public SoundEventsSynchronizer(ISynchronizeInvoke synchronizeObject, IFolderObject <SoundEvent> foldersToSync, IFoldersFinder <SoundEvent, Sound> finder, IFileSystem fileSystem, string rootPath = null, string filters = null) : base(synchronizeObject, foldersToSync, finder, rootPath, filters) => FileSystem = fileSystem;
public virtual int CompareTo(Column column, IFolderObject obj) { // get the values for this item and the other item in the // specified column object value1 = GetColumnValue(column); object value2 = obj.GetColumnValue(column); if (column != null && column.Comparer != null) { // the column provides a comparer return(column.Comparer.Compare(value1, value2)); } else if (value1 == null && value2 != null) { return(1); // sort empty column values to the bottom } else if (value2 == null && value1 != null) { return(-1); // sort empty column values to the bottom } else if (value1 == null && value2 == null || !(value1 is IComparable && value2 is IComparable)) { // compare the display names as a last resort return(GetDisplayName(NameOptions.Normal).CompareTo(obj.GetDisplayName(NameOptions.Normal))); } else { // the values implement IComparable, so work with that; // hopefully the values are compatible return(((IComparable)value1).CompareTo(value2)); } }
public Item(byte[][] pathData, string root, string path, string name, IFileObject fo, IFolderObject parrent, IShellView sv) { base.ShellView = sv; this.parrent = parrent; columns = new ColumnCollection(); columns.Add(ColName); columns.Add(ColAttr); columns.Add(ColPerm1); columns.Add(ColPerm2); columns.Add(ColFileSize); columns.Add(ColDate); columns.Add(ColTime); columns.Add(ColLinkTo); this.root = root; this.path = path; = name; = fo; base.SetPath(pathData); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(root)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { base.SetPath(string.Format("{0}", name)); } else { base.SetPath(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", path, FD, name)); } } else { base.SetPath(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", root, FD, path, FD, name)); } }
public Folder(byte[][] pathData, IdList idlist, string root, string path, FolderAttributes attrs, IFileObject fo, IShellView sv, IFolderObject parrent) { this.parrent = parrent; columns = new ColumnCollection(); columns.Add(ColName); columns.Add(ColAttr); columns.Add(ColPerm1); columns.Add(ColPerm2); columns.Add(ColFileSize); columns.Add(ColDate); columns.Add(ColTime); columns.Add(ColLinkTo); base.ShellView = sv; this.attrs = attrs; this.root = root; this.path = path; = fo; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(root)) { base.SetPath(string.Format("{0}", path)); } else { base.SetPath(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", root, FD, path)); } base.SetPath(pathData); base.SetIdList(idlist); }
public FolderSynchronizer(ISynchronizeInvoke synchronizingObject, IFolderObject <TFolder> foldersToSync, IFoldersFinder <TFolder, TFile> finder, string rootPath = null, string filters = null) { Finder = finder; SyncedFolders = foldersToSync; Finder.Filters = filters; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootPath)) { FileWatcher = new FileSystemWatcherExtended() { Filters = filters }; } else { FileWatcher = new FileSystemWatcherExtended(RootPath, Filters); } FileWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true; FileWatcher.AlwaysMonitorDirectoryChanges = true; FileWatcher.SynchronizingObject = synchronizingObject; SyncFilter = NotifyFilter.Directory | NotifyFilter.File; FileWatcher.FileCreated += OnFileWatcherCreated; FileWatcher.FileDeleted += OnFileWatcherDeleted; FileWatcher.FileRenamed += OnFileWatcherRenamed; FileWatcher.FileSubPathRenamed += OnFileWatcherSubPathRenamed; }
