public void LogoutEMail() { IBrowser b = this.browser.GetBrowser(); IFrame frame = b.GetFrame("emailLogin"); frame.EvaluateScriptAsync("App.logout();"); }
bool IContextMenuHandler.OnContextMenuCommand(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IContextMenuParams parameters, CefMenuCommand commandId, CefEventFlags eventFlags) { //if ((int)commandId == ShowDevTools) //{ // browser.ShowDevTools(); //} //if ((int)commandId == CloseDevTools) //{ // browser.CloseDevTools(); //} if ((int)commandId == ShowFind) { showFind(); } else if ((int)commandId == CopyUrl) { System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(browser.MainFrame.Url); } frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(scriptWithMousePos(parameters.XCoord, parameters.YCoord)).ContinueWith(async(resp) => { var r = await resp; if (r.Success) { //MessageBox.Show(r.Result.ToString()); } }); return(false); }
bool IJsDialogHandler.OnJSDialog(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, string originUrl, string acceptLang, CefJsDialogType dialogType, string messageText, string defaultPromptText, IJsDialogCallback callback, ref bool suppressMessage) { if (messageText == "欢迎登录邮箱") { IFrame frame = browser.GetFrame("emailLogin"); Match mUrl = Regex.Match(frame.Url, @"(http:\/\/" + SysParams.MailWeb + @"\/)(\?login\=1)?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (mUrl.Groups[1].Success) { if (mUrl.Groups[2].Success) { string js = string.Format(@"document.getElementById('selenium_login_email').value='{0}';", mailAccount); js += string.Format(@"document.getElementById('selenium_login_password').value='{0}';", mailPassWord); js += @"document.getElementById('selenium_login_signin_button').click();"; frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(js); } else { //LoadUrl(string.Format(SysParams.Page_PersonalInfo, SysParams.AppServer, "123")); } } //suppressMessage = false; //return true; } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Determine if the frame contains an element with the specified id. /// </summary> /// <param name="frame">Test the elements in this frame.</param> /// <param name="id">The id to find.</param> /// <returns>True if an element with the specified id exists in the frame.</returns> public static async Task <bool> ElementWithIdExists(this IFrame frame, string id) { if (frame == null) { throw new ArgumentException("An IFrame instance is required.", "frame"); } var script = @"(function () { var n = document.getElementById('##ID##'); return n !== null && typeof n !== 'undefined'; })();"; // For simple inline scripts you could use String.Format() but // beware of braces in the javascript code. If reading from a file // it's probably safer to include tokens that can be replaced via // regex. script = Regex.Replace(script, "##ID##", id); var response = await frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(script); if (!response.Success) { throw new Exception(response.Message); } return((bool)response.Result); }
public Task <JavascriptResponse> ExecJs(IFrame frame, string text) { if (frame == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { Log.ShowLog(TAG, "do not run this js"); return(null); } Log.ShowLog(TAG, "exec js on url " + frame.Url + "\n" + "js: " + text); var task = frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(text, null); if (task != null) { // task.Wait(); if (!task.IsFaulted) { return(task); } } return(null); //task.ContinueWith(t => //{ // if (!t.IsFaulted) // { // var response = t.Result; // Log.ShowLog(TAG, "response:" + response.Result + " Message :" + // response.Message + " success:" + response.Success); // } //}); }
public static async Task <bool> OpenLogicPage(this IFrame frame) { if (frame == null) { throw new ArgumentException("An IFrame instance is required.", "frame"); } // Scripts should be minified for production builds. The script // could also be read from a file... const string script = @"(function () { var success = true; var logiclink = document.getElementsByName('pctbsy_index_ljdl_01'); if ((logiclink != null) && (logiclink[0] != null)) logiclink[0].click(); return success; })();"; var response = await frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(script); if (!response.Success) { throw new Exception(response.Message); } return((bool)response.Result); }
public static async Task <bool> GangBengKamiOk(this IFrame frame) { if (frame == null) { throw new ArgumentException("An IFrame instance is required.", "frame"); } // Scripts should be minified for production builds. The script // could also be read from a file... string script = @"(function () { var success = true; var okbtns = document.getElementsByClassName('ui-btn'); if(okbtns!= null) okbtns[0].click(); return success; })();"; var response = await frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(script); if (!response.Success) { throw new Exception(response.Message); } return((bool)response.Result); }
public static async Task <bool> EnableJQ(IFrame frame) { var t = await frame.EvaluateScriptAsync( @"(function(){ if(typeof jQuery == 'undefined')return false; else return true; }());" ).ContinueWith(result => { if (result != null && result.Result.Success) { try { return((bool)result.Result.Result); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } } return(false); }); Console.WriteLine("Supoort JQ =" + t); return(t); }
public static async Task <TaskResult <string> > isFrameContentBlocked(IFrame frame, TimeSpan readTimeout) { TaskResult <string> result = new TaskResult <string>(""); bool isBlocked = false; if (frame.IsValid && frame.Url != FilteredCommon.Filtering.FilteringFlow.blockedDevUrl) { try { var headerRes = await frame.EvaluateScriptAsync( FilteredCommon.Filtering.FilteringFlow.evalHead, timeout : readTimeout ); var bodyRes = await frame.EvaluateScriptAsync( FilteredCommon.Filtering.FilteringFlow.evalBody, timeout : readTimeout ); if (headerRes.Success && bodyRes.Success) { // No time block in content!! Let loaded data before curfew stay! string finalResaon = ""; isBlocked = FilteredCommon.Filtering.FilteringFlow.isHTMLPageBlocked( BrowserForm.httpPolicy, headerRes.Result as string, bodyRes.Result as string, out finalResaon ); if (isBlocked) { finalResaon += " <br /> Source frame url: " + frame.Url; result.Sucess = true; result.Result = finalResaon; } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Do nothing? } } return(result); }
public static async Task <string> ReadTongGangKamiResult(this IFrame frame) { if (frame == null) { throw new ArgumentException("An IFrame instance is required.", "frame"); } // Scripts should be minified for production builds. The script // could also be read from a file... string script = @"(function () { var Success = true; var Message = null; //处理结果 //抱歉,兑换码不存在 //抱歉,兑换码已使用 var resulterrordlg = document.getElementsByClassName('dialog result Copper hide'); //兑换码余额100.00 手续费1.00 本月已获取10次 var resultokdlg = document.getElementsByClassName('dialog double Copper hide'); if ((resulterrordlg != null) && (resulterrordlg[0].style.display == 'block')) { var msg = resulterrordlg[0].getElementsByClassName('res'); if ((msg != null) && (msg[0] != null)) Message = msg[0].innerText; var okbtn = resulterrordlg[0].getElementsByClassName('confirm'); if ((okbtn != null) && (okbtn[0] != null)) okbtn[0].click(); } else if ((resultokdlg != null) && (resultokdlg[0].style.display == 'block')) { var msg = resultokdlg[0].getElementsByClassName('res'); if ((msg != null) && (msg[0] != null)) Message = msg[0].innerText; var okbtn = resultokdlg[0].getElementsByClassName('confirm'); if ((okbtn != null) && (okbtn[0] != null)) okbtn[0].click(); Success = false; } return Message; })();"; var response = await frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(script); if (!response.Success) { throw new Exception(response.Message); } return((string)(response.Result)); }
public static object EvaluateScript(this IFrame Frame, string Script) { if (Program.Debug) { Program.Writer?.WriteLine("EVAL At: {0}\r\nScript: {1}", Frame.Url, Script); } Frame.WaitForLoad(); return(Frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(Script).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Result); }
private static void ExecuteScriptInMainFrameSafe(IBrowser browser, string script, string url) { if (browser.IsDisposed) { return; } IFrame mainFrame = browser.MainFrame; if (mainFrame.IsDisposed) { return; } mainFrame.EvaluateScriptAsync(script, url, 1, new TimeSpan?()); }
