Example #1
        public IHasBinaryData PopulateFromFile(string filePath, IHasBinaryData dataObject)
            FileStream fs = null;

                fs = System.IO.File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open);
                if (fs != null)
                    byte[] bytes = new byte[fs.Length];
                    fs.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                    dataObject.Data = bytes;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (fs != null)

            return dataObject;
        public void DeleteTemporaryFile(IHasBinaryData hasBinaryData)
            string filePath = this.ConstructTempFilePath(hasBinaryData);

            //If a file already exists, delete it...
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath))
        public void Create(IHasBinaryData bd)
            string filePath = this.ConstructTempFilePath(bd);

            //If a file already exists, delete it...
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath))

            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, bd.Data);
        public IHasBinaryData Fetch(IHasBinaryData hasBinaryData)
            string path = ConstructTempFilePath(hasBinaryData);
                hasBinaryData = FileHelpers.PopulateFromFile(path, hasBinaryData);
            catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                //There is no file - therefore we consume this exception

            return hasBinaryData;
Example #5
 public bool IsFileImage(IHasBinaryData dataObject)
     return this.IsFileImage(dataObject.Data);
 public string ConstructTempFileURL(IHasBinaryData hasBinaryData)
     return RouteHelpers.TemporaryFileUrl(hasBinaryData.ID);
        public string ConstructTempFilePath(IHasBinaryData hasBinaryData)
            var absolutePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ApplicationPath"] + System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ApplicationRelativeTempFileDirectoryPath"] + "/" + hasBinaryData.ID + ".temp";

            return absolutePath;
        /// <summary>
        /// A model binder *may* have populated our model with byte data. 
        /// If so we need to temporarily persist the data, so that if need be we can access it later, if its valid
        /// If the post didnt contain byte data, we may have a temporary file still associated with this model,
        /// so we grab the data and populate the file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="fileValidationHelper"></param>
        public IHasBinaryData HandleTemporaryFile(IHasBinaryData model, IFileValidationHelper fileValidationHelper)
            bool isExistingTemporaryFile = false;

            if (model.Data == null || model.Data.Length == 0)
                //The model doesnt have any data.... lets try to grab some
                model = (UploadFilePartialViewModel)TemporaryFileStrategy.Fetch(model);
                isExistingTemporaryFile = true;

            if (model.Data == null || model.Data.Length == 0)
                //There isnt any data so we can return...
                return model;

            //is the data valid?
            if (!fileValidationHelper.IsValidFileType(model.Data))
                //Post 1: - uploads valid temporary file
                //Post 2: - uploads invalid temporary file
                //We dont want to keep the data associated with post 1, so we attempt a delete just in case..
                //The data is invalid, therefore we will remove it...
                //model.Data = null;
                //Throw an exception
                throw new InvalidFileTypeException();

            if (isExistingTemporaryFile==false)
                //Persist the file for later use if the file is the correct type

            return model;
Example #9
 public static string RenderTemporaryImage(this HtmlHelper helper, IHasBinaryData binaryData, string id, string alternateText, object htmlAttributes)
     ITemporaryFileStrategy temporaryFileStrategy = IOCHelper.GetTemporaryFileStrategy();
     string path = temporaryFileStrategy.ConstructTempFileURL(binaryData);
     string output = output = RenderImage(helper, path, id, alternateText, htmlAttributes);
     return output;