Example #1
 private void HandleGrabMove(GrabInfo data, Player player, IInteractionDelegate @delegate)
     if (this.Grabbables.TryGetValue(data.GrabbableId, out IGrabbable grabbable))
        public VortexInteraction(IInteractionDelegate @delegate)
            this.Delegate = @delegate;

            // Chasm Occluder Box: that will take over the table occluder once table occluder is removed for Vortex Interaction
            var vortex = SCNNodeExtensions.LoadSCNAsset("chasm_animation");

            // Chasm
            this.chasmPhysics = vortex.FindChildNode("chasm", true);
            if (this.chasmPhysics == null)
                throw new Exception("Vortex has no chasm");

            foreach (var child in this.chasmPhysics.ChildNodes)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(child.Name) && child.Name.StartsWith("occluder", StringComparison.Ordinal))

            this.chasmPhysics.WorldPosition = new SCNVector3(0f, -0.1f, 0f); // avoid z-fight with ShadowPlane
            this.chasmPhysics.Scale         = this.chasmFinalScale;
Example #3
 private void HandleCatapultReleaseAction(SlingData data, Player player, IInteractionDelegate @delegate)
     if (this.catapults.TryGetValue(data.CatapultId, out Catapult catapult))
Example #4
        public CatapultDisableInteraction(IInteractionDelegate @delegate)
            this.Delegate = @delegate;

            // Client should try to request the initial catapult disable state from server
            if (!this.Delegate.IsServer)
                this.Delegate.DispatchActionToServer(new GameActionType {
                    Type = GameActionType.GActionType.KnockoutSync
Example #5
        private void HandleGrabStartAction(GrabInfo data, Player player, IInteractionDelegate @delegate)
            if (this.GrabDelegate == null)
                throw new Exception("GrabDelegate not set");

            var grabbable = this.GrabbableById(data.GrabbableId);

            this.GrabbedGrabbable = grabbable;
            this.GrabDelegate.OnGrabStart(grabbable, data.CameraInfo, player);
Example #6
        public CatapultInteraction(IInteractionDelegate @delegate)
            this.Delegate  = @delegate;
            this.dummyBall = SCNNodeExtensions.LoadSCNAsset("projectiles_ball_8k");

            // stri the geometry out of a low-lod model, assume it doesn't have an lod
            if (this.dummyBall.Geometry != null)
                var lod = SCNNodeExtensions.LoadSCNAsset("projectiles_ball");
                if (lod.Geometry != null)
                    lod.Geometry.Materials = this.dummyBall.Geometry.Materials;

                    // this radius will be replaced by fixLevelsOfDetail
                    // when the level is placed
                    this.dummyBall.Geometry.LevelsOfDetail = new SCNLevelOfDetail[] { SCNLevelOfDetail.CreateWithScreenSpaceRadius(lod.Geometry, 100f) };
Example #7
        private void HandleTryGrabAction(GrabInfo data, Player player, IInteractionDelegate @delegate)
            if (this.GrabDelegate == null)
                throw new Exception("GrabDelegate not set");

            // since we can't send a message only to the server, make sure we're the server
            // when processing.
            if (@delegate.IsServer)
                // Check if player already owned a grabbable
                // This is to filter tryGrab messages a player might send because it has not received grab message yet
                foreach (var value in this.Grabbables.Values)
                    if (value.Player != null && value.Player == player)

                var grabbable = this.GrabbableById(data.GrabbableId);
                this.GrabDelegate.OnServerGrab(grabbable, data.CameraInfo, player);
                grabbable.Player = player;

                // Inform player that the grabbable was grabbed
                var newData = new GrabInfo(grabbable.GrabbableId, data.CameraInfo);
                @delegate.DispatchToPlayer(new GameActionType {
                    GrabStart = newData, Type = GameActionType.GActionType.GrabStart
                }, player);

                // Update grabbable in the server and clients with a new status
                // Note: status update only sends the information on whether
                @delegate.ServerDispatchActionToAll(new GameActionType {
                    GrabbableStatus = newData, Type = GameActionType.GActionType.GrabbableStatus
Example #8
        private void HandleTryReleaseAction(GrabInfo data, Player player, IInteractionDelegate @delegate)
            if (this.GrabDelegate == null)
                throw new Exception("GrabDelegate not set");

            if (this.Delegate.IsServer)
                // Launch if player already grabbed a grabbable
                var grabbable = this.GrabbableById(data.GrabbableId);
                if (grabbable.IsGrabbed)
                    this.GrabDelegate.OnServerRelease(grabbable, data.CameraInfo, player);

                    // Inform player that the grabbable was grabbed
                    var newData = new GrabInfo(grabbable.GrabbableId, data.CameraInfo);
                    @delegate.DispatchToPlayer(new GameActionType {
                        ReleaseEnd = newData, Type = GameActionType.GActionType.ReleaseEnd
                    }, player);
Example #9
 public LeverInteraction(IInteractionDelegate @delegate)
     this.Delegate = @delegate;
Example #10
 private void HandleReleaseEndAction(GrabInfo data, Player player, IInteractionDelegate @delegate)
     this.isTouching = false;
Example #11
 public GrabInteraction(IInteractionDelegate @delegate)
     this.Delegate = @delegate;
 public HighlightInteraction(IInteractionDelegate @delegate)
     this.Delegate = @delegate;
 public VictoryInteraction(IInteractionDelegate @delegate)
     this.Delegate    = @delegate;
     this.victoryNode = SCNNodeExtensions.LoadSCNAsset("victory");