Example #1
        private void UpdateExistingRole(string roleName)
            IGalleryServerRole role = Factory.LoadGalleryServerRole(roleName);

            if (role == null)
                throw new GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.InvalidGalleryServerRoleException();

            role.AllowAddChildAlbum          = chkAddAlbum.Checked;
            role.AllowAddMediaObject         = chkAddMediaObject.Checked;
            role.AllowAdministerSite         = chkAdministerSite.Checked;
            role.AllowDeleteChildAlbum       = chkDeleteChildAlbum.Checked;
            role.AllowDeleteMediaObject      = chkDeleteMediaObject.Checked;
            role.AllowEditAlbum              = chkEditAlbum.Checked;
            role.AllowEditMediaObject        = chkEditMediaObject.Checked;
            role.AllowSynchronize            = chkSynchronize.Checked;
            role.AllowViewOriginalImage      = chkViewHiResImage.Checked;
            role.AllowViewAlbumOrMediaObject = chkViewObject.Checked;
            role.HideWatermark = chkHideWatermark.Checked;

            RoleController.UpdateRoleAlbumRelationships(role, tvUC.TopLevelCheckedAlbumIds);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify that any role needed for album ownership exists and is properly configured. If an album owner
        /// is specified and the album is new (IsNew == true), the album is persisted to the data store. This is
        /// required because the ID is not assigned until it is saved, and a valid ID is required to configure the
        /// role.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="album">The album to validate for album ownership. If a null value is passed, the function
        /// returns without error or taking any action.</param>
        public static void ValidateRoleExistsForAlbumOwner(IAlbum album)
            // For albums, verify that any needed roles for album ownership are present. Create/update as needed.
            if (album == null)

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(album.OwnerUserName))
                // If owner role is specified, delete it.
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(album.OwnerRoleName))
                    album.OwnerRoleName = String.Empty;
                // If this is a new album, save it before proceeding. We will need its album ID to configure the role,
                // and it is not assigned until it is saved.
                if (album.IsNew)

                // Verify that a role exists that corresponds to the owner.
                IGalleryServerRole role = Factory.LoadGalleryServerRoles().GetRoleByRoleName(album.OwnerRoleName);
                if (role == null)
                    // No role exists. Create it.
                    album.OwnerRoleName = CreateAlbumOwnerRole(album);
                    // Role exists. Make sure album is assigned to role and owner is a member.
                    if (!role.RootAlbumIds.Contains(album.Id))
                        // Current album is not a member. This should not typically occur, but just in case
                        // it does let's add the current album to it and save it.

