private static IEnumerator GetModInfo(Mod mod) { Manifest man = null; var down = new WWW(mod.UpdateUrl); yield return(down); try { man = ManifestParser.ParseManifest(down.text.Split('\n')); } catch (Exception ex) { MDebug.WriteLine("Exception occurred while parsing update manifest for " + mod.FullName); MDebug.WriteLine("Details: " + ex); IGConsole.Log("Error occurred while updating " + mod.FullName); } if (man == null || man.Mods == null || man.Mods.Length == 0) { yield break; } var modInfo = man.Mods.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Name.Equals(mod.PackageName)); if (modInfo != null) { ModInfos[mod] = modInfo; } }
public override bool Execute(IEnumerable <string> arguments) { if (MyMod.SetUpdateRate == null) { IGConsole.Error("This command can only be used while in-game!"); return(true); } if (!arguments.Any()) { IGConsole.Log($"<b>Current update rate:</b> {MyMod.CurrentUpdateRate} tps"); return(true); } string arg = arguments.First(); if (float.TryParse(arg, out float num)) { MyMod.SetUpdateRate(num); return(true); } else { IGConsole.Error("tps must be a decimal number"); } return(false); }
private void PatchThread(IEnumerable <Mod> mods, bool hotload) { foreach (var mod in mods.Where(o => o.MultiThreadedLoad)) { LoadMod(mod, hotload); } CurrentlyLoading = null; MDebug.WriteLine("----------Done patching!----------"); if (hotload) { return; } UpdateChecker.UpdateStatus += (a, v) => { if (a) { IGConsole.Log($"<color=#00ff00>PiTUNG version {v} available!</color> Run Installer.exe or type 'update' into the console to update."); } }; ModUtilities.DummyComponent?.StartCoroutine(UpdateChecker.CheckUpdates()); foreach (var item in Mods.Concat(CheckUpdatesBeforeLoading)) { ModUtilities.DummyComponent?.StartCoroutine(ModUpdater.CheckUpdatesForMod(item, true)); } }
public override bool Execute(IEnumerable <string> arguments) { if (arguments.Count() != 1) { IGConsole.Error("Usage: find component_name"); return(false); } Assembly asm = typeof(UnityEngine.Object).Assembly; Type componentType = asm.GetType($"UnityEngine.{arguments.ElementAt(0)}"); if (componentType == null) { IGConsole.Error($"{arguments.ElementAt(0)} is not a type"); return(false); } if (!componentType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Component))) { IGConsole.Error($"{arguments.ElementAt(0)} is not a Component"); return(false); } Component[] matches = (Component[])GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(componentType); foreach (Component component in matches) { IGConsole.Log($"\"{}\" is at {component.transform.position}"); } return(true); }
public static IEnumerator CheckUpdatesForMod(Mod mod, bool update) { if (mod.UpdateUrl == null) { yield break; } yield return(GetModInfo(mod)); if (ModInfos.TryGetValue(mod, out var modInfo)) { mod.HasAvailableUpdate = modInfo.Version > mod.ModVersion; } if (mod.HasAvailableUpdate) { Bootstrapper.Instance.ModUpdatesAvailable = true; if (update) { yield return(UpdateMod(mod)); } IGConsole.Log($"<color=lime>Downloaded update for {mod.FullName}!</color> Restart TUNG to install."); } }
public static bool isButtonActive(string button) { if (!activeKeys_button.ContainsKey(button)) { IGConsole.Log(new KeyNotFoundException($"'{button}'" + " is not contained in activeKeys_button dictionary! To register another key, call registerButton(string button) first!")); } return(activeKeys_button[button]); }
public static bool isActive(KeyCode key) { if (!activeKeys_kc.ContainsKey(key)) { IGConsole.Log(new KeyNotFoundException($"'KeyCode.{key.ToString()}'" + " is not contained in activeKeys_kc dictionary! To register another key, call registerKey(KeyCode key) first!")); } return(activeKeys_kc[key]); }
public static bool isActive(string key) { if (!activeKeys.ContainsKey(key)) { IGConsole.Log(new KeyNotFoundException($"'{key}'" + " is not contained in activeKeys dictionary! To register another key, call registerKey(string key) first!")); throw new KeyNotFoundException(key + " is not contained in activeKeys dictionary! To register another key, call registerKey(string key) first!"); } return(activeKeys[key]); }
