Example #1
        public FrameworkDebugOverlay(IFrameworkMessenger frameworkMessenger,
                                     IDebugAnalytics debugAnalytics,
                                     IFramesPerSecondMonitor fpsMonitor,
                                     ISystemComponents systemComponents,
                                     IDrawStageRenderer drawStageRenderer,
                                     IIdGenerator idGenerator,
                                     IDrawQueueFactory drawQueueFactory,
                                     IDrawQueueGroupFactory drawQueueGroupFactory,
                                     IQueueToBufferBlitter queueToBufferBlitter,
                                     IDrawStageBuffersFactory drawStageBuffersFactory,
                                     IDrawStageBatcherFactory drawStageBatcherFactory,
                                     IFontManager fontManager
            _frameworkMessenger      = frameworkMessenger;
            _debugAnalytics          = debugAnalytics;
            _fpsMonitor              = fpsMonitor;
            _systemComponents        = systemComponents;
            _drawStageRenderer       = drawStageRenderer;
            _idGenerator             = idGenerator;
            _drawQueueFactory        = drawQueueFactory;
            _drawQueueGroupFactory   = drawQueueGroupFactory;
            _queueToBufferBlitter    = queueToBufferBlitter;
            _drawStageBuffersFactory = drawStageBuffersFactory;
            _drawStageBatcherFactory = drawStageBatcherFactory;
            _fontManager             = fontManager;

            Visible = false;

Example #2
        public Graphics(IStartupPropertiesCache startUpPropertiesCache,
                        ISystemComponents systemComponents,
                        IRenderCommandQueue renderCommandQueue,
                        ICommandProcessor commandProcessor,
                        IRenderStageManager renderStageManager,
                        IRenderStageVisitor renderStageVisitor,
                        IGpuSurfaceManager surfaceManager,
                        IViewportManager viewportManager,
                        IFontManager fontManager,
                        ICameraManager cameraManager,
                        IFrameworkDebugOverlay debugOverlay)
            _startUpPropertiesCache = startUpPropertiesCache;
            _systemComponents       = systemComponents;
            _renderCommandQueue     = renderCommandQueue;
            _commandProcessor       = commandProcessor;
            _renderStageManager     = renderStageManager;
            _renderStageVisitor     = renderStageVisitor;
            _surfaceManager         = surfaceManager;
            _viewportManager        = viewportManager;
            _fontManager            = fontManager;
            _cameraManager          = cameraManager;
            _debugOverlay           = debugOverlay;

 public static void UpdateFont(this TextElement nativeControl, Font font, IFontManager fontManager)
     nativeControl.FontSize   = fontManager.GetFontSize(font);
     nativeControl.FontFamily = fontManager.GetFontFamily(font);
     nativeControl.FontStyle  = font.FontAttributes.ToFontStyle();
     nativeControl.FontWeight = font.FontAttributes.ToFontWeight();
Example #4
 public static void UpdateFont(this MauiTextBox nativeControl, Font font, IFontManager fontManager)
     nativeControl.FontSize   = fontManager.GetFontSize(font);
     nativeControl.FontFamily = fontManager.GetFontFamily(font);
     nativeControl.FontStyle  = font.ToFontStyle();
     nativeControl.FontWeight = font.ToFontWeight();
Example #5
 public ShellPageRendererTracker(IShellContext context)
     _context = context;
     _nSCache = new NSCache();
     _context.Shell.PropertyChanged += HandleShellPropertyChanged;
     _fontManager = context.Shell.RequireFontManager();
Example #6
        public static NSAttributedString ToNSAttributedString(
            this FormattedString formattedString,
            IFontManager fontManager,
            double defaultLineHeight = 0d,             // TODO: NET7 should be -1, but too late to change for net6
            TextAlignment defaultHorizontalAlignment = TextAlignment.Start,
            Font?defaultFont   = null,
            Color?defaultColor = null,
            TextTransform defaultTextTransform = TextTransform.Default)
            if (formattedString == null)
                return(new NSAttributedString(string.Empty));

            var attributed = new NSMutableAttributedString();

            for (int i = 0; i < formattedString.Spans.Count; i++)
                Span span = formattedString.Spans[i];
                if (span.Text == null)

                attributed.Append(span.ToNSAttributedString(fontManager, defaultLineHeight, defaultHorizontalAlignment, defaultFont, defaultColor, defaultTextTransform));

