Example #1
        public void GenerateWonderCardJob(uint year, List<int> months, int hourMin, int hourMax,
                                          Profile profile, uint shinyOffset, bool fastSearch, int listIndex, int shiny)
            uint minAdvances = generators[listIndex].InitialFrame;

            var array = new uint[80];
            array[6] = (uint) (profile.MAC_Address & 0xFFFF);

            if (profile.SoftReset)
                array[6] = array[6] ^ 0x01000000;

            var upperMAC = (uint) (profile.MAC_Address >> 16);
            array[7] = (upperMAC ^ (profile.VFrame*0x1000000) ^ profile.GxStat);

            // Get the version-unique part of the message
            Array.Copy(Nazos.Nazo(profile.Version, profile.Language, profile.DSType), array, 5);

            array[10] = 0x00000000;
            array[11] = 0x00000000;
            array[13] = 0x80000000;
            array[14] = 0x00000000;
            array[15] = 0x000001A0;

            List<List<ButtonComboType>> keypressList = profile.GetKeypresses();
            List<ButtonComboType>[] buttons = keypressList.ToArray();
            var buttonMashValue = new uint[keypressList.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++)
                buttonMashValue[i] = Functions.buttonMashed(buttons[i]);

            uint searchRange = generator.MaxResults;

            // necessary to keep track of fast searching
            // for frames 1-6

            var included = new bool[6];

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                if (i >= (generators[listIndex].InitialFrame - 1) &&
                    i < (generators[listIndex].InitialFrame + generators[listIndex].MaxResults - 1))
                    included[i] = true;
                    included[i] = false;

            foreach (int month in months)
                float interval = ((float) DateTime.DaysInMonth((int) year, month)/cpus + (float) 0.05);

                var dayMin = (int) (interval*listIndex + 1);
                var dayMax = (int) (interval*(listIndex + 1));

                string yearMonth = String.Format("{0:00}", year%2000) + String.Format("{0:00}", month);
                for (int buttonCount = 0; buttonCount < keypressList.Count; buttonCount++)
                    array[12] = buttonMashValue[buttonCount];
                    for (uint timer0 = profile.Timer0Min; timer0 <= profile.Timer0Max; timer0++)
                        array[5] = (profile.VCount << 16) + timer0;
                        array[5] = Functions.Reorder(array[5]);

                        for (int day = dayMin; day <= dayMax; day++)
                            var searchTime = new DateTime((int) year, month, day);

                            string dateString = String.Format("{0:00}", (int) searchTime.DayOfWeek);
                            dateString = String.Format("{0:00}", searchTime.Day) + dateString;
                            dateString = yearMonth + dateString;
                            array[8] = uint.Parse(dateString, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                            array[9] = 0x0;

                            // For seeds with the same date, the contents of the SHA-1 array will be the same for the first 8 steps
                            // We are precomputing those 8 steps to save time
                            // Trying to precompute beyond 8 steps is complicated and does not save much time, also runs the risk of errors

                            uint[] alpha = Functions.alphaSHA1(array, 8);

                            // We are also precomputing select portions of the SHA-1 array during the expansion process
                            // As they are also the same

                            array[16] = Functions.RotateLeft(array[13] ^ array[8] ^ array[2] ^ array[0], 1);
                            array[18] = Functions.RotateLeft(array[15] ^ array[10] ^ array[4] ^ array[2], 1);
                            array[19] = Functions.RotateLeft(array[16] ^ array[11] ^ array[5] ^ array[3], 1);
                            array[21] = Functions.RotateLeft(array[18] ^ array[13] ^ array[7] ^ array[5], 1);
                            array[22] = Functions.RotateLeft(array[19] ^ array[14] ^ array[8] ^ array[6], 1);
                            array[24] = Functions.RotateLeft(array[21] ^ array[16] ^ array[10] ^ array[8], 1);
                            array[27] = Functions.RotateLeft(array[24] ^ array[19] ^ array[13] ^ array[11], 1);

                            for (int hour = hourMin; hour <= hourMax; hour++)
                                //int seedHour = hour;
                                for (int minute = 0; minute <= 59; minute++)
                                    for (int second = 0; second <= 59; second++)
                                        array[9] = Functions.seedSecond(second) | Functions.seedMinute(minute) |
                                                   Functions.seedHour(hour, profile.DSType);

