Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// IGDB Helper Class for Working with IGDB API efficiently for thi project.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="listDataTable">DataTable that stores all the Picked Results.</param>
 /// <param name="serviceClient">Initialized IGDB/Twitch Client</param>
 /// <param name="imgDownloadList">List that stores all the images to download.</param>
 public IgdbClass(ref DataTable listDataTable, ref IGDBClient serviceClient,
                  ref List <ImageToDownload> imgDownloadList)
     _listDataTable   = listDataTable ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(listDataTable));
     _serviceClient   = serviceClient ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceClient));
     _imgDownloadList = imgDownloadList ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(imgDownloadList));
Example #2
 public Games()
     _api = new IGDB.IGDBClient(
Example #3
        public Games()
            var IGDB_CLIENT_ID     = "suir6rwr94fhs2s3x8jcyfqfjpd6lj";
            var IGDB_CLIENT_SECRET = "a07fcbs0o7est8f2p9o6qpk09t5zfw";

            _api = new IGDB.IGDBClient(IGDB_CLIENT_ID, IGDB_CLIENT_SECRET);
            //  Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("IGDB_CLIENT_ID"),
            //  Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("IGDB_CLIENT_SECRET")
        public async Task <IActionResult> HomeAsync()
            var userid = User.Claims.FirstOrDefault().Value.ToString();

            if (userid == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("login", "LogonProfile"));
            _api = new IGDB.IGDBClient(IGDB_CLIENT_ID, IGDB_CLIENT_SECRET);
            int?Maxrating = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("MaxRating");
            int?Minrating = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("MinRating");

            if (Maxrating == null)
                HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("MaxRating", 100);
            if (Minrating == null)
                HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("MinRating", 1);

            if (TempData["gameName"] == null)
                TempData["gameName"] = "Halo";   //Test Account
            var DashboardBundle = await FetchGames((string)TempData["gameName"]);

            if (DashboardBundle.games.Count < 1)
                TempData["gameName"] = "Halo";
                return(RedirectToAction("ForbiddenError", "ErrorPages"));
            var dbUser = _dbContext.UserAccounts.FirstOrDefault(user => user.UserId == userid);

            if (dbUser == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("register", "LogonProfile"));
            //throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(dbUser));

            DashboardBundle.user = dbUser;

            HttpContext.Session.SetString("userName", DashboardBundle.user.FirstName + " " + DashboardBundle.user.LastName);

            ViewBag.filters = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "MinRating", (int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("MinRating") },
                { "MaxRating", (int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("MaxRating") },
                { "Platform", HttpContext.Session.GetString("Platform") },
                { "Genre", HttpContext.Session.GetString("Genre") }

            ViewBag.userName = HttpContext.Session.GetString("userName");

            return(View("Dashboard", DashboardBundle));
Example #5
 public PollingTwitchCategoryProvider(
     TwitchAPIClient twitchAPIClient,
     IGDBClient IGDBClient,
     SteamStoreClient steamStoreClient,
     IGameLocalizationStore gameLocalizationStore,
     IOptions <TwitchApplicationOptions> twitchOptions,
     ILogger <PollingTwitchCategoryProvider> logger)
     _twitchAPIClient  = twitchAPIClient;
     _igdbClient       = IGDBClient;
     _gameLocalization = gameLocalizationStore;
     _twitchOptions    = twitchOptions.Value;
     _logger           = logger;
Example #6
 public GrainTwitchCategoryProvider(
     IGrainFactory grainFactory,
     TwitchAPIClient twitchClient,
     IGDBClient igdbClient,
     SteamStoreClient steamStoreClient,
     IGameLocalizationStore localizationStore,
     ILogger <GrainTwitchCategoryProvider> logger)
     _grainFactory          = grainFactory;
     _twitchAPIClient       = twitchClient;
     _igdbClient            = igdbClient;
     _steamStoreClient      = steamStoreClient;
     _gameLocalizationStore = localizationStore;
     _logger = logger;
Example #7
 public TwitchCategoriesSynchronizationService(
     TwitchAPIClient twitchApiClient,
     IGDBClient igdbClient,
     SteamStoreClient steamStoreClient,
     IOptions <TwitchApplicationOptions> options,
     IGameLocalizationStore gameLocalizationStore,
     ILogger <TwitchCategoriesSynchronizationService> logger)
     _twitchAPIClient            = twitchApiClient;
     _igdbClient                 = igdbClient;
     _steamStoreClient           = steamStoreClient;
     _steamStoreClient.WebAPIKey = options.Value.SteamApiKey;
     _gameLocalization           = gameLocalizationStore;
     _options = options.Value;
     _logger  = logger;
        public async Task <List <Models.Game> > Index()
            IGDBClient igdb = new IGDBClient(

