public Dictionary <IGTKeyObject, IGTComponents> GetComponentsChangedCollection(IGTKeyObjects p_KeyObjects) { Dictionary <IGTKeyObject, IGTComponents> dicReturn = new Dictionary <IGTKeyObject, IGTComponents>(); IGTComponents gTCUComponents = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTComponents>(); try { foreach (IGTKeyObject oKeyObject in p_KeyObjects) { if (oKeyObject.Components.GetComponent(21) != null) { gTCUComponents.Add(oKeyObject.Components.GetComponent(21)); } if (oKeyObject.Components.GetComponent(22) != null) { gTCUComponents.Add(oKeyObject.Components.GetComponent(22)); } IGTComponents oCompCollection = SetComponentsChanged(gTCUComponents); if (oCompCollection.Count > 0) { dicReturn.Add(oKeyObject, oCompCollection); } } } catch { throw; } return(dicReturn); }
private void ProcessWPSync(IGTDDCKeyObject selectedObject) { try { WorkPointOperations oWorkPointOperations = null; IGTComponents gTComponents = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTComponents>(); IGTKeyObject feature = m_iGtApplication.DataContext.OpenFeature(selectedObject.FNO, selectedObject.FID); Recordset cuComponentRs = feature.Components.GetComponent(21).Recordset; if (cuComponentRs != null && cuComponentRs.RecordCount > 0) { gTComponents.Add(feature.Components.GetComponent(21)); } // Set Activity in Ancillary CU attributes if (feature.Components.GetComponent(22) != null) { Recordset acuComponentRs = feature.Components.GetComponent(22).Recordset; if (acuComponentRs != null && acuComponentRs.RecordCount > 0) { gTComponents.Add(feature.Components.GetComponent(22)); } } // Synchronize the workpoint oWorkPointOperations = new WorkPointOperations(gTComponents, feature, m_DataContext); oWorkPointOperations.DoWorkpointOperations(); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Method to set the activity attribute of the CU and ACU components /// </summary> /// <param name="selectedObject">Selected feature on map window</param> private void SetActivity(IGTDDCKeyObject selectedObject) { Recordset cuComponentRs = null; Recordset acuComponentRs = null; WorkPointOperations oWorkPointOperations = null; IGTComponents gTComponents = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTComponents>(); try { IGTKeyObject feature = m_iGtApplication.DataContext.OpenFeature(selectedObject.FNO, selectedObject.FID); // Set Activity in CU attributes cuComponentRs = feature.Components.GetComponent(21).Recordset; if (cuComponentRs != null && cuComponentRs.RecordCount > 0) { gTComponents.Add(feature.Components.GetComponent(21)); cuComponentRs.MoveFirst(); while (!cuComponentRs.EOF) { cuComponentRs.Fields["ACTIVITY_C"].Value = "A"; cuComponentRs.MoveNext(); } } // Set Activity in Ancillary CU attributes if (feature.Components.GetComponent(22) != null) { acuComponentRs = feature.Components.GetComponent(22).Recordset; if (acuComponentRs != null && acuComponentRs.RecordCount > 0) { gTComponents.Add(feature.Components.GetComponent(22)); acuComponentRs.MoveFirst(); while (!acuComponentRs.EOF) { string retiremenType = Convert.ToString(acuComponentRs.Fields["RETIREMENT_C"].Value); if (retiremenType == "1" || retiremenType == "2") { acuComponentRs.Fields["ACTIVITY_C"].Value = "R"; } acuComponentRs.MoveNext(); } } } //// Synchronize the workpoint //oWorkPointOperations = new WorkPointOperations(gTComponents, feature, m_DataContext); //oWorkPointOperations.DoWorkpointOperations(); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
