Example #1
 public FiberCableCommandHandler(IAggregateRepository aggregateRepository, IRouteNetworkState routeNetworkQueryService, IConduitNetworkQueryService conduitNetworkQueryService, IFiberNetworkQueryService fiberNetworkQueryService)
     this.repo = aggregateRepository;
     this.conduitNetworkQueryService = conduitNetworkQueryService;
     this.routeNetworkQueryService   = routeNetworkQueryService;
     this.fiberNetworkQueryService   = fiberNetworkQueryService;
Example #2
        public FiberCableInfoProjection(IRouteNetworkState routeNetworkQueryService, IFiberNetworkQueryService fiberNetworkQueryService)
            this.routeNetworkQueryService = routeNetworkQueryService;
            this.fiberNetworkQueryService = (FiberNetworkQueryService)fiberNetworkQueryService;

            ProjectEvent <FiberCablePlaced>(OnFiberCablePlaced);
Example #3
        public DemoNetwork(IHostingEnvironment env, IDocumentStore documentStore, IMediator commandBus, IConduitClosureRepository conduitClosureRepository, IRouteNetworkState routeNetwork, IConduitNetworkQueryService conduitNetwork, IFiberNetworkQueryService fiberNetworkQueryService)
            Description = "API for invoking the demo/test data builder";

            Field <StringGraphType>(
                description: "Deletes the database and rebuild the demo data from the GeoJson files created using QGIS",
                resolve: context =>
                    // First delete everything in the database

                    // Clean everything in projected in-memory read models

                    var iisExpressFolder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

                    var pathToData = env.ContentRootPath;

                    if (iisExpressFolder.Contains("Debug\\netcoreapp"))
                        pathToData = iisExpressFolder;

                    pathToData += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString() + "Data" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString();

                    // Rebuild demo data
                    RouteNetworkBuilder.Run(pathToData, commandBus);
                    ConduitBuilder.Run(conduitNetwork, commandBus);
                    EquipmentBuilder.Run(routeNetwork, conduitNetwork, commandBus);

                    // Reload everything again

                    return("Read models cleaned and test data was rebuilt.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    context.Errors.Add(new ExecutionError(ex.Message, ex));
        public Diagram Build(Guid nodeId, IRouteNetworkState routeNetworkQueryService, IConduitNetworkQueryService conduitNetworkEqueryService, IFiberNetworkQueryService fiberNetworkService, IConduitClosureRepository conduitClosureRepository)
            _routeNetworkQueryService   = routeNetworkQueryService;
            _conduitNetworkQueryService = conduitNetworkEqueryService;

            _traversalHelper = new TraversalHelper(_routeNetworkQueryService);

            DiagramBuilder builder = new DiagramBuilder();

            double minWidth = 300;

            double offsetY = 0;

            ConduitClosureInfo conduitClosureInfo = null;

            if (conduitClosureRepository.CheckIfRouteNodeContainsConduitClosure(nodeId))
                conduitClosureInfo = conduitClosureRepository.GetConduitClosureInfoByRouteNodeId(nodeId);

            // Add cables passing through
            var cableSegmentRels = fiberNetworkService.GetLineSegmentsRelatedToPointOfInterest(nodeId);

            offsetY += AddCablePassThroughBlock(builder, cableSegmentRels, offsetY, 300);

            // Add multi conduit passing through
            var conduitSegmentRels = conduitNetworkEqueryService.GetConduitSegmentsRelatedToPointOfInterest(nodeId);

            foreach (var conduitSegmentRel in conduitSegmentRels)
                // pass by multi conduit
                if (conduitSegmentRel.RelationType == SegmentRelationTypeEnum.PassThrough && conduitSegmentRel.Segment.Line.LineKind == LineKindEnum.MultiConduit)
                    // check if outside conduit closure
                    if (conduitClosureInfo != null && conduitClosureInfo.Sides.Exists(s => s.Ports.Exists(p => p.MultiConduitId == conduitSegmentRel.Segment.Line.Id)))
                        offsetY += AddMultiConduitPassThroughBlock(builder, (ConduitSegmentInfo)conduitSegmentRel.Segment, minWidth, offsetY);

            // Add conduit closure
            offsetY += 20;

            if (conduitClosureInfo != null)
                offsetY += AddConduitClosureBlock(builder, conduitClosureInfo, minWidth, offsetY);

