public DiplomacyFactionRelationshipVM(IFaction faction, HintViewModel hint)
     this.Faction         = faction;
     this.ImageIdentifier = new ImageIdentifierVM(BannerCode.CreateFrom(faction.Banner), true);
     this.NameText        = this.Faction.Name.ToString();
     this.Hint            = hint;
 public override void RefreshValues()
     this._faction   = (base.Obj as IFaction);
     this.Allies     = new MBBindingList <EncyclopediaFactionVM>();
     this.AlliesText = new TextObject("{=KqfNSsBE}Allies", null).ToString();
        internal Upgrade(
            string name,
            int cost,
            string cardText,
            bool unique,
            bool limited,
            IFaction faction,
            IUpgradeType upgradeType,
            UpgradeModifierPackage modifiers,
            IReadOnlyList <IXWingSpecification <IPilot> > upgradeRestrictions)
            Id          = Guid.NewGuid();
            Name        = name;
            Cost        = cost;
            CardText    = cardText;
            Unique      = unique;
            Limited     = limited;
            Faction     = faction;
            UpgradeType = upgradeType;

            AddActionModifiers      = modifiers.AddActionModifiers;
            RemoveActionModifiers   = modifiers.RemoveActionModifiers;
            AddUpgradeModifiers     = modifiers.AddUpgradeModifiers;
            RemoveUpgradeModifiers  = modifiers.RemoveUpgradeModifiers;
            PilotAttributeModifiers = modifiers.PilotAttributeModifiers;
            SelectableAddedUpgrades = modifiers.ChooseableUpgradeModifiers;
            UpgradeRestrictions     = upgradeRestrictions;
        private double CalculateRelationshipFactor(DecisionMaker decisionMaker, IFaction factionToChangeStateWith)
            bool atWar = decisionMaker.Hero.MapFaction.IsAtWarWith(factionToChangeStateWith);
            Dictionary <Hero, int> otherFactionHeroRelations = factionToChangeStateWith.Heroes.Where(h => decisionMaker.Hero.IsFriend(h) || decisionMaker.Hero.IsEnemy(h)).ToDictionary(keySelector: h => h, elementSelector: h => decisionMaker.Hero.GetModifiedRelation(h) / 10);

            return(otherFactionHeroRelations.Count() > 0 ? otherFactionHeroRelations.Sum(f => f.Value) / (double)otherFactionHeroRelations.Count() * 10 : 0);
Example #5
        public static bool FactionInScope(IFaction faction, DropdownDefault <string>?scope)
            if (faction is null || faction.MapFaction is null || scope is null || scope.SelectedIndex < 0 || scope.SelectedIndex > 2)

            switch (scope.SelectedIndex)
            case 0: break;

            case 1:
                if (Clan.PlayerClan.MapFaction is null || !Clan.PlayerClan.MapFaction.IsKingdomFaction || Clan.PlayerClan.MapFaction != faction.MapFaction)

            case 2:
                if (Clan.PlayerClan.MapFaction is null || !Clan.PlayerClan.MapFaction.IsKingdomFaction || !(faction.MapFaction.IsKingdomFaction && faction.MapFaction.Leader != Hero.MainHero))


        public IFaction Kingdom(IFaction clan)
            if (clan == null)
                throw new TechnicalException("Cannot get the kingdom of a null clan");
            if (clan.IsEliminated)
                throw new FunctionalException("The faction with id + " + clan.StringId + " and name " + clan.Name
                                              + " has been eliminated. Therefore, the kingdom for this faction can not be retrieved");

            if (clan.IsKingdomFaction)

            if (clan.IsClan && ClanInKingdoms.ContainsKey(clan.StringId))

