protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { userApp = new UserApplication(); if (!IsPostBack) { try { IEncrypt encrypt = UtilFactory.GetEncryptProvider(EncryptType.DES); string username = encrypt.Decrypt(UtilFactory.Helpers.CookieHelper.Get(encrypt.Encrypt("Login_UserName_"))); string password = encrypt.Decrypt(UtilFactory.Helpers.CookieHelper.Get(encrypt.Encrypt("Login_Password_"))); string preFailedUserName = QS("uname"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(preFailedUserName))//如果前一次登陆成功过,那么就保存cookie, 否则就重新赋值为上一次失败的用户名。 { txtUserName.Text = preFailedUserName; txtPassword.Focus(); } else { txtUserName.Text = username; txtPassword.Text = password; } chkRemember.Checked = true; } catch { txtUserName.Text = "*****@*****.**"; txtPassword.Text = "jacK1234"; chkRemember.Checked = false; } } }
protected UsersEntity GetEntity() { IEncrypt encrypt = UtilFactory.GetEncryptProvider(EncryptType.DES); string[] items = encrypt.Decrypt(Request.Params["link"]).Split("_".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (items.Length != 2) { return(null); } int userid; DateTime date; if (!int.TryParse(items[0], out userid) || !DateTime.TryParse(items[1], out date)) { return(null); } if (date.Date != DateTime.Now.Date) { return(null); } UserApplication userApp = new UserApplication(); UsersEntity user = userApp.GetUser(userid, false); return(user); }
public void Load(string filename) { string jsonData; string filePath = GetFilePath(filename); _ = Directory.CreateDirectory(GetFolderPath()); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filePath)) jsonData = reader.ReadToEnd(); if (_encrypt) { jsonData = _encryptor.Decrypt(jsonData); } Dictionary <string, byte[]> gameData = _dataHandler.ConvertToObject <Dictionary <string, byte[]> >(jsonData); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, byte[]> data in gameData) { if (_gameData.ContainsKey(data.Key)) { _gameData[data.Key].LoadData(data.Value); } else { Debug.LogError($"Unexpected data received from file. key '{data.Key}' was not found in the configured data layout."); } } }
private void Decrypt_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!CheckInputFields()) { return; } if (!File.Exists(FileLocation)) { return; } var encryptedBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(FileLocation); var decryptedBytes = _encrypter.Decrypt(encryptedBytes, Password); var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); var binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter(); memoryStream.Write(decryptedBytes, 0, decryptedBytes.Length); memoryStream.Position = 0; try { var deserialised = (SortedObservableCollection <Entry>)binaryFormatter.Deserialize(memoryStream); Entries.Clear(); Entries.AddAll(deserialised); FileOpen = true; } catch (Exception ex) when(ex is DecoderFallbackException || ex is SerializationException) { } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { int eventID; if (int.TryParse(context.Request.Form["id"], out eventID)) { IEncrypt encrypt = UtilFactory.GetEncryptProvider(EncryptType.DES); string strUserID = encrypt.Decrypt(UtilFactory.Helpers.CookieHelper.Get(encrypt.Encrypt("LoginUserID"))); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strUserID)) { context.Response.Write("0"); } int userID = int.Parse(strUserID); EventEntity entity = new EventsApplication().GetEventInfo(eventID); if (entity == null || entity.CreatedBy != userID) { context.Response.Write("0"); } if (new EventsApplication().Delete(eventID, entity.FromDay.Date)) { context.Response.Write("1"); } else { context.Response.Write("0"); } } else { context.Response.Write("0"); } }
