public EngineHolder(string projectId)
                    engineLoader = new OutprocLoader();

                    // When a process finishes normally, all COM objects are released and work processes hosting these objects also finish
                    // normally. If the process terminates abnormally (hard exception or manually killed) the COM objects are not released
                    // and work processes will remain loaded. To address this issue and make your server more robust you can make
                    // each work process watch if its parent process is still alive and terminate if not.
                    var processControl = (IHostProcessControl)engineLoader;

                    process = Process.GetProcessById(processControl.ProcessId);

                    engine = engineLoader.GetEngineObject(projectId);
                catch (COMException exception)
                    var hResult = (uint)exception.ErrorCode;
                    if (hResult == 0x80070005)
                        // To use LocalServer under a special account you must add this account to
                        // the COM-object's launch permissions (using DCOMCNFG or OLE/COM object viewer)
                        throw new Exception(@"Launch permission for the work-process COM-object is not granted.
                            Use DCOMCNFG to change security settings for the object. (" + exception.Message + ")");


                isEngineLocked   = false;
                engineUsageCount = 0;
        private AbbyyManager()
            engineLoader = new InprocLoader();
            engine       = engineLoader.GetEngineObject(licens);

            prepareImageMode = engine.CreatePrepareImageMode();
            prepareImageMode.EnhanceLocalContrast = true;