                                        ulong seed = Functions.EncryptSeed(array, alpha, 9);

                                        // Set this to our seed here
                                        generators[listIndex].InitialSeed = seed;
                                        generators[listIndex].InitialFrame = Functions.initialPIDRNG(seed, profile) +
                                                                             minAdvances + (profile.IsBW2() ? 2u : 0);

                                        if (iframes.Count > 1000000)

                                        //  This is where we actually go ahead and call our
                                        //  generator for a list of IVs based on parameters
                                        //  that have been passed in.
                                        List<Frame> frames = generators[listIndex].GenerateWonderCard(frameCompare,
                                                                                                      profile.SID, shiny);

                                        progressSearched += searchRange;
                                        progressFound += (ulong) frames.Count;

                                        //  Now we need to iterate through each result here
                                        //  and create a collection of the information that
                                        //  we are going to place into our grid.
                                        foreach (Frame frame in frames)
                                            var iframe = new IFrameCapture();

                                            iframe.Offset = frame.Number;
                                            iframe.Seed = seed;
                                            iframe.Frame = frame;
                                            iframe.Advances = iframe.Offset -
                                                              (generators[listIndex].InitialFrame - minAdvances);

                                            iframe.TimeDate =
                                            iframe.KeyPresses = buttons[buttonCount];
                                            iframe.Timer0 = timer0;

                                            lock (threadLock)

                                        if (frames.Count > 0)
                                            refreshQueue = true;
Example #2
        private void GenerateCGearCapJob(ulong mac_address, uint minEfgh, uint maxEfgh, bool fastSearch, ushort id,
                                         ushort sid)
            uint seed;
            uint searchRange = generator.MaxResults;
            List<Frame> frames;

            var included = new bool[6];

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                if ((i + 20) >= (generator.InitialFrame - 1) &&
                    (i + 20) < (generator.InitialFrame + generator.MaxResults - 1))
                    included[i] = true;
                    included[i] = false;

            if (fastSearch)
                //frames = new List<Frame>();
                //todo: reverse order of ab/efgh loop for optimization
                //  Iterate through delay range + year
                for (uint efgh = minEfgh; efgh <= maxEfgh; efgh++)
                    //  Iterate through all CD
                    for (uint cd = 0; cd <= 23; cd++)
                        for (uint ab = 1; ab <= 255; ab++)
                            //  First we need to build a seed for this iteration
                            //  based on all of our information.  This should be
                            //  fairly easy since we are not using dates ;)
                            seed = (ab << 24) + (cd << 16) + efgh;
                            seed = (uint) (seed + (mac_address & 0xFFFFFF));

                            progressSearched += searchRange;

                            for (uint i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                                if (included[i])
                                    if (list[i].ContainsKey(seed))
                                        uint ivHash = list[i][seed];
                                        frames = generator.Generate(frameCompare, seed, ivHash, i + 21);

                                        progressFound += (uint) frames.Count;

                                        foreach (Frame frame in frames)
                                            var iframe = new IFrameCapture();

                                            iframe.Offset = frame.Number;
                                            iframe.Seed = frame.Seed;
                                            iframe.Frame = frame;
                                            iframe.MACAddress = (uint) mac_address;

                                            lock (threadLock)
                                            refreshQueue = true;
                //  Iterate through all AB
                for (uint ab = 1; ab <= 255; ab++)
                    //  Iterate through all CD
                    for (uint cd = 0; cd <= 23; cd++)
                        //  Iterate through delay range + year
                        for (uint efgh = minEfgh; efgh <= maxEfgh; efgh++)
                            //  First we need to build a seed for this iteration
                            //  based on all of our information.  This should be
                            //  fairly easy since we are not using dates ;)
                            seed = (ab << 24) + (cd << 16) + efgh;
                            seed = (uint) (seed + (mac_address & 0xFFFFFF));

                            //  Set this to our seed here
                            generator.InitialSeed = seed;

                            if (iframes.Count > 1000000)

                            //  This is where we actually go ahead and call our
                            //  generator for a list of IVs based on parameters
                            //  that have been passed in.
                            frames = generator.Generate(frameCompare, id, sid);

                            progressSearched += searchRange;
                            progressFound += (uint) frames.Count;

