmd.ConvertBy( rec => {
				// Using several ways of accessing the columns...
				dynamic d = rec;
				return new {
					Name = string.Format( "{0}, {1}", rec["LastName"], rec["Emp", "FirstName"] )
			} ) ) Console.WriteLine( "\n> Converted => {0}", obj );

Example #11
		public static void Query_Basic_WithIndexedColumns( IKLink link )
			Console.WriteLine( "\n===== Basic Query with Indexed columns..." );

			var cmd = link.From( x => x.Employees.As( x.Emp ) ).Where( x => x.LastName >= "C" );
			Console.WriteLine( "\n> Command => {0}", cmd );

			foreach( KRecord obj in cmd )
				Console.WriteLine( "\n> Generated => {0}: {1} {2}",
					obj["Emp", "FirstName"],
					obj["Employees", "LastName"] );

Example #12
		public static void Query_Basic_WithDynamicColumns( IKLink link )
			Console.WriteLine( "\n===== Basic Query with Dynamic Columns..." );

			var cmd = link.From( x => x.Employees.As( x.Emp ) ).Where( x => x.LastName >= "C" );
			Console.WriteLine( "\n> Command => {0}", cmd );

			foreach( dynamic obj in cmd )
				Console.WriteLine( "\n> Generated => {0}: {1} {2}",
					obj.Employees.Id, // Using the table name
					obj.Emp.FirstName, // Using the table alias
					obj.LastName ); // We are using the Employees table implicitly as there is only one LastName column

Example #13
		public static void Query_Basic( IKLink link )
			Console.WriteLine( "\n===== Basic Query..." );

			var cmd = link.From( x => x.Employees ).Where( x => x.LastName >= "C" );
			Console.WriteLine( "\n> Command => {0}", cmd );

			foreach( var obj in cmd ) Console.WriteLine( "\n> Record => {0}", obj );