Example #1
        private bool CalcAndCheckLabelRectY(IGridState state, Structs.Size canvasSize, IMargin margin, ref SizeF strY, double valueData, StringAlignment align, double lineYPos, out Rectangle rect, out bool borderValue)
            var textX      = (int)state.LabelPadding.Left;
            var textY      = (int)(lineYPos - (strY.Height + state.LabelPadding.TopAndBottom) / 2);
            var textWidth  = (int)(margin.Left - state.LabelPadding.LeftAndRight);
            var textHeight = (int)(strY.Height + state.LabelPadding.TopAndBottom);

            if (align == StringAlignment.Far)
                // Align bottom
                rect = new Rectangle(textX, (int)(lineYPos - strY.Height - state.LabelPadding.Bottom), textWidth, textHeight);
            else if (align == StringAlignment.Near)
                // Align top
                rect = new Rectangle(textX, (int)(lineYPos), textWidth, textHeight);
                // Align center
                rect = new Rectangle(textX, textY, textWidth, textHeight);
            borderValue = valueData == this.scaleService.State.Y1 || valueData == this.scaleService.State.Y2;

            return(borderValue || (rect.Top > margin.Top + (strY.Height + state.LabelPadding.TopAndBottom) / 2 && rect.Bottom < canvasSize.Height - strY.Width - state.LabelPadding.TopAndBottom));
Example #2
        public static void CreateBaseServices(IApplicationController applicationController, IDataProviderService provider,
                                              out IGridState gridState, out IDataDrawState graphState,
                                              out IItemFormatter itemFormatter, out IMargin margin,
                                              out IDataService dataService, out IScaleService scaleService, ref IBufferedDrawingService bufferedDrawingService)
            var formView = new TestGraphControlFormView();

            margin        = formView.GraphMargin;
            itemFormatter = formView.ItemFormatter;
            var labelMargin = formView.LabelMargin;

            // Set property and Reset()
            formView.LabelMargin = labelMargin;

                                              out IBackgroundState backgroundState, out gridState, out IScaleState scaleState, out graphState, out IGraphControlFormState graphControlFormState);

                                               margin, scaleState,
                                               out dataService, out scaleService, ref bufferedDrawingService);

            if (provider != null)
Example #3
        private void DrawHorizontalLines(IGridState state, IDrawing drawing, Structs.Size canvasSize, IMargin margin, ref SizeF strY, ref double stepDataAbs, bool fromZero, bool back, bool calcWidth)
            if (stepDataAbs == 0)
                stepDataAbs = ToNearRoundStep(Axis.Y, this.scaleService.State.Y1, this.scaleService.State.Y2, state.MinGridLineDistance, canvasSize.Height, state.ItemFormatter);

            double stepData = back ? -stepDataAbs : stepDataAbs; // If we show lines from 0 and backward, change step sign

            // Calc border values in data
            CalcBorderValues(this.scaleService.State.Y1, this.scaleService.State.Y2, stepDataAbs, fromZero, back, stepData,
                             out double firstData, out double endData);

            double maxTextSize = 0;
            int    steps       = canvasSize.Width;
            int    lastTextPos = -1;

            DrawHorizontalLine(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, ref strY, this.scaleService.State.Y1, stepData, calcWidth, ref maxTextSize, StringAlignment.Far, ref lastTextPos); // First line value
            for (double valueData = firstData; ((!back && valueData < endData) || (back && valueData > endData)) && steps >= 0; valueData += stepData, steps--)
                DrawHorizontalLine(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, ref strY, valueData, stepData, calcWidth, ref maxTextSize, StringAlignment.Center, ref lastTextPos);
            if (this.scaleService.State.Y2 != this.scaleService.State.Y1)
                DrawHorizontalLine(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, ref strY, this.scaleService.State.Y2, stepData, calcWidth, ref maxTextSize, StringAlignment.Near, ref lastTextPos); // Last line value
            if (calcWidth)
                strY.Width = (float)maxTextSize > strY.Width ? (float)maxTextSize : strY.Width;
Example #4
        private void DrawHorizontalLine(IGridState state, IDrawing drawing, Structs.Size canvasSize, IMargin margin, ref SizeF strY, double valueData, double stepData, bool calcWidth, ref double maxTextSize, StringAlignment align, ref int lastTextPos)
            double y = this.scaleService.ToScreenY(valueData);