Example #7
 protected virtual void LoadFonts(IFontManager fontManager)
     using (var stream = typeof(Application).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("CrossX.Framework.Styles.Fonts.FluentSystemIcons-Filled.ttf"))
Example #8
        public static Tuple <Run, Color, Color> ToRunAndColorsTuple(this Span span, IFontManager fontManager, Font?defaultFont = null, Color?defaultColor = null, TextTransform defaultTextTransform = TextTransform.Default)
            var transform = span.TextTransform != TextTransform.Default ? span.TextTransform : defaultTextTransform;

            var text = TextTransformUtilites.GetTransformedText(span.Text, transform);

            var run = new Run {
                Text = text ?? string.Empty

            var font = span.ToFont();

            if (font.IsDefault && defaultFont.HasValue)
                font = defaultFont.Value;

            if (!font.IsDefault)
                run.ApplyFont(font, fontManager);

            if (span.IsSet(Span.TextDecorationsProperty))
                run.TextDecorations = (global::Windows.UI.Text.TextDecorations)span.TextDecorations;

            run.CharacterSpacing = span.CharacterSpacing.ToEm();

            return(Tuple.Create(run, span.TextColor, span.BackgroundColor));
Example #9
        internal static UIImage?GetPlatformImage(this IFontImageSource imageSource, IFontManager fontManager, float scale)
            var font  = fontManager.GetFont(imageSource.Font);
            var color = (imageSource.Color ?? Colors.White).ToPlatform();
            var glyph = (NSString)imageSource.Glyph;

            var attString = new NSAttributedString(glyph, font, color);
            var imagesize = glyph.GetSizeUsingAttributes(attString.GetUIKitAttributes(0, out _));

            UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions(imagesize, false, scale);
            var ctx = new NSStringDrawingContext();

            var boundingRect = attString.GetBoundingRect(imagesize, 0, ctx);

            attString.DrawString(new CGRect(
                                     imagesize.Width / 2 - boundingRect.Size.Width / 2,
                                     imagesize.Height / 2 - boundingRect.Size.Height / 2,

            var image = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext();


Example #10
        public static Run ToRun(this Span span, IFontManager fontManager)
            var run = new Run {
                Text = span.Text ?? string.Empty

            if (span.TextColor.IsNotDefault())
                run.Foreground = span.TextColor.ToPlatform();

            var font = span.ToFont();

            if (!font.IsDefault)
                run.ApplyFont(font, fontManager);

            if (span.IsSet(Span.TextDecorationsProperty))
                run.TextDecorations = (global::Windows.UI.Text.TextDecorations)span.TextDecorations;

            run.CharacterSpacing = span.CharacterSpacing.ToEm();

Example #11
        public static void UpdateFont(this UILabel nativeLabel, ILabel label, IFontManager fontManager)
            var uiFont = fontManager.GetFont(label.Font);

            nativeLabel.Font = uiFont;

Example #12
 public FontSpan(Font font, Context?context, float characterSpacing, TextAlignment?horizontalTextAlignment, IFontManager fontManager)
     Font                    = font;
     Context                 = context;
     CharacterSpacing        = characterSpacing;
     FontManager             = fontManager;
     HorizontalTextAlignment = horizontalTextAlignment;
Example #13
 public static void UpdateFont(this TextBlock nativeControl, Font font, IFontManager fontManager)
     nativeControl.FontSize   = fontManager.GetFontSize(font);
     nativeControl.FontFamily = fontManager.GetFontFamily(font);
     nativeControl.FontStyle  = font.ToFontStyle();
     nativeControl.FontWeight = font.ToFontWeight();
     nativeControl.IsTextScaleFactorEnabled = font.AutoScalingEnabled;
Example #14
        public static void UpdateFont(this UILabel nativeLabel, ILabel label, IFontManager fontManager)
            var font = label.GetFont();

