private static object EncoderTest(MessageSerializer target, IExtensible msg) { byte[] buf1 = target.Serialize(msg); byte[] buf2 = target.Serialize(target.Deserialize(buf1)); Assert.IsNotNull(buf1); Assert.IsNotNull(buf2); Assert.AreEqual(buf1.Length, buf2.Length); Assert.IsTrue(buf1.SequenceEqual(buf2)); return msg; }
/// <summary> /// Stores the attribute in an extension. /// </summary> /// <param name="extensible">The object that is being extended.</param> /// <param name="attribute">The attribute to store.</param> /// <returns>This method always returns true.</returns> public bool StoreAttribute(IExtensible extensible, IExtensionAttribute attribute) { TestExtension extension; extension = extensible.Extensions.FirstOrDefault((e) => e.Name == TestExtension.ExtensionName) as TestExtension; if (extension == null) { extension = new TestExtension(); extensible.Extensions.Add(extension); } extension.AddAttribute(attribute); return true; }
/// <summary> /// Stores the element in an extension. /// </summary> /// <param name="extensible">The object that is being extended.</param> /// <param name="element">The element to store.</param> /// <returns>This method always returns true.</returns> public bool StoreElement(IExtensible extensible, ElementInfo element) { TestExtension extension; extension = extensible.Extensions.FirstOrDefault((e) => e.Name == TestExtension.ExtensionName) as TestExtension; if (extension == null) { extension = new TestExtension(); extensible.Extensions.Add(extension); } extension.AddChild(element); return true; }
/// <summary> /// Stores the attribute in an extension. /// </summary> /// <param name="extensible">The object that is being extended.</param> /// <param name="attribute">The attribute to store.</param> /// <returns>This method always returns true.</returns> public bool StoreAttribute(IExtensible extensible, IExtensionAttribute attribute) { GenericExtension extension; extension = extensible.Extensions.FirstOrDefault((e) => e.Name == GenericExtensionHandler.ExtensionName) as GenericExtension; if (extension == null) { extension = new GenericExtension(GenericExtensionHandler.ExtensionName); extensible.Extensions.Add(extension); } extension.AddAttribute(attribute); return true; }
/// <summary> /// Stores the element in an extension. /// </summary> /// <param name="extensible">The object that is being extended.</param> /// <param name="element">The element to store.</param> /// <returns>This method always returns true.</returns> public bool StoreElement(IExtensible extensible, ElementInfo element) { GenericExtension extension; extension = extensible.Extensions.FirstOrDefault((e) => e.Name == GenericExtensionHandler.ExtensionName) as GenericExtension; if (extension == null) { extension = new GenericExtension(GenericExtensionHandler.ExtensionName); extensible.Extensions.Add(extension); } Utilities.SetParent(element.Element, extensible as XliffElement); extension.AddChild(element); return true; }
public static byte[] ToBytes(this IExtensible msg, int msgid) { int length = sizeof(short) + 2 + msg.GetExtensionObject(true).GetLength(); var buffer = PooledByteBufferAllocator.Default.Buffer(length + sizeof(int)).WithOrder(ByteOrder.LittleEndian); buffer.WriteInt(length); buffer.WriteShort(msgid); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(buffer.Array, buffer.WriterIndex + buffer.ArrayOffset, msg.GetExtensionObject(true).GetLength()); Serializer.NonGeneric.Serialize(stream, msg); stream.Flush(); buffer.SetWriterIndex(sizeof(int) + length); var ret = buffer.ReadBytes(buffer.ReadableBytes).ToArray(); buffer.Release(); return(ret); }
internal static IEnumerable GetExtendedValues(TypeModel model, Type type, IExtensible instance, int tag, DataFormat format, bool singleton, bool allowDefinedTag) { if (instance == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("instance"); } if (tag <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("tag"); } IExtension extn = instance.GetExtensionObject(createIfMissing: false); if (extn != null) { Stream stream = extn.BeginQuery(); object value = null; ProtoReader reader = null; try { SerializationContext context = new SerializationContext(); reader = ProtoReader.Create(stream, model, context, -1); while (model.TryDeserializeAuxiliaryType(reader, format, tag, type, ref value, skipOtherFields: true, asListItem: false, autoCreate: false, insideList: false) && value != null) { if (!singleton) { yield return(value); value = null; } } if (singleton && value != null) { yield return(value); } } finally { ProtoReader.Recycle(reader); extn.EndQuery(stream); } } }
