protected override bool ActionGenuine(out string errorInfo) { string diName = GetInitParamValue("DI通道名称") as string; if (!JFHubCenter.Instance.MDCellNameMgr.ContainDiName(diName)) { errorInfo = "DI通道名称:" + diName + " 在设备命名表中不存在"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } IJFInitializable dev = null; JFDevCellInfo ci = null; if (!JFCMFunction.CheckDevCellName(JFCMFunction.DI, diName, out dev, out ci, out errorInfo)) { SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } bool isTurnOn = false; int errCode = (dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq).GetDio(ci.ModuleIndex).GetDI(ci.ChannelIndex, out isTurnOn); if (errCode != 0) { errorInfo = (dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq).GetDio(ci.ModuleIndex).GetErrorInfo(errCode); SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } errorInfo = "Success"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.Success); SetOutputParamValue("DI状态", isTurnOn); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 软触发 /// </summary> /// <param name="TrigChnName"></param> /// <param name="errMsg"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int SWPosTrig(string[] TrigChnName, out string errMsg) { IJFInitializable dev = null; JFDevCellInfo ci = null; errMsg = ""; if (TrigChnName.Length == 0) { errMsg = "触发通道名称为空"; return((int)ErrorDef.InvokeFailed); } int[] trigChns = new int[TrigChnName.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < TrigChnName.Length; i++) { if (!JFCMFunction.CheckDevCellName(JFCMFunction.CmpTrig, TrigChnName[i], out dev, out ci, out errMsg)) { return((int)ErrorDef.InvokeFailed); } trigChns[i] = ci.ChannelIndex; } IJFModule_CmprTrigger md = (dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq).GetCompareTrigger(ci.ModuleIndex); int errCode = md.SoftTrigge(trigChns); if (errCode != (int)ErrorDef.Success) { errMsg = md.GetErrorInfo(errCode); return(errCode); } return((int)ErrorDef.Success); }
/// <summary> /// 将界面上的初始化参数保存到Method中 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> bool UI2InitParam() { if (null == _method) { return(true); } if (!(_method is IJFInitializable)) { return(true); } IJFInitializable initor = _method as IJFInitializable; string[] initName = initor.InitParamNames; if (null == initName) { return(true); } for (int i = 0; i < initName.Length; i++) { object val; if (!_lstUcParam[i].GetParamValue(out val)) { MessageBox.Show("参数\"" + initName[i] + "\"设置失败,错误信息:\n" + _lstUcParam[i].GetParamErrorInfo()); return(false); } if (!initor.SetInitParamValue(initName[i], val)) { MessageBox.Show("参数\"" + initName[i] + "\"设置失败,错误信息:\n" + initor.GetInitErrorInfo()); return(false); } } return(true); }
protected override bool ActionGenuine(out string errorInfo) { IJFInitializable dev = null; JFDevCellInfo ci = null; string axisID = GetInitParamValue("轴ID") as string; if (!JFHubCenter.Instance.MDCellNameMgr.ContainAxisName(axisID)) { errorInfo = "参数项:\"轴ID\" = " + axisID + " 在设备名称表中不存在"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (!JFCMFunction.CheckDevCellName(JFCMFunction.Axis, axisID, out dev, out ci, out errorInfo)) { SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } bool isPositive = (bool)GetInitParamValue("正向移动"); IJFModule_Motion md = (dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq).GetMc(ci.ModuleIndex); int errCode = md.Jog(ci.ChannelIndex, isPositive); if (errCode < 0) { errorInfo = "SDK调用出错:" + md.GetErrorInfo(errCode); SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } errorInfo = "Success"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.Success); return(true); }
protected override bool ActionGenuine(out string errorInfo) { string doName = GetMethodInputValue("DO通道名称") as string; bool enabled = (bool)GetMethodInputValue("DO状态"); if (!JFHubCenter.Instance.MDCellNameMgr.ContainDoName(doName)) { errorInfo = "参数项:\"DO通道名称\"的值:\"" + doName + "\"在设备名称表中不存在"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } IJFInitializable dev = null; JFDevCellInfo ci = null; if (!JFCMFunction.CheckDevCellName(JFCMFunction.DO, doName, out dev, out ci, out errorInfo)) { SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } int errCode = (dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq).GetDio(ci.ModuleIndex).SetDO(ci.ChannelIndex, enabled); if (errCode != 0) { errorInfo = (enabled ? "打开" : "关闭") + "DO = " + doName + " 失败," + (dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq).GetDio(ci.ModuleIndex).GetErrorInfo(errCode); SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } errorInfo = "Success"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.Success); return(true); }
public int CaputreOneImage(string cmrName, string imageType, out HObject hObject, out string errMsg, int timeoutMilSwconds = -1) { IJFInitializable dev = null; JFDevCellInfo ci = null; IJFImage image = null; hObject = null; errMsg = ""; if (!JFCMFunction.CheckDevCellName(JFCMFunction.Cmr, cmrName, out dev, out ci, out errMsg)) { return((int)ErrorDef.InvokeFailed); } IJFDevice_Camera cmr = (dev as IJFDevice_Camera); cmr.ClearBuff(); int errCode = cmr.GrabOne(out image, timeoutMilSwconds); if (errCode != (int)ErrorDef.Success) { errMsg = cmr.GetErrorInfo(errCode); return(errCode); } if (GenImgObject(imageType, image, out hObject, out errMsg) != 0) { return((int)ErrorDef.InvokeFailed); } return((int)ErrorDef.Success); }
/// <summary> /// 获取Initor对象对应的ID /// </summary> /// <param name="initor"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetIDByInitor(IJFInitializable initor) { if (!dictInitors.ContainsValue(initor)) { return(null); } return(dictInitors.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Value == initor).Key); }
/// <summary>初始化设备</summary> private void btInit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IJFInitializable initor = JFHubCenter.Instance.InitorManager[dgvDevs.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()]; if (!initor.Initialize()) { MessageBox.Show("初始化失败:" + initor.GetInitErrorInfo()); } }