public string Login(string desUserName, string desPassword, bool rememberMe, out string id) { id = string.Empty; IEncrypt encrypt = UtilFactory.GetEncryptProvider(EncryptType.DES); string userName = encrypt.Decrypt(desUserName); string password = encrypt.Decrypt(desPassword); if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))) { return("failure"); } UsersEntity usersEntity = userApplication.Login(userName, password); if (usersEntity == null) { return(FormatMessages(userApplication.BrokenRuleMessages)); } id = usersEntity.UserID.ToString(); return("successful"); }
protected BaseController() { ViewBag.LoginUserName = LoginUserName; IEncrypt encrypt = UtilFactory.GetEncryptProvider(EncryptType.DES); string userId = encrypt.Decrypt(UtilFactory.Helpers.CookieHelper.Get(encrypt.Encrypt("LoginUserID"))); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId)) { IsOut = true; } ResumeCookie(); }
public override List <ICardDetails> Select() { try { bool Response = new Security(UserProfileObj).AuthenticateUser(); if (Response == true) { List <ICardDetails> DecryptedCardDetailsList = new List <ICardDetails>(); foreach (ICardDetails EncryptedCardObj in CardDetailsDataLayerObj.Select()) { ICardDetails DecryptedCardDetails = new CardDetails(); AESObj.SetIV(EncryptedCardObj.GetIV()); AESObj.SetKey(EncryptedCardObj.GetDecryptionKey()); DecryptedCardDetails.SetCardID(EncryptedCardObj.GetCardID()); DecryptedCardDetails.SetName(AESObj.Decrypt(EncryptedCardObj.GetName())); DecryptedCardDetails.SetCardNumber(AESObj.Decrypt(EncryptedCardObj.GetCardNumber()).ToString()); DecryptedCardDetails.SetExpiryMonth(AESObj.Decrypt(EncryptedCardObj.GetExpiryMonth())); DecryptedCardDetails.SetExpiryYear(AESObj.Decrypt(EncryptedCardObj.GetExpiryYear())); DecryptedCardDetails.SetCvv(AESObj.Decrypt(EncryptedCardObj.GetCvv())); DecryptedCardDetailsList.Add(DecryptedCardDetails); } return(DecryptedCardDetailsList); } else { return(null); } } catch (NullReferenceException nex) { Logger.Instance().Log(Warn.Instance(), new LogInfo("Received null reference while fetching card details (Routine : AuthenticateUser), might be token manipulation. Check token : " + UserProfileObj.GetToken())); throw nex; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance().Log(Fatal.Instance(), ex); throw ex; } }
public static MAP Load(byte[] data) { encrypt.Decrypt(ref data); string __temp = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); MAP map = new MAP(); map.Terrains = JsonReader.Deserialize <List <TERRAIN> >(__temp); foreach (var item in map.Terrains) { item.SetData(); item.SetHits(); } return(map); }
private void ResumeCookie() { IEncrypt encrypt = UtilFactory.GetEncryptProvider(EncryptType.DES); string userType = encrypt.Decrypt(UtilFactory.Helpers.CookieHelper.Get(encrypt.Encrypt("UserType"))); if (userType != "SUNNET") { UtilFactory.Helpers.CookieHelper.Resume(encrypt.Encrypt("LoginUserID"), 30); UtilFactory.Helpers.CookieHelper.Resume(encrypt.Encrypt("FirstName"), 30); UtilFactory.Helpers.CookieHelper.Resume(encrypt.Encrypt("LastName"), 30); UtilFactory.Helpers.CookieHelper.Resume(encrypt.Encrypt("CompanyID"), 30); UtilFactory.Helpers.CookieHelper.Resume(encrypt.Encrypt("UserType"), 30); UtilFactory.Helpers.CookieHelper.ResumeExpire(encrypt.Encrypt("ExpireTime"), 30); } }
public byte[] UnEscape(byte[] bodyBuffer, IEncrypt encrypt) { List <byte> dataList = new List <byte>(); dataList.Add(bodyBuffer[0]); for (int i = 1; i < bodyBuffer.Length - 1; i++) { byte first = bodyBuffer[i]; byte second = bodyBuffer[i + 1]; if (first == 0x5a && second == 0x01) { dataList.Add(0x5b); i++; } else if (first == 0x5a && second == 0x02) { dataList.Add(0x5a); i++; } else if (first == 0x5e && second == 0x01) { dataList.Add(0x5d); i++; } else if (first == 0x5e && second == 0x02) { dataList.Add(0x5e); i++; } else { dataList.Add(first); } } dataList.Add(bodyBuffer[bodyBuffer.Length - 1]); var tempBuffe = dataList.ToArray(); if (encrypt != null) { encrypt.Decrypt(tempBuffe); } return(tempBuffe); }