public static bool IsLoading(this IFrame Frame) { if (Frame.Browser.IsLoading) { return(true); } var Status = (string)Frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(Properties.Resources.GetDocumentStatus).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Result; if (Status?.Trim().ToLower() == "complete") { return(false); } return(true); }
private string RunScript(string script) { script = "(function() " + "{ " + script + "})();"; string result = (string)frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(script, null)?.Result?.Result; if (result == null) { this.Invoke(new Action(() => textBox1.AppendText("Failed to run the script: " + script + Environment.NewLine))); throw new Exception(""); } return(result); }
private Task <JavascriptResponse> test() { // function myFunction() //{ // return document.getElementById('kw').value; // } // myFunction(); var jspstring = jsptext.Text; Log.ShowLog(TAG, "jsptext is : " + jspstring); var selecturl = framecheckboxlist.SelectedItem; if (selecturl == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(selecturl.ToString())) { return(null); } var identifiers = browser.GetBrowser().GetFrameIdentifiers(); IFrame frame = null; foreach (var i in identifiers) { if (browser.GetBrowser().GetFrame(i).Url.Equals(selecturl)) { frame = browser.GetBrowser().GetFrame(i); } } var task = frame?.EvaluateScriptAsync(jspstring, null); // task?.Wait(); Log.ShowLog(TAG, "task run end"); //task?.ContinueWith(t => //{ // if (!t.IsFaulted) // { // var response = t.Result; // Log.ShowLog(TAG, "response:" + response.Result + " Message :" + // response.Message + " success:" + response.Success); // } //}); return(task); }
public static async Task <bool> InputGangBengKami(this IFrame frame, string kami0, string kami1, string kami2, string kami3) { if (frame == null) { throw new ArgumentException("An IFrame instance is required.", "frame"); } // Scripts should be minified for production builds. The script // could also be read from a file... string script = @"(function () { var success = true; var cards = document.getElementsByName('cardpass'); cards[0].value = '##ID1##'; cards[1].value = '##ID2##'; cards[2].value = '##ID3##'; cards[3].value = '##ID4##'; //立即兑换 var lijiduihuanbtns = document.getElementsByClassName('ex-btn'); lijiduihuanbtns[0].click(); return success; })();"; // For simple inline scripts you could use String.Format() but // beware of braces in the javascript code. If reading from a file // it's probably safer to include tokens that can be replaced via // regex. script = Regex.Replace(script, "##ID1##", kami0); script = Regex.Replace(script, "##ID2##", kami1); script = Regex.Replace(script, "##ID3##", kami2); script = Regex.Replace(script, "##ID4##", kami3); var response = await frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(script); if (!response.Success) { throw new Exception(response.Message); } return((bool)response.Result); }
public static async Task <string> ReadGangBengKamiResult(this IFrame frame) { if (frame == null) { throw new ArgumentException("An IFrame instance is required.", "frame"); } // Scripts should be minified for production builds. The script // could also be read from a file... string script = @"(function () { var Success = true; var Message = null; //查找确认兑换对话框 var mekesuremsgpopdlg = document.getElementById('J_cardMsgPop'); if((mekesuremsgpopdlg!=null)&&('block')) { var msgs = document.getElementsByClassName('kami-msg'); Message = msgs[0].innerText; var surebtn = document.getElementById('J_cardBtn'); if(surebtn!= null); } else { var error = document.getElementsByClassName('error-font'); Message = error[0].innerText; Success = false; } return Message; })();"; var response = await frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(script); if (!response.Success) { throw new Exception(response.Message); } return((string)(response.Result)); }
public static async Task <object> DoFunc(IFrame fram, string func) { //Console.WriteLine("Excute Function {"+func+"}"); func = GetOriginal(func); var t = await fram.EvaluateScriptAsync("(function(){" + func + "}());").ContinueWith(r => { if (r.Result.Success) { LogHelper.Debug(string.Format("函数[{0}]执行成功,返回值为[{1}]", func, r.Result.Result)); return(r.Result.Result); } else { LogHelper.Debug(string.Format("函数[{0}]执行失败,{1}", func, r.Result.Message)); } return(null); }); return(t); }