private void SynchronizeWP(IGTKeyObject p_KeyObjectFeature) { try { m_oGTTransactionManager.Begin("Synchronize WorkPoints for Repeat Reconductoring Feature =" + p_KeyObjectFeature.FNO.ToString() + " FID = " + p_KeyObjectFeature.FID.ToString()); IGTComponents CUComponentsOldFeature = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTComponents>(); foreach (IGTComponent item in p_KeyObjectFeature.Components) { if (item.CNO == 21 || item.CNO == 22) { CUComponentsOldFeature.Add(item); } } WorkPointOperations obj = new WorkPointOperations(CUComponentsOldFeature, p_KeyObjectFeature, m_iGtApplication.DataContext); obj.DoWorkpointOperations(); m_oGTTransactionManager.Commit(); m_oGTTransactionManager.RefreshDatabaseChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (m_oGTTransactionManager.TransactionInProgress) { m_oGTTransactionManager.Rollback(); } throw ex; } }
public void SetComponentsChanged(IGTComponents gTChangedComponents) { Recordset rs = null; try { foreach (IGTComponent gtComp in gTChangedComponents) { rs = gtComp.Recordset; if (rs != null && rs.RecordCount > 0) { rs.MoveFirst(); while (!rs.EOF) { foreach (Field field in rs.Fields) { if (field.OriginalValue.ToString() != field.Value.ToString()) { if (!m_gtAllCUComponents.Contains(gtComp))//Added by Prathyusha { m_gtAllCUComponents.Add(gtComp); } break; } } rs.MoveNext(); } } } } catch { throw; } }
private void SynchronizeWP() { try { foreach (IGTDDCKeyObject ddcObject in m_selectedObjects) { m_oGTTransactionManager.Begin("Process Synchronize WorkPoints for Copy Ancillary =" + ddcObject.FNO.ToString() + " FID = " + ddcObject.FID.ToString()); IGTKeyObject feature = m_dataContext.OpenFeature(ddcObject.FNO, ddcObject.FID); IGTComponents CUComponentsFeature = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTComponents>(); foreach (IGTComponent item in feature.Components) { if (item.CNO == 22) { CUComponentsFeature.Add(item); } } WorkPointOperations obj = new WorkPointOperations(CUComponentsFeature, feature, m_dataContext); obj.DoWorkpointOperations(); m_oGTTransactionManager.Commit(); m_oGTTransactionManager.RefreshDatabaseChanges(); } } catch { throw; } }
public void SynchronizeWP(IGTKeyObject p_keyObject) { IGTComponents CUComponentsNewFeature = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTComponents>(); foreach (IGTComponent item in p_keyObject.Components) { if (item.CNO == 21 || item.CNO == 22) { CUComponentsNewFeature.Add(item); } } WorkPointOperations obj = new WorkPointOperations(CUComponentsNewFeature, p_keyObject, m_dataContext); obj.DoWorkpointOperations(); }
private void GetAllCUComponents(IGTKeyObject feature, ref IGTComponents allCUComponents) { try { foreach (IGTComponent component in feature.Components) { if (component.CNO == 21 || component.CNO == 22) { if (component != null) { if (component.Recordset != null && component.Recordset.RecordCount > 0) { allCUComponents.Add(component); } } } } } catch { throw; } }
