static public Middle GetInstance(IHashableFeature feature)
            Middle middle = new Middle();

            middle.FeatureCollection = new Feature[] { (Feature)feature };
 //!!!make work for any number of arguments
 public And(IHashableFeature boolfeature1, IHashableFeature boolfeature2)
     if (boolfeature1 != null && boolfeature2 != null)
         base.FeatureCollection = new Feature[] { (Feature)boolfeature1, (Feature)boolfeature2 };
        static public End GetInstance(IHashableFeature feature)
            End end = new End();

            end.FeatureCollection = new Feature[] { (Feature)feature };
        static public Begin GetInstance(IHashableFeature feature)
            Begin begin = new Begin();

            begin.FeatureCollection = new Feature[] { (Feature)feature };
        private static IEnumerable <IHashableFeature> BegMiddleEndOfPeptide(IHashableFeature regionFeature)
            yield return(Begin.GetInstance(regionFeature));

            yield return(Middle.GetInstance(regionFeature));

            yield return(End.GetInstance(regionFeature));
        static public In GetInstance(string aaSeq, IHashableFeature feature)
            In inFeature = new In();

            inFeature.AASeq             = aaSeq;
            inFeature.FeatureCollection = new Feature[] { (Feature)feature };
        static public InProperty GetInstance(string propertySeq, IHashableFeature subFeature)
            InProperty feature = new InProperty();

            feature.PropertySeq       = propertySeq;
            feature.FeatureCollection = new Feature[] { (Feature)subFeature };
        static public SubSeq GetInstance(int posLo, int posHi, bool fromLeft, IHashableFeature feature)
            SubSeq subSeq = new SubSeq();

            subSeq.PosLo             = posLo;
            subSeq.PosHi             = posHi;
            subSeq.FromLeft          = fromLeft;
            subSeq.FeatureCollection = new Feature[] { (Feature)feature };
        private static IEnumerable <IHashableFeature> FromOneByOne(IHashableFeature regionFeature, bool fromLeft, int length, object entity)
            string region = (string)((Feature)regionFeature).Evaluate(entity);

            for (int aa1Lo = 1; aa1Lo <= region.Length - length + 1; ++aa1Lo)
                SubSeq subSeq = SubSeq.GetInstance(aa1Lo, aa1Lo + length - 1, fromLeft, regionFeature);
                yield return(subSeq);
        internal static IsAA GetInstance(string aminoAcid, IHashableFeature featureE)
            IsAA isAA = new IsAA();

            isAA.AminoAcid = aminoAcid;
            if (featureE != null)
                isAA.FeatureCollection = new Feature[] { (Feature)featureE };
        internal static HasAAProp GetInstance(string property, IHashableFeature featureE)
            HasAAProp hasAAProp = new HasAAProp();

            hasAAProp.Prop = property;
            if (featureE != null)
                hasAAProp.FeatureCollection = new Feature[] { (Feature)featureE };
 private static void AddFeatureWithOptionalAndHlaAndST(IHashableFeature feature, bool includeAndHlaAndST, IEnumerable <IHashableFeature> hlaishEnumeration, bool checkThatNew, ref Set <IHashableFeature> featureSet)
     featureSet.Add(feature, checkThatNew);
     if (includeAndHlaAndST)
         foreach (IHashableFeature hlaishFeature in hlaishEnumeration)
             And featureAndHlaish = And.GetInstance(hlaishFeature, feature);
             featureSet.Add(featureAndHlaish, checkThatNew);
        private static void AddEiFeatures(bool includeChemicalProperties, bool includeAAFeatures, bool substractChemAACrissCrossFeatures, NEC nec, Pair <NEC, Hla> necAndHla, Set <IHashableFeature> hlaishFeatureSet, Set <IHashableFeature> featureSet)
            for (int i = 0; i < nec.E.Length; ++i)
                IHashableFeature featureE  = E.GetInstance(i + 1);
                string           aminoAcid = GetAminoAcidFromEpitopePosition(nec, i);

                if (includeAAFeatures)
                    IsAA featureAA = IsAA.GetInstance(aminoAcid, featureE);
                    Debug.Assert((bool)featureAA.Evaluate(necAndHla)); // real assert - must only generate true features

                    foreach (IHashableFeature hlaishFeature in hlaishFeatureSet)
                        if (substractChemAACrissCrossFeatures && hlaishFeature is HasAAProp)