            throw new TechnicalException("Clan " + clan.StringId + " can not be found in the tracked clans list from the TrackClanKingdomBehaviour object."
                                         + "Normally all clans should be initialised in the tracked clans list."
                                         + " Some behaviour in the mod has deleted this clan from this list. Maybe the list was not initialised at all and is empty ?");
 private bool IsPlayerActionAgainstCustomSpawnFaction(IFaction attacker, IFaction warTarget)
     return(_customSpawnsClanData.ContainsKey(warTarget.StringId) &&
            !_clanKingdom.IsPartOfAKingdom(warTarget) &&
            (attacker.StringId.Equals(PlayerFactionId) ||
             attacker.IsKingdomFaction && attacker.Leader == Hero.MainHero));
 // Ripped off from TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.FactionManager.DeclareAlliance which is currently bugged (sets stance to Neutral, not Alliance).
 public static void DeclareAlliance(IFaction faction1, IFaction faction2)
     if (faction1 != faction2 && !faction1.IsBanditFaction && !faction2.IsBanditFaction)
         typeof(FactionManager).GetMethod("SetStance", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static).Invoke(null, new object[] { faction1, faction2, 2 });
Example #9
        public TInfoType Get(IFaction gameObject)
            if (gameObject == null)

            var infos            = Infos.Where(i => i.Id == gameObject.StringId);
            var baseFactionInfos = infos as TInfoType[] ?? infos.ToArray();

            if (baseFactionInfos.Length > 1)

            var info = baseFactionInfos.FirstOrDefault();

            if (info != null)

            info = (TInfoType)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TInfoType), gameObject);

Example #10
        public CharacterObject GetLordWithLeastFiefs(IFaction faction)
            var validNobles = faction.Heroes.Where(hero => hero.StringId != Hero.MainHero.StringId && !hero.IsPrisoner && hero.IsAlive && !hero.IsOccupiedByAnEvent() && hero.PartyBelongedTo?.IsJoiningArmy == false && !hero.Noncombatant && hero.CharacterObject.Occupation == Occupation.Lord || hero.CharacterObject.Occupation == Occupation.Lady);
            var noble       = validNobles.Aggregate((currentResult, current) => current.Clan.Settlements.Count() < currentResult.Clan.Settlements.Count() ? current : currentResult);

            return(noble.Clan != null ? noble.CharacterObject : faction.Leader.CharacterObject);
Example #11
 private void CardEventManager_OnCardReceived(ICard card, IFaction player)
     if (player == this && HandManager.GetOpenHandSize() == 0)
Example #12
 public Squadron(IFaction faction)
     Pilots  = new Dictionary <Guid, IPilot>();
     Faction = faction ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(faction));
     Id      = Guid.NewGuid();
     CostCap = defaultCostCap;
Example #13
        private static void CheckIfPartyIconIsDirty(Clan clan, Kingdom oldKingdom)
            IFaction faction;

            if (clan.Kingdom == null)
                faction = clan;
                IFaction kingdom = clan.Kingdom;
                faction = kingdom;
            IFaction faction2 = faction;
            IFaction faction3 = (IFaction)oldKingdom ?? clan;