            Diagram diagram = builder.CreateDiagram();


            LineBlock junctionBlock = new LineBlock(30, 0);

            junctionBlock.MinWidth = 300;

            // Add first vest port with 5 terminal
            AddMultiConduitPort(junctionBlock, BlockSideEnum.Vest, 10, "Orange");

            // Add second vest port with 7 terminal
            AddMultiConduitPort(junctionBlock, BlockSideEnum.Vest, 7, "Orange");

            // Add fist east port with 10 terminal
            AddMultiConduitPort(junctionBlock, BlockSideEnum.East, 10, "Orange");

            // Add second east port with 7 terminal
            AddMultiConduitPort(junctionBlock, BlockSideEnum.East, 7, "Orange");

            // Add north big conduit port 1 with 3 terminal
            AddBigConduitPort(junctionBlock, BlockSideEnum.North, 3, "Red");

            // Add north big conduit port 2 with 5 terminal
            AddBigConduitPort(junctionBlock, BlockSideEnum.North, 5, "Red");

            junctionBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.Vest, 1, 1, BlockSideEnum.East, 1, 1, null, "InnerConduitBlue", LineShapeTypeEnum.Polygon);

            junctionBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.Vest, 1, 2, BlockSideEnum.North, 1, 1, null, "InnerConduitBlue", LineShapeTypeEnum.Polygon);

             * // Feeder calbe from central office
             * junctionBlock.AddConnection(BlockSideEnum.Vest, 2, 5, BlockSideEnum.North, 1, 1, "192", "CableInsideWell");
             * // Transit feeder cable to other flex points
             * junctionBlock.AddConnection(BlockSideEnum.Vest, 1, 4, BlockSideEnum.North, 1, 2, "96", "CableInsideWell");
             * junctionBlock.AddConnection(BlockSideEnum.East, 1, 10, BlockSideEnum.North, 1, 3, "96", "CableInsideWell");
             * // Sp connections
             * junctionBlock.AddConnection(BlockSideEnum.East, 1, 1, BlockSideEnum.North, 2, 2, "24", "CableInsideWell");
             * junctionBlock.AddConnection(BlockSideEnum.East, 1, 2, BlockSideEnum.North, 2, 3, "48", "CableInsideWell");
             * junctionBlock.AddConnection(BlockSideEnum.East, 1, 3, BlockSideEnum.North, 2, 4, "48", "CableInsideWell");
             * junctionBlock.AddConnection(BlockSideEnum.East, 1, 4, BlockSideEnum.North, 2, 5, "48", "CableInsideWell");
             * junctionBlock.AddConnection(BlockSideEnum.Vest, 2, 2, BlockSideEnum.North, 2, 1, "48", "CableInsideWell");

            junctionBlock.Measure(new Layout.Size());

            /// well north label block

            LineBlock wellNorthLabelBlock = new LineBlock(30, junctionBlock.DesiredSize.Height, LineBlockTypeEnum.Simple);

            wellNorthLabelBlock.MinHeight = 30;

            // Add north port with 3 terminal
            AddBigConduitPort(wellNorthLabelBlock, BlockSideEnum.North, 3);

            // Add north port with 5 terminal
            AddBigConduitPort(wellNorthLabelBlock, BlockSideEnum.North, 5);

            // Add south port with 3 terminal
            AddBigConduitPort(wellNorthLabelBlock, BlockSideEnum.South, 3);

            // Add south port with 5 terminal
            AddBigConduitPort(wellNorthLabelBlock, BlockSideEnum.South, 5);

            wellNorthLabelBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.North, 1, 1, BlockSideEnum.South, 1, 1, "GSS 1 (1-16)", "CableOutsideWell");
            wellNorthLabelBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.North, 1, 2, BlockSideEnum.South, 1, 2, "GSS 1 (1-8)", "CableOutsideWell");
            wellNorthLabelBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.North, 1, 3, BlockSideEnum.South, 1, 3, "GSS 1 (9-16)", "CableOutsideWell");

            wellNorthLabelBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.North, 2, 1, BlockSideEnum.South, 2, 1, "GPS 1", "CableOutsideWell");
            wellNorthLabelBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.North, 2, 2, BlockSideEnum.South, 2, 2, "GPS 1", "CableOutsideWell");
            wellNorthLabelBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.North, 2, 3, BlockSideEnum.South, 2, 3, "GPS 2", "CableOutsideWell");
            wellNorthLabelBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.North, 2, 4, BlockSideEnum.South, 2, 4, "GPS 2", "CableOutsideWell");
            wellNorthLabelBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.North, 2, 5, BlockSideEnum.South, 2, 5, "GPS 2 & 3", "CableOutsideWell");

            wellNorthLabelBlock.Measure(new Layout.Size());

