public void Bind(IION ion, GaugeDeviceSensor gds) { this.ion = ion; this.sensor = gds; Invalidate(); }
public RequestCalibrationCertificates(IION ion, params ISerialNumber[] serialNumbers) { Log.D(this, GENERAL_OBFUSCATION_KEY.ToByteString()); this.ion = ion; this.serialNumbers = serialNumbers; tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); }
public BoundedHandler(SensorAlarmActivity activity, IION ion, BoundedSensorAlarm alarm, View view) { this.activity = activity; this.alarm = alarm; toggle = view.FindViewById <Switch>(Resource.Id.toggle); measurement = view.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.measurement); unit = view.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.unit); toggle.SetOnCheckedChangeListener(new ViewCheckChangedAction((but, check) => { alarm.Reset(); })); unit.SetOnClickListener(new ViewClickAction((v) => { UnitDialog.Create(activity, alarm.sensor.supportedUnits, (obj, u) => { var dialog = obj as Android.App.Dialog; if (dialog != null) { dialog.Dismiss(); } unit.Text = u.ToString(); unitCode = UnitLookup.GetCode(u); }).Show(); })); toggle.Checked = alarm.enabled; measurement.Text = alarm.bounds.amount + ""; unit.Text = alarm.bounds.unit.ToString(); unitCode = UnitLookup.GetCode(alarm.bounds.unit); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new manual sensor within this device. The sensor will last until explicitly destroyed. /// </summary> /// <param name="ion"></param> /// <param name="sensorType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ManualSensor CreateNewSensor(IION ion, ESensorType sensorType, bool isRelative = true) { //var u = ion.preferences.units.DefaultUnitFor(sensorType); //var ret = new ManualSensor(this, sensorType, u.OfScalar(0), isRelative); //return ret; return(null); }
public sensor(CGRect sensorRect, string identifier, UIView mainView) { ion = AppState.context; snapArea = new UIView(sensorRect) { AccessibilityIdentifier = identifier, }; snapArea.ClipsToBounds = true; availableView = new UIView(new CGRect(0, 0, snapArea.Bounds.Width, snapArea.Bounds.Height)) { BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(204, 153, 0), Alpha = .4f, UserInteractionEnabled = true, AccessibilityIdentifier = identifier, Hidden = false, }; addIcon = new UIImageView(new CGRect(.107 * snapArea.Bounds.Width, .107 * snapArea.Bounds.Height, .786 * snapArea.Bounds.Width, .786 * snapArea.Bounds.Height)); addIcon.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("ic_device_add"); addIcon.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear; snapArea.Layer.CornerRadius = 5; availableView.Layer.CornerRadius = 5; snapArea.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.Black.CGColor; snapArea.Layer.BorderWidth = 2f; snapArea.AddSubview(availableView); snapArea.AddSubview(addIcon); snapArea.BringSubviewToFront(addIcon); mainView.AddSubview(snapArea); topLabel.ViewForBaselineLayout.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, 0, .99 * snapArea.Frame.Size.Width, .307 * snapArea.Frame.Size.Height); topLabel.AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true; topLabel.Text = " Press " + snapArea.AccessibilityIdentifier; topLabel.Hidden = true; topLabel.ClipsToBounds = true; topLabel.TextColor = UIColor.Gray; topLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; middleLabel.ViewForBaselineLayout.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, .261 * snapArea.Bounds.Height, .984 * snapArea.Frame.Size.Width, .461 * snapArea.Frame.Size.Height); middleLabel.AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true; middleLabel.Text = "0.00 "; middleLabel.Hidden = true; middleLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Right; middleLabel.Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(20); bottomLabel.ViewForBaselineLayout.