public static void Closure(CachedGrammar inst, LinkedHashSet <LRxItem> items) { Grammar g = inst.m_value; IForwardIterator <LRxItem> e1 = items.Begin(); IForwardIterator <LRxItem> e2 = items.Begin(); for (; e1.IsAlive; e1.Add()) { LRxItem current = e1.Value; if (current.IsEnd) { continue; } int ms = current.MarkSymbol; if (!ms.IsTerminal()) { CHashSet <int> la = current.IsLast ? new CHashSet <int>(current.lookahead) : inst.GetFirst(, current.index + 1); IForwardIterator <GItem> e3 = g.Find(ms); do { LRxItem newit = new LRxItem(e3.Value, la); for (; e2.IsAlive; e2.Add()) { if (newit.CoreEquals(e2.Value)) { CHashSet <int> ela = e2.Value.lookahead; if (!ela.IsSupersetOf(la)) { ela.UnionWith(la); } goto exit; } } items.Add(newit); exit: e2.Reset(); } while (e3.LazyAdd()); e3.Dispose(); } } e1.Dispose(); }
public static bool IsUnmanaged(this Type type) { while (type.IsPointer || type.IsArray) { type = type.GetElementType(); } if (type.IsPrimitive || type.IsEnum || bag.Contains(type)) { return(true); } if (type.IsValueType) { HashSet <Type> done = new HashSet <Type>(); Stack <IForwardIterator <FieldInfo> > stack = new Stack <IForwardIterator <FieldInfo> >(); IForwardIterator <FieldInfo> e1 = type.GetFields(flg).Begin(); loop: for (; e1.IsAlive; e1.Add()) { Type tmp = e1.Value.FieldType; if (tmp.IsPointer) { continue; } else if (!tmp.IsValueType) { return(false); } else if (!tmp.IsPrimitive && done.Add(tmp)) { stack.Push(e1); e1.Add(); e1 = tmp.GetFields(flg).Begin(); goto loop; } } if (stack.Count > 0) { e1 = stack.Pop(); goto loop; } bag.Add(type); return(true); } return(false); }
public void RotateTest2() { int[] data = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; IList <int> lst = new List <int>(); using (IForwardIterator <int> inputIterator = new ForwardIterator <int>(data)) { IShallowClone cloneable = (IShallowClone)inputIterator; IForwardIterator <int> cloneObj = cloneable.ShallowClone() as IForwardIterator <int>; cloneObj.End(); ICursor cursor = (ICursor)cloneObj; cursor.SetPosition(cursor.GetPosition() - 2); //set the first element to 8 element position Algorithm.Rotate(inputIterator, cloneObj); inputIterator.Begin(); using (IOutputIterator <int> outputIterator = new BackInsertIterator <int>(lst)) { Algorithm.Copy(inputIterator, outputIterator); } } bool isCorrectData = (lst[0] == 8 && lst[1] == 9 && lst[2] == 1 && lst[3] == 2 && lst[4] == 3 && lst[5] == 4 && lst[6] == 5 && lst[7] == 6 && lst[8] == 7); Assert.IsTrue(isCorrectData); }
private List <LALRState> CreateCLRState(CachedGrammar cg) { LALRState now = new LALRState(new LRxItem(cg.m_value.StartItem, new CHashSet <int> { ExpressInt.end_symbol })); LR1Helper.Closure(cg, now.items); List <LALRState> list = new List <LALRState> { now }; for (int x = 0; x < list.Count; x++) { now = list[x]; IForwardIterator <LRxItem> iter = now.items.Begin(); IForwardIterator <LRxItem> e1 = now.items.Begin(); do { if (iter.Value.IsEnd) { continue; } LinkedHashSet <LRxItem> nextit = new LinkedHashSet <LRxItem>(); int ms = iter.Value.MarkSymbol; do { if (e1.Value.MarkSymbol == ms) { nextit.Add(e1.Value.GetNext()); } } while (e1.LazyAdd()); e1.Reset(); LR1Helper.Closure(cg, nextit); bool exist = false; for (int z = 0; z < list.Count; z++) { if (list[z].items.SetEquals(nextit)) { exist = true;, list[z]); } } if (!exist) { LALRState next = new LALRState(nextit); list.Add(next);, next); } } while (iter.LazyAdd()); iter.Dispose(); e1.Dispose(); } return(list); }
public Grammar(StreamReader reader, ISymbolMap map) { if (map == null) { map = new EnumTM(); } List <GItem> its = new List <GItem>(64); List <Range> ntm = new List <Range>(64); int x; map.BeginParseGrammar(ntm); loop: while (!reader.EndOfStream) { string vtmp = reader.MoveNext(); if (vtmp.Length == 0 || vtmp[0] == '#') // comment { goto loop; } while (vtmp.Last() == '|') // more { vtmp += reader.MoveNext(); } string[] tmp = vtmp.Split(Constants.eqs, 2); string left = tmp[0].Trim(); if (map.ContainsNT(left)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("invalid grammar: already exist non-terminal symbol -> " + tmp[0].Trim()); } IForwardIterator <string> e1 = tmp[1].Trim().SplitExceptRange('|', '\'', '\'').Begin(); int produce = map.NonTerminal(left); x = its.Count; do { its.Add(new GItem(produce, new ExpressInt(e1.Value, map))); }while (e1.LazyAdd()); ntm[produce.ToIndex()] = new Range(x, its.Count); #if DEBUG bag.Add(produce, tmp[0].Trim()); #endif } if (map.ContainsNT("S")) { int idx = map.NonTerminal("S").ToIndex(); Range rng = ntm[idx]; if (rng.end - rng.start == 1) // solo { startIdx = idx; } else { x = its.Count; int newstart = ntm.Count; its.Add(new GItem(newstart, new ExpressInt(idx.ToNonterminal()))); ntm.Add(new Range(x, x)); startIdx = newstart; #if DEBUG bag.Add(newstart, "S'"); #endif } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("invalid grammar: start nonterminal"); } map.EndParseGrammar(); m_items = its.ToArray(); m_nonterminals = ntm.ToArray(); }