public static string GetDisplayFolder(this IFolderObject folderObject, Culture culture) { if (culture == null) { return(folderObject.DisplayFolder.TrimFolder()); } return(folderObject.TranslatedDisplayFolders[culture]?.TrimFolder() ?? ""); }
public virtual void SetFolderName(IFolderObject folderObj, string sName) { string sOldFile = folderObj.PathString; string sOld = string.Format("{0}/{1}", GetBaseFolder(), sOldFile); string sNew = string.Format("{0}/{1}", GetBaseFolder(), sName); ADBCommand command = new ADBCommand(); CommandResult rez = command.Rename(sOld, sNew); }
/* * public IImageList list_SHIL_SMALL; * public IImageList list_SHIL_LARGE; * public IImageList list_SHIL_EXTRALARGE; * public IImageList list_SHIL_JUMBO; * * public System.Drawing.Icon icon_s; * public System.Drawing.Icon icon_l; * public System.Drawing.Icon icon_e; * public System.Drawing.Icon icon_j; */ internal ExtractIconImpl(IFolderObject folderObj) { if (folderObj == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("folderObj"); } this.folderObj = folderObj; }
private void BuildFolderForObject(IFolderObject obj) { var folderStrings = obj.GetDisplayFolder(Culture).Split(';').Distinct(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); foreach (var folderString in folderStrings) { var folder = Folder.CreateFolder(obj.Table, folderString); folder.Children.Add(obj); } }
public static IEnumerable <Folder> GetFolderStack(this IFolderObject folderObject, Culture culture) { var folder = folderObject.GetFolder(culture); while (folder != null && folder.Name != "") { yield return(folder); folder = folder.GetFolder(culture); } }
public static Folder GetFolder(this IFolderObject folderObject, Culture culture) { var df = folderObject.GetDisplayFolder(culture); if (df == null) { return(null); } Folder folder; return(folderObject.Table.FolderCache.TryGetValue(df, out folder) ? folder : null); }
public ExploreMenuItem(IFolderObject folderObj, byte[][] fqPidl, string text, string helpText, string verb, IFolderObject[] items = null) : base(null, false, false, true, helpText, false, false, text, verb) { _items = items; _folderObj = folderObj; if (fqPidl == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("fqPidl"); } this.fqPidl = fqPidl; Click += new EventHandler(ExploreMenuItem_Click); }
/// <summary> Enumerates files that matches given file path </summary> public static IEnumerable <TFile> EnumerateFolderFiles <TFolder, TFile>(this IFolderObject <TFolder> folderCollection, string path) where TFolder : class, IFolderObject <TFile> where TFile : class, IFileObject { foreach (TFolder soundEvent in folderCollection.Files) { TFile sound = soundEvent.Files.Find(x => x.Info.FullName.ComparePath(path)); if (sound != null) { yield return(sound); } } }
public static string GetDisplayFolder(this IFolderObject folderObject, Culture culture) { if (culture == null) { return(folderObject.DisplayFolder.TrimFolder()); } if (folderObject is Folder f) { return(f.DisplayFolder); } var folder = folderObject.TranslatedDisplayFolders[culture]; return(folder == null ? "" : folder.TrimFolder()); }
internal void AddError(IFolderObject folderObject) { if (ErrorMessage == null) { ErrorMessage = "Child objects with errors:"; } if (folderObject is Folder f) { ErrorMessage += "\r\nObjects inside the '" + f.Name + "' folder."; } else { ErrorMessage += "\r\n" + folderObject.GetTypeName() + " " + folderObject.GetName(); } }