                            //  Now we need to iterate through each result here
                            //  and create a collection of the information that
                            //  we are going to place into our grid.
                            foreach (Frame frame in frames)
                                var iframe = new IFrameCapture();

                                iframe.Offset = frame.Number;
                                iframe.Seed = seed;
                                iframe.Frame = frame;
                                iframe.MACAddress = (uint) mac_address;

                                lock (threadLock)
                                refreshQueue = true;
Example #3
        public void GenerateShinyJob(uint year, List<int> months, int hourMin, int hourMax, Profile profile,
                                     List<List<ButtonComboType>> keypressList, bool fastSearch,
                                     int listIndex)
            var rngIVs = new uint[6];

            List<ButtonComboType>[] buttons = keypressList.ToArray();
            var buttonMashValue = new uint[keypressList.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++)
                buttonMashValue[i] = Functions.buttonMashed(buttons[i]);

            uint minAdvances = shinygenerators[listIndex].InitialFrame;

            foreach (int month in months)
                int dayMax = DateTime.DaysInMonth((int) year, month);
                for (int buttonCount = 0; buttonCount < buttons.Length; buttonCount++)
                    for (int day = 1; day <= dayMax; day++)
                        for (uint Timer0 = profile.Timer0Min; Timer0 <= profile.Timer0Max; Timer0++)
                            for (int hour = hourMin; hour <= hourMax; hour++)
                                for (int minute = 0; minute <= 59; minute++)
                                    for (int second = 0; second <= 59; second++)
                                        var searchTime = new DateTime((int) year, month, day, hour, minute, second);

                                        ulong seed = Functions.EncryptSeed(searchTime, profile.MAC_Address,
                                                                           profile.Version, profile.Language,
                                                                           profile.VCount, Timer0, profile.GxStat,

                                        generators[listIndex].InitialSeed = seed >> 32;

                                        List<Frame> frames = generators[listIndex].Generate(frameCompare, profile.ID,
                                        if (frames.Count > 0)
                                            if (!frameCompare.CompareEggIVs(frames[0]))

                                        rngIVs[0] = frames[0].Hp;
                                        rngIVs[1] = frames[0].Atk;
                                        rngIVs[2] = frames[0].Def;
                                        rngIVs[3] = frames[0].Spa;
                                        rngIVs[4] = frames[0].Spd;
                                        rngIVs[5] = frames[0].Spe;

                                        shinygenerators[listIndex].RNGIVs = rngIVs;
                                        shinygenerators[listIndex].InitialSeed = seed;
                                        shinygenerators[listIndex].InitialFrame =
                                            Functions.initialPIDRNG(seed, profile) +

                                        frames = shinygenerators[listIndex].Generate(subFrameCompare, profile.ID,

                                        if (frames.Count > 0)
                                            foreach (Frame frame in frames)
                                                var iframeEgg = new IFrameCapture
                                                        Frame = frame,
                                                        Seed = seed,
                                                        Offset = frame.Number,
                                                        TimeDate = searchTime,
                                                        KeyPresses = buttons[buttonCount],
                                                        Timer0 = Timer0

                                                lock (threadLock)
                                            refreshQueue = true;
                                            progressFound = (ulong) iframesEgg.Count;
                                        progressSearched += shinygenerators[listIndex].MaxResults;
Example #4
        private void Generate(FrameGenerator generator, IEnumerable <DateTime> possibleDates, uint minFrame,
                              uint maxFrame, Profile profile, uint groupSize, uint calibratedDelay)
            const uint incrementFound = 1;
            List <List <ButtonComboType> > keypresses = profile.GetKeypresses();

            foreach (DateTime seedTime in possibleDates)
                foreach (var combo in keypresses)
                    for (uint timer0 = profile.Timer0Min; timer0 <= profile.Timer0Max; timer0++)
                        ulong seed = Functions.EncryptSeed(seedTime, profile, timer0, Functions.buttonMashed(combo));

                        generator.InitialSeed  = seed;
                        generator.InitialFrame = Functions.initialPIDRNG(seed, profile) + minFrame;
                        generator.MaxResults   = maxFrame - minFrame + 1;

                        List <Frame> frames = generator.Generate(frameCompare, 0, 0);

                        IFrameCapture previous        = null;
                        bool          previouslyAdded = false;