/// <summary> /// All this does is call GetExtendedValuesTyped with the correct type for "instance"; /// this ensures that we don't get issues with subclasses declaring conflicting types - /// the caller must respect the fields defined for the type they pass in. /// </summary> internal static IEnumerable GetExtendedValues(TypeModel model, Type type, IExtensible instance, int tag, DataFormat format, bool singleton, bool allowDefinedTag) { if (instance == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("instance"); } if (tag <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("tag"); } IExtension extn = instance.GetExtensionObject(false); if (extn == null) { yield break; } Stream stream = extn.BeginQuery(); object value = null; ProtoReader reader = null; try { SerializationContext ctx = new SerializationContext(); reader = ProtoReader.Create(stream, model, ctx, ProtoReader.TO_EOF); while (model.TryDeserializeAuxiliaryType(reader, format, tag, type, ref value, true, false, false, false) && value != null) { if (!singleton) { yield return(value); value = null; // fresh item each time } } if (singleton && value != null) { yield return(value); } } finally { ProtoReader.Recycle(reader); extn.EndQuery(stream); } }
private void RecvMsgLoop() { byte[] head = new byte[8]; while (true) { try { // 读出消息头部8字节(4字节类型+4字节长度) int remainLen = 8; while (remainLen > 0) { remainLen -= _stream.Read(head, 8 - remainLen, remainLen); } int msgLen = (head[0] << 24) + (head[1] << 16) + (head[2] << 8) + head[3]; int msgType = (head[4] << 24) + (head[5] << 16) + (head[6] << 8) + head[7]; IExtensible protoData = null; if (msgLen > 0) { byte[] data = new byte[msgLen]; remainLen = msgLen; while (remainLen > 0) { remainLen -= _stream.Read(data, msgLen - remainLen, remainLen); //Console.WriteLine("remainLen = " + remainLen + " : " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks/TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond-startTimeStamp)); } protoData = Deserialize(msgType, data, 0, msgLen); } _recvMsgQueue.Enqueue(new ProtoMessage(msgType, protoData)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogError("RecvThread error!!!"); Debug.LogError(ex.ToString()); Debug.LogError(ex.StackTrace); _recvMsgQueue.Enqueue(new ProtoMessage(Constants.CORPC_MSG_TYPE_DISCONNECT, null)); return; } } }
public void Send(uint protocolId, IExtensible body) { MemoryStream bodyStream; int bodyLength; if (body != null) { //序列化包体 bodyStream = new MemoryStream(); Serializer.Serialize(bodyStream, body); bodyLength = (int)bodyStream.Length; } else { bodyLength = 0; bodyStream = null; } byte[] buffer = bodyStream.ToArray(); Send(protocolId, buffer); }
public void Send(string requestType, IExtensible msg) { if (this != _gameBattle) { return; } msgStream.SetLength(0); Serializer.Serialize(msgStream, msg); if (_gameBattle.IsConnect()) { try { mSocket.Send(msgStream.ToArray()); } catch (Exception e) { DebugUtils.LogError(e.ToString()); } } }
internal static void AppendExtendValue(TypeModel model, IExtensible instance, int tag, DataFormat format, object value) { #if FEAT_IKVM throw new NotSupportedException(); #else if (instance == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("instance"); } if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); } // TODO //model.CheckTagNotInUse(tag); // obtain the extension object and prepare to write IExtension extn = instance.GetExtensionObject(true); if (extn == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No extension object available; appended data would be lost."); } bool commit = false; Stream stream = extn.BeginAppend(); try { using (ProtoWriter writer = new ProtoWriter(stream, model, null)) { model.TrySerializeAuxiliaryType(writer, null, format, tag, value, false); writer.Close(); } commit = true; } finally { extn.EndAppend(stream, commit); } #endif }
// ProtoBuf 发送数据 public static void Send(IExtensible msg) { // 状态判断 if (socket == null || !socket.Connected) { return; } if (isConnecting || isClosing) { return; } // 数据编码 byte[] nameBytes = ProtoMsgBase.EncodeName(msg); byte[] bodyBytes = ProtoMsgBase.Encode(msg); int len = nameBytes.Length + bodyBytes.Length; byte[] sendBytes = new byte[2 + len]; // 组装长度 sendBytes[0] = (byte)(len % 256); sendBytes[1] = (byte)(len / 256); // 组装名字 Array.Copy(nameBytes, 0, sendBytes, 2, nameBytes.Length); // 组装消息体 Array.Copy(bodyBytes, 0, sendBytes, 2 + nameBytes.Length, bodyBytes.Length); // 写入队列 ByteArray ba = new ByteArray(sendBytes); int count = 0; // WriteQueue的长度 lock (writeQueue) { writeQueue.Enqueue(ba); count = writeQueue.Count; } // send if (count == 1) { socket.BeginSend(sendBytes, 0, sendBytes.Length, 0, SendCallback, socket); } }