            foreach (MobileParty mobileParty in MobileParty.All)
                if (mobileParty.IsVisible && ((mobileParty.Party.Owner != null && mobileParty.Party.Owner.Clan == clan) || (clan == Clan.PlayerClan && ((!FactionManager.IsAtWarAgainstFaction(mobileParty.MapFaction, faction2) && FactionManager.IsAtWarAgainstFaction(mobileParty.MapFaction, faction3)) || (FactionManager.IsAtWarAgainstFaction(mobileParty.MapFaction, faction2) && !FactionManager.IsAtWarAgainstFaction(mobileParty.MapFaction, faction3))))))
            foreach (Settlement settlement in clan.Settlements)
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if peace is possible between two factions.
        /// A faction can be a clan or a kingdom.
        /// </summary>
        /// <para>If both factions are non custom spawns factions then peace is never possible.</para>
        /// <para>If one of the factions is a custom spawn faction (for instance the attacker), then peace will be possible</para>
        /// <para>if one of the following conditions is met:</para>
        /// <para>1. The attacker forced war behaviour is not specified</para>
        /// <para>2. The attacker forced war behaviour is specified and</para>
        /// <para>2.1 The attacker is a clan and is not part of a kingdom and</para>
        /// <para>2.1.1 peaceTarget is a kingdom and is in the kingdom exception list</para>
        /// <para>2.1.2 peaceTarget is a clan in a kingdom which is in the kingdom exception list</para>
        /// <para>2.1.3 peaceTarget is a clan and is in the clan exception list</para>
        /// <para>2.2 The attacker is a clan in a kingdom and</para>
        /// <para>2.2.1 peaceTarget is a clan in a different kingdom which is in the kingdom exception list</para>
        /// <para>2.2.2 peaceTarget is a clan not in a kingdom and is in the clan exception list</para>
        /// <br/>
        /// <para>If both factions are custom spawn factions, then both factions need to at least meet a condition as attacker as
        /// described above.</para>
        /// <br/>
        /// <para>Peace is not possible if one of the factions is eliminated or if the faction is "test_clan" or "neutral"
        /// or if both factions are already at peace</para>
        /// <br/>
        /// <param name="attacker">Clan or kingdom faction</param>
        /// <param name="peaceTarget">Clan or kingdom faction</param>
        /// <returns>true if peace is possible between both factions or not</returns>
        public bool IsPeaceDeclarationPossible(IFaction attacker, IFaction warTarget)
            if (attacker == null || warTarget == null)

            var hasAttackerForcedWarPeaceBehaviour = attacker != null && _customSpawnsClanData.ContainsKey(attacker.StringId) &&
                                                     _customSpawnsClanData[attacker.StringId].ForcedWarPeaceDataInstance != null;
            var hasWarTargetForcedWarPeaceBehaviour = warTarget != null && _customSpawnsClanData.ContainsKey(warTarget.StringId) &&
                                                      _customSpawnsClanData[warTarget.StringId].ForcedWarPeaceDataInstance != null;

            if (IsPlayerActionAgainstCustomSpawnFaction(attacker, warTarget))

            if (hasAttackerForcedWarPeaceBehaviour && hasWarTargetForcedWarPeaceBehaviour)
                return(IsCustomSpawnsClanPeaceDeclarationPossible(attacker, warTarget) &&
                       IsCustomSpawnsClanPeaceDeclarationPossible(warTarget, attacker));

            if (hasAttackerForcedWarPeaceBehaviour)
                return(IsCustomSpawnsClanPeaceDeclarationPossible(attacker, warTarget));

            if (hasWarTargetForcedWarPeaceBehaviour)
                return(IsCustomSpawnsClanPeaceDeclarationPossible(warTarget, attacker));

Example #15
 public void FillFrom(Hero hero, int seed = -1)
     if (FaceGen.GetMaturityTypeWithAge(hero.Age) > BodyMeshMaturityType.Child)
         this._hero          = hero;
         this.isNonEquipment = false;
         base.FillFrom(hero.CharacterObject, seed);
         base.MountCreationKey = TaleWorlds.Core.MountCreationKey.GetRandomMountKey(hero.CharacterObject.Equipment[10].Item, hero.CharacterObject.GetMountKeySeed());
         this.IsDead           = hero.IsDead;
         if (hero.Noncombatant)
             Equipment expr_69 = hero.CivilianEquipment;
             this._equipment = ((expr_69 != null) ? expr_69.Clone(false) : null);
             Equipment expr_84 = hero.BattleEquipment;
             this._equipment = ((expr_84 != null) ? expr_84.Clone(false) : null);
         Equipment expr_9D = this._equipment;
         base.EquipmentCode = ((expr_9D != null) ? expr_9D.CalculateEquipmentCode() : null);
         if (((hero != null) ? hero.ClanBanner : null) != null)
             base.BannerCodeText = BannerCode.CreateFrom(hero.ClanBanner).Code;
         IFaction expr_D9 = hero.MapFaction;
         base.ArmorColor1 = ((expr_D9 != null) ? expr_D9.Color : 0u);
         IFaction expr_F1 = hero.MapFaction;
         base.ArmorColor2 = ((expr_F1 != null) ? expr_F1.Color2 : 0u);
Example #16
        public virtual void Create(IWorld world, IRoom room, IFaction faction, RoomBlueprint roomBlueprintIfAny)
            var max = roomBlueprintIfAny?.OptionalActorsMax ?? 5;