public IGTComponents GetEditedCUComponents(IGTKeyObject p_KeyObject, ADODB.Recordset p_RecordSet) { IGTComponents oEditedComponentCollection = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTComponents>(); Dictionary <Int32, Int16> oDic = new Dictionary <Int32, Int16>(); bool bPrimaryGeoemtryEdited = false; bool bCommonComponentEdited = false; string sStrcurure_ID = string.Empty; bool bAncillaryEdited = false; bool bPrimaryCUEdited = false; try { if (p_RecordSet != null) { if (p_RecordSet.RecordCount > 0) { p_RecordSet.MoveFirst(); while (p_RecordSet.EOF == false) { int FID = Convert.ToInt32(p_RecordSet.Fields["g3e_fid"].Value); Int16 FNO = Convert.ToInt16(p_RecordSet.Fields["g3e_fno"].Value); int CNO = Convert.ToInt32(p_RecordSet.Fields["g3e_cno"].Value); if (CNO == 22) { oEditedComponentCollection.Add(p_KeyObject.Components.GetComponent(22)); bAncillaryEdited = true; } if (CNO == 21) { oEditedComponentCollection.Add(p_KeyObject.Components.GetComponent(21)); bPrimaryCUEdited = true; } if (CNO == 1) { bCommonComponentEdited = true; p_KeyObject.Components.GetComponent(1).Recordset.MoveFirst(); sStrcurure_ID = Convert.ToString(p_KeyObject.Components.GetComponent(1).Recordset.Fields["STRUCTURE_ID"].Value); } if (CNO.Equals(IsPrimaryGraphic(FNO))) { bPrimaryGeoemtryEdited = true; } p_RecordSet.MoveNext(); } if (bCommonComponentEdited && bPrimaryGeoemtryEdited && IsWPExist(sStrcurure_ID)) { if (p_KeyObject.Components.GetComponent(22) != null) { if (!bAncillaryEdited) { oEditedComponentCollection.Add(p_KeyObject.Components.GetComponent(22)); } } if (p_KeyObject.Components.GetComponent(21) != null) { if (!bPrimaryCUEdited) { oEditedComponentCollection.Add(p_KeyObject.Components.GetComponent(21)); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { string exMsg = string.Format("Error occurred in {0} of {1}.{2}{3}", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, this.ToString(), Environment.NewLine, ex.Message); throw new Exception(exMsg); } return(oEditedComponentCollection); }
/// <summary> /// RevertFeture : Removes CUs for a feature that has been posted as part of a WR. /// </summary> /// <param name="fno"></param> /// <param name="fid"></param> /// <param name="strFState"></param> /// <param name="isfromWP"></param> /// <param name="wpFno"></param> /// <param name="wpFid"></param> public void RevertFeture(short fno, int fid, string strFState, short isfromWP, short wpFno, int wpFid) { IGTComponent cuComponent = null; IGTComponent acuComponent = null; IGTComponents cComponents = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTComponents>(); IGTKeyObject actKeyObj = null; IGTKeyObject actWPKeyObj = null; //bool cWRid = false; bool deleteFt = false; bool unCu = false; try { actKeyObj = m_gtApplication.DataContext.OpenFeature(fno, fid); cuComponent = actKeyObj.Components.GetComponent(21); acuComponent = actKeyObj.Components.GetComponent(22); cComponents.Add(cuComponent); cComponents.Add(acuComponent); if (isfromWP == 1) { if (actKeyObj.Components["COMMON_N"].Recordset != null && actKeyObj.Components["COMMON_N"].Recordset.RecordCount > 0) { actKeyObj.Components["COMMON_N"].Recordset.MoveFirst(); strFState = actKeyObj.Components["COMMON_N"].Recordset.Fields["FEATURE_STATE_C"].Value.ToString(); } actWPKeyObj = m_gtApplication.DataContext.OpenFeature(wpFno, wpFid); } bool bActivity = true; bool bWRMatches = true; #region Case when feature state = INI and all CU and Ancillary CU components have activity I or IC foreach (IGTComponent comp in cComponents) { if (strFState == "INI") { if (comp != null && comp.Recordset != null && comp.Recordset.RecordCount > 0) { comp.Recordset.MoveFirst(); while (!comp.Recordset.EOF) { if (comp.Recordset.Fields["WR_ID"].Value.ToString() != m_gtApplication.DataContext.ActiveJob) { bWRMatches = false; break; } if (comp.Recordset.Fields["ACTIVITY_C"].Value.ToString() != "I" && comp.Recordset.Fields["ACTIVITY_C"].Value.ToString() != "IC") { bActivity = false; break; } comp.Recordset.MoveNext(); } } } } if (strFState == "INI" && bActivity && bWRMatches) { DeleteFeature(actKeyObj); return; } #endregion foreach (IGTComponent comp in cComponents) { //cWRid = false; if (strFState == "PPI" || strFState == "ABI") { #region if (comp != null && comp.Recordset != null && comp.Recordset.RecordCount > 0) { comp.Recordset.MoveFirst(); while (!comp.Recordset.EOF) { if (comp.Recordset.Fields["WR_ID"].Value.ToString() == m_gtApplication.DataContext.ActiveJob) { //cWRid = true; deleteFt = true; if (isfromWP == 1) { DeleteWorkPointCU(actKeyObj, actWPKeyObj, comp); } } else { unCu = true; } comp.Recordset.MoveNext(); } } #endregion } else if (strFState == "PPR" || strFState == "ABR" || strFState == "PPA" || strFState == "ABA") { #region if (comp != null && comp.Recordset != null && comp.Recordset.RecordCount > 0) { comp.Recordset.MoveFirst(); while (!comp.Recordset.EOF) { if (comp.Recordset.Fields["WR_ID"].Value.ToString() == m_gtApplication.DataContext.ActiveJob || Convert.ToString(comp.Recordset.Fields["WR_EDITED"].Value) == m_gtApplication.DataContext.ActiveJob) { if (isfromWP == 1) { DeleteWorkPointCU(actKeyObj, actWPKeyObj, comp); } comp.Recordset.Fields["ACTIVITY_C"].Value = ""; comp.Recordset.Update(); //cWRid = true; if (actKeyObj.Components["COMMON_N"] != null && actKeyObj.Components["COMMON_N"].Recordset != null && actKeyObj.Components["COMMON_N"].Recordset.RecordCount > 0) { actKeyObj.Components["COMMON_N"].Recordset.Fields["FEATURE_STATE_C"].Value = "CLS"; actKeyObj.Components["COMMON_N"].Recordset.Update(); } } else { unCu = true; } comp.Recordset.MoveNext(); } } #endregion } else if (strFState == "PPX" || strFState == "ABX" || strFState == "INI") { #region if (comp != null && comp.Recordset != null && comp.Recordset.RecordCount > 0) { comp.Recordset.MoveFirst(); while (!comp.Recordset.EOF) { if (comp.Recordset.Fields["WR_ID"].Value.ToString() == m_gtApplication.DataContext.ActiveJob) { //cWRid = true; if (actKeyObj.Components["COMMON_N"] != null && actKeyObj.Components["COMMON_N"].Recordset != null && actKeyObj.Components["COMMON_N"].Recordset.RecordCount > 0) { actKeyObj.Components["COMMON_N"].Recordset.Fields["FEATURE_STATE_C"].Value = "CLS"; actKeyObj.Components["COMMON_N"].Recordset.Update(); } if (isfromWP == 1) { DeleteWorkPointCU(actKeyObj, actWPKeyObj, comp); } if (Convert.ToString(comp.Recordset.Fields["ACTIVITY_C"].Value) != "") { if (comp.Recordset.Fields["ACTIVITY_C"].Value.ToString() == "I" || comp.Recordset.Fields["ACTIVITY_C"].Value.ToString() == "IC") { comp.Recordset.Delete(); } else if (comp.Recordset.Fields["ACTIVITY_C"].Value.ToString() == "R" || comp.Recordset.Fields["ACTIVITY_C"].Value.ToString() == "RC") { comp.Recordset.Fields["ACTIVITY_C"].Value = ""; comp.Recordset.Update(); } } } else { unCu = true; } comp.Recordset.MoveNext(); } } #endregion } else { m_uProcessedCUs = true; } } if (deleteFt && (strFState == "PPI" || strFState == "ABI")) { DeleteFeature(actKeyObj); } if (actWPKeyObj != null) { DeleteFeature(actWPKeyObj); } if (unCu && !deleteFt) { m_uProcessedCUs = true; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }