public SettingsViewModel(IGoToWindowContext context) { _context = context; _enabled = true; _updater = SquirrelContext.AcquireUpdater(); Load(); }
public GoToWindowTrayIcon(IGoToWindowContext context) { _context = context; _trayIcon = new TaskbarIcon { Icon = Properties.Resources.AppIcon, ToolTipText = "Go To Window", DoubleClickCommand = new OpenMainWindowCommand(_context), ContextMenu = CreateContextMenu() }; }
private void Application_Exit(object sender, ExitEventArgs e) { SquirrelContext.Dispose(); if (_menu != null) { _menu.Dispose(); _menu = null; } if (_context != null) { _context.Dispose(); _context = null; } if (_mutex != null) { _mutex.Dispose(); _mutex = null; } Log.Info("Application exited."); }
public ShowSettingsCommand(IGoToWindowContext context) { _context = context; }
private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { var isFirstRun = false; if(e.Args.Any() && e.Args[0].StartsWith("--squirrel")) { var cliHandler = new SquirrelCommandLineArgumentsHandler(); if (cliHandler.HandleSquirrelArguments(e.Args)) { Log.Info("Handled Squirrel arguments. Shutting down."); Current.Shutdown(1); return; } isFirstRun = cliHandler.IsFirstRun; } if (!WaitForOtherInstancesToShutDown()) { MessageBox.Show( "Another Go To Window instance is already running." + Environment.NewLine + "Exit by right-clicking the icon in the tray, and selecting 'Exit'.", "Go To Window", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information ); Log.Warn("Application already running. Shutting down."); Current.Shutdown(1); return; } // DisableWpfTabletSupport(); _context = new GoToWindowContext(); _menu = new GoToWindowTrayIcon(_context); var shortcut = KeyboardShortcut.FromString(GoToWindow.Properties.Settings.Default.OpenShortcut); _context.EnableKeyboardHook(shortcut); _context.Init(); if (shortcut.IsValid) Log.InfoFormat("Application started. Shortcut is '{0}' ({1})", shortcut.ToHumanReadableString(), GoToWindow.Properties.Settings.Default.OpenShortcut); else Log.WarnFormat("Application started with invalid shortcut. Shortcut is '{0}', reason: {1}", GoToWindow.Properties.Settings.Default.OpenShortcut, shortcut.InvalidReason); if (isFirstRun) { Log.Info("Squirrel: First run"); Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => { new FirstRunWindow(_context) {DataContext = new FirstRunViewModel()}.Show(); }); } else { _menu.ShowStartupTooltip(); } SquirrelContext.AcquireUpdater().CheckForUpdates(_context.UpdateAvailable, null); }
public OpenMainWindowCommand(IGoToWindowContext context) { _context = context; }
private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { var isFirstRun = false; if (e.Args.Any() && e.Args[0].StartsWith("--squirrel")) { var cliHandler = new SquirrelCommandLineArgumentsHandler(); if (cliHandler.HandleSquirrelArguments(e.Args)) { Log.Info("Handled Squirrel arguments. Shutting down."); Current.Shutdown(1); return; } isFirstRun = cliHandler.IsFirstRun; } if (!WaitForOtherInstancesToShutDown()) { MessageBox.Show( "Another Go To Window instance is already running." + Environment.NewLine + "Exit by right-clicking the icon in the tray, and selecting 'Exit'.", "Go To Window", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information ); Log.Warn("Application already running. Shutting down."); Current.Shutdown(1); return; } // DisableWpfTabletSupport(); _context = new GoToWindowContext(); _menu = new GoToWindowTrayIcon(_context); var shortcut = KeyboardShortcut.FromString(GoToWindow.Properties.Settings.Default.OpenShortcut); _context.EnableKeyboardHook(shortcut); _context.Init(); if (shortcut.IsValid) { Log.InfoFormat("Application started. Shortcut is '{0}' ({1})", shortcut.ToHumanReadableString(), GoToWindow.Properties.Settings.Default.OpenShortcut); } else { Log.WarnFormat("Application started with invalid shortcut. Shortcut is '{0}', reason: {1}", GoToWindow.Properties.Settings.Default.OpenShortcut, shortcut.InvalidReason); } if (isFirstRun) { Log.Info("Squirrel: First run"); Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => { new FirstRunWindow(_context) { DataContext = new FirstRunViewModel() }.Show(); }); } else { _menu.ShowStartupTooltip(); } SquirrelContext.AcquireUpdater().CheckForUpdates(_context.UpdateAvailable, null); }
public FirstRunWindow(IGoToWindowContext context) : this() { context.Showing += context_Showing; }