/// <summary>取消编辑,将配置中的参数恢复到界面和对象中</summary> private void btCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IJFInitializable dev = JFHubCenter.Instance.InitorManager[dgvDevs.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()]; JFXmlSortedDictionary <string, List <object> > devCfg = JFHubCenter.Instance.SystemCfg.GetItemValue(JFHubCenter.CK_InitDevParams) as JFXmlSortedDictionary <string, List <object> >; List <object> initParams = devCfg[dgvDevs.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()]; for (int i = 1; i < initParams.Count; i++) { UcJFParamEdit pe = gbParams.Controls[i + 4] as UcJFParamEdit; pe.SetParamValue(initParams[i]); pe.IsValueReadOnly = true; dev.SetInitParamValue(dev.InitParamNames[i - 1], initParams[i]); } btInit.Enabled = !dev.IsInitOK; btAdd.Enabled = true; btRemove.Enabled = true; //btDebug.Enabled = true; isEditting = false; btEditSave.Text = "编辑参数"; btCancel.Enabled = false; dgvDevs.Enabled = true; Type devType = dev.GetType(); if (typeof(IJFDevice_Camera).IsAssignableFrom(devType) || typeof(IJFDevice_LightController).IsAssignableFrom(devType) || typeof(IJFDevice_MotionDaq).IsAssignableFrom(devType) || typeof(IJFDevice_TrigController).IsAssignableFrom(devType) || typeof(IJFRealtimeUIProvider).IsAssignableFrom(devType)) //提供调试界面 { btDebug.Enabled = true; if (typeof(IJFRealtimeUIProvider).IsAssignableFrom(devType)) { chkSelfUI.Enabled = true; } else { chkSelfUI.Checked = false; chkSelfUI.Enabled = false; } } else { btDebug.Enabled = false; } if (typeof(IJFConfigUIProvider).IsAssignableFrom(devType)) { btCfg.Enabled = true; } else { btCfg.Enabled = false; } }
/// <summary> /// 设置/保存 初始化参数 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> void OnButtonClick_InitParamSetSave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!isInitParamEditting) //开放参数编辑 { isInitParamEditting = true; foreach (UcJFParamEdit pe in _lstUcParam) { pe.IsValueReadOnly = false; } btSetSaveInit.Text = "保存初始化参数"; btCancelInit.Enabled = true; } else //保存参数修改 { if (UI2InitParam()) { foreach (UcJFParamEdit pe in _lstUcParam) { pe.IsValueReadOnly = true; } btSetSaveInit.Text = "编辑初始化参数"; btCancelInit.Enabled = false; isInitParamEditting = false; ///添加方法对象的(重新)初始化动作 IJFInitializable initor = _method as IJFInitializable; foreach (UcJFParamEdit pe in _lstUcParam) { string initParamName = pe.GetParamDesribe().DisplayName; object paramValue = null; bool isOK = pe.GetParamValue(out paramValue); if (!isOK) { MessageBox.Show("未能重新初始化方法对象\n请检查参数:\"" + initParamName + "\""); return; } isOK = initor.SetInitParamValue(initParamName, paramValue); if (!isOK) { MessageBox.Show("未能重新初始化方法对象\n设置参数:\"" + initParamName + "\"失败:" + initor.GetInitErrorInfo()); return; } isOK = initor.Initialize(); if (!isOK) { MessageBox.Show("重新初始化方法对象失败\n错误信息:" + initor.GetInitErrorInfo()); return; } } } } }
/// <summary>确定创建Initor对象</summary> private void btOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dgvTypes.SelectedRows == null || dgvTypes.SelectedRows.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("请选择需要创建的设备类型"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbID.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("设备ID不能为空,请重新输入"); tbID.Focus(); return; } if (!_isFixedID && JFHubCenter.Instance.InitorManager.ContainID(tbID.Text)) { IJFInitializable dev = JFHubCenter.Instance.InitorManager.GetInitor(tbID.Text); string disTypeName = JFinitializerHelper.DispalyTypeName(dev.GetType()); MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Initor列表中已存在ID = \"{0}\" Type = \"{1}\"的设备\n请重新输入ID!", tbID.Text, disTypeName)); tbID.Focus(); return; } //IJFDevice newDev = JFHubCenter.Instance.InitorHelp.CreateInstance(dgvTypes.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()) as IJFDevice; //for (int i = 2; i < gbParams.Controls.Count;i++) for (int i = 0; i < panelParams.Controls.Count; i++) { //UcJFParamEdit pe = gbParams.Controls[i] as UcJFParamEdit; UcJFParamEdit pe = panelParams.Controls[i] as UcJFParamEdit; object paramVal = null; if (!pe.GetParamValue(out paramVal)) { MessageBox.Show("初始化参数:\"" + pe.Name + "\"获取失败!Error:" + pe.GetParamErrorInfo()); //newDev.Dispose(); pe.Focus(); return; } if (!initor.SetInitParamValue(initor.InitParamNames[i], paramVal)) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("设置初始化参数失败:Name = {0},Value = {1}", initor.InitParamNames[i], paramVal.ToString())); //newDev.Dispose(); pe.Focus(); return; } } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private void btCfg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dgvDevs.SelectedRows == null || dgvDevs.SelectedRows.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("请选择需要设置的" + InitorCaption + "对象!"); return; } IJFInitializable initor = JFHubCenter.Instance.InitorManager[dgvDevs.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()]; Type devType = initor.GetType(); if (!typeof(IJFConfigUIProvider).IsAssignableFrom(devType)) { MessageBox.Show(InitorCaption + "对象未提供参数配置界面!"); return; } (initor as IJFConfigUIProvider).ShowCfgDialog(); }
/// <summary> /// 从系统中删除一个单相机视觉示教助手 /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> public void DelSVAssist(string name) { if (!ContainSVAssistName(name)) { return; } IJFInitializable initor = JFHubCenter.Instance.InitorManager.GetInitor(name); if (typeof(JFSingleVisionAssist) != initor.GetType()) { throw new Exception("DelSVAssist(string name = " + name + ") failed by the initor's type is not JFSingleVisionAssist"); } JFHubCenter.Instance.InitorManager.Remove(name); //从设备管理器中删除 JFXmlSortedDictionary <string, List <object> > devCfg = JFHubCenter.Instance.SystemCfg.GetItemValue(JFHubCenter.CK_InitDevParams) as JFXmlSortedDictionary <string, List <object> >; devCfg.Remove(name);//从设备配置文件中删除 JFHubCenter.Instance.SystemCfg.NotifyItemChanged(JFHubCenter.CK_InitDevParams); JFHubCenter.Instance.SystemCfg.Save(); }