public override bool validate(string v) { ProtoData pd = ProtoData.ms_protoDatas[m_tableName]; Type t = pd.Type; PropertyInfo pi = t.GetProperty("id_raw"); // 如果是第一次使用该外键,建立查找字典 if (null == pd.m_dataDic) { var dic = new Dictionary <int, IExtensible>(); for (int i = 0; i < pd.Count; i++) { IExtensible o = pd[i]; int id = int.Parse((string)pi.GetValue(o, null)); // 主键重复 try { dic.Add(id, o); } catch (ArgumentException) { if ("CutsceneConfig" != m_tableName) { Console.WriteLine(" " + m_tableName + "表包含重复的ID:" + id); } } } pd.m_dataDic = dic; } try { int vid = int.Parse(v); return(pd.m_dataDic.ContainsKey(vid)); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
internal static void AppendExtendValue(TypeModel model, IExtensible instance, int tag, DataFormat format, object value) { model ??= TypeModel.DefaultModel; if (instance is null) ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(nameof(instance)); if (value is null) ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(nameof(value)); // TODO //model.CheckTagNotInUse(tag); // obtain the extension object and prepare to write IExtension extn = instance.GetExtensionObject(true); if (extn is null) ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException("No extension object available; appended data would be lost."); bool commit = false; Stream stream = extn.BeginAppend(); try { var state = ProtoWriter.State.Create(stream, model, null); try { model.TrySerializeAuxiliaryType(ref state, null, format, tag, value, false, null, isRoot: false); state.Close(); } catch { state.Abandon(); throw; } finally { state.Dispose(); } commit = true; } finally { extn.EndAppend(stream, commit); } }
static byte[] GetExtensionBytes(IExtensible obj) { Assert.IsNotNull(obj, "null extensible"); IExtension extn = obj.GetExtensionObject(false); Assert.IsNotNull(extn, "no extension object"); Stream s = extn.BeginQuery(); try { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { int b; // really lazy clone... while ((b = s.ReadByte()) >= 0) { ms.WriteByte((byte)b); } return(ms.ToArray()); } } finally { extn.EndQuery(s); } }
static void debugString(IExtensible msg, Type type, StringBuilder log) { MethodInfo method = typeof(MessageTable).GetMethod("GetExtensions"); if (method != null) { Dictionary <int, Type> extensions = method.Invoke(null, new object[] { type }) as Dictionary <int, Type>; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Type> pair in extensions) { object _msg = null; bool succeed = Extensible.TryGetValue(serializer_, pair.Value, msg, pair.Key, DataFormat.Default, true, out _msg); if (succeed) { var json = JObject.FromObject(_msg); log.Append(prettyJsonString(json)); debugString((IExtensible)_msg, pair.Value, log); } } } }
void DumpOptionsFieldRecursive(FieldDescriptorProto field, IExtensible options, Dictionary <string, string> optionsKv, string path) { string key = string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) ? $"({})" : $"{path}.{}"; if (IsNamedType(field.type) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.type_name)) { var fieldData = protobufTypeMap[field.type_name].Source; if (fieldData is EnumDescriptorProto enumProto) { if (Extensible.TryGetValue(options, field.number, out int idx)) { var value = enumProto.value.Find(x => x.number == idx); optionsKv.Add(key,; } } else if (fieldData is DescriptorProto messageProto) { ExtensionPlaceholder extension = Extensible.GetValue <ExtensionPlaceholder>(options, field.number); if (extension != null) { foreach (var subField in messageProto.field) { DumpOptionsFieldRecursive(subField, extension, optionsKv, key); } } } } else { if (ExtractType(options, field, out var value)) { optionsKv.Add(key, value); } } }
private void SendMessage(int messageType, int messageId, IExtensible message) { var messageName = message.GetType().FullName; var nameSize = messageName.Length; byte[] messageByteArray; using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { Serializer.NonGeneric.Serialize(stream, message); messageByteArray = stream.ToArray(); } var messageSize = messageByteArray.Length; var output = new ArraySegmentOutput(); var messageNameBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(messageName); output.WriteInt(messageId); output.WriteByte(messageType); output.WriteByte(nameSize); output.WriteInt(messageSize); output.WriteBytes(messageNameBytes, 0, messageNameBytes.Length); output.WriteBytes(messageByteArray, 0, messageByteArray.Length); bcpSession.Send(output.Buffers); }
