Example #1
        public static void MergeCandle(this CandleTableEntity entity, IFeedCandle candle, TimeInterval interval)
            if (entity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));

            // 1. Check if candle with specified time already exist
            // 2. If found - merge, else - add to list
            var cell           = candle.DateTime.GetIntervalCell(interval);
            var tick           = candle.DateTime.GetIntervalTick(interval);
            var existingCandle = entity.Candles.FirstOrDefault(ci => ci.Tick == tick && ci.Cell == cell);

            if (existingCandle != null)
                // Merge in list
                var mergedCandle = existingCandle
                                   .ToCandle(entity.IsBuy, entity.DateTime, interval)

                // Add to list
Example #2
        public void MergeCandle(IFeedCandle candle, TimeInterval interval)
            // 1. Check if candle with specified time already exist
            // 2. If found - merge, else - add to list
            //var cell = candle.DateTime.GetIntervalCell(interval);
            var tick           = candle.DateTime.GetIntervalTick(interval);
            var existingCandle = Candles.FirstOrDefault(ci => ci.Tick == tick);

            if (existingCandle != null)
                // Merge in list
                var mergedCandle = existingCandle
                                   .ToCandle(PriceType == PriceType.Bid, DateTime, interval)

                // Add to list
Example #3
        public static IFeedCandle MergeWith(this IFeedCandle target, IFeedCandle update)
            if (target == null || update == null)
                return(target ?? update);

            if (target.IsBuy != update.IsBuy)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Can't merge buy and sell candles. Source={0} Update={1}", target.ToJson(), update.ToJson()));
            if (target.DateTime != update.DateTime)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Can't merge candles with different DateTime property. Source={0} Update={1}", target.ToJson(), update.ToJson()));

            return(new FeedCandle()
                Open = update.Open,
                Close = update.Close,
                High = Math.Max(target.High, update.High),
                Low = Math.Min(target.Low, update.Low),
                IsBuy = target.IsBuy,
                DateTime = target.DateTime
        public void PriceValuesAreMerged()
            DateTime dt = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1);

            // Case 1: Update values are taken
            var target = new FeedCandle()
                Open = 2, Close = 3, High = 4, Low = 1, IsBuy = true, DateTime = dt
            var update = new FeedCandle()
                Open = 3, Close = 2, High = 5, Low = 0.1, IsBuy = true, DateTime = dt

            IFeedCandle merged = target.MergeWith(update);

            Assert.Equal(update.Open, merged.Open);
            Assert.Equal(update.Close, merged.Close);
            Assert.Equal(update.High, merged.High);
            Assert.Equal(update.Low, merged.Low);
            Assert.Equal(merged.DateTime, dt);

            // Case 2: Target values are preserved
            update = new FeedCandle()
                Open = 3, Close = 2, High = 3, Low = 2, IsBuy = true, DateTime = dt

            merged = target.MergeWith(update);
            Assert.Equal(target.High, merged.High);
            Assert.Equal(target.Low, merged.Low);
Example #5
 public static string PartitionKey(this IFeedCandle candle, PriceType priceType)
     if (candle == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(candle));
Example #6
 public static string RowKey(this IFeedCandle candle, TimeInterval interval)
     if (candle == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(candle));
     return(CandleTableEntity.GenerateRowKey(candle.DateTime, interval));
 public static ApiAssetPairHistoryRateModel ToApiModel(string assetPairId, IFeedCandle buyCandle, IFeedCandle sellCandle)
     return(new ApiAssetPairHistoryRateModel
         Id = assetPairId,
         Ask = sellCandle.Close,
         Bid = buyCandle.Close
Example #8
        public static void MergeCandle(this CandleTableEntity entity, CandleItem candle, TimeInterval interval)
            if (entity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));