            if (max <= 0)

            var min = roomBlueprintIfAny?.OptionalActorsMin ?? 1;

            if (min > max)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"OptionalActorsMin should be lower than OptionalActorsMax for room blueprint '{roomBlueprintIfAny}'");

            int numberOfNpc = world.R.Next(min, max + 1);

            var pickFrom = Blueprints.Where(b => b.SuitsFaction(faction)).ToList();

            if (roomBlueprintIfAny != null)
                pickFrom = pickFrom.Union(roomBlueprintIfAny.OptionalActors).ToList();

            if (pickFrom.Any())
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNpc; i++)
                    Create(world, room, faction, pickFrom.GetRandom(world.R), roomBlueprintIfAny);
Example #17
        public ICollection <Planet> GetAttackOptions(IFaction faction)
            var linkedPlanets      = GetLinkedPlanets(GetPlanets(faction), GetEnemyPlanets(faction));
            var enemyLinkedPlanets = linkedPlanets.Where(p => GetFaction(p).Name != faction.Name).ToArray();

            // this will get planets that have fleets, unless enemy has 2 more fleets there
            List <Planet> invasiblePlanets = new List <Planet>();
            var           planetFleets     = Fleets.Where(f => f.Arrives <= Turn && f.TargetPlanetID >= 0 && GetPlanet(f.TargetPlanetID).FactionName != faction.Name).GroupBy(p => p.TargetPlanetID).ToArray(); // get fleets in orbits of planets, grouped by planets

            foreach (var pf in planetFleets)
                var byFactions =
                    pf.GroupBy(x => GetPlayer(x.OwnerName).FactionName).OrderByDescending(x => x.Count()).ToList();

                var allyFleets = byFactions.Find(k => k.Key == faction.Name);
                if (allyFleets != null)
                    if (byFactions[0].Key == faction.Name || byFactions[0].Count() < allyFleets.Count() + 2)
Example #18
        public IRoom Create(IWorld world, RoomBlueprint blueprint)
            if (blueprint == null)
                return(new Room("Empty Room", world, 'e'));


            IFaction faction = null;

            //if not unaligned
            if (!blueprint.Unaligned)
                //pick blueprint faction (or random one if it isn't themed to a specific faction)
                if (blueprint.Faction != null)
                    var match = world.Factions.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Identifier == blueprint.Faction);
                    faction = match ?? throw new Exception($"Could not find Faction {blueprint.Faction} listed by blueprint {blueprint}");
                    faction = world.Factions.GetRandomFaction(world.R);

            var room = new Room(blueprint.Name, world, blueprint.Tile)
                ControllingFaction = faction

            //does the blueprint override the leave directions?
            if (blueprint.LeaveDirections != null && blueprint.LeaveDirections.Any())
                room.LeaveDirections = new HashSet <Direction>(blueprint.LeaveDirections);

            AddBasicProperties(world, room, blueprint, "look");
            world.AdjectiveFactory.AddAdjectives(world, room, blueprint);

            //get some actors for the room
            world.ActorFactory.Create(world, room, faction, blueprint);

            //get some items for the room
            world.ItemFactory.Create(world, room, faction, blueprint);

            foreach (var a in blueprint.MandatoryActors)
                world.ActorFactory.Create(world, room, room.ControllingFaction, a, blueprint);

            foreach (var i in blueprint.MandatoryItems)
                room.Items.Add(world.ItemFactory.Create(world, i));

Example #19
        public BuildAction(StructureDefinition.StructureType structureType, IFaction owner)
            _structureType = structureType;
            _owner         = owner;