            if (y >= 0 && y <= canvasSize.Height - margin.Bottom - margin.Top)
                if (calcWidth)
                    var strValue = state.ItemFormatter.ToString(Axis.Y, new DataItem(0, valueData), stepData);
                    var strSize  = drawing.MeasureText(strValue);
                    maxTextSize = maxTextSize < strSize.Width ? strSize.Width : maxTextSize;
                    strY.Height = strSize.Height;
                    double lineYPos = canvasSize.Height - margin.Bottom - y; // Invert graphic
                    var    color    = valueData != 0 ? state.GridColor : state.AxeColor;
                    drawing.Line(color, margin.Left, lineYPos, canvasSize.Width - margin.Right, lineYPos);

                    if (CalcAndCheckLabelRectY(state, canvasSize, margin, ref strY, valueData, align, lineYPos, out Rectangle rect, out bool borderValue))
                        var strValue = state.ItemFormatter.ToString(Axis.Y, new DataItem(0, valueData), stepData);
                        drawing.Text(state.TextYColor, rect, strValue, StringAlignment.Far, align);

                        lastTextPos = rect.Top;
Example #5
        private static bool CalcAndCheckLabelRectX(IGridState state, ref Structs.Size canvasSize, IMargin margin,
                                                   ref SizeF strX,
                                                   double valueData,
                                                   double maxData,
                                                   StringAlignment align,
                                                   double lineXPos,
                                                   ref int lastTextPos,
                                                   out Rectangle rect)
            var textX = (int)(lineXPos - strX.Width / 2 - state.LabelPadding.Left);
            var textY = (int)(canvasSize.Height - margin.Bottom + state.LabelPadding.Top);

            if (align == StringAlignment.Far)
                // Align right
                rect = new Rectangle((int)(lineXPos - strX.Width - state.LabelPadding.LeftAndRight), textY, (int)(strX.Width + state.LabelPadding.LeftAndRight), (int)(strX.Height + state.LabelPadding.TopAndBottom));
                // Align center
                rect = new Rectangle(textX, textY, (int)(strX.Width + state.LabelPadding.Left + state.LabelPadding.Right), (int)(strX.Height + state.LabelPadding.Top + state.LabelPadding.Bottom));

            return((rect.Left >= lastTextPos && // Do not draw label if it will be overlapped
                    rect.Right <= canvasSize.Width - margin.Right - state.LabelPadding.LeftAndRight - strX.Width) || // Check also right max value
                   valueData == maxData);       // Always draw max scale value
        private static void CreateStateInstances(IApplicationController applicationController,
                                                 IItemFormatter itemFormatter,
                                                 IMargin labelMargin,
                                                 out IBackgroundState backgroundState,
                                                 out IGridState gridState,
                                                 out IScaleState scaleState,
                                                 out IDataDrawState graphState,
                                                 out IScalingState scalingState,
                                                 out IGraphControlFormState graphControlFormState)
            backgroundState = new BackgroundState();
            applicationController.RegisterInstance <IBackgroundState>(backgroundState);

            gridState = new GridState();
            gridState.LabelPadding  = labelMargin;
            gridState.ItemFormatter = itemFormatter;
            applicationController.RegisterInstance <IGridState>(gridState);

            scaleState = new ScaleState();
            applicationController.RegisterInstance <IScaleState>(scaleState);

            graphState = new DataDrawState();
            applicationController.RegisterInstance <IDataDrawState>(graphState);

            scalingState = new ScalingState();
            applicationController.RegisterInstance <IScalingState>(scalingState);

            graphControlFormState = new GraphControlFormState();
            applicationController.RegisterInstance <IGraphControlFormState>(graphControlFormState);
Example #7
        private void DrawVerticalLines(IGridState state, IDrawing drawing, Structs.Size canvasSize, IMargin margin, SizeF strX, ref double stepDataAbs, bool fromZero, bool back)
            if (stepDataAbs == 0)
                double minDistance = Math.Max(state.MinGridLineDistance, strX.Width + state.LabelPadding.LeftAndRight);
                stepDataAbs = ToNearRoundStep(Axis.X, this.scaleService.State.X1, this.scaleService.State.X2, minDistance, canvasSize.Width, state.ItemFormatter);

            double stepData = back ? -stepDataAbs : stepDataAbs; // If we show lines from 0 and backward, change step sign