private void GetAttributeOwnerGroup(IFolderObject item, ref string sAttr, ref string sOwner, ref string sGroup) { Column columnAttr = null; Column columnOwner = null; Column columnGroup = null; foreach (Column column in Items[0].Columns) { if (column.Name.ToLower().Equals("attributes")) { columnAttr = column; } if (column.Name.ToLower().Equals("owner")) { columnOwner = column; } if (column.Name.ToLower().Equals("group")) { columnGroup = column; } } if (columnAttr != null) { object obj = Items[0].GetColumnValue(columnAttr); if (obj != null) { sAttr = obj.ToString(); } } if (columnOwner != null) { object obj = Items[0].GetColumnValue(columnOwner); if (obj != null) { sOwner = obj.ToString(); } } if (columnGroup != null) { object obj = Items[0].GetColumnValue(columnGroup); if (obj != null) { sGroup = obj.ToString(); } } }
public static void SetDisplayFolder(this IFolderObject folderObject, string newFolderName, Culture culture) { if (folderObject is Folder) { var folder = folderObject as Folder; folder.DisplayFolder = newFolderName; } else { if (culture == null) { folderObject.DisplayFolder = newFolderName; } else { folderObject.TranslatedDisplayFolders[culture] = newFolderName; } } }
public override void CopyItems(IFolderObject fo, List <string> lItems) { List <string> folders = new List <string>(); List <string> files = new List <string>(); CommandResult cr = Copy(fo.PathString, lItems, ref folders, ref files); if (!cr.IsSuccess) { cr.ShowMessage(); return; } IntPtr pCurrObj = ItemIdList.Create(null, fo.PathData).Ptr; Shell32.SHChangeNotify(ShellChangeEvents.UpdateDir, ShellChangeFlags.IdList | ShellChangeFlags.Flush, pCurrObj, IntPtr.Zero); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(pCurrObj); }
public static bool TryGetFolderFile <TFolder, TFile>(this IFolderObject <TFolder> folderCollection, string path, out TFile file, out TFolder folder) where TFolder : class, IFolderObject <TFile> where TFile : class, IFileObject { foreach (TFolder folderItem in folderCollection.Files) { foreach (TFile folderFile in folderItem.Files) { if (folderFile.Info.FullName.ComparePath(path)) { file = folderFile; folder = folderItem; return(true); } } } folder = null; file = null; return(false); }
public void MoveObject(IFolderObject sourceObject, Table newDestinationTable, bool allowOverwrite) { if (sourceObject is Measure m) { var kpi = m.KPI; m.Delete(); m.RenewMetadataObject(); if (kpi != null) { kpi.RenewMetadataObject(); m.Reinit(); } newDestinationTable.Measures.Add(m); } if (sourceObject is CalculatedColumn c) { var name = c.Name; c.Delete(); c.RenewMetadataObject(); c.MetadataObject.Name = newDestinationTable.Columns.GetNewName(name); newDestinationTable.Columns.Add(c); } }
public virtual void CopyItems(IFolderObject fo, List <string> lItems) { if (fo == null) { List <string> folders = new List <string>(); List <string> files = new List <string>(); string sRealDestination = lItems[lItems.Count - 1]; lItems.RemoveAt(lItems.Count - 1); if (lItems.Count > 0) { foreach (string item in lItems) { string sObject = item; byte[][] btp = CodePath.Decode(CodePath.GetPathFromString(sObject)); LinkMayker lb = new LinkMayker(); IntPtr path = ItemIdList.Create(null, btp).Ptr; string sFullName = sObject.Substring(sObject.IndexOf('\\') + 1); lb.MakeLink("Virtual Link", path, sRealDestination + "\\" + sFullName.Substring(sFullName.LastIndexOf(FD[0]) + 1) + ".lnk"); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(path); //Copy(sRealDestination, lItems, ref folders, ref files); } } } else { List <string> folders = new List <string>(); List <string> files = new List <string>(); CommandResult cr = Copy(fo.PathString, lItems, ref folders, ref files); if (!cr.IsSuccess) { cr.ShowMessage(); } } }