            /// well vest label block

            LineBlock wellVestLabelBlock = new LineBlock(0, 0, LineBlockTypeEnum.Simple);

            wellVestLabelBlock.MinWidth = 30;

            // Add vest port with 5 terminal
            AddBigConduitPort(wellVestLabelBlock, BlockSideEnum.Vest, 5);

            // Add vest port with 7 terminal
            AddBigConduitPort(wellVestLabelBlock, BlockSideEnum.Vest, 7);

            // Add east port with 5 terminal
            AddBigConduitPort(wellVestLabelBlock, BlockSideEnum.East, 5);

            // Add east port with 7 terminal
            AddBigConduitPort(wellVestLabelBlock, BlockSideEnum.East, 7);

            wellVestLabelBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.Vest, 1, 4, BlockSideEnum.East, 1, 4, "PF-4200", "CableOutsideWell");
            wellVestLabelBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.Vest, 2, 2, BlockSideEnum.East, 2, 2, "SP-5420", "CableOutsideWell");
            wellVestLabelBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.Vest, 2, 5, BlockSideEnum.East, 2, 5, "CO-1010", "CableOutsideWell");

            wellVestLabelBlock.Measure(new Layout.Size());

            /// east label block

            LineBlock wellEastLabelBlock = new LineBlock(junctionBlock.DesiredSize.Width + 30, 0, LineBlockTypeEnum.Simple);

            wellEastLabelBlock.MinWidth  = 30;
            wellEastLabelBlock.MinHeight = junctionBlock.DesiredSize.Height;

            // Add vest port with 10 terminal
            AddBigConduitPort(wellEastLabelBlock, BlockSideEnum.Vest, 10);

            // Add east port with 10 terminal
            AddBigConduitPort(wellEastLabelBlock, BlockSideEnum.East, 10);

            wellEastLabelBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.Vest, 1, 1, BlockSideEnum.East, 1, 1, "SP-5010", "CableOutsideWell");
            wellEastLabelBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.Vest, 1, 2, BlockSideEnum.East, 1, 2, "SP-5011", "CableOutsideWell");
            wellEastLabelBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.Vest, 1, 3, BlockSideEnum.East, 1, 3, "SP-5013", "CableOutsideWell");
            wellEastLabelBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.Vest, 1, 4, BlockSideEnum.East, 1, 4, "SP-6002", "CableOutsideWell");
            wellEastLabelBlock.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.Vest, 1, 10, BlockSideEnum.East, 1, 10, "FP-4203", "CableOutsideWell");

            wellEastLabelBlock.Measure(new Layout.Size());

            /// well north corner 1

            LineBlock wellNorthCorner1 = new LineBlock(30, junctionBlock.DesiredSize.Height + wellNorthLabelBlock.DesiredSize.Height, LineBlockTypeEnum.Simple);

            wellNorthCorner1.MinHeight = 20;

            // Add south port with 3 terminal
            AddBigConduitPort(wellNorthCorner1, BlockSideEnum.South, 3);

            // Add east port with 3 terminal
            AddBigConduitPort(wellNorthCorner1, BlockSideEnum.East, 3, null, 1, 1);

            wellNorthCorner1.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.South, 1, 1, BlockSideEnum.East, 1, 1, "", "CableOutsideWell");
            wellNorthCorner1.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.South, 1, 2, BlockSideEnum.East, 1, 2, "", "CableOutsideWell");
            wellNorthCorner1.AddTerminalConnection(BlockSideEnum.South, 1, 3, BlockSideEnum.East, 1, 3, "", "CableOutsideWell");

            // Set margin on east side to 0
            wellNorthCorner1.SetSideMargin(BlockSideEnum.East, 0);


            Diagram sdiagram = builder.CreateDiagram();

Example #5
        public DiagramServiceQuery(IRouteNetworkState routeNetworkQueryService, IConduitNetworkQueryService conduitNetworkEqueryService, IConduitClosureRepository conduitClosureRepository, IFiberNetworkQueryService fiberNetworkService, IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoader)
            Description = "GraphQL API for generating fiber equiment diagrams.";

