public static IEngineConfigurationTypeBuilder <TPoco> Collection <TPoco, TCollection>(
            this IEngineConfigurationTypeMemberBuilder <TPoco, TCollection> memberConfig, int min, int max) where TCollection : IEnumerable
            var  collectionType        = typeof(TCollection);
            Type collectionContentType = null;

            // We need to find the base collection type (we only support generic collections of X for the moment)
            collectionContentType = GetCollectionContentType(collectionType);

            if (collectionContentType == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find collection type, only collections of type IEnumerable<T> are supported", "TCollection");

            // So this will give us AutoSource<Y>
            var autoSourceType = typeof(AutoSource <>).MakeGenericType(collectionContentType);

            //// And this will give us FlexibleEnumerableSource<AutoSource<Y>, X<Y>, Y>
            var enumerableSourceType = typeof(FlexibleEnumerableSource <, ,>).MakeGenericType(
                autoSourceType, collectionType, collectionContentType

            // I can't believe I'm doing this, if anybody can give us a good method definition that just_works and
            // negates the need for this tomfoolery I'm all ears
            var method = memberConfig.GetType().GetMethod("Use",
                                                          System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public |
                                                          System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, new[] { typeof(Object[]) }, null);

            var genericMethod = method.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { enumerableSourceType });

            return((IEngineConfigurationTypeBuilder <TPoco>)genericMethod.Invoke(memberConfig, new object[] { new object[] { min, max } }));