Example #1
        // TODO: Will need lots of validation in the actual implementation
        public object Deserialize(Type stateType, GrainReference grainReference, GrainStateEntity[] stateValues)
            var result = Activator.CreateInstance(stateType);

            // 2. Loop through all GrainStatEntities and assign them as properties
            foreach (var entity in stateValues)
                if (entity.Id.Contains("."))
                    // 2.1 If the property name contains a dot, this is a key-value collection
                    var nameParts = entity.Id.Split('.');

                    var property = stateType.GetProperty(nameParts[0]);

                    var collection = property.GetValue(result);

                    // If the property is null, create a new instance
                    if (collection == null)
                        collection = Activator.CreateInstance(property.PropertyType);
                        property.SetValue(result, collection);

                    // Deserialise the state
                    var typeofT = property.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[1];
                    var value   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(entity.State.ToString(), typeofT, _options.JsonSerializerSettings);

                    // Determine the dictionary Key
                    var key = string.Join(".", nameParts.Skip(1));

                    // Add the value to the collection
                    var dictionary = (IDictionary)collection;
                    dictionary.Add(key, value);
                    // 2.2 If the property name doesn't contain a dot, it's a top-level value
                    var property = stateType.GetProperty(entity.Id);

                    if (property != null /* TODO: Ensure property should be read */)
                        var value = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(entity.State.ToString(), property.PropertyType, _options.JsonSerializerSettings);
                        property.SetValue(result, value);

                // Store the hash of the value in the StateCache
                var cacheKey = GetCacheKey(grainReference, entity.Id);
                var hash     = _hasher.CalculateHash(entity.State.ToString());

                StateCache[cacheKey] = hash;

            // 3. Return the result