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, .676 * snapArea.Bounds.Height, .99 * snapArea.Frame.Size.Width, .3 * snapArea.Frame.Size.Height); bottomLabel.AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true; bottomLabel.Text = ""; bottomLabel.Hidden = true; bottomLabel.ClipsToBounds = true; bottomLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; bottomLabel.TextColor = UIColor.Gray; snapArea.AddSubview(topLabel); snapArea.AddSubview(middleLabel); snapArea.AddSubview(bottomLabel); snapArea.BringSubviewToFront(topLabel); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the device table cell to the given device. /// </summary> /// <param name="device">Device.</param> public void UpdateTo(IION ion, DeviceRecord record, double cellWidth) { this.ion = ion; this.record = record; this.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; this.Layer.BorderWidth = 1f; var cellHeight = 48; viewBackground = new UIView(new CGRect(0, 0, cellWidth, cellHeight)); viewBackground.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; buttonConnect = new UIButton(new CGRect(cellWidth - cellHeight, 0, cellHeight, cellHeight)); buttonConnect.SetBackgroundImage(UIImage.FromBundle("ButtonGold").AsNinePatch(), UIControlState.Normal); buttonConnect.SetBackgroundImage(UIImage.FromBundle("ButtonBlack").AsNinePatch(), UIControlState.Selected); imageDeviceIcon = new UIImageView(new CGRect(0, 0, cellHeight, cellHeight)); labelDeviceType = new UILabel(new CGRect(cellHeight, 0, cellWidth - cellHeight, .5 * cellHeight)); labelDeviceName = new UILabel(new CGRect(cellHeight, .5 * cellHeight, cellWidth - cellHeight, .5 * cellHeight)); viewBackground.AddSubview(buttonConnect); viewBackground.AddSubview(imageDeviceIcon); viewBackground.AddSubview(labelDeviceName); viewBackground.AddSubview(labelDeviceType); this.AddSubview(viewBackground); UpdateLabels(); UpdateActivityViews(); }
// Overridden from ManifoldParser //public override void DoWriteManifold(IION ion, Manifold manifold, BinaryWriter writer){ public override void DoWriteManifold(IION ion, Sensor sensor, BinaryWriter writer) { // Write primary sensor //SensorParser.WriteSensor(ion, manifold.primarySensor, writer); SensorParser.WriteSensor(ion, sensor, writer); // Write secondary sensor //SensorParser.WriteSensor(ion, manifold.secondarySensor, writer); SensorParser.WriteSensor(ion, sensor.linkedSensor, writer); // Write fluid name //if (sensor.ptChart == null) { // writer.Write(false); // Doens't have a pt chart. //} else { // writer.Write(true); // Does have a pt chart // writer.Write(Enum.GetName(typeof(Fluid.EState), sensor.fluidState)); // if (ion.fluidManager.lastUsedFluid == null) { // writer.Write(""); // } else { // writer.Write(; // } //} // The number of sensor properties that the manifold ha //writer.Write(manifold.sensorProperties.Count); writer.Write(sensor.sensorProperties.Count); // Write sensor properties //foreach (var sp in manifold.sensorProperties) { foreach (var sp in sensor.sensorProperties) { WriteSensorProperty(sp, writer); } }
public LoggingSessionSource(List <SessionData> allSessions, nfloat height, ObservableCollection <int> selectedSessions) { tableItems = allSessions; cellHeight = height; usingSessions = selectedSessions; ion = AppState.context; }
public override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetStyle(DialogFragmentStyle.NoFrame, Resource.Style.ComplicatedDialogTheme); ion = AppState.context; }