            // Calc first data grid line
            CalcBorderValues(this.scaleService.State.X1, this.scaleService.State.X2, stepDataAbs, fromZero, back, stepData,
                             out double firstData, out double endData);

            int    steps       = canvasSize.Width;
            int    lastTextPos = 0;
            double minData     = this.scaleService.State.X1;
            double maxData     = this.scaleService.State.X2;
            double screenPos   = this.scaleService.ToScreenX(minData);

            DrawVerticalLine(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, strX, screenPos, minData, maxData, stepData, StringAlignment.Center, ref lastTextPos); // First line value
            for (double valueData = firstData; ((!back && valueData < endData) || (back && valueData > endData)) && steps >= 0; valueData += stepData, steps--)
                screenPos = this.scaleService.ToScreenX(valueData);
                DrawVerticalLine(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, strX, screenPos, valueData, maxData, stepData, StringAlignment.Center, ref lastTextPos);
            if (this.scaleService.State.X2 != this.scaleService.State.X1)
                screenPos = this.scaleService.ToScreenX(maxData);
                DrawVerticalLine(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, strX, screenPos, maxData, maxData, stepData, StringAlignment.Far, ref lastTextPos); // Last line value
Example #8
        public static void CreateBaseServices(int testPointNumber, out IGridState gridState, out IDataDrawState graphState, out IDataService dataService, out IScaleService scaleService)
            var provider = TestSinusDataProviderService.Create(testPointNumber);

            TestFactory.CreateBaseServices(null, provider,
                                           out gridState, out graphState,
                                           out IItemFormatter itemFormatter, out IMargin margin,
                                           out dataService, out scaleService);
Example #9
 private void DrawHorizontalLines(IDrawing drawing, IMargin margin, IGridState state, Structs.Size canvasSize, ref SizeF strY, ref double stepDataY)
     if (this.scaleService.State.Y1 <= 0 && this.scaleService.State.Y2 > 0)
         DrawHorizontalLines(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, ref strY, ref stepDataY, true, false, false);
         DrawHorizontalLines(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, ref strY, ref stepDataY, true, true, false);
     else if (this.scaleService.State.Y1 != this.scaleService.State.Y2)
         DrawHorizontalLines(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, ref strY, ref stepDataY, false, false, false);
Example #10
 private void DrawVerticalLines(IDrawing drawing, IMargin margin, IGridState state, Structs.Size canvasSize, SizeF strX, out double stepDataX)
     // Draw axe X and grid from axe X to left and to right
     stepDataX = 0;
     if (this.scaleService.State.X1 <= 0 && this.scaleService.State.X2 > 0)
         DrawVerticalLines(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, strX, ref stepDataX, true, false);
         DrawVerticalLines(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, strX, ref stepDataX, true, true);
     else if (this.scaleService.State.X1 != this.scaleService.State.X2)
         DrawVerticalLines(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, strX, ref stepDataX, false, false);
Example #11
        public static void CreateBaseServices(IApplicationController applicationController, IDataProviderService provider,
                                              out IGridState gridState, out IDataDrawState graphState,
                                              out IItemFormatter itemFormatter, out IMargin margin,
                                              out IDataService dataService, out IScaleService scaleService)
            applicationController = applicationController ?? GraphControlFactory.CreateController();

            IBufferedDrawingService bufferedDrawingService = null;

