static string ExifValueToString(IExifValue v) { if (v.Tag == ExifTag.UserComment || v.Tag == ExifTag.ExifVersion) { var data = v.GetValue() as byte[]; string s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); return(s); } if (v.IsArray) { if (v.DataType == ExifDataType.Undefined || v.DataType == ExifDataType.Byte) { var data = v.GetValue() as byte[]; int max = Math.Min(data.Length, MaxBytesToShow); string hasMore = data.Length > MaxBytesToShow ? " ..." : ""; string hex = BitConverter.ToString(data, 0, max).Replace("-", " "); string s = $"Bytes [{hex}{hasMore}]"; return(s); } return($"[not implemented. type:{v.DataType}]"); } else { return(v.GetValue().ToString()); } }
private int WriteArray(IExifValue value, Span <byte> destination, int offset) { if (value.DataType == ExifDataType.Ascii) { return(this.WriteValue(ExifDataType.Ascii, value.GetValue(), destination, offset)); } int newOffset = offset; foreach (object obj in (Array)value.GetValue()) { newOffset = this.WriteValue(value.DataType, obj, destination, newOffset); } return(newOffset); }
internal static uint GetNumberOfComponents(IExifValue exifValue) { object value = exifValue.GetValue(); if (ExifUcs2StringHelpers.IsUcs2Tag((ExifTagValue)(ushort)exifValue.Tag)) { return((uint)ExifUcs2StringHelpers.Ucs2Encoding.GetByteCount((string)value)); } if (value is EncodedString encodedString) { return(ExifEncodedStringHelpers.GetDataLength(encodedString)); } if (exifValue.DataType == ExifDataType.Ascii) { return((uint)ExifConstants.DefaultEncoding.GetByteCount((string)value) + 1); } if (value is Array arrayValue) { return((uint)arrayValue.Length); } return(1); }
protected override JProperty Transform(IExifValue value) { Byte[] bytes = (Byte[])value.GetValue(); string[] strings = bytes.Select(b => b.ToString()).ToArray(); string version = string.Join('.', strings); return(new JProperty(Name, version)); }
private static int WriteArray(IExifValue value, Span <byte> destination, int offset) { int newOffset = offset; foreach (object obj in (Array)value.GetValue()) { newOffset = WriteValue(value.DataType, obj, destination, newOffset); } return(newOffset); }
private static uint GetNumberOfComponents(IExifValue exifValue) { object value = exifValue.GetValue(); if (exifValue.DataType == ExifDataType.Ascii) { return((uint)Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes((string)value).Length + 1); } if (value is Array arrayValue) { return((uint)arrayValue.Length); } return(1); }
private CameraData?GetCameraData(ExifProfile exifProfile) { IExifValue <string> model = exifProfile.GetValue(ExifTag.Model); IExifValue <string> make = exifProfile.GetValue(ExifTag.Make); if (model?.GetValue() != null) { return(new CameraData { Model = model.ToString(), Make = make.ToString() }); } return(null); }
public void WritingImagePreservesExifProfile(TestImageWriteFormat imageFormat) { // Arrange var image = new Image <Rgba32>(1, 1); image.Metadata.ExifProfile = CreateExifProfile(); // Act Image <Rgba32> reloadedImage = WriteAndRead(image, imageFormat); // Assert ExifProfile actual = reloadedImage.Metadata.ExifProfile; Assert.NotNull(actual); foreach (KeyValuePair <ExifTag, object> expectedProfileValue in TestProfileValues) { IExifValue actualProfileValue = actual.GetValueInternal(expectedProfileValue.Key); Assert.NotNull(actualProfileValue); Assert.Equal(expectedProfileValue.Value, actualProfileValue.GetValue()); } }
private static bool HasValue(IExifValue exifValue) { object value = exifValue.GetValue(); if (value is null) { return(false); } if (exifValue.DataType == ExifDataType.Ascii) { string stringValue = (string)value; return(stringValue.Length > 0); } if (value is Array arrayValue) { return(arrayValue.Length > 0); } return(true); }