public void Init() { client = new Client(); placer = new Placer(); IGConsole.RegisterCommand(new Command_find()); IGConsole.RegisterCommand(new Command_findobj()); IGConsole.Log($"Polyglot v{ModVersion.ToString()} initialized"); }
public override bool Execute(IEnumerable <string> arguments) { IList <string> players = PlayerManager.Players.Select(o => o.Username).ToList(); players.Insert(0, Network.Username); IGConsole.Log($"<color=lime>Online players</color> (<b>{players.Count}</b>): {string.Join(", ", players.ToArray())}"); return(true); }
private static void Prefix(BoardPlacer __instance) { if (BoardPlacer.BoardBeingPlaced == null) { IGConsole.Log("null board?"); } foreach (BuildListener listener in instances) { listener.OnPlaceBoard(BoardPlacer.BoardBeingPlaced); } }
static void Postfix() { if (watch.IsRunning) { watch.Stop(); } if (!betterSave) { IGConsole.Log($"Loaded save in {watch.Elapsed.ToString()}"); } }
private void OnPlayerIDAttribution(PlayerIDAttribution packet) { if (ID.HasValue) { IGConsole.Error("Received unexpected IDAttribution"); return; } ID = packet.ID; IGConsole.Log($"ID set to {ID.Value}"); SendPacket(new IDAttibutionACK()); }
public static void WaveGoodbye(int playerId) { if (PlayersInner.TryGetValue(playerId, out var player)) { IGConsole.Log($"<color=orange>Player {player.Username} disconnected</color>"); GameObject.Destroy(player.gameObject); PlayersInner.Remove(playerId); } }
public override bool Execute(IEnumerable <string> args) { if (args.Count() == 0) { IGConsole.Log(CustomMusic.bmp.GetListOfSongs()); } else { return(false); } return(true); }
private Vector3 GetScale() { if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out var hit)) { IGConsole.Log(hit.transform.localPosition); IGConsole.Log(hit.transform.localScale); IGConsole.Log(hit.transform.localEulerAngles); ModUtilities.Graphics.CreateSphere(hit.point); } return(Vector3.back); }
public NetOutgoingMessage GetMessage(NetPeer peer) { var msg = peer.CreateMessage(); try { msg.Write(this.Serialize()); } catch (Exception ex) { IGConsole.Log(ex); } return(msg); }
public override void OnWorldLoaded(string worldName) { bmp = BetterMusicPlayer.CreateSelf(); MusicPlayer[] mps = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <MusicPlayer>(); string musicDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\music"; if (!Directory.Exists(musicDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(musicDir); } string[] musFiles = Directory.GetFiles(musicDir); foreach (string path in Directory.GetFiles(musicDir)) { string[] splitPath = path.Split('.'); string ext = splitPath[splitPath.Length - 1].ToLower(); string[] availableExtensions = { "wav", "ogg" }; if (!availableExtensions.Contains(ext)) { IGConsole.Log("[Custom Music] " + ext + " file type not supported! Try using .WAV or .OGG instead!"); } else { AudioType at = (ext == "ogg") ? AudioType.OGGVORBIS : ((ext == "mp3")?AudioType.MPEG :AudioType.WAV); UnityWebRequest uwr = UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip("file:///" + path, at); try { uwr.SendWebRequest(); while (uwr.downloadProgress != 1.0f || !uwr.isDone) { //IGConsole.Log($"[Custom Music] File {path} downloaded: {100f*uwr.downloadProgress}%"); } AudioClip ac = DownloadHandlerAudioClip.GetContent(uwr); string[] splitPath2 = path.Split('/'); bmp.AddNewTrack(splitPath2[splitPath2.Length - 1], ac); } catch (Exception e) { IGConsole.Log(e); } } } foreach (MusicPlayer mp in mps) { mp.Tracks = new AudioClip[] {} } ; bmp.BeginPlaylist(); }
public override bool Execute(IEnumerable <string> arguments) { IGConsole.Log("Disconnecting..."); Disconnect(); if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "gameplay") { UIManager.UnlockMouseAndDisableFirstPersonLooking(); SceneManager.LoadScene("main menu"); } else { IGConsole.Log("Not currently connected"); return(false); } return(true); }