                        var frameGroup = new List <IFrameCapture>();
                        // quick check and if it's impossible that this is a match don't waste our time loop
                        // breaks search progress so that needs to get fixed
                        if (frames.Count < groupSize)
                        foreach (Frame frame in frames)
                            var iframe = new IFrameCapture
                                Offset     = frame.Number,
                                Seed       = seed,
                                Frame      = frame,
                                TimeDate   = seedTime,
                                Timer0     = timer0,
                                Delay      = calibratedDelay,
                                KeyPresses = combo

                            //  Calibrated delay instead of the real delay for correct CGear Times

                            if (previous != null &&
                                (iframe.Offset == previous.Offset + 1 || iframe.Offset == previous.Offset + 2))
                                if (!previouslyAdded)

                                previouslyAdded = true;
                                if (frameGroup.Count >= groupSize)
                                    lock (threadLock)
                                        foreach (IFrameCapture t in frameGroup)
                                            t.Frame.Synchable = grey;
                                        grey = !grey;
                                    refreshQueue   = true;
                                    progressFound += incrementFound;

                                frameGroup      = new List <IFrameCapture>();
                                previouslyAdded = false;
                            previous = iframe;
                        progressSearched += (uint)frames.Count;

                        if (frameGroup.Count >= groupSize)
                            lock (threadLock)
                                for (int i = 0; i < frameGroup.Count; ++i)
                                    frameGroup[i].Frame.Synchable = grey;
                                grey = !grey;
                            refreshQueue   = true;
                            progressFound += incrementFound;
Example #5
        private void Generate()
            var  profile  = (Profile)comboBoxProfiles.SelectedItem;
            uint minFrame = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxCapMinOffset.Text);
            uint maxFrame = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxCapMaxOffset.Text);

            DateTime seedTime = datePicker.Value;

            iframes = new List <IFrameCapture>();

            generator = new FrameGenerator
                FrameType     = (FrameType)((ComboBoxItem)comboBoxMethod.SelectedItem).Reference,
                EncounterType =
                EncounterMod = (EncounterMod)((ComboBoxItem)comboBoxLead.SelectedItem).Reference,
                SynchNature  = -2,
                InitialFrame = minFrame + (profile.IsBW2() ? 2u : 0),
                MaxResults   = maxFrame - minFrame + 1

            // Now that each combo box item is a custom object containing the FrameType reference
            // We can simply retrieve the FrameType from the selected item

            frameCompare = new FrameCompare(
                0, CompareType.None,
                0, CompareType.None,
                0, CompareType.None,
                0, CompareType.None,
                0, CompareType.None,
                0, CompareType.None,
                new NoGenderFilter());

            switch (generator.FrameType)
            case FrameType.Method5Standard:
                CapSeed.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "X16";
                EncounterSlot.Visible           = false;
                PID.Visible     = false;
                Shiny.Visible   = false;
                Nature.Visible  = false;
                Ability.Visible = false;
                CapHP.Visible   = true;
                CapAtk.Visible  = true;
                CapDef.Visible  = true;
                CapSpA.Visible  = true;
                CapSpD.Visible  = true;
                CapSpe.Visible  = true;
                f25.Visible     = false;
                f50.Visible     = false;
                f75.Visible     = false;
                f125.Visible    = false;

            case FrameType.Method5Natures:

                CapSeed.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "X16";
                if (generator.EncounterType != EncounterType.Stationary &&
                    generator.EncounterType != EncounterType.Gift &&
                    generator.EncounterType != EncounterType.Roamer &&
                    generator.EncounterType != EncounterType.LarvestaEgg)
                    EncounterSlot.Visible = true;
                    EncounterSlot.Visible = false;
                PID.Visible     = true;
                Shiny.Visible   = true;
                Nature.Visible  = true;
                Ability.Visible = true;
                CapHP.Visible   = false;
                CapAtk.Visible  = false;
                CapDef.Visible  = false;
                CapSpA.Visible  = false;
                CapSpD.Visible  = false;
                CapSpe.Visible  = false;
                f25.Visible     = true;
                f50.Visible     = true;
                f75.Visible     = true;
                f125.Visible    = true;

            case FrameType.BWBred:
                generator.FrameType    = FrameType.Method5Standard;
                generator.InitialFrame = 14;
                generator.MaxResults   = 7;