public void ProfileToByteArray() { // Arrange byte[] exifBytesWithoutExifCode = ExifConstants.LittleEndianByteOrderMarker; ExifProfile expectedProfile = CreateExifProfile(); var expectedProfileTags = expectedProfile.Values.Select(x => x.Tag).ToList(); // Act byte[] actualBytes = expectedProfile.ToByteArray(); var actualProfile = new ExifProfile(actualBytes); // Assert Assert.NotNull(actualBytes); Assert.NotEmpty(actualBytes); Assert.Equal(exifBytesWithoutExifCode, actualBytes.Take(exifBytesWithoutExifCode.Length).ToArray()); foreach (ExifTag expectedProfileTag in expectedProfileTags) { IExifValue actualProfileValue = actualProfile.GetValueInternal(expectedProfileTag); IExifValue expectedProfileValue = expectedProfile.GetValueInternal(expectedProfileTag); Assert.Equal(expectedProfileValue.GetValue(), actualProfileValue.GetValue()); } }
public void ReadWriteLargeProfileJpg() { ExifTag <string>[] tags = new[] { ExifTag.Software, ExifTag.Copyright, ExifTag.Model, ExifTag.ImageDescription }; foreach (ExifTag <string> tag in tags) { // Arrange var junk = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 65600; i++) { junk.Append("a"); } var image = new Image <Rgba32>(100, 100); ExifProfile expectedProfile = CreateExifProfile(); var expectedProfileTags = expectedProfile.Values.Select(x => x.Tag).ToList(); expectedProfile.SetValue(tag, junk.ToString()); image.Metadata.ExifProfile = expectedProfile; // Act Image <Rgba32> reloadedImage = WriteAndRead(image, TestImageWriteFormat.Jpeg); // Assert ExifProfile actualProfile = reloadedImage.Metadata.ExifProfile; Assert.NotNull(actualProfile); foreach (ExifTag expectedProfileTag in expectedProfileTags) { IExifValue actualProfileValue = actualProfile.GetValueInternal(expectedProfileTag); IExifValue expectedProfileValue = expectedProfile.GetValueInternal(expectedProfileTag); Assert.Equal(expectedProfileValue.GetValue(), actualProfileValue.GetValue()); } IExifValue <string> expected = expectedProfile.GetValue(tag); IExifValue <string> actual = actualProfile.GetValue(tag); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); } }
private static void TestValue(IExifValue value, string expected) { Assert.NotNull(value); Assert.Equal(expected, value.GetValue()); }
private static TResult ParseCoordinate <TResult>(IExifValue location, IExifValue reference, Func <double, TResult> onParsed, Func <TResult> onFailedToParse) { if (location.DataType != ExifDataType.Rational) { return(onFailedToParse()); } var value = (SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rational[])location.GetValue(); if (!value.Any()) { return(onFailedToParse()); } var deg = ToDouble(value[0]); var min = ToDouble(value[1]) / ((double)60); var sec = ToDouble(value[2]) / ((double)3600); var locationNoRef = deg + min + sec; if (reference.DataType != ExifDataType.Ascii) { return(onFailedToParse()); } var valueRef = (string)reference.GetValue(); var directionalMultiplier = IsWestOrSouth() ? -1.0 : 1.0; var locationWithRef = locationNoRef * directionalMultiplier; return(onParsed(locationWithRef)); double ToDouble(SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rational n) { var num = (double)n.Numerator; var den = (double)n.Denominator; return(num / den); } bool IsWestOrSouth() { if (valueRef.Contains('w', StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return(true); } if (valueRef.Contains('s', StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (!valueRef.Contains('e', StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return(true); } } return(false); } }
protected override JProperty Transform(IExifValue value) { ushort[] values = (ushort[])value.GetValue(); return(new JProperty(Name, new JArray(values))); }
protected override JProperty Transform(IExifValue value) { Rational[] rationals = (Rational[])value.GetValue(); string[] unique = rationals.Distinct().Select(r => r.ToString()).ToArray(); return(new JProperty(Name, new JArray(unique))); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UploadPhotos(ICollection <IFormFile> files) { if (Request.Form.Files.Count <= 0) { return(BadRequest("No Files")); } var userId = ControllerUtility.GetUserID(this._httpContextAccessor); if (userId == null) { return(StatusCode(401)); } // Only care about the first file var file = Request.Form.Files[0]; var fileSize = file.Length; var filename1 = file.FileName; var idx1 = filename1.LastIndexOf('.'); var fileext = filename1.Substring(idx1); var