public DepartmentController(IGirafService giraf, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, RoleManager <GirafRole> roleManager, IAuthenticationService authentication) { _giraf = giraf; _giraf._logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("Department"); _roleManager = roleManager; _authentication = authentication; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor is called by the runtime. /// </summary> /// <param name="giraf">A reference to the GirafService.</param> /// <param name="roleManager">A reference to the... no, wait, just take a guess, eh?</param> /// <param name="loggerFactory">A reference to an implementation of ILoggerFactory. Used to create a logger.</param> /// <param name="authentication"></param> public WeekTemplateController(IGirafService giraf, RoleManager <GirafRole> roleManager, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IAuthenticationService authentication) { _giraf = giraf; _roleManager = roleManager; _giraf._logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("WeekTemplate"); _authentication = authentication; }
public AccountController( SignInManager <GirafUser> signInManager, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IGirafService giraf, IOptions <JwtConfig> configuration, RoleManager <GirafRole> roleManager, IAuthenticationService authentication) { _signInManager = signInManager; _giraf = giraf; _giraf._logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("Account"); _configuration = configuration; _roleManager = roleManager; _authentication = authentication; }
/// <summary> /// Take pictograms and choices from DTO and add them to weekday object. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if all pictograms and choices were found and added, and false otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="to">Pictograms and choices will be added to this object.</param> /// <param name="from">Pictograms and choices will be read from this object.</param> private static async Task <bool> AddPictogramsToWeekday(Weekday to, WeekdayDTO from, IGirafService _giraf) { if (from.Activities != null) { foreach (var activityDTO in from.Activities) { var picto = await _giraf._context.Pictograms .Where(p => p.Id == activityDTO.Pictogram.Id).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (picto != null) { to.Activities.Add(new Activity(to, picto, activityDTO.Order, activityDTO.State)); } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// From the given DTO, set the name, thumbnail and days of the given week object. /// </summary> /// <param name="weekDTO">The DTO from which values are read.</param> /// <param name="week">The week object to which values are written.</param> /// <param name="_giraf">An instance of the GirafService from which the database will be accessed when reading the DTO.</param> /// <returns>MissingProperties if thumbnail is missing. /// ResourceNotFound if any pictogram id is invalid. /// null otherwise.</returns> public static async Task <ErrorResponse> SetWeekFromDTO(WeekBaseDTO weekDTO, WeekBase week, IGirafService _giraf) { var modelErrorCode = weekDTO.ValidateModel(); if (modelErrorCode.HasValue) { return(new ErrorResponse(modelErrorCode.Value)); } week.Name = weekDTO.Name; Pictogram thumbnail = _giraf._context.Pictograms .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == weekDTO.Thumbnail.Id); if (thumbnail == null) { return(new ErrorResponse(ErrorCode.MissingProperties, "thumbnail")); } week.Thumbnail = thumbnail; foreach (var day in weekDTO.Days) { var wkDay = new Weekday(day); if (!(await AddPictogramsToWeekday(wkDay, day, _giraf))) { return(new ErrorResponse(ErrorCode.ResourceNotFound, "pictogram")); } week.UpdateDay(wkDay); } //All week days that were not specified in the new schedule, but existed before var toBeDeleted = week.Weekdays.Where(wd => !weekDTO.Days.Any(d => d.Day == wd.Day)).ToList(); foreach (var deletedDay in toBeDeleted) { week.Weekdays.Remove(deletedDay); } return(null); }
public StatusController(IGirafService giraf) { _giraf = giraf; }
public PictogramController(IGirafService girafController, ILoggerFactory lFactory) { _giraf = girafController; _giraf._logger = lFactory.CreateLogger("Pictogram"); }
public WeekController(IGirafService giraf, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IAuthenticationService authentication) { _giraf = giraf; _giraf._logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("Week"); _authentication = authentication; }
public static List <UserNameDTO> FindMembers(IEnumerable <GirafUser> users, RoleManager <GirafRole> roleManager, IGirafService girafService) { return(new List <UserNameDTO>( users.Select(m => new UserNameDTO( m.UserName, roleManager.findUserRole(girafService._userManager, m).Result, m.Id ) ))); }
public LogFilter(IGirafService giraf) { _giraf = giraf; }