Example #1
        public Note GetStatus(string username, ExtractedTweet tweet)
            var actorUrl = UrlFactory.GetActorUrl(_instanceSettings.Domain, username);
            var noteUrl  = UrlFactory.GetNoteUrl(_instanceSettings.Domain, username, tweet.Id.ToString());

            var to       = $"{actorUrl}/followers";
            var apPublic = "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public";

            var extractedTags = _statusExtractor.Extract(tweet.MessageContent);

            _statisticsHandler.ExtractedStatus(extractedTags.tags.Count(x => x.type == "Mention"));

            // Replace RT by a link
            var content = extractedTags.content;

            if (content.Contains("{RT}") && tweet.IsRetweet)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tweet.RetweetUrl))
                    content = content.Replace("{RT}",
                                              $@"<a href=""{tweet.RetweetUrl}"" rel=""nofollow noopener noreferrer"" target=""_blank"">RT</a>");
                    content = content.Replace("{RT}", "RT");

            string inReplyTo = null;

            if (tweet.InReplyToStatusId != default)
                inReplyTo = $"https://{_instanceSettings.Domain}/users/{tweet.InReplyToAccount.ToLowerInvariant()}/statuses/{tweet.InReplyToStatusId}";

            var note = new Note
                id = noteUrl,

                published    = tweet.CreatedAt.ToString("s") + "Z",
                url          = noteUrl,
                attributedTo = actorUrl,

                inReplyTo = inReplyTo,
                //to = new [] {to},
                //cc = new [] { apPublic },

                to = new[] { to },
                //cc = new[] { apPublic },
                cc = new string[0],

                sensitive  = false,
                content    = $"<p>{content}</p>",
                attachment = Convert(tweet.Media),
                tag        = extractedTags.tags