public static async Task <object> GetBaseFunc(IFrame frame, string target, string functionString) { target = target.Replace("\"", "");; functionString = functionString.Replace("\"", ""); var t = await frame.EvaluateScriptAsync("(function(){ return $('" + target + "')." + functionString + ";}());").ContinueWith( r => { var result = r.Result; if (result != null && result.Success) { LogHelper.Debug(string.Format("函数 {0} 执行成功 结果为{1}", " function(){ return $('" + target + "')." + functionString + ";}", result.Result)); return(result.Result); } LogHelper.Debug("GetBaseFunc Error " + r.Result.Message); return(null); }); return(t); }
private List <int> getElementDimension(IFrame frame, string className) { var dims = new List <int>(); //var frame = Program.Windows.Items["landingPage"].Browser.GetMainFrame(); var task = frame.EvaluateScriptAsync( "(function(){var el = document.getElementsByClassName('" + className + "')[0];return [el.offsetWidth, el.offsetHeight];})();" ); task.Wait(); if (task.Result.Success) { var list = task.Result.Result as System.Collections.IEnumerable; foreach (object item in list) { dims.Add(Convert.ToInt16(item)); } } return(dims); }
public static async Task <bool> InputTongGangKami(this IFrame frame, string kami) { if (frame == null) { throw new ArgumentException("An IFrame instance is required.", "frame"); } // Scripts should be minified for production builds. The script // could also be read from a file... string script = @"(function () { var success = true; //输入卡密 var input = document.getElementsByName('copperCode'); if ((input != null) && (input[0] != null)) input[0].value = '##ID1##'; //立即兑换 var duihuanbtn = document.getElementsByName('pctbsy_index_dh_01'); if ((duihuanbtn != null) && (duihuanbtn[0] != null)) duihuanbtn[0].click(); return success; })();"; // For simple inline scripts you could use String.Format() but // beware of braces in the javascript code. If reading from a file // it's probably safer to include tokens that can be replaced via // regex. script = Regex.Replace(script, "##ID1##", kami); var response = await frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(script); if (!response.Success) { throw new Exception(response.Message); } return((bool)response.Result); }
/// <summary> /// Determine if the active element in a frame accepts text input. /// </summary> /// <param name="frame">Test the active element in this frame.</param> /// <returns>True if the active element accepts text input.</returns> public static async Task <bool> ActiveElementAcceptsTextInput(this IFrame frame) { if (frame == null) { throw new ArgumentException("An IFrame instance is required.", "frame"); } // Scripts should be minified for production builds. The script // could also be read from a file... const string script = @"(function () { var isText = false; var activeElement = document.activeElement; if (activeElement) { if (activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea') { isText = true; } else { if (activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input') { if (activeElement.hasAttribute('type')) { var inputType = activeElement.getAttribute('type').toLowerCase(); if (inputType === 'text' || inputType === 'email' || inputType === 'password' || inputType === 'tel' || inputType === 'number' || inputType === 'range' || inputType === 'search' || inputType === 'url') { isText = true; } } } } } return isText; })();"; var response = await frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(script); if (!response.Success) { throw new Exception(response.Message); } return((bool)response.Result); }
public static async Task <System.Collections.IList> GetArrayBase(IFrame frame, string target, string functionString) { target = target.Replace("\"", ""); functionString = functionString.Replace("\"", ""); var t = await frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(@"(function(){ var list = []; $('" + target + "').each(function(){ list.push($(this)." + functionString + ");}); return list;}());").ContinueWith( ts => { if (ts != null && ts.Result.Success) { LogHelper.Debug(string.Format("函数 {0} => {1} 执行成功 结果为{2}", functionString, target, ts.Result)); return((System.Collections.IList)ts.Result.Result); } else { Console.WriteLine("GetArrayBase Error : " + ts.Result.Message); } return(null); }); return(t); }