protected override bool ActionGenuine(out string errorInfo) { IJFInitializable dev = null; JFDevCellInfo ci = null; string axisID = GetInitParamValue("轴ID") as string; if (!JFHubCenter.Instance.MDCellNameMgr.ContainAxisName(axisID)) { errorInfo = "参数:\"轴ID\" = " + axisID + " 在设备名称表中不存在"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (!JFCMFunction.CheckDevCellName(JFCMFunction.Axis, axisID, out dev, out ci, out errorInfo)) { SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } IJFModule_Motion md = (dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq).GetMc(ci.ModuleIndex); int err = 0; bool IsServoOn = (bool)GetInitParamValue("轴是否励磁"); if (IsServoOn) { err = md.ServoOn(ci.ChannelIndex); } else { err = md.ServoOff(ci.ChannelIndex); } if (err != 0) { errorInfo = (IsServoOn ? "励磁使能ON" : "励磁使能OFF") + "失败:" + md.GetErrorInfo(err); SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } errorInfo = "Success"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.Success); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 只是获取通道对应的设备,不做安全性检查(如通道序号是否合法/设备是否已经打开...) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public IJFDevice Device() { JFDevCellInfo ci = CellInfo(); if (null == ci) { return(null); } IJFInitializable initor = JFHubCenter.Instance.InitorManager.GetInitor(ci.DeviceID); switch (CellType) { case JFDevCellType.DI: return(initor as IJFDevice_MotionDaq); case JFDevCellType.DO: return(initor as IJFDevice_MotionDaq); case JFDevCellType.Axis: return(initor as IJFDevice_MotionDaq); case JFDevCellType.AI: return(initor as IJFDevice_MotionDaq); case JFDevCellType.AO: return(initor as IJFDevice_MotionDaq); case JFDevCellType.CmpTrig: return(initor as IJFDevice_MotionDaq); case JFDevCellType.Light: return(initor as IJFDevice_LightController); case JFDevCellType.Trig: return(initor as IJFDevice_TrigController); default: break; } return(null); }
public int ClearImageQueue(string cmrName, out string errMsg) { IJFInitializable dev = null; JFDevCellInfo ci = null; errMsg = ""; if (!JFCMFunction.CheckDevCellName(JFCMFunction.Cmr, cmrName, out dev, out ci, out errMsg)) { return((int)ErrorDef.InvokeFailed); } IJFDevice_Camera cmr = (dev as IJFDevice_Camera); int errCode = cmr.ClearBuff(); if (errCode != (int)ErrorDef.Success) { errMsg = cmr.GetErrorInfo(errCode); return(errCode); } return((int)ErrorDef.Success); }
/// <summary> /// 将初始化参数加载到界面上 /// </summary> void InitParam2UI() { if (null == _method) { return; } if (!(_method is IJFInitializable)) { return; } IJFInitializable initor = _method as IJFInitializable; string[] initName = initor.InitParamNames; if (null == initName) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < initName.Length; i++) { _lstUcParam[i].SetParamValue(initor.GetInitParamValue(initName[i])); } }
protected override bool ActionGenuine(out string errorInfo) { string axisID = GetInitParamValue("轴ID") as string; if (!JFHubCenter.Instance.MDCellNameMgr.ContainAxisName(axisID)) { errorInfo = "参数项:\"轴ID\" = " + axisID + " 在设备名称表中不存在"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } IJFInitializable dev = null; JFDevCellInfo ci = null; if (!JFCMFunction.CheckDevCellName(JFCMFunction.Axis, axisID, out dev, out ci, out errorInfo)) { SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } IJFModule_Motion md = (dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq).GetMc(ci.ModuleIndex); //if(!md.IsSVO(ci.ChannelIndex)) //HTM控制卡在未上电时,调用Stop会异常退出 //{ // errorInfo = "\"轴ID\" = " + axisID + " 未励磁"; // SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); // return true; //} int errCode = md.StopAxis(ci.ChannelIndex); if (errCode != 0) { errorInfo = md.GetErrorInfo(errCode); SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } errorInfo = "Success"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.Success); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 注册一个工站(不可删除), /// 在Application.Run()运行之前调用 /// </summary> /// <param name="station"></param> public void DeclearStation(IJFStation station) { if (station == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("StationManager.DeclearStation(IJFStation station) failed by station = null"); } //if (_lstDeclearStations.Contains(station)) // throw new ArgumentException("StationManager.DeclearStation(IJFStation station) failed by station is already decleared!"); string name = station.Name; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { throw new ArgumentException("StationManager.DeclearStation(IJFStation station) failed by station's Name null or empty"); } if (_initorStationNames().Contains(name)) { IJFInitializable existedStation = JFHubCenter.Instance.InitorManager.GetInitor(name); if (existedStation.GetType() != station.GetType()) { throw new Exception("StationManager.DeclearStation(IJFStation station) failed by:Exist a station with same name and type unmatched: Decleared Type = " + station.GetType() + " ; Existed Type = " + existedStation.GetType()); } (existedStation as IJFStation).Name = name; DeclearedStationNames.Add(station.Name); //station.WorkStatusChanged += StationWorkStatusChanged; //station.CustomStatusChanged += StationCustomStatusChanged; //if(station is JFCmdWorkBase) // (station as JFCmdWorkBase).WorkMsg2Outter += StationTxtMsg; return; //throw new ArgumentException("StationManager.DeclearStation(IJFStation station) failed by station's Name = \"" + name + "\" is exsited in InitorStation-List!"); } JFHubCenter.Instance.InitorManager.Add(station.Name, station); DeclearedStationNames.Add(station.Name); //station.WorkStatusChanged += StationWorkStatusChanged; //station.CustomStatusChanged += StationCustomStatusChanged; //if (station is JFCmdWorkBase) // (station as JFCmdWorkBase).WorkMsg2Outter += StationTxtMsg; }