private bool Matches(IFolderObject folderObj) { FolderAttributes attrs = folderObj.Attributes; bool hidden = (attrs & FolderAttributes.Hidden) != FolderAttributes.None; bool includeHidden = (opts & EnumOptions.IncludeHidden) == EnumOptions.IncludeHidden; bool folder = (attrs & FolderAttributes.Folder) != FolderAttributes.None; bool includeFolders = (opts & EnumOptions.Folders) == EnumOptions.Folders; bool includeNonFolders = (opts & EnumOptions.NonFolders) == EnumOptions.NonFolders; bool storage = (attrs & (FolderAttributes.StorageAncestor | FolderAttributes.StorageAncestor)) != FolderAttributes.None; bool includeStorage = (opts & EnumOptions.Storage) == EnumOptions.Storage; bool share = (attrs & FolderAttributes.Share) != FolderAttributes.None; bool includeShares = (opts & EnumOptions.Shareable) == EnumOptions.Shareable; return ((hidden ? includeHidden : true) && (folder ? includeFolders : includeNonFolders) && (storage ? includeStorage : true) && (share ? includeShares : true)); }
internal ContextMenuImpl(IFolderObject root, params IFolderObject[] fos) { if (root != null) { root.ContextMenu = this; } if (fos == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("fos"); } else if (fos.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("fos.Length", fos.Length, "must be >= 1"); } else if (root == null && fos.Length > 1) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } ShellMenuItem[] mis; if (fos.Length == 1) { mis = fos[0].MenuItems; fos[0].ContextMenu = this; } else { mis = root.GetMenuItems(fos); } menuItems = (mis == null) ? new ShellMenuItem[] {} : mis; }
internal void AddError(IFolderObject folderObject) { if (ErrorMessage == null) { ErrorMessage = "Child objects with errors:"; var parentFolder = this.GetFolder(Tree.Culture); if (parentFolder != null && parentFolder.Name != "") { parentFolder.AddError(this); } else { Table.AddError(this); } } if (folderObject is Folder f) { ErrorMessage += "\r\nObjects inside the '" + f.Name + "' folder."; } else { ErrorMessage += "\r\n" + folderObject.GetTypeName() + " " + folderObject.GetName(); } }
public void SetData(IFolderObject[] items, IFolderObject folderObj) { _folderObj = folderObj; Items = items; if (Items.Count() == 1) { string sAttr = null; string sOwner = null; string sGroup = null; GetAttributeOwnerGroup(Items[0], ref sAttr, ref sOwner, ref sGroup); if (!cbOwner.Items.Contains(sOwner)) { cbOwner.Items.Add(sOwner); } cbOwner.Text = sOwner; if (!cbGroup.Items.Contains(sGroup)) { cbGroup.Items.Add(sGroup); } cbGroup.Text = sGroup; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sAttr)) { this.Text = string.Format("P[{0}] O[{1}] G[{2}] {3}", sAttr, sOwner, sGroup, string.Format("/{0}", Items[0].PathString)); ParseAttribute(sAttr); } else { //clear all data } } }
/// <summary> Enumerates files that are sub paths of given folder path</summary> public static IEnumerable <TFile> EnumerateSubPathFiles <TFile>(this IFolderObject <TFile> folders, string path) where TFile : IFileSystemObject => folders.Files.Where(file => IOHelper.IsSubPathOf(file.Info.FullName, path));
/// <summary> Enumerates files that matches given file path </summary> public static IEnumerable <TFile> EnumerateFiles <TFile>(this IFolderObject <TFile> folders, string path) where TFile : IFileSystemObject => folders.Files.Where(file => file.Info.FullName.ComparePath(path));
public IFolderSynchronizer <SoundEvent, Sound> Create(IFolderObject <SoundEvent> foldersToSync, string rootPath = null, string filters = null) => new SoundEventsSynchronizer(synchonizingObject, foldersToSync, finder, fileSystem, rootPath, filters);
public static bool TryGetFolderFile <TFolder, TFile>(this IFolderObject <TFolder> folderCollection, string path, out TFile file) where TFolder : class, IFolderObject <TFile> where TFile : class, IFileObject => TryGetFolderFile(folderCollection, path, out file, out TFolder folder);
/// <summary> Enumerates files that matches given file path </summary> public static IEnumerable <(TFolder folder, TFile file)> EnumerateFolderFilesExtended <TFolder, TFile>(this IFolderObject <TFolder> folderCollection, string path)