                    string[] rolesForUser = GetRolesForUser(album.OwnerUserName);
                    if (Array.IndexOf <string>(rolesForUser, role.RoleName) < 0)
                        // Owner is not a member. Add.
                        AddUserToRole(album.OwnerUserName, role.RoleName);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a Gallery Server Pro role corresponding to the specified parameters. Also creates the corresponding ASP.NET role.
        /// Throws an exception if a role with the specified name already exists in the data store. The role is persisted to the data store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roleName">A string that uniquely identifies the role.</param>
        /// <param name="allowViewAlbumOrMediaObject">A value indicating whether the user assigned to this role has permission to view albums
        /// and media objects.</param>
        /// <param name="allowViewOriginalImage">A value indicating whether the user assigned to this role has permission to view the original,
        /// high resolution version of an image. This setting applies only to images. It has no effect if there are no
        /// high resolution images in the album or albums to which this role applies.</param>
        /// <param name="allowAddMediaObject">A value indicating whether the user assigned to this role has permission to add media objects to an album.</param>
        /// <param name="allowAddChildAlbum">A value indicating whether the user assigned to this role has permission to create child albums.</param>
        /// <param name="allowEditMediaObject">A value indicating whether the user assigned to this role has permission to edit a media object.</param>
        /// <param name="allowEditAlbum">A value indicating whether the user assigned to this role has permission to edit an album.</param>
        /// <param name="allowDeleteMediaObject">A value indicating whether the user assigned to this role has permission to delete media objects within an album.</param>
        /// <param name="allowDeleteChildAlbum">A value indicating whether the user assigned to this role has permission to delete child albums.</param>
        /// <param name="allowSynchronize">A value indicating whether the user assigned to this role has permission to synchronize an album.</param>
        /// <param name="allowAdministerSite">A value indicating whether the user has administrative permission for all albums. This permission
        /// automatically applies to all albums; it cannot be selectively applied.</param>
        /// <param name="hideWatermark">A value indicating whether the user assigned to this role has a watermark applied to images.
        /// This setting has no effect if watermarks are not used. A true value means the user does not see the watermark;
        /// a false value means the watermark is applied.</param>
        /// <param name="topLevelCheckedAlbumIds">The top level checked album ids. May be null.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns an <see cref="IGalleryServerRole" /> object corresponding to the specified parameters.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidGalleryServerRoleException">Thrown when a role with the specified role name already exists in the data store.</exception>
        public static IGalleryServerRole CreateRole(string roleName, bool allowViewAlbumOrMediaObject, bool allowViewOriginalImage, bool allowAddMediaObject, bool allowAddChildAlbum, bool allowEditMediaObject, bool allowEditAlbum, bool allowDeleteMediaObject, bool allowDeleteChildAlbum, bool allowSynchronize, bool allowAdministerSite, bool hideWatermark, IIntegerCollection topLevelCheckedAlbumIds)

            IGalleryServerRole role = Factory.CreateGalleryServerRoleInstance(roleName, allowViewAlbumOrMediaObject, allowViewOriginalImage, allowAddMediaObject, allowAddChildAlbum, allowEditMediaObject, allowEditAlbum, allowDeleteMediaObject, allowDeleteChildAlbum, allowSynchronize, allowAdministerSite, hideWatermark);

            UpdateRoleAlbumRelationships(role, topLevelCheckedAlbumIds);


Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Make sure the list of ASP.NET roles is synchronized with the Gallery Server roles. If any are missing from
        /// either, add it.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ValidateRoles()
            List <IGalleryServerRole>    validatedRoles = new List <IGalleryServerRole>();
            IGalleryServerRoleCollection galleryRoles   = Factory.LoadGalleryServerRoles();
            bool needToPurgeCache = false;

            foreach (string roleName in GetAllRoles())
                IGalleryServerRole galleryRole = galleryRoles.GetRoleByRoleName(roleName);
                if (galleryRole == null)
                    // This is an ASP.NET role that doesn't exist in our list of gallery server roles. Add it with minimum permissions
                    // applied to zero albums.
                    IGalleryServerRole newRole = Factory.CreateGalleryServerRoleInstance(roleName, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false);
                    needToPurgeCache = true;

            // Now check to see if there are gallery roles that are not ASP.NET roles. Add if necessary.
            foreach (IGalleryServerRole galleryRole in galleryRoles)
                if (!validatedRoles.Contains(galleryRole))
                    // Need to create an ASP.NET role for this gallery role.
                    needToPurgeCache = true;

            if (needToPurgeCache)
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Persist the <paramref name="roleToSave" /> to the data store, associating any album IDs listed in <paramref name="topLevelCheckedAlbumIds" />
        /// with it. Prior to saving, validation is performed and a <see cref="GallerySecurityException" /> is thrown if a business rule
        /// is violated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roleToSave">The role to save.</param>
        /// <param name="topLevelCheckedAlbumIds">The top level album IDs. May be null.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="roleToSave" /> is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="GallerySecurityException">Thrown when the role cannot be saved because doing so would violate a business rule.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidGalleryServerRoleException">Thrown when an existing role cannot be found in the database that matches the 
        /// role name of the <paramref name="roleToSave" /> parameter.</exception>
        public static void Save(IGalleryServerRole roleToSave, IIntegerCollection topLevelCheckedAlbumIds)
            if (roleToSave == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("roleToSave");