            var uiFont = fontManager.GetFont(font);

            nativeLabel.Font = uiFont;
Example #15
 public static void UpdateFont(this Label platformLabel, ILabel label, IFontManager fontManager)
     platformLabel.FontSize       = label.Font.Size > 0 ? label.Font.Size : 25.ToDPFont();
     platformLabel.FontAttributes = label.Font.GetFontAttributes();
     platformLabel.FontFamily     = fontManager.GetFontFamily(label.Font.Family) ?? "";
Example #16
        public static Typeface ToTypeface(this Font self, IFontManager fontManager)
            if (self.IsDefault)

            return(fontManager.GetTypeface(self) ?? fontManager.DefaultTypeface);
        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to parse common properties vor various Font versions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="font"></param>
        /// <param name="manager"></param>
        protected virtual void ProcessConfiguration(Font font, IFontManager manager)
            var pointReader = NegumContainer.Resolve <IPointReader>();

            font.Size    = pointReader.ToPointAsync(manager.Def.Size).Result;
            font.Spacing = pointReader.ToPointAsync(manager.Def.Spacing).Result;
            font.Offset  = pointReader.ToPointAsync(manager.Def.Offset).Result;
            font.Type    = manager.Def.Type;
Example #18
        public AllControlsApp(IDispatcher dispatcher, IIoCFactory objectFactory, IFilesRepository filesRepository, IFontManager fontManager, IGesturesService gesturesService)
            this.dispatcher      = dispatcher;
            this.objectFactory   = objectFactory;
            this.filesRepository = filesRepository;
            this.fontManager     = fontManager;

Example #19
        public static UIFont ToUIFont(this Font self, IFontManager fontManager)
            if (self.IsDefault)

            return(fontManager.GetFont(self) ?? fontManager.DefaultFont);
Example #20
        public static void UpdateFont(this TextView textView, Font font, IFontManager fontManager)
            var tf = fontManager.GetTypeface(font);

            textView.Typeface = tf;

            var sp = fontManager.GetScaledPixel(font);

            textView.SetTextSize(ComplexUnitType.Sp, sp);
Example #21
        public FontOptionsViewModel(IFontManager fontManager)
            this.fontManager  = fontManager;
            this.FontFamilies = Fonts.SystemFontFamilies.ToObservable();


            this.AcceptCommand = new Command <ICloseable>(Accept);
            this.CancelCommand = new Command <ICloseable>(Cancel);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FontManagerPage"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="display">The display.</param>
        /// <param name="fontManager">The font manager.</param>
        public FontManagerPage(IDisplay display, IFontManager fontManager)
            var stack = new StackLayout();

            foreach (var namedSize in Enum.GetValues(typeof(NamedSize)))
                var font = Font.SystemFontOfSize((NamedSize)namedSize);

                var height = fontManager.GetHeight(font);

                var heightRequest = display.HeightRequestInInches(height);

                var label = new Label()
                    Font = font,
                    HeightRequest = heightRequest + 10,
                    Text = string.Format("System font {0} is {1:0.000}in tall.", namedSize, height),
                    XAlign = TextAlignment.Center


            var f = Font.SystemFontOfSize(24);

            var inchFont = fontManager.FindClosest(f.FontFamily, fontSize);

            stack.Children.Add(new Label()
                Text = "The below text should be " + fontSize + "in height from its highest point to lowest.",
                XAlign = TextAlignment.Center

            stack.Children.Add(new Label()
                Text = "FfTtLlGgJjPp",
                TextColor = Color.Lime,
                FontSize = inchFont.FontSize,
//                BackgroundColor = Color.Gray,
//                FontFamily = inchFont.FontFamily,
                XAlign = TextAlignment.Center,
                YAlign = TextAlignment.Start

            stack.Children.Add(new Label()
                Text = fontSize + "in height = SystemFontOfSize(" + inchFont.FontSize + ")",
                XAlign = TextAlignment.Center,
                YAlign = TextAlignment.End