/// <summary> /// The evaluate. /// </summary> /// <param name="request"> /// The request. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="ChromelyResponse"/>. /// </returns> private ChromelyResponse Evaluate(ChromelyRequest request) { var response = new ChromelyResponse(request.Id); response.ReadyState = (int)ReadyState.ResponseIsReady; response.Status = (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; response.StatusText = "OK"; response.Data = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(); try { ScriptInfo scriptInfo = new ScriptInfo(request.PostData); IFrame frame = FrameHandler.GetFrame(scriptInfo.FrameName); if (frame == null) { response.Data = $"Frame {scriptInfo.FrameName} does not exist."; return(response); } Task <JavascriptResponse> javascriptResponse = frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(scriptInfo.Script); javascriptResponse.Wait(); string status = javascriptResponse.Result.Success ? "Successfully executed :" : "Error in executing :"; response.Data = string.IsNullOrEmpty(javascriptResponse.Result?.Result?.ToString()) ? status + scriptInfo.Script : javascriptResponse.Result?.Result?.ToString(); return(response); } catch (Exception e) { response.ReadyState = (int)ReadyState.RequestReceived; response.Status = (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; response.StatusText = "Error"; } return(response); }
private void timer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { if (owner == null || browser == null) { return; } if (needsCleanup) { if (!owner.ContainsFocus) { using (IFrame frame = browser.MainFrame){ frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(script).ContinueWith(task => { JavascriptResponse response = task.Result; if (response.Success && (response.Result as bool? ?? false)) { SetNeedsCleanup(false); owner.InvokeAsyncSafe(() => owner.TriggerAnalyticsEvent(Analytics.AnalyticsFile.Event.GCReload)); } }); } } } else { try{ using (Process process = BrowserProcesses.FindProcess(browser)){ if (process?.PrivateMemorySize64 > threshold) { SetNeedsCleanup(true); } } }catch { // ignore I guess? } } }
private void InnerFlushScripts() { ScriptTask scriptToEvaluate = null; var scriptsToExecute = new List <ScriptTask>(); do { var scriptTask = PendingScripts.Take(FlushTaskCancelationToken.Token); if (scriptTask.WaitHandle == null) { scriptsToExecute.Add(scriptTask); } else { scriptToEvaluate = scriptTask; break; // this script result needs to be handled separately } } while (PendingScripts.Count > 0); if (scriptsToExecute.Count > 0) { var script = string.Join(";" + Environment.NewLine, scriptsToExecute.Select(s => s.Script)); if (frame.IsValid) { var frameName = frame.Name; var task = frame.EvaluateScriptAsync( WrapScriptWithErrorHandling(script), timeout: OwnerWebView.DefaultScriptsExecutionTimeout); task.Wait(FlushTaskCancelationToken.Token); var response = task.Result; if (!response.Success) { var evaluatedScriptFunctions = scriptsToExecute.Select(s => s.FunctionName); OwnerWebView.ExecuteWithAsyncErrorHandlingOnFrame(() => throw ParseResponseException(response, evaluatedScriptFunctions), frameName); } } } if (scriptToEvaluate != null) { // evaluate and signal waiting thread Task <JavascriptResponse> task = null; var script = scriptToEvaluate.Script; var timeout = scriptToEvaluate.Timeout ?? OwnerWebView.DefaultScriptsExecutionTimeout; try { if (frame.IsValid) { task = frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(script, timeout: timeout); task.Wait(FlushTaskCancelationToken.Token); scriptToEvaluate.Result = task.Result; } } catch (Exception e) { if (task?.IsCanceled == true) { // timeout scriptToEvaluate.Exception = new JavascriptException("Timeout", (timeout.HasValue ? $"More than {timeout.Value.TotalMilliseconds}ms elapsed" : "Timeout ocurred") + $" evaluating the script: '{script}'"); } else { scriptToEvaluate.Exception = e; } } finally { scriptToEvaluate.WaitHandle.Set(); } } }
