Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a IFileSystemListener to a given relative path, so every event on the path and every sub-paths are served to the
        /// IFileSystemListener.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listener">The listener that defines the callback events for the file system.</param>
        protected void AddFileSystemListener(IFileSystemListener listener)
            // Add the file system watcher for a directory and its subdirectories
            // AKA Sauron
            Watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(GetFileSystemRoot())
                    EnableRaisingEvents = true,
                    IncludeSubdirectories = true

            // Add the callback functions
            Watcher.Changed += ((o, e) => listener.OnChanged(e.FullPath + ((IsDirectory(GetRelativePath(e.FullPath)) && !e.FullPath.EndsWith(FileSystem.PathSeparator)) ? FileSystem.PathSeparator : String.Empty)));
            Watcher.Created += ((o, e) => listener.OnCreated(e.FullPath + ((IsDirectory(GetRelativePath(e.FullPath)) && !e.FullPath.EndsWith(FileSystem.PathSeparator)) ? FileSystem.PathSeparator : String.Empty)));
            Watcher.Deleted += ((o, e) => listener.OnDeleted(e.FullPath + ((IsDirectory(GetRelativePath(e.FullPath)) && !e.FullPath.EndsWith(FileSystem.PathSeparator)) ? FileSystem.PathSeparator : String.Empty)));
            Watcher.Renamed += ((o, e) => listener.OnRenamed(e.OldFullPath + ((IsDirectory(GetRelativePath(e.FullPath)) && !e.OldFullPath.EndsWith(FileSystem.PathSeparator)) ? FileSystem.PathSeparator : String.Empty), e.FullPath + ((IsDirectory(GetRelativePath(e.FullPath)) && !e.FullPath.EndsWith(FileSystem.PathSeparator)) ? FileSystem.PathSeparator : String.Empty)));