            this.Content = stack;
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FontManagerPage"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="display">The display.</param>
        /// <param name="fontManager">The font manager.</param>
        public FontManagerPage(IDisplay display, IFontManager fontManager)
            var stack = new StackLayout();

            foreach (var namedSize in Enum.GetValues(typeof(NamedSize)))
                var font = Font.SystemFontOfSize((NamedSize)namedSize);

                var height = fontManager.GetHeight(font);

                var heightRequest = display.HeightRequestInInches(height);

                var label = new Label()
                    Font          = font,
                    HeightRequest = heightRequest + 10,
                    Text          = string.Format("System font {0} is {1:0.000}in tall.", namedSize, height),
                    XAlign        = TextAlignment.Center


            var f = Font.SystemFontOfSize(24);

            var inchFont = fontManager.FindClosest(f.FontFamily, fontSize);

            stack.Children.Add(new Label()
                Text   = "The below text should be " + fontSize + "in height from its highest point to lowest.",
                XAlign = TextAlignment.Center

            stack.Children.Add(new Label()
                Text      = "FfTtLlGgJjPp",
                TextColor = Color.Lime,
                FontSize  = inchFont.FontSize,
//                BackgroundColor = Color.Gray,
//                FontFamily = inchFont.FontFamily,
                XAlign = TextAlignment.Center,
                YAlign = TextAlignment.Start

            stack.Children.Add(new Label()
                Text   = fontSize + "in height = SystemFontOfSize(" + inchFont.FontSize + ")",
                XAlign = TextAlignment.Center,
                YAlign = TextAlignment.End

            this.Content = stack;
        public static void UpdateInlines(
            this TextBlock textBlock,
            IFontManager fontManager,
            FormattedString formattedString,
            double defaultLineHeight = 0d,             // TODO: NET7 should be -1, but too late to change for net6
            TextAlignment defaultHorizontalAlignment = TextAlignment.Start,
            Font?defaultFont   = null,
            Color?defaultColor = null,
            TextTransform defaultTextTransform = TextTransform.Default)
            // Have to implement a measure here, otherwise inline.ContentStart and ContentEnd will be null, when used in RecalculatePositions
            textBlock.Measure(new global::Windows.Foundation.Size(double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue));

            var runAndColorTuples = formattedString.ToRunAndColorsTuples(fontManager, defaultLineHeight, defaultHorizontalAlignment, defaultFont, defaultColor, defaultTextTransform);

            var heights          = new List <double>();
            int currentTextIndex = 0;

            foreach (var runAndColorTuple in runAndColorTuples)
                Run   run        = runAndColorTuple.Item1;
                Color textColor  = runAndColorTuple.Item2;
                Color background = runAndColorTuple.Item3;
                int length = run.Text.Length;

                if (background != null || textColor != null)
                    TextHighlighter textHighlighter = new TextHighlighter {
                        Ranges = { new TextRange(currentTextIndex, length) }

                    if (background != null)
                        textHighlighter.Background = background.ToPlatform();
                        textHighlighter.Background = Colors.Transparent.ToPlatform();

                    if (textColor != null)
                        textHighlighter.Foreground = textColor.ToPlatform();


                currentTextIndex += length;
Example #25
        public static void UpdateFont(this TextView textView, ITextStyle textStyle, IFontManager fontManager)
            var font = textStyle.Font;

            var tf = fontManager.GetTypeface(font);

            textView.Typeface = tf;

            var sp = fontManager.GetFontSize(font);