            _spawnManager = Locator.Instance.Find <ISpawnManager>();
            _structureDefinitionManager = Locator.Instance.Find <IStructureDefinitionManager>();
Example #20
        private static CalAudioClip Create(string subTypeName, IFaction faction, string subtitle, int disappearTimeMs = 4200)
            var id   = _nextId++;
            var clip = new CalAudioClip(id, subTypeName, faction, subtitle, disappearTimeMs);

            Index.Add(id, clip);
Example #21
 private void AddNonAggressionPactRelationships(Kingdom kingdom, IFaction faction, MBBindingList <DiplomacyFactionRelationshipVM> FactionPacts)
     if (DiplomaticAgreementManager.Instance.HasNonAggressionPact(kingdom, faction as Kingdom, out NonAggressionPactAgreement pact))
         var textObject = new TextObject(StringConstants.DaysRemaining).SetTextVariable("DAYS_LEFT", (int)Math.Round(pact.EndDate.RemainingDaysFromNow));
         FactionPacts.Add(new DiplomacyFactionRelationshipVM(kingdom, new HintViewModel(textObject)));
 public bool IsFriend(IFaction other)
     if (other is EntityFaction)
         return((other as EntityFaction).m_faction == m_faction);
Example #23
 public KingdomTruceItemVMExtensionVM(IFaction faction1, IFaction faction2, Action <KingdomDiplomacyItemVM> onSelection, Action <KingdomTruceItemVM> onAction) : base(faction1, faction2, onSelection, onAction)
     this.SendMessengerActionName = new TextObject("{=cXfcwzPp}Send Messenger").ToString();
     this.AllianceActionName      = new TextObject("{=0WPWbx70}Form Alliance").ToString();
     this.InfluenceCost           = (int)DiplomacyCostCalculator.DetermineInfluenceCostForDeclaringWar(Faction1 as Kingdom);
     this.ActionName = GameTexts.FindText("str_kingdom_declate_war_action", null).ToString();
Example #24
 ICollection <Planet> GetNeutralAdjacentPlanets(IFaction faction)
     if (faction == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("faction");
Example #25
 public ICollection <Planet> GetClaimablePlanets(IFaction faction)
     if (faction == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("faction");
Example #26
 public ICollection <Player> GetPlayers(IFaction faction)
     if (faction == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("faction");
Example #27
        public override float GetScoreOfDeclaringWar(IFaction factionDeclaresWar, IFaction factionDeclaredWar, IFaction evaluatingClan)
            if (Kingdom.All.Any(k => k.IsAtWarWith(factionDeclaresWar)))

            return(base.GetScoreOfDeclaringWar(factionDeclaresWar, factionDeclaredWar, evaluatingClan));
        private static string CreateKey(IFaction faction1, IFaction faction2)
            List <IFaction> factions = new List <IFaction> {
                faction1, faction2
            IEnumerable <string> keyArguments = factions.OrderBy(faction => faction.StringId).Select(faction => faction.StringId);

            return(string.Join("+", keyArguments));
 public static CampaignTime?GetLastWarTimeBetweenFactions(IFaction faction1, IFaction faction2)
     if (LastWarTime.TryGetValue(CreateKey(faction1, faction2), out CampaignTime value))
        private TextObject GetMessengerArrivedText(IFaction faction1, IFaction faction2, Hero targetHero)
            TextObject textObject = new TextObject("{=YnRmSele}The messenger from {FACTION1_NAME} has arrived at {HERO_NAME} of {FACTION2_NAME}.");

            textObject.SetTextVariable("FACTION1_NAME", faction1.Name.ToString());
            textObject.SetTextVariable("FACTION2_NAME", faction2.Name.ToString());
            textObject.SetTextVariable("HERO_NAME", targetHero.Name.ToString());
Example #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="faction">Model faction</param>
 public FactionView(IFaction faction)
     Faction = faction;
     UnitViews = new Dictionary<IUnit, UnitView>();
     foreach (IUnit unit in faction.Units)
         UnitView unitView = new UnitView(unit);
         UnitViews.Add(unit, unitView);
		ICollection<IPlanet> GetAttackOptions(AuthInfo springieLogin, IFaction faction)
			if (faction == null) {
				throw new ArgumentNullException("faction");