            TestFactory.CreateBaseServices(applicationController, provider,
                                           out gridState, out graphState,
                                           out itemFormatter, out margin,
                                           out dataService, out scaleService, ref bufferedDrawingService);
Example #12
 private void DrawAxis(IDrawing drawing, IMargin margin, IGridState state, Structs.Size canvasSize, SizeF strX, SizeF strY, double stepDataY, double stepDataX)
     if (this.scaleService.State.X1 < 0 && this.scaleService.State.X2 > 0)
         int    lastTextPos = 0;
         double valueData   = 0;
         double maxData     = this.scaleService.State.X2;
         double screenPos   = this.scaleService.ToScreenX(valueData);
         DrawVerticalLine(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, strX, screenPos, valueData, maxData, stepDataX, StringAlignment.Center, ref lastTextPos);
     if (this.scaleService.State.Y1 < 0 && this.scaleService.State.Y2 > 0)
         double maxTextSize = 0;
         int    lastTextPos = 0;
         DrawHorizontalLine(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, ref strY, 0, stepDataY, false, ref maxTextSize, StringAlignment.Center, ref lastTextPos);
Example #13
        private void MeashureLabelSizes(IDrawing drawing, IMargin margin, IGridState state, Structs.Size canvasSize, out SizeF strX, out SizeF strY, out double stepDataY)
            // For bottom offset get X string height for 0 value
            var strValueX = state.ItemFormatter.ToString(Axis.X, new DataItem(0, 0), this.scaleService.ScaleToDataX(state.MinGridLineDistance));

            strX = drawing.MeasureText(strValueX);
            strY = new SizeF();
            // For left offset find max Y string width
            stepDataY = 0;
            if (this.scaleService.State.Y1 <= 0 && this.scaleService.State.Y2 > 0)
                DrawHorizontalLines(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, ref strY, ref stepDataY, true, false, true);

                DrawHorizontalLines(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, ref strY, ref stepDataY, true, true, true);
            else if (this.scaleService.State.Y1 != this.scaleService.State.Y2)
                DrawHorizontalLines(state, drawing, canvasSize, margin, ref strY, ref stepDataY, false, false, true);
Example #14
        private static void DrawVerticalLine(IGridState state, IDrawing drawing, Structs.Size canvasSize, IMargin margin, SizeF strX, double screenPos, double valueData, double maxData, double stepData, StringAlignment align, ref int lastTextPos)
            if (screenPos >= 0 &&
                (align == StringAlignment.Center && (screenPos <= canvasSize.Width - margin.Left - margin.Right - strX.Width / 2) ||
                 (align == StringAlignment.Far && (screenPos - strX.Width <= canvasSize.Width - margin.Left - margin.Right))))
                double lineXPos = screenPos + margin.Left;
                var    color    = valueData != 0 ? state.GridColor : state.AxeColor;
                drawing.Line(color, lineXPos, margin.Top, lineXPos, canvasSize.Height - margin.Bottom);

                if (CalcAndCheckLabelRectX(state, ref canvasSize, margin, ref strX, valueData, maxData, align, lineXPos, ref lastTextPos, out Rectangle rect))
                    double linePos2 = canvasSize.Height - margin.Bottom;
                    drawing.Line(color, lineXPos, linePos2, lineXPos, linePos2 + state.LabelPadding.Top + 1);

                    var strValue = state.ItemFormatter.ToString(Axis.X, new DataItem(valueData, 0), stepData);
                    drawing.Text(state.TextXColor, rect, strValue, align, StringAlignment.Center);

                    lastTextPos = rect.Right;
Example #15
    public void Pause()
        if (CurrenteStateName == GridStates.GameOver)

        if (paused == false)
            stateBeforePause = State;
            paused = true;
            paused = false;
            State  = stateBeforePause;
        private static void CreateViewInstances(IApplicationController applicationController,
                                                IGraphControlView controlView,
                                                IDataService dataService,
                                                IScaleService scaleService,
                                                IBackgroundView userBackgroundView,
                                                IGridView userGridView,
                                                IDataView userDataView,
                                                IScalingSelectionView userScalingSelectionView,
                                                IBackgroundState userBackgroundState,
                                                IGridState userGridState,
                                                IDataDrawState userDataDrawState,
                                                out IBackgroundPresenter backgroundPresenter,
                                                out IGridPresenter gridPresenter,
                                                out IDataPresenter dataPresenter,
                                                out IScalingSelectionView scalingView)
            var backgroundView = userBackgroundView ?? new BackgroundView();