/// <summary> /// Creates an IDevice from this device definition. /// </summary> /// <returns>The device.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the IDevice could not be created with the given arguments.</exception> /// <param name="serialNumber">Serial number.</param> /// <param name="connection">Connection.</param> /// <param name="protocol">Protocol.</param> public IDevice CreateDevice(IION ion, ISerialNumber serialNumber, IConnection connection, IProtocol protocol) { if (!(serialNumber is GaugeSerialNumber)) { /////should not throw exeptions //throw new ArgumentException("Cannot create device: expected GaugeSerialNumber, received: " + serialNumber.GetType().Name); return(null); } if (!(protocol is IGaugeProtocol)) { /////should not throw exeptions //throw new ArgumentException("Cannot create device: expected an IGaugeProtocol, received: " + protocol.GetType().Name); return(null); } var ret = new GaugeDevice(serialNumber as GaugeSerialNumber, connection, protocol as IGaugeProtocol); var s = new List <GaugeDeviceSensor>(); int i = 0; foreach (var sensorDefinition in sensorDefinitions) { var sensor = new GaugeDeviceSensor(ion, ret, i++, sensorDefinition.sensorType, sensorDefinition.isRelative); sensor.removable = sensorDefinition.isRemovable; sensor.minMeasurement = sensorDefinition.minimumMeasurement; sensor.maxMeasurement = sensorDefinition.maximumMeasurement; sensor.SetSupportedUnits(sensorDefinition.supportedUnits.ToArray()); s.Add(sensor); } ret.sensors = s.ToArray(); return(ret); }
public GaugeDeviceSensor(IION ion, GaugeDevice device, int index, ESensorType sensorType, bool relative = true) : base(sensorType, ion.preferences.units.DefaultUnitFor(sensorType).OfScalar(0.0), relative) { this.device = device; this.index = index; =; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new DateIndexLookup built around the given sessionIds. /// </summary> /// <returns>The from sessions async.</returns> /// <param name="sessionIds">Session identifiers.</param> public static Task <DateIndexLookup> CreateFromSessionsAsync(IION ion, IEnumerable <int> sessionIds) { return(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { // Gather all of the dates. var dates = new HashSet <DateTime>(); foreach (var id in sessionIds) { var smrQuery = ion.database.Table <SensorMeasurementRow>().Where(x => x.frn_SID == id) .Select(x => new { x.recordedDate }); foreach (var smr in smrQuery) { dates.Add(smr.recordedDate); } } // Sort the dates. var sorted = new List <DateTime>(dates); sorted.Sort(); var ret = new Dictionary <DateTime, int>(); var i = 0; foreach (var dt in sorted) { ret[dt] = i++; } return new DateIndexLookup(ret); })); }
public CreatedJobSource(List <int> jobs, SetActiveJob chooseActiveJob, JobViewController managerVC = null) { jobID = jobs; ion = AppState.context; vc = managerVC; clickedJobActive = chooseActiveJob; }
public DeviceGridAdapter(IION ion, int colSize, AcceptDeviceFilterDelegate filter) { this.ion = ion; this.colSize = colSize; this.filter = filter; dm = ion.deviceManager; }
public static void Export(IION ion, GaugeDeviceCalibrationCertificate certificate, Stream outStream) { var pdf = new PdfFixedDocument(EmbeddedResource.Load("digital_gauge_cert.pdf")); // Header (pdf.Form.Fields[FIELD_CERT_BY] as PdfTextBoxField).Value = certificate.certifiedBy; (pdf.Form.Fields[FIELD_CERT_DATE] as PdfTextBoxField).Value = certificate.lastTestCalibrationDate.ToString("d"); // Unit Tested (pdf.Form.Fields[FIELD_PART_NO] as PdfTextBoxField).Text = certificate.testPartNumber; (pdf.Form.Fields[FIELD_SERIAL_NO] as PdfTextBoxField).Text = certificate.testSerialNumber + ""; // Calibration Standard (pdf.Form.Fields[FIELD_CAL_MODEL] as PdfTextBoxField).Text = certificate.controlInstrument; (pdf.Form.Fields[FIELD_CAL_SERIAL_NO] as PdfTextBoxField).Text = certificate.controlSerial; // (pdf.Form.Fields[KEY_CONTROL_TRANSDUCER] as PdfTextBoxField).Text = certificate.controlTransducer; (pdf.Form.Fields[FIELD_CAL_ACCURACY] as PdfTextBoxField).Text = certificate.controlAccuracy + ""; (pdf.Form.Fields[FIELD_CAL_DATE] as PdfTextBoxField).Text = certificate.lastControlCalibrationDate.ToString("d"); // Ambient Conditions (pdf.Form.Fields[FIELD_AMB_TEMP] as PdfTextBoxField).Text = certificate.environmentTemperature + ""; (pdf.Form.Fields[FIELD_AMB_RH] as PdfTextBoxField).Text = certificate.environmentHumidity + ""; // Performance Data Table (pdf.Form.Fields[FIELD_CAL_LIMIT] as PdfTextBoxField).Text = certificate.testAccuracy + ""; foreach (var pair in TABLE_KEYS) { var data = certificate.calibrationDataPoints[pair.second]; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { (pdf.Form.Fields[pair.first + (i + 1)] as PdfTextBoxField).Text = data[i]; } } pdf.Form.FlattenFields(); pdf.Save(outStream); }
public override void DoWriteSensor(IION ion, Sensor sensor, BinaryWriter writer) { var type = sensor.FindPersistentType(); switch (type) { case EPersistSensorType.GaugeDeviceSensor: // Write the internal type of the sensor writer.Write((int)EPersistSensorType.GaugeDeviceSensor); WriteGaugeDeviceSensor((GaugeDeviceSensor)sensor, writer); break; case EPersistSensorType.ManualSensor: // Write the internal type of the sensor writer.Write((int)EPersistSensorType.ManualSensor); WriteManualSensor((ManualSensor)sensor, writer); break; case EPersistSensorType.NullSensor: // Write the internal type of the sensor. writer.Write((int)EPersistSensorType.NullSensor); WriteNullSensor(writer); break; default: throw new Exception("Failed to write sensor of uknown persistent type: " + type); } }
public IOSPlatformInfo(IION ion) { UIDevice.CurrentDevice.BatteryMonitoringEnabled = true; manufacturer = "Apple Inc."; deviceName = UIDevice.CurrentDevice.Model; model = UIDevice.CurrentDevice.LocalizedModel; version = UIDevice.CurrentDevice.SystemVersion; api = UIDevice.CurrentDevice.SystemName; chipset = "N/A"; NetworkReachabilityFlags flag; Reachability.IsAdHocWiFiNetworkAvailable(out flag); if (flag == NetworkReachabilityFlags.Reachable) { wifiConnected = true; } else { wifiConnected = false; } batteryPercentage = (int)(UIDevice.CurrentDevice.BatteryLevel * 100); int freeSpace = (int)NSFileManager.DefaultManager.GetFileSystemAttributes(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal)).FreeSize; freeMemory = freeSpace; loggingStatus = ion.dataLogManager.isRecording; }
/// <summary> /// Updates the device table cell to the given device. /// </summary> /// <param name="device">Device.</param> public void UpdateTo(IION ion, DeviceRecord record) { this.ion = ion; this.record = record; UpdateLabels(); UpdateActivityViews(); }
public RemoteStatus(IION ion) { var pi = ion.GetPlatformInformation(); __isDataLogging = ion.dataLogManager.isRecording ? 1 : 0; batteryLevel = pi.batteryPercentage; __wifiStatus = pi.wifiConnected ? 1 : 0; __remainingMemory = pi.freeMemory; }
public LoggingSession(IION ion, SessionRow session, TimeSpan interval) { this.ion = ion; this.session = session; //timer = new Timer(OnTimerCallback, interval); isActive = true; recordInterval(interval); }
public IonCBCentralManagerDelegate(IION ion) { this.ion = ion; var options = new CBCentralInitOptions(); options.ShowPowerAlert = false; centralManager = new CBCentralManager(this, new DispatchQueue("ION Bluetooth", true), options); }
public static IDevice CreateDebugDevice(IION ion, EDeviceModel deviceModel) { var sn = deviceModel.GenerateSerialNumber(); var factory = ion.deviceManager.deviceFactory; var defn = factory.GetDeviceDefinition(sn); return(defn.CreateDevice(ion, sn, new DebugConnection(sn.ToString(), "DebugAddress_" + sn.batchId), null)); }
// Overridden from SensorParcelable public override Sensor Get(IION ion) { var ret = new ManualSensor(sensorType, isRelative); = name; ret.measurement = UnitLookup.GetUnit(unitCode).OfScalar(amount); return(ret); }
public Builder(Context context, IION ion, Manifold manifold) { this.context = context; this.ion = ion; this.manifold = manifold; showConnectOptions = true; showSubviewOptions = true; showAlarmsOptions = true; }
