Example #1
File: IIN.cs Project: panchul/WPC
        public string GetIINIssuer(string cardNumber, out IINResult result)
            // Get the list of range elements and sort them into "from" value descending
            // order.  This ensures we pick up values that start with 5020 before those that
            // start with 500 and before those that start with 50.
            var ranges = from e in iinDoc.Descendants("range")
                         orderby e.Attribute("from").Value descending
                         select e;

            // Scan through each range looking for a "from" value that matches the initial
            // digits of card number.  If we find a match, it's a possible IIN candidate.
            foreach (XElement range in ranges)
                // Read the validation data from the range element.
                string from              = range.Attribute("from").Value;
                string to                = range.Attribute("to").Value;
                bool   isActive          = bool.Parse(range.Attribute("active").Value);
                bool   useLuhnValidation = bool.Parse(range.Attribute("luhn").Value);
                string validCardLength   = range.Attribute("length").Value;
                string issuer            = range.Attribute("issuer").Value;

                // There can be several valid lengths of card number so parse the
                // comma seperator list into an array so we can check against it.
                // Note - the valid lengths may not be a contiguous set of values so we
                // can't just check the card length to see if it's within min and max limits.
                string[] validLengths    = validCardLength.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                int[]    validNoOfDigits = new int[validLengths.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < validLengths.Length; i++)
                    validNoOfDigits[i] = int.Parse(validLengths[i]);

                // Do we have a "to" value?
                if (to.Trim().Length == 0)
                    // No, so check against just the "from" value.
                    int lengthOfFrom = from.Length;
                    if (cardNumber.Substring(0, lengthOfFrom) == from)
                        // This range is potentially valid for the card number.
                        // Check that the card number length matches the list of valid lengths.
                        bool isValidLength = IsCardNumberlengthValid(cardNumber, validNoOfDigits);
                        if (isValidLength)
                            if (isActive)
                                if (useLuhnValidation)
                                    result = IINResult.ValidIIN;
                                    result = IINResult.ValidIINButNoLuhnValidation;
                                result = IINResult.ValidIINButInactive;
                            result = IINResult.ValidIINButIncorrectCardNumberLength;
                    // Yes we have a "to" value, so We have a range of IINs to test against.
                    int lengthOfFrom  = from.Length;
                    int fromNumber    = int.Parse(from);
                    int toNumber      = int.Parse(to);
                    int cardNumberIIN = int.Parse(cardNumber.Substring(0, lengthOfFrom));
                    if (cardNumberIIN >= fromNumber && cardNumberIIN <= toNumber)
                        // This range is potentially value for the card number.
                        bool isValidLength = IsCardNumberlengthValid(cardNumber, validNoOfDigits);
                        if (isValidLength)
                            if (isActive)
                                if (useLuhnValidation)
                                    result = IINResult.ValidIIN;
                                    result = IINResult.ValidIINButNoLuhnValidation;
                                result = IINResult.ValidIINButInactive;
                            result = IINResult.ValidIINButIncorrectCardNumberLength;

            // The card number doesn't start with a valid value so return no issuer.
            result = IINResult.InvalidIIN;
Example #2
        public string GetIINIssuer(string cardNumber, out IINResult result)
            // Get the list of range elements and sort them into "from" value descending
            // order.  This ensures we pick up values that start with 5020 before those that
            // start with 500 and before those that start with 50.
            var ranges = from e in iinDoc.Descendants("range")
                         orderby e.Attribute("from").Value descending
                         select e;

            // Scan through each range looking for a "from" value that matches the initial
            // digits of card number.  If we find a match, it's a possible IIN candidate.
            foreach (XElement range in ranges)
                // Read the validation data from the range element.
                string from = range.Attribute("from").Value;
                string to = range.Attribute("to").Value;
                bool isActive = bool.Parse(range.Attribute("active").Value);
                bool useLuhnValidation = bool.Parse(range.Attribute("luhn").Value);
                string validCardLength = range.Attribute("length").Value;
                string issuer = range.Attribute("issuer").Value;

                // There can be several valid lengths of card number so parse the
                // comma seperator list into an array so we can check against it.
                // Note - the valid lengths may not be a contiguous set of values so we
                // can't just check the card length to see if it's within min and max limits.
                string[] validLengths = validCardLength.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                int[] validNoOfDigits = new int[validLengths.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < validLengths.Length; i++)
                    validNoOfDigits[i] = int.Parse(validLengths[i]);

                // Do we have a "to" value?
                if (to.Trim().Length == 0)
                    // No, so check against just the "from" value.
                    int lengthOfFrom = from.Length;
                    if (cardNumber.Substring(0, lengthOfFrom) == from)
                        // This range is potentially valid for the card number.
                        // Check that the card number length matches the list of valid lengths.
                        bool isValidLength = IsCardNumberlengthValid(cardNumber, validNoOfDigits);
                        if (isValidLength)
                            if (isActive)
                                if (useLuhnValidation)
                                    result = IINResult.ValidIIN;
                                    result = IINResult.ValidIINButNoLuhnValidation;
                                return issuer;
                                result = IINResult.ValidIINButInactive;
                                return string.Empty;
                            result = IINResult.ValidIINButIncorrectCardNumberLength;
                            return string.Empty;
                    // Yes we have a "to" value, so We have a range of IINs to test against.
                    int lengthOfFrom = from.Length;
                    int fromNumber = int.Parse(from);
                    int toNumber = int.Parse(to);
                    int cardNumberIIN = int.Parse(cardNumber.Substring(0, lengthOfFrom));
                    if (cardNumberIIN >= fromNumber && cardNumberIIN <= toNumber)
                        // This range is potentially value for the card number.
                        bool isValidLength = IsCardNumberlengthValid(cardNumber, validNoOfDigits);
                        if (isValidLength)
                            if (isActive)
                                if (useLuhnValidation)
                                    result = IINResult.ValidIIN;
                                    result = IINResult.ValidIINButNoLuhnValidation;
                                return issuer;
                                result = IINResult.ValidIINButInactive;
                                return string.Empty;
                            result = IINResult.ValidIINButIncorrectCardNumberLength;
                            return string.Empty;

            // The card number doesn't start with a valid value so return no issuer.
            result = IINResult.InvalidIIN;
            return string.Empty;