            Field <DiagramType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IdGraphType> > {
                Name = "routeNodeId"
                    new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "exportGeojsonFileName"
                resolve: context =>
                var routeNodeId  = context.GetArgument <Guid>("routeNodeId");
                var jsonFilename = context.GetArgument <string>("exportGeojsonFileName");

                var diagram = new ConduitClosureBuilder().Build(routeNodeId, routeNetworkQueryService, conduitNetworkEqueryService, fiberNetworkService, conduitClosureRepository);

                if (jsonFilename != null)
                    var export = new GeoJsonExporter(diagram);

        internal void ConnectFiber(Guid pointOfInterestId, int fiberSequenceNumber /*, ConduitEndKindEnum endKind */, Guid junctionId, IRouteNetworkState routeNetworkQueryService, IFiberNetworkQueryService fiberNetworkQueryService)
            // Point of interest id check
            if (pointOfInterestId == null || pointOfInterestId == Guid.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("PointOfInterestId cannot be null or empty");

             * // endKind check
             * if (endKind == 0)
             *  throw new ArgumentException("End kind must be specified. Otherwise the system don't know with end of the segment to connect, if a conduit has been cut into two pieces in a node.");
             * var multiConduitInfo = conduitNetworkQueryService.GetMultiConduitInfo(Id);
             * // Inner conduit number check
             * if (!multiConduitInfo.Children.OfType<ConduitInfo>().Any(i => i.SequenceNumber == sequenceNumber))
             *  throw new ArgumentException("Cannot find inner conduit number: " + sequenceNumber + " in multi conduit: " + Id);
             * var singleConduitInfo = conduitNetworkQueryService.GetSingleConduitInfo(multiConduitInfo.Children.OfType<ConduitInfo>().Single(i => i.SequenceNumber == sequenceNumber).Id);
             * if (!singleConduitInfo.Segments.Exists(s => s.FromRouteNodeId == pointOfInterestId || s.ToRouteNodeId == pointOfInterestId))
             *  throw new ArgumentException("Inner conduit number: " + sequenceNumber + " in multi conduit: " + Id + " is not cut at: " + pointOfInterestId);
             * // Check that conduit is connected at a node part of conduit walk of interest
             * var walkOfInterest = routeNetworkQueryService.GetWalkOfInterestInfo(multiConduitInfo.WalkOfInterestId);
             * if (!walkOfInterest.AllNodeIds.Contains(pointOfInterestId))
             *  throw new ArgumentException("The point of interest: " + pointOfInterestId + " was not found in walk of interest:" + multiConduitInfo.WalkOfInterestId + " of multi conduit: " + Id);
             * // Check incomming
             * if (endKind == ConduitEndKindEnum.Incomming && !multiConduitInfo.Segments.Exists(s => s.ToRouteNodeId == pointOfInterestId))
             *  throw new ArgumentException("No segments are incomming to point of interest: " + pointOfInterestId + " in multi conduit: " + Id);
             * // Check outgoing
             * if (endKind == ConduitEndKindEnum.Outgoing && !multiConduitInfo.Segments.Exists(s => s.FromRouteNodeId == pointOfInterestId))
             *  throw new ArgumentException("No segments are outgoing from point of interest: " + pointOfInterestId + " in multi conduit: " + Id);
             * ILineSegment connectingSegment = null;
             * // Check incomming inner conduit
             * if (endKind == ConduitEndKindEnum.Incomming)
             * {
             *  if (!singleConduitInfo.Segments.Exists(s => s.ToRouteNodeId == pointOfInterestId))
             *      throw new ArgumentException("No inner conduit segments are incomming to point of interest: " + pointOfInterestId + " in single conduit: " + Id);
             *  connectingSegment = singleConduitInfo.Segments.Find(s => s.ToRouteNodeId == pointOfInterestId);
             *  // Check if already connect to a junction
             *  if (connectingSegment.ToNodeId != Guid.Empty)
             *      throw new ArgumentException("the incomming  inner conduit segment: " + connectingSegment.Id + " is already connected to a junction: " + connectingSegment.ToNodeId);
             * }
             * // Check outgoing inner conduit
             * else
             * {
             *  if (!singleConduitInfo.Segments.Exists(s => s.FromRouteNodeId == pointOfInterestId))
             *      throw new ArgumentException("No  inner conduit segments are outgoing from point of interest: " + pointOfInterestId + " in single conduit: " + Id);
             *  connectingSegment = singleConduitInfo.Segments.Find(s => s.FromRouteNodeId == pointOfInterestId);
             *  // Check if already connect to a junction
             *  if (connectingSegment.FromNodeId != Guid.Empty)
             *      throw new ArgumentException("the outgoing  inner conduit segment: " + connectingSegment.Id + " is already connected to a junction: " + connectingSegment.FromNodeId);
             * }
             * RaiseEvent(new MultiConduitInnerConduitConnected
             * {
             *  MultiConduitId = Id,
             *  PointOfInterestId = pointOfInterestId,
             *  InnerConduitSequenceNumber = sequenceNumber,
             *  ConnectedEndKind = endKind,
             *  ConnectedJunctionId = junctionId
             * });
        public FiberCable(Guid fiberCableId, Guid walkOfInterestId, int numberOfFiber, string name, IFiberNetworkQueryService fiberNetworkQueryService) : this()
            // Id check
            if (fiberCableId == null || fiberCableId == Guid.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Id cannot be null or empty");