public static NetMsgData UnpackNetMsg(byte[] msgData) { MemoryStream ms = null; using (ms = new MemoryStream(msgData)) { BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(ms); ushort msgLen = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort protoId = reader.ReadUInt16(); if (msgLen <= msgData.Length - 4) { IExtensible protoData = CreateProtoBuf.GetProtoData((ProtoDefine)protoId, reader.ReadBytes(msgLen)); return(NetMsgData.GetMsgData((ProtoDefine)protoId, protoData, msgLen)); } else { Debug.LogError("协议长度错误"); } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// 发送单机数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="cmd">单机类型</param> /// <param name="body">发送实体类</param> public static bool SendProtobufCmd(SendMode mode, Cmd cmd, IExtensible body) { //if (!LoggedIn) // return false; try { switch (mode) { case SendMode.TCP: network.Instance.send_protobuf_cmd((int)Stype.Logic, (int)cmd, body); break; case SendMode.UDP: network.Instance.udp_send_protobuf_cmd((int)Stype.Logic, (int)cmd, body); break; } } catch (Exception) { Start(); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Queries an extensible object for an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance. /// The value returned (in "value") is the composed value after merging any duplicated content; /// if the value is "repeated" (a list), then use GetValues instead. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The data-type of the field.</param> /// <param name="model">The model to use for configuration.</param> /// <param name="value">The effective value of the field, or the default value if not found.</param> /// <param name="instance">The extensible object to obtain the value from.</param> /// <param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param> /// <param name="format">The data-format to use when decoding the value.</param> /// <param name="allowDefinedTag">Allow tags that are present as part of the definition; for example, to query unknown enum values.</param> /// <returns>True if data for the field was present, false otherwise.</returns> public static bool TryGetValue(TypeModel model, System.Type type, IExtensible instance, int tag, DataFormat format, bool allowDefinedTag, out object value) { value = null; bool set = false; foreach (object val in ExtensibleUtil.GetExtendedValues(model, type, instance, tag, format, true, allowDefinedTag)) { // expecting at most one yield... // but don't break; need to read entire stream value = val; set = true; } return(set); }
/// <summary> /// Queries an extensible object for an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance. /// The value returned (in "value") is the composed value after merging any duplicated content; /// if the value is "repeated" (a list), then use GetValues instead. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TValue">The data-type of the field.</typeparam> /// <param name="value">The effective value of the field, or the default value if not found.</param> /// <param name="instance">The extensible object to obtain the value from.</param> /// <param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param> /// <param name="format">The data-format to use when decoding the value.</param> /// <param name="allowDefinedTag">Allow tags that are present as part of the definition; for example, to query unknown enum values.</param> /// <returns>True if data for the field was present, false otherwise.</returns> public static bool TryGetValue <TValue>(IExtensible instance, int tag, DataFormat format, bool allowDefinedTag, out TValue value) { value = default(TValue); bool set = false; foreach (TValue val in ExtensibleUtil.GetExtendedValues <TValue>(instance, tag, format, true, allowDefinedTag)) { // expecting at most one yield... // but don't break; need to read entire stream value = val; set = true; } return(set); }
// Token: 0x06003291 RID: 12945 RVA: 0x001273D8 File Offset: 0x001257D8 internal static IEnumerable <TValue> GetExtendedValues <TValue>(IExtensible instance, int tag, DataFormat format, bool singleton, bool allowDefinedTag) { IEnumerator enumerator = ExtensibleUtil.GetExtendedValues(RuntimeTypeModel.Default, typeof(TValue), instance, tag, format, singleton, allowDefinedTag).GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { object obj = enumerator.Current; TValue value = (TValue)((object)obj); yield return(value); } } finally { IDisposable disposable; if ((disposable = (enumerator as IDisposable)) != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } yield break; }