            Game[] json = igdb.QueryAsync <Game>(IGDBClient.Endpoints.Games, query: "fields id,name,summary; where category = 0 & status = 0; sort rating desc; limit 20;").Result;
            foreach (Game game in json)
                RegisterLogin.Models.Game dbgame = new RegisterLogin.Models.Game
                    GameName    = game.Name,
                    GameSummary = game.Summary


            return(await Database.Games.ToListAsync());
Example #9
 public GameService(IGDBClient igdbClient, IFileService fileService)
     _igdbClient  = igdbClient;
     _fileService = fileService;
Example #10
        public async void GetDataAndSendToDatabase()
            DateTime currentDate           = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;
            DateTime threeMonthsBehindUNIX = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddMonths(-3);
            var      firstDayMonth         = new DateTime(threeMonthsBehindUNIX.Year, threeMonthsBehindUNIX.Month, 1);
            var      unixFirst             = ConvertToUnixTime(firstDayMonth);
            var      unixCurr = ConvertToUnixTime(currentDate);

            var igdb = new IGDBClient(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CLIENT_ID"), Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SECRET"));

            using var dbcontextpopular = new gamesrankdbContext();
                //First - check if database is created, if not, stop all actions.

                //      Adding data to Top10PopularGames

                // /*>> FDR variables are holding the F.irst R.ow D.ata of selected table for checkups. <<*/ //
                Top10populargames?FRDPopular = dbcontextpopular.Top10populargames.FirstOrDefault();

                if (FRDPopular?.Updated == null) // If date in table is null we provide the thing with data and set the update row.
                    var top10PopularGames = await igdb.QueryAsync <Game>(IGDBClient.Endpoints.Games, query : "fields id, rating, rating_count, name;" +
                                                                         " sort rating_count desc;" +
                                                                         " where(rating > 60) & (rating_count > 8) & (hypes != null) & (category = 0) & (first_release_date >= " + unixFirst + ") & (first_release_date < " + unixCurr + ");" +
                                                                         " limit 10;");

                    foreach (Game game in top10PopularGames)    //Checking every thing in the top10 popular games object from IGDB API Package.
                        var TPRecord = new Top10populargames()
                            GameId      = game.Id,
                            Title       = game.Name,
                            Rating      = game.Rating,
                            RatingCount = game.RatingCount,
                            Updated     = currentDate

                    await dbcontextpopular.SaveChangesAsync();
                    DateTime LastUpdate = (DateTime)FRDPopular.Updated;
                    TimeSpan timeSpan   = currentDate.Subtract(LastUpdate);

                    if (timeSpan.TotalDays > 6)
                            dbcontextpopular.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("TRUNCATE TABLE top10populargames;"); // Working deletion of all data inside table.
                            await dbcontextpopular.SaveChangesAsync();
                        catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                            throw new Exception("Failed truncating the tables.");
                        catch (Exception)

                        var top10PopularGames = await igdb.QueryAsync <Game>(IGDBClient.Endpoints.Games, query : "fields id, rating, rating_count, name;" +
                                                                             " sort rating_count desc;" +
                                                                             " where(rating > 60) & (rating_count > 8) & (hypes != null) & (category = 0) & (first_release_date >= " + unixFirst + ") & (first_release_date < " + unixCurr + ");" +
                                                                             " limit 10;");

                        foreach (Game game in top10PopularGames)    //Checking every thing in the top10 popular games object from IGDB API Package.
                            var TPRecord = new Top10populargames()
                                GameId      = game.Id,
                                Title       = game.Name,
                                Rating      = game.Rating,
                                RatingCount = game.RatingCount,
                                Updated     = currentDate

                        await dbcontextpopular.SaveChangesAsync();

            using var dbcontextgenre = new gamesrankdbContext();
                //First - check if database is created, if not, stop all actions.

