private static void RunSave(string[] args) { var gstin = "33GSPTN0192G1ZA"; var userid = ""; var fp = "122018"; var gsp = "GSTN"; IGSTNAuthProvider auth9 = GetAuth(gstin, gsp, userid); TestGSTR1Save2(auth9, gstin, userid, fp, "", ""); auth9.Logout(); }
private static void RunConsole(string[] args) { string gstin = "", gsp = "", userid = "", fp = "", filename = "", ctin = "", etin = ""; if ((args != null) && (args.Count() > 0) && (System.IO.File.Exists(args[0]))) { filename = args[0]; } else { System.Console.Write("Enter input filename [Press Enter for None]:"); filename = System.Console.ReadLine(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename) && (System.IO.File.Exists(filename))) { var fileContents = File.ReadAllText(filename); string[] arr = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Split(fileContents, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbCrLf); gsp = arr[0]; userid = arr[1]; gstin = arr[2]; fp = arr[3]; ctin = arr[4]; etin = arr[5]; } else { System.Console.Write("Enter GSP:"); gsp = System.Console.ReadLine(); System.Console.Write("Enter UserID:"); userid = System.Console.ReadLine(); System.Console.Write("Enter GSTIN:"); gstin = System.Console.ReadLine(); System.Console.Write("Enter FP:"); fp = System.Console.ReadLine(); System.Console.Write("Enter CTIN:"); ctin = System.Console.ReadLine(); System.Console.Write("Enter ETIN:"); etin = System.Console.ReadLine(); } System.Console.WriteLine("1=GSTR1 Get, 2=GSTR2 Get, 3=GSTR3 Get, 4=Ledger, " + "5=File with eSign, 6=CSV conversion, 7=PGP, 8=File With DSC, " + "9=GSTR1 Save, 10=GSTR2 Save, 11=GSTR3 Save, 12=Refresh Token, 13=Register DSC, " + "14=Search, 15= EWB, 16=TOKEN"); string selection = System.Console.ReadLine(); switch (selection) { case "1": IGSTNAuthProvider auth1 = GetAuth(gstin, gsp, userid); TestGSTR1Get(auth1, gstin, userid, fp); auth1.Logout(); break; case "2": IGSTNAuthProvider auth2 = GetAuth(gstin, gsp, userid); TestGSTR2Get(auth2, gstin, userid, fp); auth2.Logout(); break; case "3": TestGSTR3(gstin, gsp, userid, fp); break; case "4": TestLedger(gstin, gsp, userid, fp, "19-08-2016", "20-09-2016"); break; case "5": System.Console.Write("Enter path to license file:"); string path = System.Console.ReadLine(); System.Console.Write("Enter your Aadhar Num:"); string aadhaarnum = System.Console.ReadLine(); string transactionid = GetUIDAIOtp(path, aadhaarnum); System.Console.Write("Enter OTP:"); string otp = System.Console.ReadLine(); FileGSTR1WithESign(gstin, gsp, userid, fp, aadhaarnum, transactionid, otp); break; case "6": TestCSV(gstin, gsp, userid, fp); break; case "7": TestPGP("the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"); break; case "8": System.Console.Write("Enter your PAN:"); string pan = System.Console.ReadLine(); FileGSTR1WithDSC(gstin, gsp, userid, fp, pan); break; case "9": IGSTNAuthProvider auth9 = GetAuth(gstin, gsp, userid); TestGSTR1Save(auth9, gstin, userid, fp, ctin, etin); auth9.Logout(); break; case "10": TestGSTR2Save(gstin, gsp, userid, fp, ctin); break; case "12": IGSTNAuthProvider auth12 = GetAuth(gstin, gsp, userid); auth12.RefreshToken(); break; case "13": System.Console.Write("Enter your PAN:"); string pan2 = System.Console.ReadLine(); RegisterDSC(gstin, gsp, userid, pan2); break; case "14": SearchGSTIN(gstin, gsp, "PROD"); break; case "15": TestEWBAspOne(gstin, userid); break; case "16": TestEWBTokenKpmg(gstin, userid); break; } System.Console.WriteLine("Press any key to end this program"); System.Console.ReadKey(false); }