            backgroundPresenter = new BackgroundPresenter(backgroundView, userBackgroundState);
            applicationController.RegisterInstance <IBackgroundPresenter>(backgroundPresenter);

            var gridView = userGridView ?? new GridView(scaleService);

            gridPresenter = new GridPresenter(gridView, userGridState);
            applicationController.RegisterInstance <IGridPresenter>(gridPresenter);

            var dataView = userDataView ?? new DataView(scaleService, dataService);

            dataPresenter = new DataPresenter(dataView, userDataDrawState, dataService);
            applicationController.RegisterInstance <IDataPresenter>(dataPresenter);

            scalingView = userScalingSelectionView ?? new ScalingView();

            // Register IGraphControlView here
            applicationController.RegisterInstance <IGraphControlView>(controlView);
Example #17
    public void SetState(GridStates state)
        // can only set newgame when its gameover
        if(state == GridStates.NewGame)
            State = new NewGameState();

        if (CurrenteStateName == GridStates.GameOver) return;

        switch (state)
            case GridStates.ReadyForNextGroup:
                    State = new ReadyForNextGroupState(_setting, this, _groupFactory, OnDeleteEndEvent);
            case GridStates.Deleted:
                    State = new DeletedState(this);
            case GridStates.Deleting:
                    State = new DeletingState(this);
            case GridStates.Dropped:
                    State = new DroppedState(this);
            case GridStates.Dropping:
                    State = new DroppingState(this);
            case GridStates.GameOver:
                    State = new GameOverState();
            case GridStates.OnControlGroup:
                    State = new OnControlGroupState(this);
            case GridStates.OnFix:
                    State = new OnFixState(this);
            case GridStates.Paused:
                    State = new PausedState();
Example #18
    public void Pause()
        if (CurrenteStateName == GridStates.GameOver) return;

        if (paused == false)
            stateBeforePause = State;
            paused = true;
            paused = false;
            State = stateBeforePause;
Example #19
 public Grid()
     _allBlocks = new List<IBlock>();
     State = new GameOverState();
Example #20
 public Grid()
     _allBlocks = new List <IBlock>();
     State      = new GameOverState();
Example #21
    public void SetState(GridStates state)
        // can only set newgame when its gameover
        if (state == GridStates.NewGame)
            State = new NewGameState();

        if (CurrenteStateName == GridStates.GameOver)

        switch (state)
        case GridStates.ReadyForNextGroup:
            State = new ReadyForNextGroupState(_setting, this, _groupFactory, OnDeleteEndEvent);

        case GridStates.Deleted:
            State = new DeletedState(this);

        case GridStates.Deleting:
            State = new DeletingState(this);

        case GridStates.Dropped:
            State = new DroppedState(this);

        case GridStates.Dropping:
            State = new DroppingState(this);

        case GridStates.GameOver:
            State = new GameOverState();

        case GridStates.OnControlGroup:
            State = new OnControlGroupState(this);

        case GridStates.OnFix:
            State = new OnFixState(this);

        case GridStates.Paused:
            State = new PausedState();
Example #22
        private static void CreateStateInstancees(IApplicationController applicationController,
                                                  out IBackgroundState backgroundState, out IGridState gridState, out IScaleState scaleState, out IDataDrawState graphState, out IGraphControlFormState graphControlFormState)
            backgroundState = new BackgroundState();
            applicationController.RegisterInstance <IBackgroundState>(backgroundState);

            gridState = new GridState();
            applicationController.RegisterInstance <IGridState>(gridState);

            scaleState = new ScaleState();
            applicationController.RegisterInstance <IScaleState>(scaleState);

            graphState = new DataDrawState();
            applicationController.RegisterInstance <IDataDrawState>(graphState);

            graphControlFormState = new GraphControlFormState();
            applicationController.RegisterInstance <IGraphControlFormState>(graphControlFormState);
Example #23
 public GridPresenter(IGridView view, IGridState state)
     this.view  = view;
     this.state = state;