private void FormDevMgr_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { isEditting = false; btCancel.Enabled = false; btInit.Enabled = false; btRemove.Enabled = false; btDebug.Enabled = false; btCfg.Enabled = false; chkSelfUI.Enabled = false; ///加载现有设备到列表中 dgvDevs.Rows.Clear(); string[] devIDs = JFHubCenter.Instance.InitorManager.GetIDs(InitorType); foreach (string devID in devIDs) { IJFInitializable dev = JFHubCenter.Instance.InitorManager[devID]; DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); DataGridViewTextBoxCell cellID = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); cellID.Value = devID; row.Cells.Add(cellID); DataGridViewTextBoxCell cellModel = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); cellModel.Value = JFinitializerHelper.DispalyTypeName(dev.GetType()); row.Cells.Add(cellModel); DataGridViewTextBoxCell cellType = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); cellType.Value = dev.GetType().Name; row.Cells.Add(cellType); dgvDevs.Rows.Add(row); if (!dev.IsInitOK) { row.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Red; } } dgvDevs.ClearSelection(); RemoveAllPEs(); }
protected override bool ActionGenuine(out string errorInfo) { IJFInitializable dev = null; JFDevCellInfo ci = null; string axisID = GetInitParamValue("轴ID") as string; if (!JFHubCenter.Instance.MDCellNameMgr.ContainAxisName(axisID)) { errorInfo = "参数项:\"轴ID\" = " + axisID + " 在设备名称表中不存在"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (!JFCMFunction.CheckDevCellName(JFCMFunction.Axis, axisID, out dev, out ci, out errorInfo)) { SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } JFHomeParam hp = (JFHomeParam)GetInitParamValue("轴归零参数"); /* * 归零模式 0:使用Org(原点)作为归零参考 1:使用限位信号作为归零参考 2:仅使用EZ信号作为归零参考 */ if (hp.mode != 0 && hp.mode != 1 && hp.mode != 2 && hp.mode != -1 && hp.mode != -2) { errorInfo = "归零模式设置错误,mode=" + hp.mode; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (hp.acc <= 0) { errorInfo = "加速度/减速度acc <= 0"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (hp.vm <= 0) { errorInfo = "最大速度参数vm <= 0"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (hp.vo <= 0) { errorInfo = "寻找原点速度vo <= 0"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if ( <= 0) { errorInfo = "接近速度va <= 0"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (hp.shift < 0) { errorInfo = "回零偏移量sift < 0"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (hp.offset < 0) { errorInfo = "回零补偿值offset < 0"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } IJFModule_Motion md = (dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq).GetMc(ci.ModuleIndex); int errCode = md.SetHomeParam(ci.ChannelIndex, hp); if (errCode < 0) { errorInfo = "SDK调用出错:" + md.GetErrorInfo(errCode); SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } errorInfo = "Success"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.Success); return(true); }
protected override bool ActionGenuine(out string errorInfo) { IJFInitializable dev = null; JFDevCellInfo ci = null; string axisID = GetInitParamValue("轴ID") as string; if (!JFHubCenter.Instance.MDCellNameMgr.ContainAxisName(axisID)) { errorInfo = "参数:\"轴ID\" = " + axisID + " 在设备名称表中不存在"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (!JFCMFunction.CheckDevCellName(JFCMFunction.Axis, axisID, out dev, out ci, out errorInfo)) { SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } IJFModule_Motion md = (dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq).GetMc(ci.ModuleIndex); bool[] AxisStatus = null; int err = md.GetMotionStatus(ci.ChannelIndex, out AxisStatus); if (err != 0) { errorInfo = "开始运动前检测轴状态失败:" + md.GetErrorInfo(err); SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } //if(md.IsSVO) if (!AxisStatus[md.MSID_SVO]) { errorInfo = "轴伺服未上电"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (AxisStatus[md.MSID_ALM]) { errorInfo = "轴伺服已报警"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (!AxisStatus[md.MSID_MDN]) { errorInfo = "轴当前运动未完成"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } double dPos = Convert.ToDouble(GetInitParamValue("目标位置")); bool IsAbsMove = Convert.ToBoolean(GetInitParamValue("绝对位置模式")); if (IsAbsMove) { err = md.AbsMove(ci.ChannelIndex, dPos); } else { err = md.RelMove(ci.ChannelIndex, dPos); } if (err != 0) { errorInfo = (IsAbsMove?"绝对":"相对") + "位置运动失败:" + md.GetErrorInfo(err); SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } errorInfo = "Success"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.Success); return(true); }
bool isEditting; ///是否处于编辑初始化参数状态 /// <summary>编辑/保存 初始化参数</summary> private void btEditSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!isEditting)//参数未编辑状态 { if (dgvDevs.SelectedRows == null || 0 == dgvDevs.SelectedRows.Count) { MessageBox.Show("请选择需要编辑参数的对象"); return; } if (gbParams.Controls.Count <= 5) //没有初始化参数 { return; } for (int i = 5; i < gbParams.Controls.Count; i++) { UcJFParamEdit pe = gbParams.Controls[i] as UcJFParamEdit; pe.IsValueReadOnly = false; } dgvDevs.Enabled = false; btEditSave.Text = "保存"; btCancel.Enabled = true; btInit.Enabled = false; btAdd.Enabled = false; btRemove.Enabled = false; btDebug.Enabled = false; isEditting = true; } else //编辑完成,需要存储编辑后的参数 { IJFInitializable dev = JFHubCenter.Instance.InitorManager[dgvDevs.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()]; List <object> initParams = new List <object>(); initParams.Add(dev.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName);//DevType for (int i = 5; i < gbParams.Controls.Count; i++) { object paramVal = null; UcJFParamEdit pe = gbParams.Controls[i] as UcJFParamEdit; if (!pe.GetParamValue(out paramVal)) { pe.Focus(); MessageBox.Show("参数\"" + dev.InitParamNames[i - 5] + "\"格式错误:" + pe.GetParamErrorInfo()); return; } if (!dev.SetInitParamValue(dev.InitParamNames[i - 5], paramVal)) { pe.Focus(); MessageBox.Show("设置参数\"" + dev.InitParamNames[i - 5] + "\"失败:" + dev.GetInitErrorInfo()); return; } //initParams.Add(paramVal); //替换为以下代码,适应数组/基类型混编的参数列表 //paramsInCfg.Add(dev.GetInitParamValue(dev.InitParamNames[i])); 本行代码用以下代码代替,以支持有限的 简单类型 + 数组(列表)类型的组合 //暂时的解决方法:将数组类型转化为字符串存储 Type paramType = dev.GetInitParamDescribe(dev.InitParamNames[i - 5]).ParamType; SerializableAttribute[] sas = paramType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SerializableAttribute), false) as SerializableAttribute[]; if (sas != null && sas.Length > 0) //如果是可序列化的类型,直接保存序列化后的文本 { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(paramType); using (TextWriter writer = new StringWriter(buffer)) { serializer.Serialize(writer, paramVal); } string xmlTxt = buffer.ToString(); initParams.Add(xmlTxt); // paramsInCfg.Add(xmlTxt); } else { if (paramType.IsValueType || paramType == typeof(string)) //单值对象和字符串对象直接添加 { initParams.Add(paramVal); } else //目前支持Array 和 List { if (paramType.IsArray) //参数类型是数组 { if (null == paramVal) { initParams.Add(""); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string splitString = "$"; for (int j = 0; j < (paramVal as Array).Length; j++) { sb.Append((paramVal as Array).GetValue(j).ToString()); if (j < (paramVal as Array).Length - 1) { sb.Append(splitString); } } initParams.Add(sb.ToString());//paramsInCfg.Add(string.Join(splitString, paramVal)); //使用ASC 响铃符作为间隔 } } else if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(paramType)) //除了数组之外的队列类型 { if (null == paramVal) { initParams.Add(""); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string splitString = "$"; for (int j = 0; j < (paramVal as IList).Count; j++) { sb.Append((paramVal as IList)[j].ToString()); if (j < (paramVal as IList).Count - 1) { sb.Append(splitString); } } initParams.Add(sb.ToString()); //paramsInCfg.Add(string.Join(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(new byte[] { 0x07 }), paramVal)); //使用ASC 响铃符作为间隔 } } } } } for (int i = 5; i < gbParams.Controls.Count; i++) { UcJFParamEdit pe = gbParams.Controls[i] as UcJFParamEdit; pe.IsValueReadOnly = true; } if (!dev.Initialize()) { MessageBox.Show("用当前参数初始化设备失败:" + dev.GetInitErrorInfo()); } JFXmlSortedDictionary <string, List <object> > devCfg = JFHubCenter.Instance.SystemCfg.GetItemValue(JFHubCenter.CK_InitDevParams) as JFXmlSortedDictionary <string, List <object> >; devCfg[dgvDevs.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()] = initParams; JFHubCenter.Instance.SystemCfg.NotifyItemChanged(JFHubCenter.CK_InitDevParams); JFHubCenter.Instance.SystemCfg.Save(); btInit.Enabled = true; btAdd.Enabled = true; btRemove.Enabled = true; //btDebug.Enabled = true; isEditting = false; btEditSave.Text = "编辑参数"; btCancel.Enabled = false; dgvDevs.Enabled = true; Type devType = dev.GetType(); if (typeof(IJFDevice_Camera).IsAssignableFrom(devType) || typeof(IJFDevice_LightController).IsAssignableFrom(devType) || typeof(IJFDevice_MotionDaq).IsAssignableFrom(devType) || typeof(IJFDevice_TrigController).IsAssignableFrom(devType) || typeof(IJFRealtimeUIProvider).IsAssignableFrom(devType)) //提供调试界面 { btDebug.Enabled = true; if (typeof(IJFRealtimeUIProvider).IsAssignableFrom(devType)) { chkSelfUI.Enabled = true; } else { chkSelfUI.Checked = false; chkSelfUI.Enabled = false; } } else { btDebug.Enabled = false; } if (typeof(IJFConfigUIProvider).IsAssignableFrom(devType)) { btCfg.Enabled = true; } else { btCfg.Enabled = false; } } }
protected override bool ActionGenuine(out string errorInfo) { IJFInitializable dev = null; JFDevCellInfo ci = null; string axisID = GetInitParamValue("轴ID") as string; if (!JFHubCenter.Instance.MDCellNameMgr.ContainAxisName(axisID)) { errorInfo = "参数项:\"轴ID\" = " + axisID + " 在设备名称表中不存在"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (!JFCMFunction.CheckDevCellName(JFCMFunction.Axis, axisID, out dev, out ci, out errorInfo)) { SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } bool isPositive = (bool)GetInitParamValue("正向移动"); double velocity = Convert.ToDouble(GetInitParamValue("移动速度")); IJFModule_Motion md = (dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq).GetMc(ci.ModuleIndex); bool[] AxisStatus = null; int err = md.GetMotionStatus(ci.ChannelIndex, out AxisStatus); if (err != 0) { errorInfo = "开始运动前检测轴状态失败:" + md.GetErrorInfo(err); SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } //if(md.IsSVO) if (!AxisStatus[md.MSID_SVO]) { errorInfo = "轴伺服未上电"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (AxisStatus[md.MSID_ALM]) { errorInfo = "轴伺服已报警"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (!AxisStatus[md.MSID_MDN]) { errorInfo = "轴当前运动未完成"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } int errCode = md.VelMove(ci.ChannelIndex, velocity, isPositive); if (errCode < 0) { errorInfo = "SDK调用出错:" + md.GetErrorInfo(errCode); SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } errorInfo = "Success"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.Success); return(true); }
/// <summary>选择设备</summary> private void dgvDevs_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (dgvDevs.SelectedRows.Count == 0) { return; } btRemove.Enabled = true; RemoveAllPEs(); DataGridViewRow row = dgvDevs.SelectedRows[0]; IJFInitializable dev = JFHubCenter.Instance.InitorManager[row.Cells[0].Value.ToString()]; Type devType = dev.GetType(); if (typeof(IJFDevice_Camera).IsAssignableFrom(devType) || typeof(IJFDevice_LightController).IsAssignableFrom(devType) || typeof(IJFDevice_MotionDaq).IsAssignableFrom(devType) || typeof(IJFDevice_TrigController).IsAssignableFrom(devType) || typeof(IJFRealtimeUIProvider).IsAssignableFrom(devType)) //提供调试界面 { btDebug.Enabled = true; if (typeof(IJFRealtimeUIProvider).IsAssignableFrom(devType)) { chkSelfUI.Enabled = true; } else { chkSelfUI.Checked = false; chkSelfUI.Enabled = false; } } else { btDebug.Enabled = false; } if (typeof(IJFConfigUIProvider).IsAssignableFrom(devType)) { btCfg.Enabled = true; } else { btCfg.Enabled = false; } tbDevID.Text = row.Cells[0].Value.ToString(); btInit.Enabled = !dev.IsInitOK; string[] iniParamNames = dev.InitParamNames; if (null == iniParamNames) { btEditSave.Enabled = false; return; } btEditSave.Enabled = true; int locY = btInit.Location.Y + btInit.Size.Height + 5; foreach (string ipName in iniParamNames) { UcJFParamEdit pe = new UcJFParamEdit(); pe.Width = gbParams.Width - 1; pe.Location = new Point(4, locY); pe.SetParamDesribe(dev.GetInitParamDescribe(ipName)); locY += pe.Height; pe.SetParamValue(dev.GetInitParamValue(ipName)); pe.IsValueReadOnly = true; gbParams.Controls.Add(pe); } }