            textView.SetTextSize(ComplexUnitType.Sp, sp);
Example #26
 public UIServices(IBindingService bindingService, IFontManager fontManager,
                   IDispatcher dispatcher, IImageCache imageCache, IAppValues appValues,
                   IObjectFactory objectFactory, ITooltipService tooltipService)
     BindingService = bindingService;
     FontManager    = fontManager;
     Dispatcher     = dispatcher;
     ImageCache     = imageCache;
     AppValues      = appValues;
     ObjectFactory  = objectFactory;
     TooltipService = tooltipService;
Example #27
 public ResourcesReinitialiser(
     IGraphicsResourceReinitialiser graphicsResourceReinitialiser,
     IFontManager fontManager,
     IGpuSurfaceManager gpuSurfaceManager,
     IFrameworkDebugOverlay frameworkDebugOverlay
     _graphicsResourceReinitialiser = graphicsResourceReinitialiser;
     _fontManager           = fontManager;
     _gpuSurfaceManager     = gpuSurfaceManager;
     _frameworkDebugOverlay = frameworkDebugOverlay;
Example #28
 public Drawing(IFrameworkMessenger frameworkMessenger,
                IRenderStageManager renderStageManager,
                IRenderStageVisitor renderStageVisitor,
                IFontManager fontManager,
                IGpuSurfaceManager gpuSurfaceManager)
     _frameworkMessenger = frameworkMessenger;
     _renderStageManager = renderStageManager;
     _renderStageVisitor = renderStageVisitor;
     _fontManager        = fontManager;
     _gpuSurfaceManager  = gpuSurfaceManager;
Example #29
        public static void UpdateFont(this TextView textView, ITextStyle textStyle, IFontManager fontManager)
            var font = textStyle.Font;

            var tf = fontManager.GetTypeface(font);

            textView.Typeface = tf;

            var fontSize = fontManager.GetFontSize(font);

            textView.SetTextSize(fontSize.Unit, fontSize.Value);
Example #30
        public static void UpdateFont(this AppCompatEditText editText, IEntry entry, IFontManager fontManager)
            var font = entry.Font;

            var tf = fontManager.GetTypeface(font);

            editText.Typeface = tf;

            var sp = fontManager.GetScaledPixel(font);

            editText.SetTextSize(ComplexUnitType.Sp, sp);
        public SpaceInvadersGame()
            Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

            r_GraphicsMgr = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
            r_InputManager = new InputManager(this);
            r_SoundManager = new SoundManager(this);
            r_FontManager = new FontManager(this, @"Fonts\Arial");
            r_SettingsManager = new SettingsManager(this);
            r_CollisionsManager = new CollisionsManager(this);
            r_ScreensMananger = new ScreensMananger(this);
            r_ScreensMananger.SetCurrentScreen(new WelcomeScreen(this));
Example #32
        public ShellPageRendererTracker(IShellContext context)
            _context = context;
            _nSCache = new NSCache();
            _context.Shell.PropertyChanged += HandleShellPropertyChanged;

            if (_context.Shell.Toolbar != null)
                _context.Shell.Toolbar.PropertyChanged += OnToolbarPropertyChanged;

            _fontManager = context.Shell.RequireFontManager();
 public CloudProcessor(Options options, IWordSource wordSource, IGrammarInfoParser grammarInfoParser,
     GrammarFormJoiner grammarFormJoiner, IWordFilter[] wordFilters,
     IFontManager fontManager, ICloudGenerator cloudGenerator, IColorManager colorManager,
     ICloudRenderer cloudRenderer)
     this.wordSource = wordSource;
     this.grammarInfoParser = grammarInfoParser;
     this.grammarFormJoiner = grammarFormJoiner;
     this.wordFilters = wordFilters;
     wordCount = options.Count;
     this.fontManager = fontManager;
     this.cloudGenerator = cloudGenerator;
     this.colorManager = colorManager;
     this.cloudRenderer = cloudRenderer;
		public SettingsDialog(ITextView textView)
			_settings = textView.Settings;
			_mouseCursorsRegions = textView.MouseCursorsRegions;
			_mouseCursors = textView.MouseCursors;
			_fontManager = textView.FontManager;
			_classificationStyler = textView.Document.ClassificationStyler;
			_appearance = textView.Appearance;

			_colorSchemeIndex = new IntSetting("ColorSchemeIndex", 0, _settings);
			_colorSchemeIndex.Changed += (sender, args) => SetClassificationColors();