                CapSeed.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "X16";
                EncounterSlot.Visible           = false;
                PID.Visible     = false;
                Shiny.Visible   = false;
                Nature.Visible  = false;
                Ability.Visible = false;
                CapHP.Visible   = true;
                CapAtk.Visible  = true;
                CapDef.Visible  = true;
                CapSpA.Visible  = true;
                CapSpD.Visible  = true;
                CapSpe.Visible  = true;
                f25.Visible     = false;
                f50.Visible     = false;
                f75.Visible     = false;
                f125.Visible    = false;

            case FrameType.Wondercard5thGen:
            case FrameType.Wondercard5thGenFixed:
                CapSeed.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "X16";
                EncounterSlot.Visible           = false;
                PID.Visible     = false;
                Shiny.Visible   = false;
                Nature.Visible  = true;
                Ability.Visible = false;
                CapHP.Visible   = true;
                CapAtk.Visible  = true;
                CapDef.Visible  = true;
                CapSpA.Visible  = true;
                CapSpD.Visible  = true;
                CapSpe.Visible  = true;
                f25.Visible     = false;
                f50.Visible     = false;
                f75.Visible     = false;
                f125.Visible    = false;

            for (int seconds = (int)numericUpDownSeconds.Value * -1; seconds <= numericUpDownSeconds.Value; seconds++)
                for (uint timer0 = profile.Timer0Min - 1; timer0 <= profile.Timer0Max + 1; timer0++)
                    ulong seed = Functions.EncryptSeed(seedTime.AddSeconds(seconds), profile.MAC_Address,
                                                       profile.Version, profile.Language,
                                                       profile.DSType, profile.SoftReset, profile.VCount, timer0,
                                                       profile.VFrame, buttonValue());

                    if (seconds == 0 && timer0 == profile.Timer0Min)
                        seedMatch = seed;

                    switch (generator.FrameType)
                    case FrameType.Method5Standard:
                        generator.InitialSeed = seed >> 32;

                    case FrameType.Method5Natures:
                    case FrameType.Wondercard5thGen:
                    case FrameType.Wondercard5thGenFixed:
                        generator.InitialSeed  = seed;
                        generator.InitialFrame = Functions.initialPIDRNG(seed, profile) + minFrame;

                    List <Frame> frames = generator.Generate(frameCompare, profile.ID, profile.SID);

                    foreach (Frame frame in frames)
                        var iframe = new IFrameCapture();

                        iframe.Offset = frame.Number;
                        iframe.Seed   = seed;
                        iframe.Frame  = frame;

                        iframe.TimeDate = seedTime.AddSeconds(seconds);
                        iframe.Timer0   = timer0;


            listBindingCap = new BindingSource {
                DataSource = iframes
            dataGridViewCapValues.DataSource = listBindingCap;

            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridViewCapValues.Rows)
                if ((ulong)row.Cells[0].Value == seedMatch)
                    dataGridViewCapValues.CurrentCell = row.Cells[0];
                    dataGridViewCapValues.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = row.Index;

Example #6
        private void Generate4thGenCapJob(List<uint> hpList, List<uint> atkList,
                                          List<uint> defList,
                                          List<uint> spaList, List<uint> spdList,
                                          List<uint> speList,
                                          List<uint> natures, uint minEfgh, uint maxEfgh)
            //if the lists are null we shouldn't be searching so do nothing
            if (hpList == null || atkList == null || defList == null || spaList == null || spdList == null ||
                speList == null)

            uint incrementFound = 1;
            if (natures != null)
                incrementFound = incrementFound*(uint) natures.Count;

            foreach (uint hp in hpList)
                foreach (uint atk in atkList)
                    foreach (uint def in defList)
                        foreach (uint spa in spaList)
                            foreach (uint spd in spdList)
                                foreach (uint spe in speList)
                                    List<Frame> frames = generator.Generate(frameCompare, hp, atk, def, spa, spd, spe,
                                                                            minEfgh, maxEfgh, id, sid);

                                    foreach (Frame frame in frames)

                                        var iframe = new IFrameCapture
                                                Frame = frame,
                                                Seed = frame.Seed,
                                                Offset = frame.Number

                                        lock (threadLock)

                                        refreshQueue = true;