            // Walk of interest id check
            if (walkOfInterestId == null || walkOfInterestId == Guid.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("WalkOfInterestId cannot be null or empty");

            // Check that not already exists
            if (fiberNetworkQueryService.CheckIfFiberCableIdExists(fiberCableId))
                throw new ArgumentException("A fiber cable with id: " + fiberCableId + " already exists");

            var fiberCablePlaceEvent = new FiberCablePlaced()
                WalkOfInterestId = walkOfInterestId,
                FiberCableId     = fiberCableId,
                NumberOfFibers   = numberOfFiber,

Example #8
        public RouteNodeType(IRouteNetworkState routeNetworkQueryService, IConduitNetworkQueryService conduitNetworkEqueryService, IFiberNetworkQueryService fiberNetworkQueryService, IConduitClosureRepository conduitClosureRepository, IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoader, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
            this.routeNetworkQueryService    = routeNetworkQueryService;
            this.conduitNetworkEqueryService = conduitNetworkEqueryService;
            this.conduitClosureRepository    = conduitClosureRepository;

            Description = "A route node in a route network.";

            // Interface fields

            Interface <NodeInterface>();

            Field(x => x.Id, type: typeof(IdGraphType)).Description("Guid property");

            Field(x => x.Name, type: typeof(IdGraphType)).Description("Name of node managed by the utility");

            // Additional fields

            Field <RouteNodeKindEnumType>("NodeKind", "Kind of node");
            Field <RouteNodeFunctionKindEnumType>("NodeFunctionKind", "Function that the node do/provides");

            Field <GeometryType>(
                resolve: context =>
                return(new Geometry(context.Source.Geometry.GeoJsonType, context.Source.Geometry.GeoJsonCoordinates));

            Field <LocationInfoType>(
                resolve: context =>

            Field <ListGraphType <ConduitRelationType> >(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <BooleanGraphType> {
                Name = "includeMultiConduits"
                    new QueryArgument <BooleanGraphType> {
                Name = "includeSingleConduits"
                    new QueryArgument <BooleanGraphType> {
                Name = "includeInnerConduits"
                    new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "conduitSegmentId", Description = "Will be deleted. Use conduit id instead"
                    new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "conduitId", Description = "Id of conduit of conduit segment"
                resolve: context =>
                var includeMultiConduits  = context.GetArgument <Boolean>("includeMultiConduits", true);
                var includeSingleConduits = context.GetArgument <Boolean>("includeSingleConduits", true);
                var includeInnerConduits  = context.GetArgument <Boolean>("includeInnerConduits", true);

                var conduitSegmentIdParam = context.GetArgument <string>("conduitSegmentId");
                var conduitIdParam        = context.GetArgument <string>("conduitId");

                var conduitSegmentId = Guid.Empty;

                if (conduitSegmentIdParam != null)
                    if (!Guid.TryParse(conduitSegmentIdParam, out conduitSegmentId))
                        context.Errors.Add(new ExecutionError("Wrong value for guid"));

                if (conduitIdParam != null)
                    if (!Guid.TryParse(conduitIdParam, out conduitSegmentId))
                        context.Errors.Add(new ExecutionError("Wrong value for guid"));