/// <summary> /// 检查设备通道是否存在并且可用 /// </summary> /// <param name="category"></param> /// <param name="cellName"></param> /// <param name="initor"></param> /// <param name="cellInfo"></param> /// <param name="errorInfo"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool CheckDevCellName(string category, string cellName, out IJFInitializable initor, out JFDevCellInfo ci, out string errorInfo) { initor = null; ci = null; errorInfo = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cellName)) { errorInfo = "参数项\"cellName\"为空"; return(false); } JFDevCellNameManeger nameMgr = JFHubCenter.Instance.MDCellNameMgr; JFInitorManager initorMgr = JFHubCenter.Instance.InitorManager; JFDevCellInfo cellInfo = null; if (category == DO) //获取数字量输出通道信息 { cellInfo = nameMgr.GetDoCellInfo(cellName); if (null == cellInfo) { errorInfo = "设备命名表中不存在DO:" + cellName; return(false); } IJFInitializable dev = initorMgr.GetInitor(cellInfo.DeviceID); if (null == dev) { errorInfo = "DO:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"在设备列表中不存在"; return(false); } if (!typeof(IJFDevice_MotionDaq).IsAssignableFrom(dev.GetType())) { errorInfo = "DO:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"类型不是Device_MotionDaq "; return(false); } IJFDevice_MotionDaq md = dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq; if (!md.IsInitOK) { errorInfo = "DO:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"未完成初始化动作 "; return(false); } if (!md.IsDeviceOpen) { errorInfo = "DO:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"未打开 "; return(false); } if (cellInfo.ModuleIndex >= md.DioCount) { errorInfo = "DO:\"" + cellName + "\" ModuleIndex = :" + cellInfo.ModuleIndex + "超出设备DIO模块数量: " + md.DioCount; return(false); } if (cellInfo.ChannelIndex >= md.GetDio(cellInfo.ModuleIndex).DOCount) { errorInfo = "DO:\"" + cellName + "\" Channel = :" + cellInfo.ChannelIndex + "超出模块DO通道数量: " + md.GetDio(cellInfo.ModuleIndex).DOCount; return(false); } initor = dev; ci = cellInfo; errorInfo = "Success"; return(true); } else if (category == DI) //获取数字量输入 { cellInfo = nameMgr.GetDiCellInfo(cellName); if (null == cellInfo) { errorInfo = "设备命名表中不存在DI:" + cellName; return(false); } IJFInitializable dev = initorMgr.GetInitor(cellInfo.DeviceID); if (null == dev) { errorInfo = "DI:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"在设备列表中不存在"; return(false); } if (!typeof(IJFDevice_MotionDaq).IsAssignableFrom(dev.GetType())) { errorInfo = "DI:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"类型不是Device_MotionDaq "; return(false); } IJFDevice_MotionDaq md = dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq; if (!md.IsInitOK) { errorInfo = "DI:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"未完成初始化动作 "; return(false); } if (!md.IsDeviceOpen) { errorInfo = "DI:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"未打开 "; return(false); } if (cellInfo.ModuleIndex >= md.DioCount) { errorInfo = "DI:\"" + cellName + "\" ModuleIndex = :" + cellInfo.ModuleIndex + "超出设备DIO模块数量: " + md.DioCount; return(false); } if (cellInfo.ChannelIndex >= md.GetDio(cellInfo.ModuleIndex).DICount) { errorInfo = "DI:\"" + cellName + "\" Channel = :" + cellInfo.ChannelIndex + "超出模块DI通道数量: " + md.GetDio(cellInfo.ModuleIndex).DOCount; return(false); } initor = dev; ci = cellInfo; errorInfo = "Success"; return(true); } else if (category == AI) { } else if (category == AO) { } else if (category == Axis) { cellInfo = nameMgr.GetAxisCellInfo(cellName); if (null == cellInfo) { errorInfo = "设备命名表中不存在Axis:" + cellName; return(false); } IJFInitializable dev = initorMgr.GetInitor(cellInfo.DeviceID); if (null == dev) { errorInfo = "Axis:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"在设备列表中不存在"; return(false); } if (!typeof(IJFDevice_MotionDaq).IsAssignableFrom(dev.GetType())) { errorInfo = "Axis:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"类型不是Device_MotionDaq "; return(false); } IJFDevice_MotionDaq md = dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq; if (!md.IsInitOK) { errorInfo = "Axis:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"未完成初始化动作 "; return(false); } if (!md.IsDeviceOpen) { errorInfo = "Axis:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"未打开 "; return(false); } if (cellInfo.ModuleIndex >= md.McCount) { errorInfo = "Axis:\"" + cellName + "\" ModuleIndex = :" + cellInfo.ModuleIndex + "超出设备轴模块数量: " + md.McCount; return(false); } if (cellInfo.ChannelIndex >= md.GetMc(cellInfo.ModuleIndex).AxisCount) { errorInfo = "Axis:\"" + cellName + "\" Channel = :" + cellInfo.ModuleIndex + "超出模块轴通道数量: " + md.GetMc(cellInfo.ModuleIndex).AxisCount; return(false); } initor = dev; ci = cellInfo; errorInfo = "Success"; return(true); } else if (category == CmpTrig) { cellInfo = nameMgr.GetCmpTrigCellInfo(cellName); if (null == cellInfo) { errorInfo = "设备命名表中不存在CmpTrig:" + cellName; return(false); } IJFInitializable dev = initorMgr.GetInitor(cellInfo.DeviceID); if (null == dev) { errorInfo = "CmpTrig:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"在设备列表中不存在"; return(false); } if (!typeof(IJFDevice_MotionDaq).IsAssignableFrom(dev.GetType())) { errorInfo = "CmpTrig:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"类型不是Device_MotionDaq "; return(false); } IJFDevice_MotionDaq md = dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq; if (!md.IsInitOK) { errorInfo = "CmpTrig:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"未完成初始化动作 "; return(false); } if (!md.IsDeviceOpen) { errorInfo = "CmpTrig:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"未打开 "; return(false); } if (cellInfo.ModuleIndex >= md.CompareTriggerCount) { errorInfo = "CmpTrig:\"" + cellName + "\" ModuleIndex = :" + cellInfo.ModuleIndex + "超出设备比较触发模块数量: " + md.CompareTriggerCount; return(false); } if (cellInfo.ChannelIndex >= md.GetCompareTrigger(cellInfo.ModuleIndex).EncoderChannels) { errorInfo = "CmpTrig:\"" + cellName + "\" Channel = :" + cellInfo.ModuleIndex + "超出模块比较触发通道数量: " + md.GetCompareTrigger(cellInfo.ModuleIndex).EncoderChannels; return(false); } initor = dev; ci = cellInfo; errorInfo = "Success"; return(true); } else if (category == LightCtrl) { cellInfo = nameMgr.GetLightCtrlChannelInfo(cellName); if (null == cellInfo) { errorInfo = "设备命名表中不存在LightCtrl:" + cellName; return(false); } IJFInitializable dev = initorMgr.GetInitor(cellInfo.DeviceID); if (null == dev) { errorInfo = "LightCtrl:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"在设备列表中不存在"; return(false); } if (!typeof(IJFDevice_LightController).IsAssignableFrom(dev.GetType())) { errorInfo = "LightCtrl:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"类型不是IJFDevice_LightController "; return(false); } IJFDevice_LightController md = dev as IJFDevice_LightController; if (!md.IsInitOK) { errorInfo = "LightCtrl:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"未完成初始化动作 "; return(false); } if (!md.IsDeviceOpen) { errorInfo = "LightCtrl:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"未打开 "; return(false); } if (cellInfo.ChannelIndex >= md.LightChannelCount) { errorInfo = "LightCtrl:\"" + cellName + "\" Channel = :" + cellInfo.ChannelIndex + "超出设备光源通道数量: " + md.LightChannelCount; return(false); } initor = dev; ci = cellInfo; errorInfo = "Success"; return(true); } else if (category == LightTrig) { cellInfo = nameMgr.GetTrigCtrlChannelInfo(cellName); if (null == cellInfo) { errorInfo = "设备命名表中不存在LightTrig:" + cellName; return(false); } IJFInitializable dev = initorMgr.GetInitor(cellInfo.DeviceID); if (null == dev) { errorInfo = "LightTrig:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"在设备列表中不存在"; return(false); } if (!typeof(IJFDevice_TrigController).IsAssignableFrom(dev.GetType())) { errorInfo = "LightTrig:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"类型不是IJFDevice_TrigController "; return(false); } IJFDevice_TrigController md = dev as IJFDevice_TrigController; if (!md.IsInitOK) { errorInfo = "LightTrig:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"未完成初始化动作 "; return(false); } if (!md.IsDeviceOpen) { errorInfo = "LightTrig:\"" + cellName + "\" 所属设备:\"" + cellInfo.DeviceID + "\"未打开 "; return(false); } if (cellInfo.ChannelIndex >= md.TrigChannelCount) { errorInfo = "LightTrig:\"" + cellName + "\" Channel = :" + cellInfo.ChannelIndex + "超出设备触发通道数量: " + md.TrigChannelCount; return(false); } initor = dev; ci = cellInfo; errorInfo = "Success"; return(true); } else if (category == Cmr) { IJFInitializable dev = initorMgr.GetInitor(cellName); if (null == dev) { errorInfo = "Camera:\"" + cellName + "\" 在设备列表中不存在"; return(false); } if (!typeof(IJFDevice_Camera).IsAssignableFrom(dev.GetType())) { errorInfo = "Camera:\"" + cellName + "\" 设备类型不是IJFDevice_Camera "; return(false); } initor = dev; errorInfo = "Success"; return(true); } else { errorInfo = "不支持的参数项\"category\" = " + category; } return(false); }
protected override bool ActionGenuine(out string errorInfo) { string[] axisIDList = GetInitParamValue("轴ID列表") as string[]; double[] dPosList = GetMethodInputValue("目标位置列表") as double[]; bool IsAbsMove = (bool)GetMethodInputValue("绝对位置模式"); if (axisIDList == null || dPosList == null) { errorInfo = "轴ID列表长度或者目标位置列表长度为空"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } int[] iaxisIDList = new int[axisIDList.Length]; if (axisIDList.Length <= 0) { errorInfo = "轴ID列表长度<=0"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (dPosList.Length <= 0) { errorInfo = "目标位置列表<=0"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (axisIDList.Length != dPosList.Length) { errorInfo = "轴ID列表长度为" + axisIDList.ToString() + "与目标列表长度" + dPosList.Length.ToString() + "不一致。"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } IJFInitializable dev = null; IJFInitializable devbuff = null; JFDevCellInfo ci = null; List <JFDevCellInfo> cibuffList = new List <JFDevCellInfo>(); for (int m = 0; m < axisIDList.Length; m++) { if (!JFHubCenter.Instance.MDCellNameMgr.ContainAxisName(axisIDList[m])) { errorInfo = "参数项:\"轴ID\" = " + axisIDList[m] + " 在设备名称表中不存在"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (!JFCMFunction.CheckDevCellName(JFCMFunction.Axis, axisIDList[m], out dev, out ci, out errorInfo)) { SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } iaxisIDList[m] = ci.ChannelIndex; if (devbuff != null) { if (devbuff != dev) { errorInfo = "轴ID列表中的所有轴并不来源于同一个设备"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } } devbuff = dev; if (cibuffList.Contains(ci)) { errorInfo = "轴ID列表中存在重复的轴名称"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } cibuffList.Add(ci); } IJFModule_Motion md = (dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq).GetMc(ci.ModuleIndex); bool[] AxisStatus = null; int err = md.GetMotionStatus(ci.ChannelIndex, out AxisStatus); if (err != 0) { errorInfo = "开始运动前检测轴状态失败:" + md.GetErrorInfo(err); SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } //if(md.IsSVO) if (!AxisStatus[md.MSID_SVO]) { errorInfo = "轴伺服未上电"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (AxisStatus[md.MSID_ALM]) { errorInfo = "轴伺服已报警"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (!AxisStatus[md.MSID_MDN]) { errorInfo = "轴当前运动未完成"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (IsAbsMove) { err = md.AbsLine(iaxisIDList, dPosList); } else { err = md.RelLine(iaxisIDList, dPosList); } if (err != 0) { errorInfo = (IsAbsMove ? "绝对" : "相对") + "直线插补运动失败:" + md.GetErrorInfo(err); SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } errorInfo = "Success"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.Success); return(true); }