            UpdateRoleAlbumRelationships(roleToSave, topLevelCheckedAlbumIds);

Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// In certain cases, the web-based installer creates a text file in the App Data directory that is meant as a signal to this
        /// code that additional setup steps are required. If this file is found, carry out the additional actions. This file is
        /// created in the SetFlagForMembershipConfiguration() method of pages\install.ascx.cs.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void ProcessInstallerFile()
            string filePath = Path.Combine(AppSetting.Instance.PhysicalApplicationPath, Path.Combine(GlobalConstants.AppDataDirectory, GlobalConstants.InstallerFileName));

            if (!File.Exists(filePath))

            string adminUserName;
            string adminPwd;
            string adminEmail;

            using (StreamReader sw = File.OpenText(filePath))
                adminUserName = sw.ReadLine();
                adminPwd      = sw.ReadLine();
                adminEmail    = sw.ReadLine();


            #region Create the Sys Admin role.

            // Create the Sys Admin role. If it already exists, make sure it has AllowAdministerSite permission.
            string sysAdminRoleName = Resources.GalleryServerPro.Installer_Sys_Admin_Role_Name;
            if (!RoleController.RoleExists(sysAdminRoleName))

            IGalleryServerRole role = Factory.LoadGalleryServerRole(sysAdminRoleName);
            if (role == null)
                role = Factory.CreateGalleryServerRoleInstance(sysAdminRoleName, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false);
                // Role already exists. Make sure it has Sys Admin permission.
                if (!role.AllowAdministerSite)
                    role.AllowAdministerSite = true;


            #region Create the Sys Admin user account.

            // Create the Sys Admin user account. Will throw an exception if the name is already in use.
                CreateUser(adminUserName, adminPwd, adminEmail);
            catch (MembershipCreateUserException ex)
                if (ex.StatusCode == MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateUserName)
                    // The user already exists. Update the password and email address to our values.
                    UserEntity user = GetUser(adminUserName, true);
                    ChangePassword(user.UserName, GetPassword(user.UserName), adminPwd);
                    user.Email = adminEmail;

            // Add the Sys Admin user to the Sys Admin role.
            if (!RoleController.IsUserInRole(adminUserName, sysAdminRoleName))
                RoleController.AddUserToRole(adminUserName, sysAdminRoleName);


            #region Create sample album and image

            if (!Config.GetCore().MediaObjectPathIsReadOnly)
                DateTime currentTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
                IAlbum   sampleAlbum      = null;
                foreach (IAlbum album in Factory.LoadRootAlbumInstance().GetChildGalleryObjects(GalleryObjectType.Album))
                    if (album.DirectoryName == "Samples")
                        sampleAlbum = album;
                if (sampleAlbum == null)
                    // Create sample album.
                    sampleAlbum                        = Factory.CreateAlbumInstance();
                    sampleAlbum.Parent                 = Factory.LoadRootAlbumInstance();
                    sampleAlbum.Title                  = "Samples";
                    sampleAlbum.DirectoryName          = "Samples";
                    sampleAlbum.Summary                = "Welcome to Gallery Server Pro!";
                    sampleAlbum.CreatedByUserName      = adminUserName;
                    sampleAlbum.DateAdded              = currentTimestamp;
                    sampleAlbum.LastModifiedByUserName = adminUserName;
                    sampleAlbum.DateLastModified       = currentTimestamp;

                // Look for sample image in sample album.
                IGalleryObject sampleImage = null;
                foreach (IGalleryObject image in sampleAlbum.GetChildGalleryObjects(GalleryObjectType.Image))
                    if (image.Original.FileName == Constants.SAMPLE_IMAGE_FILENAME)
                        sampleImage = image;

                if (sampleImage == null)
                    // Sample image not found. Pull image from assembly, save to disk, and create a media object from it.
                    string sampleDirPath       = Path.Combine(AppSetting.Instance.MediaObjectPhysicalPath, sampleAlbum.DirectoryName);
                    string sampleImageFilename = HelperFunctions.ValidateFileName(sampleDirPath, Constants.SAMPLE_IMAGE_FILENAME);
                    string sampleImageFilepath = Path.Combine(sampleDirPath, sampleImageFilename);

