public bool TryGrasp(IInteractionBehaviour intObj, Hand hand)

            return(updateBehaviour(intObj, hand, GraspUpdateMode.BeginGrasp,
                                   ignoreTemporal: true));
Example #2
    private float helper_timeSlice_lastYUpdate = 0.0f;      // helper value to keep track of the last y-position update of the Time Slice when moved through Leap Motion Grasp Interaction

    /// <summary>
    /// Method to identify the Activation Toggle of a 3D Radar Chart (from potentially multiple in the Scene) the Leap Motion controller collided with, and set link interface references accordingly.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="controller">InteractionController representing the Leap Motion hand controller a contact event occured with.</param>
    private void vrlmTriggerActivationToggleOnPerControllerContactBegin(InteractionController controller)
        // Developer Note: This is basically required to support interaction with multiple 3D Radar Charts in the Scene, assuming interaction with each charts' Activation Toggle switches the focus.

        // Generally, the routine goes as follows
        // (1) Identify collided (contacted) GameObject (potentially one or multiple).
        // (2) Identify Activation Toggle component among collided GameObjects, and retrieve reference to its 3D Radar Chart's main interface.
        // (3) Link references between VRLM and TDRC interfaces accordingly.
        // (4) Continue with interaction.

        // (1)
        HashSet <IInteractionBehaviour> .Enumerator em = controller.contactingObjects.GetEnumerator();
        IInteractionBehaviour ib = null;

        while (em.MoveNext())
            ib = em.Current;

            // (2)
            TDRCInteractionActivationToggle iatComponent = ib.transform.GetComponent <TDRCInteractionActivationToggle>();
            if (iatComponent != null)

        // (3)
        ThreeDimRadarChartInterface tdrcInterfaceRef = ib.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <ThreeDimRadarChartInterface>();

        tdrcInterface = tdrcInterfaceRef;

        // (4)
        public bool TryGrasp(IInteractionBehaviour intObj, Hand hand)
            Debug.Log("HEY THIS SHOULDN'T BE BEING CALLED");

            return(updateBehaviour(intObj, hand, GraspUpdateMode.BeginGrasp,
                                   ignoreTemporal: true));
Example #4
 public static void NotifyIntObjHasNewNoContactLayer(this IInternalInteractionManager manager,
                                                     IInteractionBehaviour intObj,
                                                     int oldNoContactLayer,
                                                     int newNoContactLayer)
     manager.NotifyIntObjRemovedNoContactLayer(intObj, oldNoContactLayer, false);
     manager.NotifyIntObjAddedNoContactLayer(intObj, newNoContactLayer, false);
Example #5
        protected override bool checkShouldRelease(out IInteractionBehaviour objectToRelease)
            bool shouldRelease = _graspButtonUp && isGraspingObject;

            objectToRelease = null;
            if (shouldRelease)
                objectToRelease = graspedObject;

 public void NotifyGraspReleased(IInteractionBehaviour behaviour)
     GrabClassifierHeuristics.GrabClassifier classifier;
     if (_classifiers.TryGetValue(behaviour, out classifier))
         classifier.prevGrabbing     = false;
         classifier.isGrabbing       = false;
         classifier.coolDownProgress = 0F;
         //for (int i = 0; i < classifier.probes.Length; i++) {
         //  classifier.probes[i].isInside = false;
Example #7
         *  get
         *  {
         *                      if (isPinchGrip)
         *                      {
         *                              return pinchGrabDetector.DeactivatedThisFrame;
         *                      }
         *                      else
         *                      {
         *                              return grabAction.GetStateUp((isLeft) ? SteamVR_Input_Sources.LeftHand :
         *                                      SteamVR_Input_Sources.RightHand);
         *                      }
         *  }
         * }*/

        protected override bool checkShouldGrasp(out IInteractionBehaviour objectToGrasp)
            bool shouldGrasp = !isGraspingObject &&
                               (_graspButtonDown) &&
                               _closestGraspableObject != null;

            objectToGrasp = null;
            if (shouldGrasp)
                objectToGrasp = _closestGraspableObject;

Example #8
        private void refreshClosestGraspableObject()
            _closestGraspableObject = null;

            float closestGraspableDistance = float.PositiveInfinity;

            foreach (var intObj in graspCandidates)
                float testDist = intObj.GetHoverDistance(this.position);
                if (testDist < maxGraspDistance && testDist < closestGraspableDistance)
                    _closestGraspableObject  = intObj;
                    closestGraspableDistance = testDist;
        protected void FillClassifier(IInteractionBehaviour behaviour, Hand hand, ref GrabClassifierHeuristics.GrabClassifier classifier)
            classifier.handChirality = hand.IsLeft;
            classifier.handDirection = hand.Direction.ToVector3();
            classifier.handXBasis    = hand.Basis.xBasis.ToVector3();
            float simScale = interactionHand.manager.SimulationScale;

            classifier.handGrabCenter = (hand.PalmPosition
                                         + (hand.Direction * 0.05f * simScale)
                                         + (hand.PalmNormal * 0.01f * simScale)).ToVector3();
            for (int i = 0; i < hand.Fingers.Count; i++)
                classifier.probes[i].direction = hand.Fingers[i].Direction.ToVector3();
            classifier.isGrabbed = behaviour.isGrasped;
        public bool FixedUpdateClassifierRelease(out IInteractionBehaviour releasedObject)
            using (new ProfilerSample("Update Grab Classifier - Release", interactionHand.manager)) {
                releasedObject = null;
                if (!interactionHand.isGraspingObject)
                    // Can't release an object if the hand is already not grasping one.