/// <summary> /// Stores an attribute in an extension. If no appropriate extension handler was found, a general purpose /// one will be created. /// </summary> /// <param name="extensible">The object that contains the extensions.</param> /// <returns>A result indicating whether the attribute was stored.</returns> private SetAttributeResult StoreAttributeExtension(IExtensible extensible) { SetAttributeResult result; result = SetAttributeResult.InvalidAttribute; if (this.settings.IncludeExtensions) { if (this.reader.Prefix == NamespacePrefixes.XmlNamespace) { result = SetAttributeResult.ReservedName; } else if ((extensible != null) && extensible.SupportsAttributeExtensions) { ExtensionNameInfo info; IExtensionHandler handler; info = new ExtensionNameInfo(this.reader.Prefix, this.reader.NamespaceURI, this.reader.LocalName); if (this.handlers.Value.TryGetValue(this.reader.NamespaceURI, out handler) || this.handlers.Value.TryGetValue(XliffReader.DefaultHandlerKey, out handler)) { IExtensionAttribute attribute; attribute = handler.CreateAttribute(info, this.reader.Value); if (handler.StoreAttribute(extensible, attribute)) { result = SetAttributeResult.Success; } } else { Debug.Assert(false, "Default handler was not found."); } } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Copies any extension data stored for the instance to the underlying stream /// </summary> public static void AppendExtensionData(IExtensible instance, ProtoWriter writer, ref State state) { if (instance == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(instance)); } if (writer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer)); } // we expect the writer to be raw here; the extension data will have the // header detail, so we'll copy it implicitly if (writer.WireType != WireType.None) { throw CreateException(writer); } IExtension extn = instance.GetExtensionObject(false); if (extn != null) { // unusually we *don't* want "using" here; the "finally" does that, with // the extension object being responsible for disposal etc Stream source = extn.BeginQuery(); try { if (ProtoReader.TryConsumeSegmentRespectingPosition(source, out var data, ProtoReader.TO_EOF)) { writer.ImplWriteBytes(ref state, data.Array, data.Offset, data.Count); writer.Advance(data.Count); } else { writer.ImplCopyRawFromStream(ref state, source); } }
/// <summary> /// Copies the current field into the instance as extension data /// </summary> public void AppendExtensionData(IExtensible instance) { if (instance == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("instance"); } IExtension extn = instance.GetExtensionObject(true); bool commit = false; // unusually we *don't* want "using" here; the "finally" does that, with // the extension object being responsible for disposal etc Stream dest = extn.BeginAppend(); try { //TODO: replace this with stream-based, buffered raw copying using (ProtoWriter writer = new ProtoWriter(dest, model)) { AppendExtensionField(writer); writer.Close(); } commit = true; } finally { extn.EndAppend(dest, commit); } }
/// <summary> /// 将消息序列化为二进制的方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="model">要序列化的对象</param> public static byte[] Serialize(IExtensible model) { try { //涉及格式转换,需要用到流,将二进制序列化到流中 using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { //使用ProtoBuf工具的序列化方法 Serializer.Serialize <IExtensible>(ms, model); //定义二级制数组,保存序列化后的结果 byte[] result = new byte[ms.Length]; //将流的位置设为0,起始点 ms.Position = 0; //将流中的内容读取到二进制数组中 ms.Read(result, 0, result.Length); return(result); } } catch (Exception ex) { UIUtils.Log("序列化失败: " + ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public void AppendExtensionData(IExtensible instance) { if (instance == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("instance"); } IExtension extensionObject = instance.GetExtensionObject(true); bool commit = false; Stream stream = extensionObject.BeginAppend(); try { using (ProtoWriter protoWriter = new ProtoWriter(stream, this.model, null)) { this.AppendExtensionField(protoWriter); protoWriter.Close(); } commit = true; } finally { extensionObject.EndAppend(stream, commit); } }