                    System.Reflection.Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                    using (Stream stream = asm.GetManifestResourceStream(String.Concat("GalleryServerPro.Web.gs.images.", Constants.SAMPLE_IMAGE_FILENAME)))
                        if (stream != null)
                            BinaryWriter bw     = new BinaryWriter(File.Create(sampleImageFilepath));
                            byte[]       buffer = new byte[stream.Length];
                            stream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)stream.Length);

                    if (File.Exists(sampleImageFilepath))
                        IGalleryObject image = Factory.CreateImageInstance(new FileInfo(sampleImageFilepath), sampleAlbum);
                        image.Title                  = "Margaret, Skyler and Roger Martin (December 2008)";
                        image.CreatedByUserName      = adminUserName;
                        image.DateAdded              = currentTimestamp;
                        image.LastModifiedByUserName = adminUserName;
                        image.DateLastModified       = currentTimestamp;



Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a role to manage the ownership permissions for the <paramref name="album"/> and user specified in the OwnerUserName
        /// property of the album. The permissions of the new role are copied from the album owner role template. The new role
        /// is persisted to the data store and the user specified as the album owner is added as its sole member. The album is updated
        /// so that the OwnerRoleName property contains the role's name, but the album is not persisted to the data store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="album">The album for which a role to represent owner permissions is to be created.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the name of the role that is created.</returns>
        public static string CreateAlbumOwnerRole(IAlbum album)
            // Create a role modeled after the template owner role, attach it to the album, then add the specified user as its member.
            // Role name: Album Owner - rdmartin - rdmartin's album (album 193)
            if (album == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("album");

            if (album.IsNew)
                throw new ArgumentException("Album must be persisted to data store before calling Util.CreateAlbumOwnerRole.");

            // Get the album title, shortened if necessary
            const int maxAlbumTitleLengthToUseInAlbumOwnerRole = 100;
            string    albumTitle = album.Title;

            if (albumTitle.Length > maxAlbumTitleLengthToUseInAlbumOwnerRole)
                albumTitle = albumTitle.Substring(0, maxAlbumTitleLengthToUseInAlbumOwnerRole);

            // Get the user name, shortened if necessary
            const int maxUsernameLengthToUseInAlbumOwnerRole = 100;
            string    userName = album.OwnerUserName;

            if (userName.Length > maxUsernameLengthToUseInAlbumOwnerRole)
                userName = userName.Substring(0, maxUsernameLengthToUseInAlbumOwnerRole);

            string roleName = String.Format("{0} - {1} - {2} (album {3})", GlobalConstants.AlbumOwnerRoleNamePrefix, userName, albumTitle, album.Id);

            if (!RoleExists(roleName))

            if (!IsUserInRole(album.OwnerUserName, roleName))
                AddUserToRole(album.OwnerUserName, roleName);

            // Remove the roles from the cache. We do this because may may have just created a user album (that is,
            // AlbumController.CreateUserAlbum() is in the call stack) and we want to make sure the AllAlbumIds property
            // of the album owner template role has the latest list of albums, including potentially the new album
            // (which will be the case if the administrator has selected a parent album of the user album in the template
            // role).

            IGalleryServerRole role = Factory.LoadGalleryServerRole(roleName);

            if (role == null)
                IGalleryServerRole roleSource = Factory.LoadGalleryServerRole(GlobalConstants.AlbumOwnerRoleTemplateName);

                if (roleSource == null)
                    roleSource = CreateAlbumOwnerRoleTemplate();

                role          = roleSource.Copy();
                role.RoleName = roleName;

            if (!role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(album.Id))