private void _gatewayTimer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { _gatewayTimer.Stop(); if (!GatewayEnabled) { return; } for (object actionObject; (actionObject = GetGatewayAction()) != null;) { GatewayAction.BaseObject action = (GatewayAction.BaseObject)actionObject; switch (action.ActionType) { case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.GetParentFrameNames: { GatewayAction.GetParentFrames frameAction = (GatewayAction.GetParentFrames)action; _webBrowser.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { IFrame frame = null; foreach (string frameName in _webBrowser.Browser.GetBrowser().GetFrameNames()) { if (frameAction.StartingFrame.IsRegex.Value && Regex.IsMatch(frameName, frameAction.StartingFrame.Value.Value)) { frame = _webBrowser.Browser.GetBrowser().GetFrame(frameName); } else if (!frameAction.StartingFrame.IsRegex.Value && frameName == frameAction.StartingFrame.Value.Value) { frame = _webBrowser.Browser.GetBrowser().GetFrame(frameName); } } if (frame != null) { //frameAction.RecursiveFrameList.Add(new FrameDetails() { ExpectedFrameName = frame.AttributeName, Url = frame.Url }); while (true) { frameAction.RecursiveFrameList.Add(new FrameDetails() { FrameName = frame.Name, Url = frame.Url }); if (frame.Parent != null) { frame = frame.Parent; } else { break; } } frameAction.Success = true; } }); frameAction.Completed = true; } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.FindElementsFrame: { GatewayAction.FindElementsFrame findingAction = (GatewayAction.FindElementsFrame)action; _webBrowser.Dispatcher.Invoke(async() => { foreach (string frameName in _webBrowser.Browser.GetBrowser().GetFrameNames()) { IFrame frame = _webBrowser.Browser.GetBrowser().GetFrame(frameName); var result = await frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(findingAction.EvaluationScript); if (result.Success) { if ((bool)result.Result) { findingAction.FrameName = frameName; findingAction.Success = true; break; } } } }); findingAction.Completed = true; } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.EvaluateJavascript: { GatewayAction.EvaluateJavascript evaluationAction = (GatewayAction.EvaluateJavascript)action; _webBrowser.Dispatcher.Invoke(async() => { while (true) { IFrame frame = null; if (evaluationAction.FrameName == null) { frame = _webBrowser.Browser.GetMainFrame(); } else if (evaluationAction.FrameName.IsRegex.Value) { foreach (var frameName in _webBrowser.Browser.GetBrowser().GetFrameNames()) { if (Regex.IsMatch(frameName, evaluationAction.FrameName.Value.Value)) { frame = _webBrowser.Browser.GetBrowser().GetFrame(frameName); break; } } } else { frame = _webBrowser.Browser.GetBrowser().GetFrame(evaluationAction.FrameName.Value.Value); } if (frame == null) { evaluationAction.Success = false; evaluationAction.Response = new JavascriptResponse() { Message = "Frame not found", Result = false, Success = false, }; evaluationAction.Completed = true; break; } JavascriptResponse result = await frame.EvaluateScriptAsync(evaluationAction.Script, timeout: evaluationAction.Timeout); if (!result.Success) { if (HandleJavascriptEvaluateResultMessage(result.Message, ref frame, evaluationAction.FrameName.Value.Value)) { continue; } else { evaluationAction.Success = false; } } else { evaluationAction.Success = true; } evaluationAction.Response = result; evaluationAction.Completed = true; break; } }); } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.GetHttpAuth: { GatewayAction.GetHttpAuth getHttpAuth = (GatewayAction.GetHttpAuth)action; bool success = false; HttpAuth removingAuth = null; foreach (var handledHttpAuth in _webBrowser.RequestHandler.HandledHttpAuths) { if (getHttpAuth.ExpectedHost.Value.Value == "" || (getHttpAuth.ExpectedHost.IsRegex.Value && Regex.IsMatch(handledHttpAuth.Host, getHttpAuth.ExpectedHost.Value.Value) || !getHttpAuth.ExpectedHost.IsRegex.Value && handledHttpAuth.Host == getHttpAuth.ExpectedHost.Value.Value)) { if (getHttpAuth.ExpectedRealm.Value.Value == "" || (getHttpAuth.ExpectedRealm.IsRegex.Value && Regex.IsMatch(handledHttpAuth.Realm, getHttpAuth.ExpectedRealm.Value.Value) || !getHttpAuth.ExpectedRealm.IsRegex.Value && handledHttpAuth.Realm == getHttpAuth.ExpectedRealm.Value.Value)) { if (getHttpAuth.ExpectedSchemaType == GetHttpAuth.SchemaTypes.Nope || (getHttpAuth.ExpectedSchemaType.ToString() == handledHttpAuth.Scheme.ToString())) { if (getHttpAuth.ExpectedPort == null || ((int)getHttpAuth.ExpectedPort == handledHttpAuth.Port)) { success = handledHttpAuth.SuccessfullyHandled; getHttpAuth.Host = handledHttpAuth.Host; getHttpAuth.Port = handledHttpAuth.Port; getHttpAuth.Realm = handledHttpAuth.Realm; foreach (var value in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GetHttpAuth.SchemaTypes))) { if (value.ToString() == handledHttpAuth.Scheme) { getHttpAuth.Scheme = (GetHttpAuth.SchemaTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(GetHttpAuth.SchemaTypes), value.ToString()); break; } } removingAuth = handledHttpAuth; } } } } } if (removingAuth != null) { _webBrowser.RequestHandler.HandledHttpAuths.Remove(removingAuth); } getHttpAuth.Success = success; getHttpAuth.Completed = true; } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.SetHttpAuth: { GatewayAction.SetHttpAuth httpAuth = (GatewayAction.SetHttpAuth)action; _webBrowser.RequestHandler.PreparedHttpAuths.Add(httpAuth); action.Success = true; action.Completed = true; } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.GetJsDialog: { GatewayAction.GetJsDialog jsAction = (GatewayAction.GetJsDialog)action; bool success = false; JsDialog removingJsDialog = null; foreach (var handledJsDialog in _webBrowser.JsDialogHandler.HandledJsDialogs) { if (jsAction.ExpectedDefaultPromptValue == null || (jsAction.ExpectedDefaultPromptValue.IsRegex.Value && Regex.IsMatch(handledJsDialog.DefaultPromptText, jsAction.ExpectedDefaultPromptValue.Value.Value) || !jsAction.ExpectedDefaultPromptValue.IsRegex.Value && handledJsDialog.DefaultPromptText == jsAction.ExpectedDefaultPromptValue.Value.Value)) { if (jsAction.ExpectedMessageText == null || (jsAction.ExpectedMessageText.IsRegex.Value && Regex.IsMatch(handledJsDialog.MessageText, jsAction.ExpectedMessageText.Value.Value) || !jsAction.ExpectedMessageText.IsRegex.Value && handledJsDialog.MessageText == jsAction.ExpectedMessageText.Value.Value)) { if (jsAction.ExpectedDialogType == GetJsPrompt.DialogTypes.Nope || (jsAction.ExpectedDialogType.ToString() == handledJsDialog.DialogType.ToString())) { success = handledJsDialog.SucessfullyHandled; jsAction.MessageText = handledJsDialog.MessageText; jsAction.DefaultPromptValue = handledJsDialog.DefaultPromptText; foreach (var value in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GetJsPrompt.DialogTypes))) { if (value.ToString() == handledJsDialog.DialogType.ToString()) { jsAction.DialogType = (GetJsPrompt.DialogTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(GetJsPrompt.DialogTypes), value.ToString()); break; } } removingJsDialog = handledJsDialog; } } } } if (removingJsDialog != null) { _webBrowser.JsDialogHandler.HandledJsDialogs.Remove(removingJsDialog); } jsAction.Success = success; jsAction.Completed = true; } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.SetJsDialog: { GatewayAction.SetJsDialog jsAction = (GatewayAction.SetJsDialog)action; _webBrowser.JsDialogHandler.PreparedDialogActions.Add(jsAction); action.Success = true; action.Completed = true; } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.ExecuteJavascript: { GatewayAction.ExecuteJavascript executeJavascript = (GatewayAction.ExecuteJavascript)action; _webBrowser.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { IFrame frame = null; if (executeJavascript.FrameName == null) { frame = _webBrowser.Browser.GetMainFrame(); } else if (executeJavascript.FrameName.IsRegex.Value) { foreach (var frameName in _webBrowser.Browser.GetBrowser().GetFrameNames()) { if (Regex.IsMatch(frameName, executeJavascript.FrameName.Value.Value)) { frame = _webBrowser.Browser.GetBrowser().GetFrame(frameName); break; } } } else { frame = _webBrowser.Browser.GetBrowser().GetFrame(executeJavascript.FrameName.Value.Value); } if (frame == null) { executeJavascript.Success = false; } else { frame.ExecuteJavaScriptAsync(executeJavascript.Script); executeJavascript.Success = true; } executeJavascript.Completed = true; }); } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.GetSize: { GatewayAction.GetSize getSize = (GatewayAction.GetSize)action; _webBrowser.