private static void Connect(string address, int port) { if (connection != null && connection.Status == Status.Connected) { IGConsole.Error("Already connected, disconnect first"); return; } IGConsole.Log($"Connecting to {address}:{port}"); connection = new ClientConnection(address, port); if (!Directory.Exists(savesPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(savesPath); } DeleteSave(); SaveManager.SaveName = "multiplayer/_"; SceneManager.LoadScene("gameplay"); }
public UserModel GetByID(int id) { if (!UserCache.ContainsKey(id)) { var user = MakeRequest <UserModel>($"/user/{id}", HttpMethod.Get); if (user == null) //Error on the request, don't cache { IGConsole.Log("Dont cache user " + id); return(null); } UserCache[id] = user; } return(UserCache[id]); }
public override void Undo() { IGConsole.Log("Component SavedObject is null: " + (SavedObject == null)); SavedObjectUtilities.LoadSavedObject(SavedObject, Parent); //foreach (var item in Wires) //{ // if (item is InputInputConnection ii) // { // StuffConnector.LinkInputs(ii); // } // else if (item is InputOutputConnection io) // { // StuffConnector.LinkInputOutput(io); // } //} }
public override bool Execute(IEnumerable <string> args) { if (args.Count() < 2) { IGConsole.Log("Not enough arguments!"); return(false); } string size = string.Join(" ", args.ToArray()); //turns the array into a string try { int[] xysize = Array.ConvertAll(size.Split(' '), s => int.Parse(s)); // split the string into a string array at every space and convert that into an int array } catch (Exception ex) // Catches all exceptions { IGConsole.Log($"Error! Cant remove Label of size {size}, correct format is \"{{X size of Label}} {{Y size of Label}}\" "); return(false); } string[] file = { }; if (File.Exists($"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}/sizes_l.txt")) { file = File.ReadAllLines($"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}/sizes_l.txt"); if (file.Contains(size)) { List <string> fileList = file.ToList(); fileList.Remove(size); file = fileList.ToArray(); } else { IGConsole.Log($"Error! Cant remove Label of size {size}, It doesn't exist!"); return(false); } File.WriteAllLines($"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}/sizes_l.txt", file); } else { IGConsole.Log($"Error! Cant remove Label of size {size}, There are no custom Labels to delete!"); return(false); } IGConsole.Log($"Reomved Label of size {size} from component list. NOTE: this change will only take effect when you restart your game!!!"); return(true); }
public override bool Execute(IEnumerable <string> arguments) { if (arguments.Count() == 0) { IGConsole.Error("Usage: findobj name"); return(false); } string name = string.Join(" ", arguments.ToArray()); GameObject found = GameObject.Find(name); if (found != null) { IGConsole.Log($"{} found at {found.transform.position}"); } else { IGConsole.Error("Object not found"); } return(true); }
public static void ColorBoard(PaintBoardMenu __instance) { if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out var raycastHit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask) && raycastHit.collider.tag == "CircuitBoard") { var netObj = raycastHit.collider.GetComponent <NetObject>(); IGConsole.Log("Hit " + netObj); if (netObj == null) { return; } var color = __instance.Colors[__instance.SelectedThing]; Network.SendPacket(new PaintBoardPacket { BoardID = netObj.NetID, Color = color }); } }
private void ReceiveThread() { IGConsole.Log("Starting receiver thread"); while (status != Status.Disconnected) { if (client.Available > 0) { try { BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); Packet packet = formatter.Deserialize(client.GetStream()) as Packet; receiveQueue.Enqueue(packet); } catch (Exception e) { IGConsole.Error(e.ToString()); } } Thread.Sleep(30); } IGConsole.Log("Receiver thread stopped"); }
public static void NewPlayer(int id, string username) { if (PlayersInner.TryGetValue(id, out var player)) { player.Username = username; } else { IGConsole.Log($"<color=orange>Player {username} connected</color>"); //Instantiate a new player from the prefab var obj = MakePlayerModel(); //Add a RemotePlayer component var remotePlayer = obj.AddComponent <RemotePlayer>(); remotePlayer.Username = username; //Add it to the players registry PlayersInner.Add(id, remotePlayer); } }
public override bool Execute(IEnumerable <string> args) { if (args.Count() < 2) { IGConsole.Log("Not enough arguments!"); return(false); } string size = string.Join(" ", args.ToArray()); //turns the array into a string try { int[] xysize = Array.ConvertAll(size.Split(' '), s => int.Parse(s)); // split the string into a string array at every space and convert that into an int array ComponentRegistry.CreateNew($"{xysize[0]} x {xysize[1]} PanelLabel", $"{xysize[0]} x {xysize[1]} PanelLabel", OversizeLabels.CreatePanelLabelOfSize(xysize[0], xysize[1])); } catch (Exception ex) // Catches all exceptions { if (ex is ArgumentException) { IGConsole.Log($"Error! Cant make Label of size {size}, It already exists!"); } else { IGConsole.Log($"Error! Cant make Label of size {size}, correct format is \"{{X size of Label}} {{Y size of Label}}\" "); } return(false); } string[] file = { }; if (File.Exists($"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}/sizes_l.txt")) { file = File.ReadAllLines($"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}/sizes_l.txt"); } List <string> list = new List <string>(); list.AddRange(file); list.AddRange(new string[] { size }); file = list.ToArray(); File.WriteAllLines($"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}/sizes_l.txt", file); IGConsole.Log($"Added Label of size {size} to component list"); return(true); }
private void Init() { if (boardPlacer != null) { return; } boardPlacer = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <BoardPlacer>(); if (!boardPlacer) { IGConsole.Error("Could not find BoardPlacer"); return; } IGConsole.Log("Board placer found"); _SetChildCircuitsMegaMeshStatus = boardPlacer.GetType() .GetMethod("SetChildCircuitsMegaMeshStatus", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); if (_SetChildCircuitsMegaMeshStatus == null) { IGConsole.Error("Could not get SCCMMS method"); return; } IGConsole.Log("Got SCCMMS method"); }
public override void BeforePatch() { ComponentRegistry.CreateNew <CustomLabel>("WidePanelLabel", "Wide Panel Label", CreatePanelLabelOfSize(3, 1)); ComponentRegistry.CreateNew <CustomLabel>("TallPanelLabel", "Tall Panel Label", CreatePanelLabelOfSize(1, 3)); ComponentRegistry.CreateNew <CustomLabel>("BigPanelLabel", "Big Panel Label", CreatePanelLabelOfSize(2, 2)); // This game's sequal has been in devolpment for over 2 years. I hope the world is ready ComponentRegistry.CreateNew <CustomLabel>("CollosallyWidePanelLabel", "Collosally Wide Panel Label", CreatePanelLabelOfSize(51, 1)); ComponentRegistry.CreateNew <CustomLabel>("CollosallyTallPanelLabel", "Collosally Tall Panel Label", CreatePanelLabelOfSize(1, 51)); // On second thought, the world is still not ready to see this one // ComponentRegistry.CreateNew<CustomLabel>("TitanicPanelLabel", "Titanic Panel Label", PanelLabelOfSize(400, 700)); // add labels from file if (File.Exists($"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}/sizes_l.txt")) { string[] sizes = File.ReadAllLines($"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}/sizes_l.txt"); foreach (string size in sizes) { try { int[] xysize = Array.ConvertAll(size.Split(' '), s => int.Parse(s)); // split the string into a string array at every space and convert that into an int array ComponentRegistry.CreateNew($"{xysize[0]} x {xysize[1]} PanelLabel", $"{xysize[0]} x {xysize[1]} PanelLabel", CreatePanelLabelOfSize(xysize[0], xysize[1])); } catch (Exception ex) // Catches all exceptions { if (ex is ArgumentException) { IGConsole.Log($"Error! Cant load label of size {size} twice"); } else { IGConsole.Log($"Error! Cant load label of size {size}, correct format is \"{{X size of label}} {{Y size of label}}\" "); } } } } Shell.RegisterCommand <Add_Label>(); Shell.RegisterCommand <Remove_Label>(); }