public void SendRequest( IExtensible message, Type responseType, Action <IExtensible, Action <IExtensible> > successCallback, Action <IExtensible, Action <IExtensible> > failCallback, Action <IExtensible> uiSuccessCallback, Action <IExtensible> uiFailCallback) { int messageId = Interlocked.Increment(ref nextMessageId); lock (outgoingRpcResponseHandlers) { if (!outgoingRpcResponseHandlers.ContainsKey(messageId)) { var responseHandler = new UIResponseHandler(responseType, successCallback, failCallback, uiSuccessCallback, uiFailCallback); outgoingRpcResponseHandlers.Add(messageId, responseHandler); rpcSession.SendMessage(BcpRpc.REQUEST, messageId, message); } else { throw new IllegalRpcData("Already contains message id."); } } }
/// <summary> /// Appends the value as an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance. /// Note that for non-repeated sub-objects, this equates to a merge operation; /// for repeated sub-objects this adds a new instance to the set; for simple /// values the new value supercedes the old value. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Note that appending a value does not remove the old value from /// the stream; avoid repeatedly appending values for the same field.</remarks> /// <param name="model">The model to use for configuration.</param> /// <param name="format">The data-format to use when encoding the value.</param> /// <param name="instance">The extensible object to append the value to.</param> /// <param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param> /// <param name="value">The value to append.</param> public static void AppendValue(TypeModel model, IExtensible instance, int tag, DataFormat format, object value) { ExtensibleUtil.AppendExtendValue(model, instance, tag, format, value); }
/// <summary> /// Serializes extension information on an extensible object. /// </summary> /// <param name="extensible">The extensible object that may contain extensions.</param> /// <param name="serializeAttributes">If true, attributes extensions will be serialized, otherwise they'll be skipped.</param> /// <param name="serializeChildren">If true, element extensions will be serialized, otherwise they'll be skipped.</param> private void SerializeExtensions(IExtensible extensible, bool serializeAttributes, bool serializeChildren) { if (this.settings.IncludeExtensions && (extensible != null)) { foreach (IExtension extension in extensible.Extensions) { if (serializeAttributes && extension.HasAttributes) { if (extensible.SupportsAttributeExtensions) { this.SerializeExtensionAttributes(extension); } else { string message; message = string.Format( Properties.Resources.XliffWriter_ExtensionTypeNotSupported_Format, extensible.GetType().Name, "Attribute"); throw new NotSupportedException(message); } } if (serializeChildren && extension.HasChildren) { if (extensible.SupportsElementExtensions) { this.SerializeExtensionChildren(extension); } else { string message; message = string.Format( Properties.Resources.XliffWriter_ExtensionTypeNotSupported_Format, extensible.GetType().Name, "Element"); throw new NotSupportedException(message); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Enumerates all extensions and their descendants storing the set of unique Xml namespaces used for serializing /// the elements. /// </summary> /// <param name="extensible">The extensible object that may contain extensions to enumerate over. This value /// may be null.</param> /// <param name="namespaces">The set of unique namespaces.</param> private void GetXmlElementNamespaces(IExtensible extensible, Dictionary<string, string> namespaces) { if ((extensible != null) && extensible.HasExtensions) { foreach (IExtension extension in extensible.Extensions) { if (extension.HasAttributes) { foreach (IExtensionAttribute attribute in extension.GetAttributes()) { // Custom attributes must have a prefix and namespace. this.ValidatePrefixAndNamespace( attribute.Prefix, attribute.Namespace, attribute.LocalName, false); this.AddNamespaceOrThrowIfMismatch(namespaces, attribute.Prefix, attribute.Namespace); } } if (extension.HasChildren) { this.GetXmlElementNamespaces(extension.GetChildren(), namespaces, true); } } } }
public MumblePacketEventArgs(IExtensible message) { Message = message; }
public static void AppendExtensionData(IExtensible instance, ProtoWriter writer) { if (instance == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("instance"); } if (writer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("writer"); } if (writer.wireType != WireType.None) { throw ProtoWriter.CreateException(writer); } IExtension extensionObject = instance.GetExtensionObject(false); if (extensionObject != null) { Stream stream = extensionObject.BeginQuery(); try { ProtoWriter.CopyRawFromStream(stream, writer); } finally { extensionObject.EndQuery(stream); } } }