filerst = new PhotoFileSuccess(); // Copy file to uploads folder filerst.deleteType = "DELETE"; var randomFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); = randomFileName; var targetfilename = randomFileName + fileext; filerst.size = (int)fileSize; // To avoid mass change the existing records in db, the URL won't return. // filerst.url = "PhotoFile/" + targetfilename; // filerst.thumbnailUrl = "PhotoFile/" + randomFileName + ".thumb" + fileext; filerst.url = targetfilename; filerst.thumbnailUrl = randomFileName + ".thumb" + fileext; filerst.deleteUrl = filerst.url; PhotoFileErrorResult errrst = null; PhotoFileSuccessResult succrst = new PhotoFileSuccessResult(); try { var filePath = Path.Combine(Startup.UploadFolder, targetfilename); var thmFilePath = Path.Combine(Startup.UploadFolder, randomFileName + ".thumb" + fileext); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create)) { await file.CopyToAsync(fileStream); using (IMagickImage image = new MagickImage(filePath)) { filerst.width = image.Width; filerst.height = image.Height; // Add the photo var pht = new Photo(); pht.PhotoId = randomFileName; pht.Title = pht.PhotoId; pht.Desp = pht.PhotoId; pht.FileUrl = filerst.url; var exifprofile = image.GetExifProfile(); if (exifprofile != null) { // AV Number IExifValue value = exifprofile.Values.FirstOrDefault(val => val.Tag == ExifTag.ApertureValue); try { if (value != null) { pht.AVNumber = value.GetValue().ToString(); } } catch { // DO nothing } // Camera Maker value = exifprofile.Values.FirstOrDefault(val => val.Tag == ExifTag.Make); try { if (value != null) { pht.CameraMaker = value.GetValue().ToString(); } } catch { // DO nothing } // Camera Model value = exifprofile.Values.FirstOrDefault(val => val.Tag == ExifTag.Model); try { if (value != null) { pht.CameraModel = value.GetValue().ToString(); } } catch { // DO nothing } // ISO number value = exifprofile.Values.FirstOrDefault(val => val.Tag == ExifTag.ISOSpeed); try { if (value != null) { pht.ISONumber = (int)value.GetValue(); } } catch { // DO nothing } // Lens Model value = exifprofile.Values.FirstOrDefault(val => val.Tag == ExifTag.LensModel); try { if (value != null) { pht.LensModel = value.GetValue().ToString(); } } catch { // DO nothing } // Shutter Speed value = exifprofile.Values.FirstOrDefault(val => val.Tag == ExifTag.ShutterSpeedValue); try { if (value != null) { pht.ShutterSpeed = (string)value.GetValue(); } } catch { // DO nothing } } var bThumbnailCreated = false; // Retrieve the exif information ExifProfile profile = (ExifProfile)image.GetExifProfile(); if (profile != null) { using (IMagickImage thumbnail = profile.CreateThumbnail()) { // Check if exif profile contains thumbnail and save it if (thumbnail != null) { thumbnail.Write(thmFilePath); bThumbnailCreated = true; filerst.thumbwidth = thumbnail.Width; filerst.thumbheight = thumbnail.Height; pht.ThumbnailFileUrl = filerst.thumbnailUrl; pht.ThumbHeight = filerst.thumbheight; pht.ThumbWidth = filerst.thumbwidth; pht.IsOrgThumbnail = true; } } } if (!bThumbnailCreated) { MagickGeometry size = new MagickGeometry(256, 256); // This will resize the image to a fixed size without maintaining the aspect ratio. // Normally an image will be resized to fit inside the specified size. size.IgnoreAspectRatio = false; image.Resize(size); filerst.thumbwidth = image.Width; filerst.thumbheight = image.Height; pht.ThumbnailFileUrl = filerst.thumbnailUrl; pht.ThumbHeight = filerst.thumbheight; pht.ThumbWidth = filerst.thumbwidth; pht.IsOrgThumbnail = false; // Save the result image.Write(thmFilePath); } pht.UploadedBy = userId; pht.UploadedTime = DateTime.Now; this._context.Photos.Add(pht); _context.SaveChanges(); } } succrst.files = new List <PhotoFileSuccess>(); succrst.files.Append(filerst); } catch (Exception exp) { errrst = new PhotoFileErrorResult(); var fileerr = new PhotoFileError(); fileerr.error = exp.Message; = filename1; errrst.files = new List <PhotoFileError>(); errrst.files.Append(fileerr); } if (errrst != null) { return(new JsonResult(errrst)); } return(new JsonResult(filerst)); }