/// <summary> /// Returns an array[h.XAxis.Bins]; ignoring extra bins. //// protected double[] ToArrayHeights(IHistogram1D h) { int xBins = h.XAxis.Bins; double[] array = new double[xBins]; for (int j = xBins; --j >= 0;) { array[j] = h.BinHeight(j); } return(array); }
public int MaxBin(IHistogram1D h) { int maxBin = -1; double maxValue = Double.MinValue; for (int i = h.XAxis.Bins; --i >= 0;) { double value = h.BinHeight(i); if (value > maxValue) { maxValue = value; maxBin = i; } } return(maxBin); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a string representation of the given argument. //// public String ToString(IHistogram1D h) { String columnAxisName = null; //"X"; String rowAxisName = null; Hep.Aida.Bin.BinFunction1D[] aggr = null; //{Hep.Aida.Bin.BinFunctions1D.sum}; String format = "G"; //"%G" //String format = "%1.2G"; Cern.Colt.Matrix.Former f = new Cern.Colt.Matrix.Implementation.FormerFactory().Create(format); String sep = "\n\r"; //"\n\r"; //System.getProperty("line.separator"); int[] minMaxBins = h.MinMaxBins; String title = h.Title + ":" + sep + " Entries=" + Form(f, h.Entries) + ", ExtraEntries=" + Form(f, h.ExtraEntries) + sep + " Mean=" + Form(f, h.Mean) + ", Rms=" + Form(f, h.Rms) + sep + " MinBinHeight=" + Form(f, h.BinHeight(minMaxBins[0])) + ", MaxBinHeight=" + Form(f, h.BinHeight(minMaxBins[1])) + sep + " Axis: " + "Bins=" + Form(f, h.XAxis.Bins) + ", Min=" + Form(f, h.XAxis.LowerEdge) + ", Max=" + Form(f, h.XAxis.UpperEdge); String[] xEdges = new String[h.XAxis.Bins]; for (int i = 0; i < h.XAxis.Bins; i++) { xEdges[i] = Form(f, h.XAxis.BinLowerEdge(i)); } String[] yEdges = new[] { "Data" }; Cern.Colt.Matrix.DoubleMatrix2D heights = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(1, h.XAxis.Bins); heights.ViewRow(0).Assign(ToArrayHeights(h)); //Cern.Colt.Matrix.DoubleMatrix2D errors = new Cern.Colt.Matrix.DenseDoubleMatrix2D(1,h.XAxis.Bins); //errors.ViewRow(0).Assign(toArrayErrors(h)); return(title + sep + "Heights:" + sep + new Formatter().ToTitleString(heights, yEdges, xEdges, rowAxisName, columnAxisName, null, aggr)); /* + sep + + "Errors:" + sep + + new Cern.Colt.Matrix.doublealgo.Formatter().ToTitleString( + errors,yEdges,xEdges,rowAxisName,columnAxisName,null,aggr); */ }