			_fontSizes = _fontManager.GetCurrentFontSizes();
			_fontSizesNames = _fontSizes.Select(size => new GUIContent(size.ToString())).ToArray();
		public TextViewAppearance(IFontManager fontManager, GUIStyle textStyle, GUIStyle backgroundStyle, Color lineNumberColor, Color selectionColor)
			_fontManager = fontManager;
			_fontManager.Changed += (Sender, Args) => OnFontChanged();
			_background = backgroundStyle;
			_text = textStyle;
			_lineNumberColor = lineNumberColor;
			_selectionColor = selectionColor;

			_lineNumber = new GUIStyle (_text)
				richText = false,
				alignment = TextAnchor.UpperRight

			_text.font = _lineNumber.font = _fontManager.CurrentFont;
		public ITextViewAppearance AppearanceFor(ITextViewDocument document, IFontManager fontManager)
			GUISkin skin = UnityEditorCompositionContainer.GetExportedValue<IGUISkinProvider>().GetGUISkin();

			// Make a copy of guistyle to ensure we do not change the guistyle of the skin
			GUIStyle textStyle = new GUIStyle(skin.label)
				richText = true,
				alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft,
				padding = { left = 0, right = 0 }
			textStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;

			GUIStyle backgroundStyle = skin.GetStyle("InnerShadowBg");
			Color lineNumberColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f);
			Color selectionColor = new Color(80 / 255f, 80 / 255f, 80 / 255f, 1f);
			return new TextViewAppearance(fontManager, textStyle, backgroundStyle, lineNumberColor, selectionColor);
		public TextView(
			ITextViewDocument document,
			ITextViewAppearance appearance,
			ITextViewAdornments adornments,
			IMouseCursors mouseCursors,
			IMouseCursorRegions mouseCursorRegions,
			ITextViewWhitespace whitespace,
			ISettings settings, 
			IFontManager fontManager)
			_appearance = appearance;
			_adornments = adornments;
			_document = document;
			_mouseCursors = mouseCursors;
			_mouseCursorsRegions = mouseCursorRegions;
			_whitespace = whitespace;
			_settings = settings;
			_fontManager = fontManager;
			_selection = new Selection(document.Caret);
			_document.Caret.Moved += EnsureCursorIsVisible;
Example #38
 public override void Initialize()
   // ISSUE: object of a compiler-generated type is created
   // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type
   SaveManagementLevel.\u003C\u003Ec__DisplayClassd cDisplayClassd = new SaveManagementLevel.\u003C\u003Ec__DisplayClassd();
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   cDisplayClassd.\u003C\u003E4__this = this;
   this.FontManager = ServiceHelper.Get<IFontManager>();
   this.GameState = ServiceHelper.Get<IGameStateManager>();
   this.Title = "SaveManagementTitle";
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   cDisplayClassd.sf = this.FontManager.Small;
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   cDisplayClassd.changeLevel = new MenuLevel()
     Title = "SaveChangeSlot",
     AButtonString = "ChangeWithGlyph"
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
   cDisplayClassd.changeLevel.OnPostDraw = new Action<SpriteBatch, SpriteFont, GlyphTextRenderer, float>(cDisplayClassd.\u003CInitialize\u003Eb__4);
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   cDisplayClassd.changeLevel.Parent = (MenuLevel) this;
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   cDisplayClassd.copySrcLevel = new MenuLevel()
     Title = "SaveCopySourceTitle",
     AButtonString = "ChooseWithGlyph"
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   cDisplayClassd.copySrcLevel.Parent = (MenuLevel) this;
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   this.CopyDestLevel = new MenuLevel()
     Title = "SaveCopyDestTitle",
     AButtonString = "ChooseWithGlyph"
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
   this.CopyDestLevel.OnPostDraw = new Action<SpriteBatch, SpriteFont, GlyphTextRenderer, float>(cDisplayClassd.\u003CInitialize\u003Eb__5);
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   this.CopyDestLevel.Parent = cDisplayClassd.copySrcLevel;
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   cDisplayClassd.clearLevel = new MenuLevel()
     Title = "SaveClearTitle",
     AButtonString = "ChooseWithGlyph"
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
   cDisplayClassd.clearLevel.OnPostDraw = new Action<SpriteBatch, SpriteFont, GlyphTextRenderer, float>(cDisplayClassd.\u003CInitialize\u003Eb__6);
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   cDisplayClassd.clearLevel.Parent = (MenuLevel) this;
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
   this.AddItem("SaveChangeSlot", new Action(cDisplayClassd.\u003CInitialize\u003Eb__7), -1);
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
   this.AddItem("SaveCopyTitle", new Action(cDisplayClassd.\u003CInitialize\u003Eb__9), -1);
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
   this.AddItem("SaveClearTitle", new Action(cDisplayClassd.\u003CInitialize\u003Eb__b), -1);
Example #39
 /// <summary>
 /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
 /// all of your content.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void LoadContent()
     MouseMgr = this.Services.GetService(typeof(IMouseInputManager)) as IMouseInputManager;
     FontMgr = this.Services.GetService(typeof(IFontManager)) as IFontManager;
Example #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FontManagerPage"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="display">The display.</param>
        /// <param name="fontManager">The font manager.</param>
        public FontManagerPage(IDisplay display, IFontManager fontManager)
            var stack = new StackLayout();

