Example #1
 private void UpdateDemand(float[][] flatRet, IZone[] zones, int numberOfZones, bool loadedFriction, int i, float factor)
     // now that we have the new factor we update the demand
     if (loadedFriction)
         Parallel.For(0, numberOfZones, delegate(int j)
             if (Transpose)
                 InteractiveModeSplit.ComputeUtility(zones[j], zones[i]);
                 InteractiveModeSplit.ComputeUtility(zones[i], zones[j]);
             // we don't apply any factors here since they have already been taken into account
         Parallel.For(0, numberOfZones, delegate(int j)
             if (Transpose)
                 InteractiveModeSplit.ComputeUtility(zones[j], zones[i]);
                 InteractiveModeSplit.ComputeUtility(zones[i], zones[j]);
             flatRet[i][j] *= factor;
Example #2
 private void SaveModeChoice(IZone[] zones, int numberOfZones, int i)
     if (Transpose)
         Parallel.For(0, numberOfZones, new ParallelOptions {
             MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount
         }, delegate(int j)
             if (zones[j].RegionNumber > 0)
                 InteractiveModeSplit.ComputeUtility(zones[j], zones[i]);
         Parallel.For(0, numberOfZones, new ParallelOptions {
             MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount
         }, delegate(int j)
             if (zones[j].RegionNumber > 0)
                 InteractiveModeSplit.ComputeUtility(zones[i], zones[j]);
Example #3
        private void DistributePopulation(DemographicCategoryGeneration cat, float[] ageProbability, float[][] assignedPersons, int catIndex, float[][] ret)
            var timeOfDayRate         = CurrentTimeOfDayRates.GiveData();
            var dailyRates            = CurrentDailyRates.GiveData();
            var zones                 = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.GetFlatData();
            var numberOfMobilityTypes = GetMobilityTypeTotal();
            var currentMobilityType   = catIndex % numberOfMobilityTypes;

            // Setup the mode choice function, since each zone is the same, we only need to do this once
            var age = cat.AgeCategoryRange[0].Start;
            //ageOfffset = foreach each OD Pair, for each mobility category multiplied by the age - 2 (workrs start at 2).
            var ageOffset = (5 * zones.Length * zones.Length) * (age - 2);

            // for each origin zone
            Parallel.For(0, zones.Length, i =>
                var pdI = zones[i].PlanningDistrict;
                // Offset of the origin
                var iOffset = i * zones.Length * numberOfMobilityTypes;
                // offset by the age category plus the mobility category offset
                iOffset += ageOffset + currentMobilityType * zones.Length;
                // for each destination
                var row = ret[i];
                var assignedPersonRow = assignedPersons[i];
                if (ageProbability[i] == 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < zones.Length; j++)
                        row[j] = 0;
                    int currentJIndex = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < zones.Length; j++)
                        if (assignedPersonRow[j] <= 0)
                            row[j] = 0;
                        else if (j == i)
                            throw new XTMFRuntimeException(this, "We found assigned persons for an intra-zonal work trip!");
                            var pdJ = zones[j].PlanningDistrict;
                            // compute the mode choice
                            var util = ModeSplit.ComputeUtility(zones[i], zones[j]);
                            if (float.IsNaN(util) | float.IsInfinity(util))
                                throw new XTMFRuntimeException(this, "We came across an invalid utility! Age = " + age + " origin = " + zones[i].ZoneNumber + " destination = " + zones[j].ZoneNumber
                                                               + " demographic category = '" + cat.ToString() + "'");
                            // Process how many persons go here
                            // probabilities contains the probability of being in that age category already
                            var rate    = timeOfDayRate[pdI, pdJ, age] * dailyRates[pdI, pdJ, age];
                            var persons = ageProbability[i] * assignedPersonRow[j];
                            if ((rate == 0) & (persons > 0))
                                throw new XTMFRuntimeException(this, "We lost generation for " + zones[i].ZoneNumber + " to " + zones[j].ZoneNumber + ". " + persons
                                                               + " persons in category " + catIndex + ".");
                            row[j] = persons * rate * MobilityCache[iOffset + currentJIndex];
 private void GatherUtilities(IZone[] zones, float[][] friction, float[] attraction, int numberOfZones, bool loadedFriction, float[] subsetRatios, int subset, int i)
     if (loadedFriction)
         Parallel.For(0, numberOfZones, new ParallelOptions {
             MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount
         }, delegate(int j)
             if (zones[j].RegionNumber <= 0)
             if (Transpose)
                 InteractiveModeSplit.ComputeUtility(zones[j], zones[i]);
                 InteractiveModeSplit.ComputeUtility(zones[i], zones[j]);
         // if there are no people doing this, then we don't even need to compute this!
         if (subsetRatios[subset] <= 0f)
         Parallel.For(0, numberOfZones, new ParallelOptions {
             MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount
         }, delegate(int j)
             if (((!AllowIntrazonal) & (i == j)) | zones[j].RegionNumber <= 0)
             if (attraction != null && attraction[j] > 0)
                 float utility;
                 if (Transpose)
                     utility = InteractiveModeSplit.ComputeUtility(zones[j], zones[i]);
                     utility = InteractiveModeSplit.ComputeUtility(zones[i], zones[j]);
                 if (!float.IsNaN(utility))
                     var data = SpatialParameters.GetDataFrom(zones[i].ZoneNumber, zones[j].ZoneNumber, CurrentMultiSetIndex);
                     if (data != null)
                         // it is multiplication not addition
                         if (float.IsNaN(friction[i][j]))
                             friction[i][j] = (float)Math.Pow(utility, data[0] * subsetRatios[subset]);
                             friction[i][j] *= (float)Math.Pow(utility, data[0] * subsetRatios[subset]);