                                    progressSearched += incrementFound;
                                    progressFound += (uint) frames.Count;
Example #7
        private void Generate()
            var profile = (Profile) comboBoxProfiles.SelectedItem;
            uint minFrame = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxCapMinOffset.Text);
            uint maxFrame = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxCapMaxOffset.Text);

            DateTime seedTime = datePicker.Value;
            iframes = new List<IFrameCapture>();

            generator = new FrameGenerator
                    FrameType = (FrameType) ((ComboBoxItem) comboBoxMethod.SelectedItem).Reference,
                    EncounterType =
                        (EncounterType) ((ComboBoxItem) comboBoxEncounterType.SelectedItem).Reference,
                    EncounterMod = (EncounterMod) ((ComboBoxItem) comboBoxLead.SelectedItem).Reference,
                    SynchNature = -2,
                    InitialFrame = minFrame + (profile.IsBW2() ? 2u : 0),
                    MaxResults = maxFrame - minFrame + 1

            // Now that each combo box item is a custom object containing the FrameType reference
            // We can simply retrieve the FrameType from the selected item

            frameCompare = new FrameCompare(
                0, CompareType.None,
                0, CompareType.None,
                0, CompareType.None,
                0, CompareType.None,
                0, CompareType.None,
                0, CompareType.None,
                new NoGenderFilter());

            switch (generator.FrameType)
                case FrameType.Method5Standard:
                    CapSeed.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "X16";
                    EncounterSlot.Visible = false;
                    PID.Visible = false;
                    Shiny.Visible = false;
                    Nature.Visible = false;
                    Ability.Visible = false;
                    CapHP.Visible = true;
                    CapAtk.Visible = true;
                    CapDef.Visible = true;
                    CapSpA.Visible = true;
                    CapSpD.Visible = true;
                    CapSpe.Visible = true;
                    f25.Visible = false;
                    f50.Visible = false;
                    f75.Visible = false;
                    f125.Visible = false;
                case FrameType.Method5Natures:

                    CapSeed.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "X16";
                    if (generator.EncounterType != EncounterType.Stationary &&
                        generator.EncounterType != EncounterType.Gift &&
                        generator.EncounterType != EncounterType.Roamer &&
                        generator.EncounterType != EncounterType.LarvestaEgg)
                        EncounterSlot.Visible = true;
                        EncounterSlot.Visible = false;
                    PID.Visible = true;
                    Shiny.Visible = true;
                    Nature.Visible = true;
                    Ability.Visible = true;
                    CapHP.Visible = false;
                    CapAtk.Visible = false;
                    CapDef.Visible = false;
                    CapSpA.Visible = false;
                    CapSpD.Visible = false;
                    CapSpe.Visible = false;
                    f25.Visible = true;
                    f50.Visible = true;
                    f75.Visible = true;
                    f125.Visible = true;
                case FrameType.BWBred:
                    generator.FrameType = FrameType.Method5Standard;
                    generator.InitialFrame = 14;
                    generator.MaxResults = 7;

                    CapSeed.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "X16";
                    EncounterSlot.Visible = false;
                    PID.Visible = false;
                    Shiny.Visible = false;
                    Nature.Visible = false;
                    Ability.Visible = false;
                    CapHP.Visible = true;
                    CapAtk.Visible = true;
                    CapDef.Visible = true;
                    CapSpA.Visible = true;
                    CapSpD.Visible = true;
                    CapSpe.Visible = true;
                    f25.Visible = false;
                    f50.Visible = false;
                    f75.Visible = false;
                    f125.Visible = false;
                case FrameType.Wondercard5thGen:
                case FrameType.Wondercard5thGenFixed:
                    CapSeed.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "X16";
                    EncounterSlot.Visible = false;
                    PID.Visible = false;
                    Shiny.Visible = false;
                    Nature.Visible = true;
                    Ability.Visible = false;
                    CapHP.Visible = true;
                    CapAtk.Visible = true;
                    CapDef.Visible = true;
                    CapSpA.Visible = true;
                    CapSpD.Visible = true;
                    CapSpe.Visible = true;
                    f25.Visible = false;
                    f50.Visible = false;
                    f75.Visible = false;
                    f125.Visible = false;