// Implemented for ISubviewParser //public ISensorProperty Read(IION ion, Manifold manifold, BinaryReader reader){ public ISensorProperty Read(IION ion, Sensor sensor, BinaryReader reader) { //var ret = new RateOfChangeSensorProperty(manifold, ion.preferences.device.trendInterval); var ret = new RateOfChangeSensorProperty(sensor, ion.preferences.device.trendInterval); ret.Resize(ion.preferences.device.trendInterval); ret.flags = (RateOfChangeSensorProperty.EFlags)reader.ReadInt32(); return(ret); }
public override Manifold Get(IION ion) { if (isLow) { return(ion.currentAnalyzer.lowSideManifold); } else { return(ion.currentAnalyzer.highSideManifold); } }
public BaseDeviceInfo(IION ion) { var list = new List <string>(); foreach (var d in ion.deviceManager.devices) { list.Add(d.serialNumber.ToString()); } deviceSerials = list.ToArray(); }
// Implemented for ISubviewParser //public ISensorProperty Read(IION ion, Manifold manifold, BinaryReader reader) { public ISensorProperty Read(IION ion, Sensor sensor, BinaryReader reader) { //var ret = new AlternateUnitSensorProperty(manifold); var ret = new AlternateUnitSensorProperty(sensor); var usunit = reader.ReadInt32(); ret.unit = UnitLookup.GetUnit(usunit); return(ret); }
public DetailedGraphRenderer(Context context, IION ion) { this.context = context; this.ion = ion; plot = new PlotView(context); model = new PlotModel(); xAxis = new LinearAxis() { Position = AxisPosition.Bottom, IsAxisVisible = true, IsZoomEnabled = false, IsPanEnabled = false, MinimumPadding = 3, MaximumPadding = 3, AxisTickToLabelDistance = 1, AxislineColor = OxyColors.Black, AxislineStyle = LineStyle.Solid, MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.None, MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid, AxisTitleDistance = 5, TickStyle = TickStyle.Outside, TextColor = OxyColors.Black, FontSize = 7, Angle = 90, }; yAxis = new LinearAxis() { Position = AxisPosition.Left, IsAxisVisible = true, IsZoomEnabled = false, IsPanEnabled = false, MinimumPadding = 3, MaximumPadding = 3, AxisTitleDistance = 20, AxislineColor = OxyColors.Black, AxislineStyle = LineStyle.Solid, MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.None, MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid, TickStyle = TickStyle.Outside, TextColor = OxyColors.Black, FontSize = 7, }; model.Axes.Add(xAxis); model.Axes.Add(yAxis); model.Background = OxyColors.Transparent; model.DefaultFontSize = 0; plot.Model = model; }
public ReportGraphAdapter(IION ion, DateIndexLookup dil, IEnumerable <SensorDataLogResults> sensorResults, View parent, View leftHandle, View rightHandle) { this.ion = ion; this.dil = dil; _parent = parent; _leftHandle = leftHandle; _rightHandle = rightHandle; foreach (var result in sensorResults) { records.Add(new ReportGraphRecord(dil, result)); } _leftHandle.Touch += (sender, e) => { switch (e.Event.Action) { case MotionEventActions.Down: _lastLeftX = e.Event.GetX(); break; case MotionEventActions.Move: var xcoord = _leftHandle.GetX() + (e.Event.GetX() - _lastLeftX); xcoord = xcoord.Clamp(0, _rightHandle.GetX() - _leftHandle.Width); _leftHandle.SetX(xcoord); _leftHandle.Invalidate(); NotifyDataSetChanged(); leftPercent = (_leftHandle.GetX()) / (float)_parent.Width; NotifyDrag(); break; } }; _rightHandle.Touch += (sender, e) => { switch (e.Event.Action) { case MotionEventActions.Down: _lastRightX = e.Event.GetX(); break; case MotionEventActions.Move: var xcoord = _rightHandle.GetX() + (e.Event.GetX() - _lastRightX); xcoord = xcoord.Clamp(_leftHandle.GetX() + _leftHandle.Width, _parent.Width - _rightHandle.Width); _rightHandle.SetX(xcoord); _rightHandle.Invalidate(); NotifyDataSetChanged(); rightPercent = (_rightHandle.GetX() + _leftHandle.Width) / (float)_parent.Width; NotifyDrag(); break; } }; }