                //      Adding all genres to the Genres table

                //Second - Check if there's data, if not, then fill table up.
                Genres?FRDGenres = dbcontextgenre.Genres.FirstOrDefault();
                if (FRDGenres?.GenreId == null)
                    var genres = await igdb.QueryAsync <Genre>(IGDBClient.Endpoints.Genres, query : "fields id, name; sort name; limit 50; ");

                    foreach (Genre genre in genres)
                        var GRecord = new Genres()
                            GenreId = genre.Id,
                            Name    = genre.Name

                        await dbcontextgenre.Genres.AddAsync(GRecord);
                    await dbcontextgenre.SaveChangesAsync();

            using var dbcontextinteresting = new gamesrankdbContext();
                //First - check if database is created, if not, stop all actions.

                //      Adding data to Top15InterestingGames that has many-to-many relationship with Genres

                Top15interestinggames?FirstRowData = dbcontextinteresting.Top15interestinggames.FirstOrDefault();
                if (FirstRowData?.Updated == null)
                    var top15InterestingGames = await igdb.QueryAsync <Game>(IGDBClient.Endpoints.Games,
                                                                             query : "fields id, name, genres.name, first_release_date, url;" +
                                                                             " sort follows desc;" +
                                                                             " where follows != null & first_release_date >= " + unixFirst + ";" +
                                                                             " limit 15; ");

                    foreach (Game game in top15InterestingGames)
                        var tmp = game.Genres.Values.ToList();

                        var ReleaseDate = game.FirstReleaseDate.Value;
                        var TIRecord = new Top15interestinggames()
                            GameId           = game.Id,
                            Title            = game.Name,
                            FirstReleaseDate = ReleaseDate.UtcDateTime,
                            Url     = game.Url,
                            Updated = currentDate

                        foreach (Genre genre in tmp)
                            var genreFromDb = await dbcontextinteresting.Genres.FindAsync(genre.Id);

                            var TIGHG = new Top15interestinggamesHasGenres
                                GenresGenre = genreFromDb,
                                Top15interestinggamesGame = TIRecord


                        await dbcontextinteresting.Set <Top15interestinggames>().AddAsync(TIRecord);
                    await dbcontextinteresting.SaveChangesAsync();
                    DateTime LastUpdate = (DateTime)FirstRowData.Updated;
                    TimeSpan timeSpan   = currentDate.Subtract(LastUpdate);

                    if (timeSpan.TotalDays > 6)
                            dbcontextinteresting.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("DELETE FROM top15interestinggames_has_genres;"); // Working deletion of all data inside table.
                            await dbcontextinteresting.SaveChangesAsync();

                            dbcontextinteresting.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("DELETE FROM top15interestinggames;");
                            await dbcontextinteresting.SaveChangesAsync();

                            dbcontextinteresting.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("DELETE FROM genres;");
                            await dbcontextinteresting.SaveChangesAsync();
                        catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                            throw new Exception("Failed truncating the tables.");
                        catch (Exception)

                        //First - check if database is created, if not, stop all actions.

                        //      Adding data to Top15InterestingGames that has many-to-many relationship with Genres

                        FirstRowData = dbcontextinteresting.Top15interestinggames.FirstOrDefault();
                        if (FirstRowData?.Updated == null)
                            var top15InterestingGames = await igdb.QueryAsync <Game>(IGDBClient.Endpoints.Games,
                                                                                     query : "fields id, name, genres.name, first_release_date, url;" +
                                                                                     " sort follows desc;" +
                                                                                     " where follows != null & first_release_date >= " + unixFirst + ";" +
                                                                                     " limit 15; ");

                            foreach (Game game in top15InterestingGames)
                                var tmp = game.Genres.Values.ToList();

                                var ReleaseDate = game.FirstReleaseDate.Value;
                                var TIRecord = new Top15interestinggames()
                                    GameId           = game.Id,
                                    Title            = game.Name,
                                    FirstReleaseDate = ReleaseDate.UtcDateTime,
                                    Url     = game.Url,
                                    Updated = currentDate

                                foreach (Genre genre in tmp)
                                    var genreFromDb = await dbcontextinteresting.Genres.FindAsync(genre.Id);

                                    var TIGHG = new Top15interestinggamesHasGenres
                                        GenresGenre = genreFromDb,
                                        Top15interestinggamesGame = TIRecord


                                await dbcontextinteresting.Set <Top15interestinggames>().AddAsync(TIRecord);
                            await dbcontextinteresting.SaveChangesAsync();