            for (int seconds = (int) numericUpDownSeconds.Value*-1; seconds <= numericUpDownSeconds.Value; seconds++)
                for (uint timer0 = profile.Timer0Min - 1; timer0 <= profile.Timer0Max + 1; timer0++)
                    ulong seed = Functions.EncryptSeed(seedTime.AddSeconds(seconds), profile.MAC_Address,
                                                       profile.Version, profile.Language,
                                                       profile.DSType, profile.SoftReset, profile.VCount, timer0,
                                                       profile.VFrame, buttonValue());

                    if (seconds == 0 && timer0 == profile.Timer0Min)
                        seedMatch = seed;

                    switch (generator.FrameType)
                        case FrameType.Method5Standard:
                            generator.InitialSeed = seed >> 32;
                        case FrameType.Method5Natures:
                        case FrameType.Wondercard5thGen:
                        case FrameType.Wondercard5thGenFixed:
                            generator.InitialSeed = seed;
                            generator.InitialFrame = Functions.initialPIDRNG(seed, profile) + minFrame;

                    List<Frame> frames = generator.Generate(frameCompare, profile.ID, profile.SID);

                    foreach (Frame frame in frames)
                        var iframe = new IFrameCapture();

                        iframe.Offset = frame.Number;
                        iframe.Seed = seed;
                        iframe.Frame = frame;

                        iframe.TimeDate = seedTime.AddSeconds(seconds);
                        iframe.Timer0 = timer0;


            listBindingCap = new BindingSource {DataSource = iframes};
            dataGridViewCapValues.DataSource = listBindingCap;

            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridViewCapValues.Rows)
                if ((ulong) row.Cells[0].Value == seedMatch)
                    dataGridViewCapValues.CurrentCell = row.Cells[0];
                    dataGridViewCapValues.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = row.Index;

        private void Generate(FrameGenerator generator, IEnumerable<DateTime> possibleDates, uint minFrame,
                              uint maxFrame, Profile profile, uint groupSize, uint calibratedDelay)
            const uint incrementFound = 1;
            List<List<ButtonComboType>> keypresses = profile.GetKeypresses();

            foreach (DateTime seedTime in possibleDates)
                foreach (var combo in keypresses)
                    for (uint timer0 = profile.Timer0Min; timer0 <= profile.Timer0Max; timer0++)
                        ulong seed = Functions.EncryptSeed(seedTime, profile, timer0, Functions.buttonMashed(combo));

                        generator.InitialSeed = seed;
                        generator.InitialFrame = Functions.initialPIDRNG(seed, profile) + minFrame;
                        generator.MaxResults = maxFrame - minFrame + 1;

                        List<Frame> frames = generator.Generate(frameCompare, 0, 0);

                        IFrameCapture previous = null;
                        bool previouslyAdded = false;

                        var frameGroup = new List<IFrameCapture>();
                        // quick check and if it's impossible that this is a match don't waste our time loop
                        // breaks search progress so that needs to get fixed
                        if (frames.Count < groupSize) continue;
                        foreach (Frame frame in frames)
                            var iframe = new IFrameCapture
                                    Offset = frame.Number,
                                    Seed = seed,
                                    Frame = frame,
                                    TimeDate = seedTime,
                                    Timer0 = timer0,
                                    Delay = calibratedDelay,
                                    KeyPresses = combo

                            //  Calibrated delay instead of the real delay for correct CGear Times

                            if (previous != null &&
                                (iframe.Offset == previous.Offset + 1 || iframe.Offset == previous.Offset + 2))
                                if (!previouslyAdded)

                                previouslyAdded = true;
                                if (frameGroup.Count >= groupSize)
                                    lock (threadLock)
                                        foreach (IFrameCapture t in frameGroup)
                                            t.Frame.Synchable = grey;
                                        grey = !grey;
                                    refreshQueue = true;
                                    progressFound += incrementFound;

                                frameGroup = new List<IFrameCapture>();
                                previouslyAdded = false;
                            previous = iframe;
                        progressSearched += (uint) frames.Count;

                        if (frameGroup.Count >= groupSize)
                            lock (threadLock)
                                for (int i = 0; i < frameGroup.Count; ++i)
                                    frameGroup[i].Frame.Synchable = grey;
                                grey = !grey;
                            refreshQueue = true;
                            progressFound += incrementFound;