/// <summary> /// Appends the value as an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance. /// Note that for non-repeated sub-objects, this equates to a merge operation; /// for repeated sub-objects this adds a new instance to the set; for simple /// values the new value supercedes the old value. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Note that appending a value does not remove the old value from /// the stream; avoid repeatedly appending values for the same field.</remarks> /// <typeparam name="TValue">The data-type of the field.</typeparam> /// <param name="format">The data-format to use when encoding the value.</param> /// <param name="instance">The extensible object to append the value to.</param> /// <param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param> /// <param name="value">The value to append.</param> public static void AppendValue <TValue>(IExtensible instance, int tag, DataFormat format, TValue value) { ExtensibleUtil.AppendExtendValue(RuntimeTypeModel.Default, instance, tag, format, value); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an extension with every element and attribute and adds it to the container. /// </summary> /// <param name="extensible">The container to add the extension to.</param> private void AddExtension(IExtensible extensible) { GenericExtension extension; extension = new GenericExtension("extension"); if (extensible.SupportsAttributeExtensions) { extension.AddAttribute(new GenericExtensionAttribute("ext", "ext:namespace", "attr2", "value")); } if (extensible.SupportsElementExtensions) { GenericElement element; element = new GenericElement(); element.SetAttribute("ext", "ext:namespace", "attr1", "value"); extension.AddChild(new ElementInfo(new XmlNameInfo("ext", "ext:namespace", "extelement"), element)); } extensible.Extensions.Add(extension); }
private byte[] Serialize(IExtensible extensible) { using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { Serializer.Serialize(stream, extensible); return stream.ToArray(); } }
/// <summary> /// Stores an attribute in an extension. If no appropriate extension handler was found, a general purpose /// one will be created. /// </summary> /// <param name="extensible">The object that contains the extensions.</param> /// <returns>A result indicating whether the attribute was stored.</returns> private SetAttributeResult StoreAttributeExtension(IExtensible extensible) { SetAttributeResult result; result = SetAttributeResult.InvalidAttribute; if (this.settings.IncludeExtensions) { if (this.reader.Prefix == NamespacePrefixes.XmlNamespace) { result = SetAttributeResult.ReservedName; } else if ((extensible != null) && extensible.SupportsAttributeExtensions) { ExtensionNameInfo info; IExtensionHandler handler; info = new ExtensionNameInfo(this.reader.Prefix, this.reader.NamespaceURI, this.reader.LocalName); if (this.handlers.Value.TryGetValue(this.reader.NamespaceURI, out handler) || this.handlers.Value.TryGetValue(XliffReader.DefaultHandlerKey, out handler)) { IExtensionAttribute attribute; attribute = handler.CreateAttribute(info, this.reader.Value); if (handler.StoreAttribute(extensible, attribute)) { result = SetAttributeResult.Success; } } else { Debug.Assert(false, "Default handler was not found."); } } } return result; }
/// <summary> /// Sends the protobuf serializable object autmatically determine the name. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">type of the object to send</param> public void SendObject(IExtensible o) { byte[] buffer = Serialize(o); string type = o.GetType().Name; Message message = PrepareMessage(type, buffer); send(message); }
public static MessageTypes MessageType(IExtensible mumbleProto) { return Types.First(kvp => kvp.Value == mumbleProto.GetType()).Key; }
/// <summary> /// Queries an extensible object for an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance. /// Each occurrence of the field is yielded separately, making this usage suitable for "repeated" /// (list) fields. /// </summary> /// <remarks>The extended data is processed lazily as the enumerator is iterated.</remarks> /// <param name="model">The model to use for configuration.</param> /// <param name="type">The data-type of the field.</param> /// <param name="instance">The extensible object to obtain the value from.</param> /// <param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param> /// <param name="format">The data-format to use when decoding the value.</param> /// <returns>An enumerator that yields each occurrence of the field.</returns> public static IEnumerable GetValues(TypeModel model, System.Type type, IExtensible instance, int tag, DataFormat format) { return(ExtensibleUtil.GetExtendedValues(model, type, instance, tag, format, false, false)); }
