Example #1
        public void Execute(IInstructionExecutor valueExecutor,
                            IInstructionExecutor moveChipsExecutor,
                            IInstructable factory,
                            IEnumerable <string> instructions)
            var valueInstructions = instructions.Where(a => valueExecutor.CanExecute(factory, a));

            foreach (var valueInstruction in valueInstructions)
                valueExecutor.Execute(factory, valueInstruction);

            var remaining = instructions.Except(valueInstructions);

            while (remaining.Any())
                //  -Initially, bot 1 starts with a value-3 chip, and bot 2 starts with a value-2 chip and a value-5 chip.
                //- Because bot 2 has two microchips, it gives its lower one(2) to bot 1 and its higher one (5) to bot 0.
                //- Then, bot 1 has two microchips; it puts the value-2 chip in output 1 and gives the value-3 chip to bot 0.
                //- Finally, bot 0 has two microchips; it puts the 3 in output 2 and the 5 in output 0
                var nextToExecute = NextInstruction(remaining,
                                                    i => moveChipsExecutor.CanExecute(factory, i));

                moveChipsExecutor.Execute(factory, nextToExecute);

                remaining = Remove(remaining, nextToExecute);
Example #2
 public Robot(IInstructionExecutor instructionExecutor,
              LinkedList <Instructions> instructions,
              PositionState positionState)
     _instructions        = instructions;
     _instructionExecutor = instructionExecutor;
     _positionState       = positionState;
Example #3
 public static void EnableDiagnostics <G>(string code, IInstructionExecutor <G> instructionExecutor, ExecutionState <G> executionState, bool forceInterrupts = false) where G : IGroupState <G>, new()
     if (instructionExecutor.Interrupts.Count == 0)
         instructionExecutor.Interrupts.Add(new StepInterrupt <G>());
         instructionExecutor.Interrupted += (sender, args) => OnInterrupt(code, sender, args);
     ScanInstructions(executionState.Instructions, forceInterrupts);
        private static void ExecuteInstructionRSqrt(IInstructionExecutor <GroupState> executor, ExecutionState <GroupState> executionState, object[] payload, StackList <ValuePointer <GroupState> > stackRegister, StackList <StackValuePointer <GroupState> > stackPointers)
            IValue <GroupState> value = (IValue <GroupState>)stackRegister.Last().Value;
            double doubleVal          = Math.Sqrt(Convert.ToDouble(value.GetData()));

            stackRegister.SetLast(new ValuePointer <GroupState> {
                Value = executor.ValueProvider.GetReducedValue(doubleVal)
        private static void ExecuteInstructionRPower(IInstructionExecutor <GroupState> executor, ExecutionState <GroupState> executionState, object[] payload, StackList <ValuePointer <GroupState> > stackRegister, StackList <StackValuePointer <GroupState> > stackPointers)
            IValue <GroupState>    secondValue = (IValue <GroupState>)stackRegister.TakeLast().Value;
            IValue <GroupState>    firstValue  = (IValue <GroupState>)stackRegister.Last().Value;
            IValuable <GroupState> result      = executor.ValueProvider.GetReducedValue(Math.Pow(Convert.ToDouble(firstValue.GetData()), Convert.ToDouble(secondValue.GetData())));

            stackRegister.SetLast(new ValuePointer <GroupState> {
                Value = result
        private static void ExecuteInstructionRFactorial(IInstructionExecutor <GroupState> executor, ExecutionState <GroupState> executionState, object[] payload, StackList <ValuePointer <GroupState> > stackRegister, StackList <StackValuePointer <GroupState> > stackPointers)
            IValue <GroupState> value = (IValue <GroupState>)stackRegister.Last().Value;
            int  intVal    = Convert.ToInt32(value.GetData());
            long resultVal = 1;

            for (int i = intVal; i > 0; i--)
                resultVal *= i;
            stackRegister.SetLast(new ValuePointer <GroupState> {
                Value = executor.ValueProvider.GetReducedValue(resultVal)
Example #7
        public static void Problem10()
            //var instructions = new[]
            //    "value 5 goes to bot 2",
            //    "bot 2 gives low to bot 1 and high to bot 0",
            //    "value 3 goes to bot 1",
            //    "bot 1 gives low to output 1 and high to bot 0",
            //    "bot 0 gives low to output 2 and high to output 0",
            //    "value 2 goes to bot 2"

            var instructions = FileStringReader.Read("P10.txt");

            var factory = new Factory();

            var executors = new IInstructionExecutor[]
                new LoadBotInstructionExecutor(),
                new MoveChipsInstructionExecutor(
                    (label, values) =>
                    if (values.Contains(61) && values.Contains(17))
                        Console.WriteLine("Bot {0} is comparing values {1} and {2}", label, values.First(), values.Last());

            new Foreman().Execute(executors.First(), executors.Last(), factory, instructions);

            //foreach (var bot in factory.Bots)
            //    Console.WriteLine("Bot {0} contains values [{1}]", bot, factory.BotValues(bot).Format());

            foreach (var bin in factory.OutputBins.OrderBy(a => a))
                Console.WriteLine("Bin {0} contains values [{1}]", bin, factory.OutputBinValues(bin).Format());
Example #8
 public static void Execute <G>(this Instruction <G> instruction, IInstructionExecutor <G> executor, ExecutionState <G> executionState, StackList <ValuePointer <G> > stackRegister, StackList <StackValuePointer <G> > stackPointers)
     where G : IGroupState <G>, new()
     instruction.ExecutionBody(executor, executionState, instruction.Payload, stackRegister, stackPointers);