            IFeedCandle fc = candle.ToCandle(entity.IsBuy, entity.DateTime, interval);

            entity.MergeCandle(fc, interval);
 public Task InsertOrMergeAsync(IFeedCandle candle, string asset, TimeInterval interval, PriceType priceType)
     this.storage.Add(new StoreItem()
         candle    = candle,
         asset     = asset,
         interval  = interval,
         priceType = priceType
Example #10
 public static CandleItem ToItem(this IFeedCandle candle, TimeInterval interval)
     return(new CandleItem()
         Open = candle.Open,
         Close = candle.Close,
         High = candle.High,
         Low = candle.Low,
         Tick = candle.DateTime.GetIntervalTick(interval)
 public static ApiCandle ToApiCandle(this IFeedCandle candle)
     return((candle != null) ? new ApiCandle
         T = candle.DateTime,
         O = candle.Open,
         C = candle.Close,
         H = candle.High,
         L = candle.Low
     } : null);
Example #12
 public static bool IsEqual(this IFeedCandle candle, IFeedCandle other)
     if (other != null && candle != null)
         return(candle.DateTime == other.DateTime &&
                candle.Open == other.Open &&
                candle.Close == other.Close &&
                candle.High == other.High &&
                candle.Low == other.Low &&
                candle.IsBuy == other.IsBuy);
Example #13
        public async Task InsertOrMergeAsync(IFeedCandle candle, PriceType priceType, TimeInterval interval)
            // Get candle table entity
            var partitionKey = CandleTableEntity.GeneratePartitionKey(priceType);
            var rowKey       = CandleTableEntity.GenerateRowKey(candle.DateTime, interval);

            var entity = await _tableStorage.GetDataAsync(partitionKey, rowKey) ??
                         new CandleTableEntity(partitionKey, rowKey);

            // Merge candle
            entity.MergeCandle(candle, interval);

            // Update
            await _tableStorage.InsertOrMergeAsync(entity);
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert or merge candle value.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task InsertOrMergeAsync(IFeedCandle feedCandle, string asset, TimeInterval interval, PriceType priceType)
            ValidateAndThrow(asset, interval, priceType);
            var repo = GetRepo(asset, interval);

                await repo.InsertOrMergeAsync(feedCandle, priceType, interval);
                ResetRepo(asset, interval);
        public async Task InsertOrMergeAsync(IFeedCandle candle, string asset, TimeInterval interval)
            if (candle == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(candle));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(asset))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(asset));

            await InsertOrMergeAsync(new Dictionary <TimeInterval, IEnumerable <IFeedCandle> >()
                { interval, new IFeedCandle[] { candle } }
            }, asset);
        public void SingleQuoteIsHandled()
            DateTime dt = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1);
            IReadOnlyCollection <Quote> quotes = new Quote[]
                new Quote()
                    AssetPair = "btcusd", IsBuy = true, Price = 100, Timestamp = dt
            IFeedCandle result = quotes.ToCandle(dt);

            Assert.True(result.IsEqual(new FeedCandle()
                Open = 100, Close = 100, High = 100, Low = 100, IsBuy = true, DateTime = dt
        public void QuotesToCandle_NormalScenario2()
            DateTime dt = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1);

            IReadOnlyCollection <Quote> quotes = new Quote[]
                new Quote()
                    AssetPair = "btcusd", IsBuy = false, Price = 100, Timestamp = dt.AddMinutes(1)
                new Quote()
                    AssetPair = "btcusd", IsBuy = false, Price = 101, Timestamp = dt
            IFeedCandle result = quotes.ToCandle(dt);

            Assert.True(result.IsEqual(new FeedCandle()
                Open = 101, Close = 100, High = 101, Low = 100, IsBuy = false, DateTime = dt
Example #18
 public static string ToJson(this IFeedCandle candle)
     return((candle != null)
         ? $"{{ open:{candle.Open} close:{candle.Close} high:{candle.High} low:{candle.Low} isBuy:{candle.IsBuy} dateTime:{candle.DateTime.ToString("o")} }}"
         : string.Empty);