                        And featureHlaishAndAA = And.GetInstance(hlaishFeature, featureAA);
                        Debug.Assert((bool)featureHlaishAndAA.Evaluate(necAndHla)); // real assert - must only generate true features

                if (includeChemicalProperties)
                    foreach (string property in VirusCount.KmerProperties.AaToPropList[aminoAcid])
                        HasAAProp featureAAProp = HasAAProp.GetInstance(property, featureE);
                        Debug.Assert((bool)featureAAProp.Evaluate(necAndHla)); // real assert - must only generate true features

                        foreach (IHashableFeature hlaishFeature in hlaishFeatureSet)
                            if (substractChemAACrissCrossFeatures && hlaishFeature is IsAA)

                            And featureHlaishAndAAProb = And.GetInstance(hlaishFeature, featureAAProp);
                            Debug.Assert((bool)featureHlaishAndAAProb.Evaluate(necAndHla)); // real assert - must only generate true features

            //All of the above with AA replaced by chemical property of AA
        //public static IEnumerable<IHashableFeature> GetInSubSeqEnumeration(IHashableFeature regionFeature,
        //    bool fromLeft, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, int>> startAndEndEnumeration, object entity, int littleLength)
        //    foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> startAndEnd in startAndEndEnumeration)
        //    {
        //        SubSeq subSeq = SubSeq.GetInstance(startAndEnd.Key, startAndEnd.Value, fromLeft, regionFeature);
        //        string aaSeqFull = (string)subSeq.Evaluate(entity);
        //        foreach (string aaSeqLittle in SpecialFunctions.SubstringEnumeration(aaSeqFull, littleLength))
        //        {
        //            In inFeature = In.GetInstance(aaSeqLittle, subSeq);
        //            Debug.Assert((bool)inFeature.Evaluate(entity)); // real assert - must only generate true features
        //            yield return inFeature;
        //        }
        //    }

        public static IEnumerable <IHashableFeature> GetInSubSeqEnumeration(IHashableFeature regionFeature,
                                                                            bool fromLeft, Converter <IHashableFeature, IEnumerable <IHashableFeature> > regionFeatureToSubSeqEnumeration, object entity, int littleLength)
            foreach (IHashableFeature epitopeSubSeq in regionFeatureToSubSeqEnumeration(regionFeature))
                string aaSeqFull = (string)((Feature)epitopeSubSeq).Evaluate(entity);
                foreach (string aaSeqLittle in SpecialFunctions.SubstringEnumeration(aaSeqFull, littleLength))
                    In inFeature = In.GetInstance(aaSeqLittle, epitopeSubSeq);
                    Debug.Assert((bool)inFeature.Evaluate(entity)); // real assert - must only generate true features
                    yield return(inFeature);
 public static IEnumerable <IHashableFeature> GetInPropertySubSeqEnumeration(IHashableFeature regionFeature, bool fromLeft, IEnumerable <IHashableFeature> epitopeSubSeqEnumeration, Pair <NEC, Hla> entity, int littleLength)
     foreach (IHashableFeature epitopeSubSeq in epitopeSubSeqEnumeration)
         string aaSeqFull = (string)((Feature)epitopeSubSeq).Evaluate(entity);
         foreach (string aaSeqLittle in SpecialFunctions.SubstringEnumeration(aaSeqFull, littleLength))
             foreach (List <string> propertyCombination in KmerProperties.EveryPropertyCombination(aaSeqLittle))
                 string     propertySeq = SpecialFunctions.Join(",", propertyCombination);
                 InProperty feature     = InProperty.GetInstance(propertySeq, epitopeSubSeq);
                 Debug.Assert((bool)feature.Evaluate(entity)); // real assert - must only generate true features
                 yield return(feature);
        static public List <WeightIf> GetWeights(List <IHashableFeature> featureSet, string weightsFile)
            List <WeightIf> weightIfCollection = new List <WeightIf>();
            bool            seenOffset         = false;