                if (UpdateBehaviour(interactionHand.graspedObject, interactionHand.leapHand, graspMode: GraspUpdateMode.ReleaseGrasp))
                    releasedObject = interactionHand.graspedObject;

 public void GetGraspingFingertipPositions(IInteractionBehaviour behaviour, Vector3[] fingertipPositionsBuffer, out int numGraspingFingertips)
     GrabClassifierHeuristics.GrabClassifier classifier;
     if (_classifiers.TryGetValue(behaviour, out classifier))
         int writeIdx = 0;
         for (int probeIdx = 0; probeIdx < classifier.probes.Length; probeIdx++)
             if (classifier.probes[probeIdx].isInside)
                 fingertipPositionsBuffer[writeIdx++] = _fingerTipPositions[probeIdx];
         numGraspingFingertips = writeIdx;
         numGraspingFingertips = 0;
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the behaviour reflects the state-change (grasped or released) as specified by
        /// the graspMode.
        /// </summary>
        private bool updateBehaviour(IInteractionBehaviour behaviour, Hand hand, GraspUpdateMode graspMode, bool ignoreTemporal = false)
            using (new ProfilerSample("Update Individual Grab Classifier", behaviour.gameObject))
                // Ensure a classifier exists for this Interaction Behaviour.
                GrabClassifierHeuristics.GrabClassifier classifier;
                if (!_classifiers.TryGetValue(behaviour, out classifier))
                    classifier = new GrabClassifierHeuristics.GrabClassifier(behaviour.gameObject);
                    _classifiers.Add(behaviour, classifier);

                // Do the actual grab classification logic.
                FillClassifier(behaviour, hand, ref classifier);
                GrabClassifierHeuristics.UpdateClassifier(classifier, _scaledGrabParams,
                                                          ref _collidingCandidates,
                                                          ref _numberOfColliders,

                // Determine whether there was a state change.
                bool didStateChange = false;
                if (!classifier.prevThisControllerGrabbing && classifier.isThisControllerGrabbing &&
                    graspMode == GraspUpdateMode.BeginGrasp)
                    didStateChange = true;

                    classifier.prevThisControllerGrabbing = classifier.isThisControllerGrabbing;
                else if (classifier.prevThisControllerGrabbing && !classifier.isThisControllerGrabbing &&
                         interactionHand.graspedObject == behaviour && graspMode == GraspUpdateMode.ReleaseGrasp)
                    didStateChange = true;

                    classifier.coolDownProgress           = 0f;
                    classifier.prevThisControllerGrabbing = classifier.isThisControllerGrabbing;

        public bool FixedUpdateClassifierGrasp(out IInteractionBehaviour graspedObject)
            using (new ProfilerSample("Update Grab Classifier - Grasp", interactionHand.manager)) {
                graspedObject = null;
                if (interactionHand.isGraspingObject || !interactionHand.isTracked)
                    // Cannot grasp another object with an untracked hand or while the hand is
                    // already grasping an object or if the hand is not tracked.

                foreach (var interactionObj in interactionHand.graspCandidates)
                    if (UpdateBehaviour(interactionObj, interactionHand.leapHand, graspMode: GraspUpdateMode.BeginGrasp))
                        graspedObject = interactionObj;

Example #14
        protected override bool checkShouldGraspAtemporal(IInteractionBehaviour intObj)
            bool shouldGrasp = !isGraspingObject &&
                               _graspButtonLastFrame &&
                               intObj.GetHoverDistance(position) < maxGraspDistance;

            if (shouldGrasp)
                var tempControllers = Pool <List <InteractionController> > .Spawn();

                    Pool <List <InteractionController> > .Recycle(tempControllers);

        public void SwapClassifierState(IInteractionBehaviour original, IInteractionBehaviour replacement)
            if (original == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("original");

            if (replacement == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("replacement");

            GrabClassifierHeuristics.GrabClassifier classifier;
            if (!_classifiers.TryGetValue(original, out classifier))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot swap from something that is not currently grasped!");

            classifier.body      = replacement.rigidbody;
            classifier.transform = replacement.transform;

            _classifiers[replacement] = classifier;
 public void UnregisterInteractionBehaviour(IInteractionBehaviour behaviour)
Example #17
 protected override void onObjectUnregistered(IInteractionBehaviour intObj)