public List <Vehicle> GetVehicles(IGetApiResponse __getResponser) { int i = 1; string next = ""; do { // Ideally API url's should come from the Web config. string url = string.Format("{0}", i); Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject pageNumber = __getResponser.GetApiRespone(url); next = pageNumber.SelectToken("next").Value <string>(); // get JSON result objects into a list IList <JToken> results = pageNumber["results"].Children().ToList(); foreach (JToken result in results) { // JToken.ToObject is a helper method that uses JsonSerializer internally Vehicle searchResult = result.ToObject <Vehicle>(); Vehicles.getInstance().insertVehicle(searchResult); } i++; } while (next != null); return(Vehicles.getInstance().getVehicles()); }
public GetApiResponse(IGetApiResponse getApiResponse) { __getAPiResponse = getApiResponse; }