            using (StreamReader streamreaderWeights = File.OpenText(weightsFile))
                string sExpectedStart    = "*Added feature ";                                                                                                                                                                                   //!!!const
                string sLineWeightsStart = streamreaderWeights.ReadLine();
                SpecialFunctions.CheckCondition(sLineWeightsStart.StartsWith(sExpectedStart));                                                                                                                                                  //!!!raise error
                int cFeature = 1 + int.Parse(sLineWeightsStart.Substring(sExpectedStart.Length));                                                                                                                                               //!!!could raise error
                SpecialFunctions.CheckCondition(cFeature == 1 + featureSet.Count, string.Format("Expected contant feature to be feature #{0} features in weight file, but it is {1}. File: {2}", featureSet.Count + 1, cFeature, weightsFile)); //!!!raise error
                for (int iFeature = 0; iFeature < cFeature; ++iFeature)
                    string sLineWeight = streamreaderWeights.ReadLine();
                    SpecialFunctions.CheckCondition(sLineWeight != null); //!!! raise error
                    double rWeight = ParseWeight(sLineWeight, iFeature);

                    if (iFeature + 1 < cFeature)
                        if (rWeight != 0)
                            IHashableFeature aFeature  = featureSet[iFeature];
                            WeightIf         aWeightIf = new WeightIf(rWeight, (Feature)aFeature);
                        seenOffset = true;
                        IHashableFeature aFeature  = Logistic.AlwaysTrue;
                        WeightIf         aWeightIf = new WeightIf(rWeight, (Feature)aFeature);
                SpecialFunctions.CheckCondition(null == streamreaderWeights.ReadLine()); //!!! raise error

            SpecialFunctions.CheckCondition(seenOffset); //!!!raise error
        public static IEnumerable <IHashableFeature> GetPropertySeqInRegionInstance(int k, Pair <NEC, Hla> necAndHla, IHashableFeature regionFeature)
            NEC nec = necAndHla.First;

            string       region   = (string)((Feature)regionFeature).Evaluate(necAndHla);
            Set <string> aaSeqSet = Set <string> .GetInstance(SpecialFunctions.SubstringEnumeration(region, k));

            foreach (string aaSeq in aaSeqSet)
                foreach (List <string> propertyCombination in KmerProperties.EveryPropertyCombination(aaSeq))
                    string     propertySeq = SpecialFunctions.Join(",", propertyCombination);
                    InProperty feature     = InProperty.GetInstance(propertySeq, regionFeature);
                    Debug.Assert((bool)feature.Evaluate(necAndHla)); // real assert - must only generate true features
                    yield return(feature);
 public static IEnumerable <IHashableFeature> GetInPropertySubSeqEnumeration(IHashableFeature regionFeature, bool fromLeft, int length, Pair <NEC, Hla> entity)
     return(GetInPropertySubSeqEnumeration(regionFeature, fromLeft, FromOneByOne(regionFeature, fromLeft, length, entity), entity, length));
 public static IEnumerable <IHashableFeature> GetInSubSeqEnumeration(IHashableFeature regionFeature, bool fromLeft, int length, object entity)
     return(GetInSubSeqEnumeration(regionFeature, fromLeft,
                                   delegate(IHashableFeature regionFeatureX) { return FromOneByOne(regionFeatureX, fromLeft, length, entity); },
                                   entity, length));
        public static IEnumerable <IHashableFeature> GetAASeqInRegionInstance(int k, object entity, IHashableFeature regionFeature)
            string       region   = (string)((Feature)regionFeature).Evaluate(entity);
            Set <string> aaSeqSet = Set <string> .GetInstance(SpecialFunctions.SubstringEnumeration(region, k));

            foreach (string aaSeq in aaSeqSet)
                In inFeature = In.GetInstance(aaSeq, regionFeature);
                Debug.Assert((bool)inFeature.Evaluate(entity)); // real assert - must only generate true features
                yield return(inFeature);
 //!!!make work for any number of arguments
 public static And GetInstance(IHashableFeature boolfeature1, IHashableFeature boolfeature2)
     return(new And(boolfeature1, boolfeature2));