                List <ConduitRelation> result = new List <ConduitRelation>();

                var conduitSegmentRels = conduitNetworkEqueryService.GetConduitSegmentsRelatedToPointOfInterest(context.Source.Id, conduitSegmentId == Guid.Empty ? null : conduitSegmentId.ToString());

                foreach (var conduitSegmentRel in conduitSegmentRels)
                    ConduitRelation rel = new ConduitRelation()
                        RelationType   = Convert(conduitSegmentRel.RelationType),
                        Conduit        = ((ConduitSegmentInfo)conduitSegmentRel.Segment).Conduit,
                        ConduitSegment = (ConduitSegmentInfo)conduitSegmentRel.Segment

                    // Check if segment is related to a conduit closure
                        if (conduitClosureRepository.CheckIfRouteNodeContainsConduitClosure(context.Source.Id))
                            var conduitClosureInfo = conduitClosureRepository.GetConduitClosureInfoByRouteNodeId(context.Source.Id);

                            // If conduit closure contains a port or terminal related to the conduit segment, then it's related to the conduit closure
                            if (
                                conduitClosureInfo.Sides.Exists(s => s.Ports.Exists(p => p.MultiConduitSegmentId == conduitSegmentRel.Segment.Id))
                                conduitClosureInfo.Sides.Exists(s => s.Ports.Exists(p => p.Terminals.Exists(t => t.LineSegmentId == conduitSegmentRel.Segment.Id)))
                                rel.CanBeAttachedToConduitClosure = false;
                                rel.CanBeAttachedToConduitClosure = true;

                    // Check if segment is cut at node
                    if (conduitSegmentRel.Segment.Line.Segments.Exists(s => s.FromRouteNodeId == context.Source.Id || s.ToRouteNodeId == context.Source.Id))
                        rel.CanBeCutAtNode = false;
                        rel.CanBeCutAtNode = true;

                    if (includeMultiConduits && conduitSegmentRel.Segment.Line.LineKind == LineKindEnum.MultiConduit)

                    if (includeInnerConduits && conduitSegmentRel.Segment.Line.LineKind == LineKindEnum.InnerConduit)

                    if (includeSingleConduits && conduitSegmentRel.Segment.Line.LineKind == LineKindEnum.SingleConduit)


            Field <ConduitClosureType>(
                resolve: context =>
                if (conduitClosureRepository.CheckIfRouteNodeContainsConduitClosure(context.Source.Id))

            Field <RouteNodeGraphFunctions>("graph", resolve: context => context.Source);

            Field <ListGraphType <SegmentInterface> >(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "lineId", Description = "Id of specific line og line segment to fetch"
                resolve: context =>
                httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Items.Add("routeNodeId", context.Source.Id);

                var lineIdParam = context.GetArgument <Guid>("lineId");

                List <ISegment> result = new List <ISegment>();

                var allSegments = new List <SegmentWithRouteNodeRelationInfo>();

                // Add multi conduits and single conduits segments
                allSegments.AddRange(conduitNetworkEqueryService.GetConduitSegmentsRelatedToPointOfInterest(context.Source.Id).Where(c => c.Segment.Line.LineKind == LineKindEnum.MultiConduit || c.Segment.Line.LineKind == LineKindEnum.SingleConduit));
                // Add fiber cable segments
                allSegments.AddRange(fiberNetworkQueryService.GetLineSegmentsRelatedToPointOfInterest(context.Source.Id).Where(c => c.Segment.Line.LineKind == LineKindEnum.FiberCable));

                // Create fast lookup table to be used for parent check

                HashSet <Guid> segmentExistsLookup = new HashSet <Guid>();
                foreach (var segmentWithRel in allSegments)

                // Iterate through all segments and decided if to return or not depending on if they are roots of the node or not
                foreach (var segmentWithRel in allSegments)
                    // Now check if the segment has a parent that is also related to the node.
                    // If so, the segment is contained within another segment, and should not be returned as a root element to the node
                    bool isContained = false;

                    if (segmentWithRel.Segment.Parents != null)
                        foreach (var parent in segmentWithRel.Segment.Parents)
                            if (segmentExistsLookup.Contains(parent.Id))
                                isContained = true;

                    if (!isContained)
                        if (lineIdParam != Guid.Empty)
                            if (segmentWithRel.Segment.Id == lineIdParam || segmentWithRel.Segment.Line.Id == lineIdParam)