            foreach (var namedSize in Enum.GetValues(typeof(NamedSize)))
                var font = Font.SystemFontOfSize((NamedSize)namedSize);

                var height = fontManager.GetHeight(font);

                var heightRequest = display.HeightRequestInInches(height);

                var label = new Label()
                    Font = font,
                    HeightRequest = heightRequest + 10,
                    Text = string.Format("System font {0} is {1:0.000}in tall.", namedSize, height),
                    XAlign = TextAlignment.Center


            var f = Font.SystemFontOfSize(24);

            var inchFont = fontManager.FindClosest(f.FontFamily, FontSize);

            stack.Children.Add(new Label()
                Text = "The below text should be " + FontSize + "in height from its highest point to lowest.",
                XAlign = TextAlignment.Center

            stack.Children.Add(new Label()
                Text = "FfTtLlGgJjPp",
                TextColor = Color.Lime,
                FontSize = inchFont.FontSize,
//                BackgroundColor = Color.Gray,
//                FontFamily = inchFont.FontFamily,
                XAlign = TextAlignment.Center,
                YAlign = TextAlignment.Start

            stack.Children.Add(new Label()
                Text = FontSize + "in height = SystemFontOfSize(" + inchFont.FontSize + ")",
                XAlign = TextAlignment.Center,
                YAlign = TextAlignment.End

            this.Children.Add(new ContentPage() { Title = "Sizes", Content = stack });

            var listView = new ListView
                ItemsSource = fontManager.AvailableFonts,
                ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(() =>
                    var label = new Label();
                    label.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, ".");
                    label.SetBinding(Label.FontFamilyProperty, ".");
                    return new ViewCell { View = label};

            this.Children.Add(new ContentPage { Title = "Fonts", Content = listView });
		private ITextViewAppearance AppearanceFor(ITextViewDocument document, IFontManager fontManager)
			return AppearanceProvider.AppearanceFor(document, fontManager);
Example #42
        protected override void LoadContent()
            #if !XBOX360
            MouseMgr = this.Game.Services.GetService(typeof(IMouseInputManager)) as IMouseInputManager;
            FontMgr = this.Game.Services.GetService(typeof(IFontManager)) as IFontManager;

            // TODO: Add your initialization logic here
            if (this.SpriteB == null)
                this.SpriteB = new SpriteBatch(this.GraphicsDevice);

            XnaGame xgcGame = this.Game as XnaGame;
Example #43
 /// <summary>
 /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
 /// all of your content.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void LoadContent()
     #if !XBOX360
     MouseMgr = this.Services.GetService(typeof(IMouseInputManager)) as IMouseInputManager;
     FontMgr = this.Services.GetService(typeof(IFontManager)) as IFontManager;