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { getSize.Width = (int)_webBrowser.ActualWidth; getSize.Height = (int)_webBrowser.ActualHeight; }); getSize.Success = true; getSize.Completed = true; } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.IsBrowserInitiated: { GatewayAction.IsBrowserInitiated initiatedAction = (GatewayAction.IsBrowserInitiated)action; _webBrowser.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { initiatedAction.Result = _webBrowser.Browser.IsBrowserInitialized; }); initiatedAction.Completed = true; } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.SendKeyBoard: { } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.SendMouseClick: { } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.SendMouseWheel: { var mouseAction = (GatewayAction.SendMouseWheel)action; _webBrowser.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { //_webBrowser.Browser.SendMouseWheelEvent(); //_webBrowser.Browser.SendMouseWheelEvent((int)mouseAction.WhellLocation.X, (int)mouseAction.WhellLocation.Y, mouseAction.DeltaWheelAction.Key, -mouseAction.DeltaWheelAction.ExpectedValue, CefEventFlags.None); if (mouseAction.DeltaWheelAction.Key != 0) { _webBrowser.Browser.SendMouseWheelEvent((int)(mouseAction.WhellLocation.X), (int)(mouseAction.WhellLocation.Y), (int)(-mouseAction.DeltaWheelAction.Key * _internalZoomLevel), 0, CefEventFlags.None); } else { _webBrowser.Browser.SendMouseWheelEvent((int)(mouseAction.WhellLocation.X), (int)(mouseAction.WhellLocation.Y), 0, (int)(-mouseAction.DeltaWheelAction.Value * _internalZoomLevel), CefEventFlags.None); } //MessageBox.Show(_webBrowser, _webBrowser.Browser.ZoomLevel.ToString()); }); DrawPoint((int)(mouseAction.WhellLocation.X), (int)(mouseAction.WhellLocation.Y)); mouseAction.Success = true; mouseAction.Completed = true; } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.SiteLoaded: { var site = (GatewayAction.SiteLoaded)action; _webBrowser.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { site.Address = _webBrowser.Browser.Address; site.Success = !_webBrowser.Browser.IsLoading; }); site.Completed = true; } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.ResourceLoaded: { var resource = (GatewayAction.ResourceLoaded)action; _webBrowser.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { foreach (var loadedResource in _webBrowser.RequestHandler.LoadedResources ) { if (resource.FrameName == null && loadedResource.IsMainFrame || resource.FrameName != null && (resource.FrameName.IsRegex.Value ? Regex.IsMatch(loadedResource.FrameName, resource.FrameName.Value.Value) : loadedResource.FrameName == resource.FrameName.Value.Value)) { if (resource.ResourceUrl.IsRegex.Value ? Regex.IsMatch(loadedResource.Url, resource.ResourceUrl.Value.Value) : (loadedResource.Url == resource.ResourceUrl.Value.Value)) { resource.Success = true; resource.DateTime = loadedResource.DateTime; } } } }); resource.Completed = true; } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.FrameLoaded: { var frame = (GatewayAction.FrameLoaded)action; _webBrowser.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { List <FrameLoadingState> frameLoadingStates = _webBrowser.BrowsingState.FrameLoadingStates; foreach (FrameLoadingState state in frameLoadingStates) { if (state.IsMainFrame && frame.FrameName == null || frame.FrameName != null && (frame.FrameName.IsRegex.Value ? Regex.IsMatch(state.FrameName, frame.FrameName.Value.Value) : frame.FrameName != null && state.FrameName == frame.FrameName.Value.Value)) { frame.Success = !state.IsLoading; break; } } }); frame.Completed = true; } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.ShowMessageBox: { GatewayAction.ShowMessageBox messageBox = (GatewayAction.ShowMessageBox)action; _webBrowser.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { MessageBox.Show(_webBrowser, messageBox.Text); }); messageBox.Completed = true; } break; case GatewayAction.GatewayActionType.GetFrameNames: { var getFrameNames = (GatewayAction.GetFrameNames)action; _webBrowser.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { IFrame mainFrame = _webBrowser.Browser.GetMainFrame(); foreach (string frameName in _webBrowser.Browser.GetBrowser().GetFrameNames()) { getFrameNames.Frames.Add(frameName, mainFrame.Name == frameName); } getFrameNames.Success = true; }); action.Completed = true; } break; } } _gatewayTimer.Start(); }