/// <summary> /// Copies the current field into the instance as extension data /// </summary> public void AppendExtensionData(IExtensible instance) { if (instance == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("instance"); IExtension extn = instance.GetExtensionObject(true); bool commit = false; // unusually we *don't* want "using" here; the "finally" does that, with // the extension object being responsible for disposal etc Stream dest = extn.BeginAppend(); try { //TODO: replace this with stream-based, buffered raw copying using (ProtoWriter writer = new ProtoWriter(dest, model)) { AppendExtensionField(writer); writer.Close(); } commit = true; } finally { extn.EndAppend(dest, commit); } }
/// <summary> /// Appends the value as an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance. /// Note that for non-repeated sub-objects, this equates to a merge operation; /// for repeated sub-objects this adds a new instance to the set; for simple /// values the new value supercedes the old value. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Note that appending a value does not remove the old value from /// the stream; avoid repeatedly appending values for the same field.</remarks> /// <typeparam name="TValue">The type of the value to append.</typeparam> /// <param name="instance">The extensible object to append the value to.</param> /// <param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param> /// <param name="value">The value to append.</param> public static void AppendValue <TValue>(IExtensible instance, int tag, TValue value) { AppendValue <TValue>(instance, tag, DataFormat.Default, value); }
/// <summary> /// Sends the protobuf serializable object. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">type of the object to send</param> /// <param name="o">the object to send</param> public void SendObject(String type, IExtensible o) { byte[] buffer = Serialize(o); Message message = PrepareMessage(type, buffer); send(message); }
public static void AppendExtensionData(IExtensible instance, ProtoWriter writer) { State state = writer.DefaultState(); AppendExtensionData(instance, writer, ref state); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the function body and the invokable property of all modules in this IExtensible /// </summary> /// <param name="extensible">The object to update modules upon.</param> private void UpdateModules(IExtensible extensible) { foreach (var module in extensible.Modules) { module.FunctionBody = presetModules[module.Name].FunctionBody; module.IsInvokable = presetModules[module.Name].IsInvokable; } }
/// <summary> /// Copies any extension data stored for the instance to the underlying stream /// </summary> public static void AppendExtensionData(IExtensible instance, ProtoWriter writer) { if (instance == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("instance"); // we expect the writer to be raw here; the extension data will have the // header detail, so we'll copy it implicitly if(writer.wireType != WireType.None) throw CreateException(writer); IExtension extn = instance.GetExtensionObject(false); if (extn != null) { // unusually we *don't* want "using" here; the "finally" does that, with // the extension object being responsible for disposal etc Stream source = extn.BeginQuery(); try { CopyRawFromStream(source, writer); } finally { extn.EndQuery(source); } } }
private void MumbleWrite(IExtensible message) { var sslStreamWriter = new BinaryWriter(sslStream); if (message is UDPTunnel) { var audioMessage = message as UDPTunnel; Int16 messageType = (Int16)MumbleProtocolFactory.MessageType(message); Int32 messageSize = (Int32)audioMessage.packet.Length; sslStreamWriter.Write(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(messageType)); sslStreamWriter.Write(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(messageSize)); sslStreamWriter.Write(audioMessage.packet); } else { MemoryStream messageStream = new MemoryStream(); Serializer.NonGeneric.Serialize(messageStream, message); Int16 messageType = (Int16)MumbleProtocolFactory.MessageType(message); Int32 messageSize = (Int32)messageStream.Length; sslStreamWriter.Write(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(messageType)); sslStreamWriter.Write(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(messageSize)); messageStream.Position = 0; sslStreamWriter.Write(messageStream.ToArray()); } sslStreamWriter.Flush(); }