			SpringieState state;
			if (SpringieStates.TryGetValue(springieLogin.Login, out state)) {
				state.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;

			var localFaction = Galaxy.Factions.Single(f => f.Name == faction.Name);
			var alreadyAttacked = from kvp in SpringieStates
			                      	(kvp.Key != springieLogin.Login) && (kvp.Value.ReminderEvent == ReminderEvent.OnBattleStarted) &&
			                      	(DateTime.Now - kvp.Value.LastUpdate).TotalMinutes < SpringieTimeout
			                      let status = kvp.Value.GameStartedStatus
			                      select Galaxy.GetPlanet(status.PlanetID);
			var mightBeEncircled = new List<Planet>();
			foreach (var planet in alreadyAttacked) {
				var speculativeGalaxy = Galaxy.BinaryClone();
				var conqueredPlanet = speculativeGalaxy.GetPlanet(planet.ID);
				conqueredPlanet.FactionName = speculativeGalaxy.OffensiveFaction.Name;
				var encircledPlanets = speculativeGalaxy.Planets.Where(speculativeGalaxy.IsPlanetEncircled);

			var dontAttack = alreadyAttacked.Concat(mightBeEncircled);
			return Galaxy.GetAttackOptions(localFaction).Except(dontAttack).Cast<IPlanet>().ToArray();
        public ICollection<Planet> GetAttackOptions(IFaction faction)
            var linkedPlanets = GetLinkedPlanets(GetPlanets(faction), GetEnemyPlanets(faction));
            var enemyLinkedPlanets = linkedPlanets.Where(p => GetFaction(p).Name != faction.Name).ToArray();

            // this will get planets that have fleets, unless enemy has 2 more fleets there
            List<Planet> invasiblePlanets = new List<Planet>();
            var planetFleets = Fleets.Where(f => f.Arrives <= Turn && f.TargetPlanetID >= 0 && GetPlanet(f.TargetPlanetID).FactionName != faction.Name).GroupBy(p => p.TargetPlanetID).ToArray(); // get fleets in orbits of planets, grouped by planets

            foreach (var pf in planetFleets) {
                var byFactions =
                    pf.GroupBy(x => GetPlayer(x.OwnerName).FactionName).OrderByDescending(x => x.Count()).ToList();
                var allyFleets = byFactions.Find(k => k.Key == faction.Name);
                if (allyFleets != null) {
                    if (byFactions[0].Key == faction.Name || byFactions[0].Count() < allyFleets.Count() + 2) {
            return enemyLinkedPlanets.Union(invasiblePlanets).ToArray();
 ICollection<Planet> GetNeutralAdjacentPlanets(IFaction faction)
     if (faction == null) {
         throw new ArgumentNullException("faction");
     return GetNeutralAdjacentPlanets(faction.Name);
 public ICollection<Planet> GetClaimablePlanets(IFaction faction)
     if (faction == null) {
         throw new ArgumentNullException("faction");
     return GetClaimablePlanets(faction.Name);
 public ICollection<Planet> GetEnemyPlanets(IFaction faction)
     return GetEnemyPlanets(faction.Name);
 /// <summary>
 /// Find links between two planets of a faction;
 /// </summary>
 public ICollection<Link> GetLinks(IFaction faction)
     return GetLinks(faction.Name);
 public ICollection<Player> GetPlayers(IFaction faction)
     if (faction == null) {
         throw new ArgumentNullException("faction");
     return GetPlayers(faction.Name);
 public Player GetCommanderInChief(IFaction faction)
     return GetPlayers(faction).SingleOrDefault(p => p.IsCommanderInChief);