void AdjustView() { timerFlush.Enabled = false; tpRealtime.Controls.Clear(); tpInitCfg.Controls.Clear(); _lstUcParam.Clear(); if (null == _method) { Label lb1 = new Label(); lb1.Text = "方法对象未设置"; tpRealtime.Controls.Add(lb1); Label lb2 = new Label(); lb2.Text = "方法对象未设置"; tpInitCfg.Controls.Add(lb1); return; } if (_method is IJFRealtimeUIProvider) { JFRealtimeUI ui = (_method as IJFRealtimeUIProvider).GetRealtimeUI(); if (null != ui) { ui.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tpRealtime.Controls.Add(ui); timerFlush.Enabled = true; } } else { UcCommonMethodRtUi ui = new UcCommonMethodRtUi(); ui.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; ui.SetMethod(_method); tpRealtime.Controls.Add(ui); timerFlush.Enabled = true; } int locX = 3, locY = 3; if (_method is IJFConfigUIProvider)//提供参数配置界面 { Button btShowCfg = new Button(); btShowCfg.Text = "参数配置"; btShowCfg.Location = new Point(locX, locY); tpInitCfg.Controls.Add(btShowCfg); btShowCfg.Click += OnButtonClick_ShowCfgUI; locY = btShowCfg.Bottom + 2; } if (_method is IJFInitializable)//初始参数可序列化对象 { IJFInitializable initor = _method as IJFInitializable; string[] initNames = initor.InitParamNames; if (null != initNames && initNames.Length > 0) { isInitParamEditting = false; btSetSaveInit = new Button(); btSetSaveInit.Text = "编辑初始化参数"; btSetSaveInit.Location = new Point(locX, locY); btSetSaveInit.Click += OnButtonClick_InitParamSetSave; tpInitCfg.Controls.Add(btSetSaveInit); btCancelInit = new Button(); btCancelInit.Text = "取消"; btCancelInit.Location = new Point(btSetSaveInit.Right + 2, locY); btCancelInit.Click += OnButtonClick_InitParamCancel; tpInitCfg.Controls.Add(btCancelInit); btCancelInit.Enabled = false; locY = btCancelInit.Bottom + 2; for (int i = 0; i < initNames.Length; i++) { string initName = initNames[i]; JFParamDescribe pd = initor.GetInitParamDescribe(initName); UcJFParamEdit ucParam = new UcJFParamEdit(); ucParam.Width = tpInitCfg.Width - 100; ucParam.Location = new Point(locX, locY); ucParam.SetParamDesribe(pd); ucParam.SetParamValue(initor.GetInitParamValue(initName)); ucParam.IsValueReadOnly = true; _lstUcParam.Add(ucParam); tpInitCfg.Controls.Add(ucParam); ucParam.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; locY = ucParam.Bottom + 2; } InitParam2UI(); } } }
protected override bool ActionGenuine(out string errorInfo) { IJFInitializable dev = null; JFDevCellInfo ci = null; string axisID = GetInitParamValue("轴ID") as string; if (!JFHubCenter.Instance.MDCellNameMgr.ContainAxisName(axisID)) { errorInfo = "参数项:\"轴ID\" = " + axisID + " 在设备名称表中不存在"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (!JFCMFunction.CheckDevCellName(JFCMFunction.Axis, axisID, out dev, out ci, out errorInfo)) { SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } JFMotionParam mp = (JFMotionParam)GetInitParamValue("运动参数"); /* * public double vs { get; set; } * /// <summary>最大速度</summary> * public double vm { get; set; } * /// <summary>结束速度</summary> * public double ve { get; set; } * /// <summary>加速度</summary> * public double acc { get; set; } * /// <summary>减速度</summary> * public double dec { get; set; } * /// <summary>s曲线因子(0~1.0)</summary> * public double curve { get; set; } * /// <summary>加加速</summary> * public double jerk { get; set; } */ if (mp.vs < 0) { errorInfo = "起始速度参数vs < 0"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (mp.vm <= 0) { errorInfo = "运行速度参数vm <= 0"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if ( < 0) { errorInfo = "终点速度参数ve < 0"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (mp.acc <= 0) { errorInfo = "加速度参数acc <= 0"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (mp.dec <= 0) { errorInfo = "减速度参数dec <= 0"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } if (mp.curve < 0 || mp.curve > 1) { errorInfo = "加速度曲线段系数不在允许范围0~1"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } IJFModule_Motion md = (dev as IJFDevice_MotionDaq).GetMc(ci.ModuleIndex); int errCode = md.SetMotionParam(ci.ChannelIndex, mp); if (errCode < 0) { errorInfo = "SDK调用出错:" + md.GetErrorInfo(errCode); SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.ActionError); return(false); } errorInfo = "Success"; SetOutputParamValue("执行结果", JFWorkCmdResult.Success); return(true); }
protected override bool ActionGenuine(out string errorInfo) { string chnID = GetMethodInputValue("光源通道ID") as string; int intensity = (int)GetMethodInputValue("光照强度"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chnID)) { errorInfo = "输入参数项:\"光源通道ID\" 为空字串"; return(false); } if (!JFHubCenter.Instance.MDCellNameMgr.ContainLightChannelName(chnID)) { errorInfo = "输入参数项:\"光源通道ID\" = " + chnID + " 在设备名称表中不存在"; return(false); } if (intensity < 0) { errorInfo = "输入参数项:\"光照强度\" = " + intensity + " 为无效值(参数值必须>=0)"; return(false); } bool isAutoSwitchMode = (bool)GetInitParamValue("自动切换到开关模式"); bool isAutoEnable = (bool)GetInitParamValue("自动使能"); IJFInitializable dev = null; JFDevCellInfo ci = null; string errInfo = null; if (!JFCMFunction.CheckDevCellName(JFCMFunction.LightCtrl, chnID, out dev, out ci, out errInfo)) { errorInfo = errInfo; return(false); } int errCode = 0; IJFDevice_LightController devLight = dev as IJFDevice_LightController; if (typeof(IJFDevice_LightControllerWithTrig).IsAssignableFrom(devLight.GetType())) //如果当前设备带有触发功能 { IJFDevice_LightControllerWithTrig devLT = devLight as IJFDevice_LightControllerWithTrig; JFLightWithTrigWorkMode wm; errCode = devLT.GetWorkMode(out wm); if (errCode != 0) { errorInfo = "获取光源控制器工作模式失败:" + devLT.GetErrorInfo(errCode); return(false); } if (wm == JFLightWithTrigWorkMode.Trigger) //当前处于触发模式 { if (!isAutoSwitchMode) { errorInfo = "控制器当前为触发模式"; return(false); } errCode = devLT.SetWorkMode(JFLightWithTrigWorkMode.TurnOnOff); if (errCode != 0) { errorInfo = "控制器切换工作模式失败:" + devLT.GetErrorInfo(errCode); return(false); } } } bool isLightChnEnabled = false; errCode = devLight.GetLightChannelEnable(ci.ChannelIndex, out isLightChnEnabled); if (0 != errCode) { errorInfo = "获取通道使能状态失败:" + devLight.GetErrorInfo(errCode); return(false); } if (!isLightChnEnabled) { if (!isAutoEnable) { errorInfo = "光源通道未使能"; return(false); } errCode = devLight.SetLightChannelEnable(ci.ChannelIndex, true); if (errCode != 0) { errorInfo = "光源通道使能失败:" + devLight.GetErrorInfo(errCode); return(false); } } errCode = devLight.SetLightIntensity(ci.ChannelIndex, intensity); if (errCode != 0) { errorInfo = "设置光照强度失败:" + devLight.GetErrorInfo(errCode); return(false); } errorInfo = "Success"; return(true); }