public static bool Decrypt(ref string value) { return(_instance.Decrypt(ref value)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { IoC.Init(); string filePath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadFile"]) ? "C:/log/cli/Upload/data_Process/" : ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadFile"]; BUPProcessBusiness _bupProcessBusiness = new BUPProcessBusiness(); BUPTaskBusiness _bupTaskBusiness = new BUPTaskBusiness(); AutomationSettingBusiness _autoBusiness = new AutomationSettingBusiness(); List <AutomationSettingModel> processingAutomations = _autoBusiness.GetProcessingAutomationSettings(); UserBusiness _userBusiness = new UserBusiness(); ISunnetLog LoggerHelper = ObjectFactory.GetInstance <ISunnetLog>(); LoggerHelper.Info("start ......"); Console.WriteLine("start ......"); if (processingAutomations != null && processingAutomations.Count > 0) { List <UserBaseEntity> users = _userBusiness.GetUsers(processingAutomations.Select(r => r.CreatedBy).ToList()); foreach (AutomationSettingModel item in processingAutomations) { IEncrypt encrypt = ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IEncrypt>(); SFTPHelper sftp = new SFTPHelper(item.HostIp, item.Port, item.UserName, encrypt.Decrypt(item.PassWord), LoggerHelper); bool bconn = sftp.Connect(); if (bconn) { try { UserBaseEntity user = users.Find(r => r.ID == item.CreatedBy); if (user != null) { Dictionary <string, dynamic> dicType = GetDictionary(item); foreach (var type in dicType) { if (sftp.DirExist(type.Key)) { string localPath = filePath + (item.CommunityName + "/" + type.Key.Replace("/", "").Replace("\\", "")) + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") + "/"; string failedPath = type.Key + "/Failed/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") + "/"; string successPath = type.Key + "/Processed/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") + "/"; //从sftp获取文件到本地目录 List <string> objList = new List <string>(); List <string> LocalFileList = new List <string>(); objList = sftp.GetFileList(type.Key, new string[] { ".xls", ".xlsx" }); if (objList.Count > 0) { Helper.CheckAndCreatePath(localPath); foreach (object obj in objList) { string fileUrl = obj.ToString(); string newFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff") + "--" + fileUrl; sftp.Get(type.Key + "/" + fileUrl, localPath + "/" + newFileName); LocalFileList.Add(newFileName); sftp.DeleteFile(type.Key + "/" + fileUrl); } if (Directory.Exists(localPath)) { DirectoryInfo dr = new DirectoryInfo(localPath); foreach (FileInfo file in dr.GetFiles() .Where(r => r.Extension.ToLower() == ".xls" || r.Extension.ToLower() == ".xlsx" && LocalFileList.Contains(r.Name))) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Start processing {0}", file.FullName)); LoggerHelper.Info(string.Format("Start processing {0}", file.FullName)); //导入数据到BUP表 DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string errorMsg = ""; errorMsg = _bupProcessBusiness.InvalidateFile(file.FullName, type.Value.Count, type.Value.Type, out dt); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMsg)) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Result: Error. Message: {0}", errorMsg)); LoggerHelper.Info(string.Format("Result: Error. Message: {0}", errorMsg)); WriteErrorMsg(sftp, localPath, failedPath, file, errorMsg); continue; } int identity = 0; string originFileName = file.Name.Substring(file.Name.IndexOf("--") + 2); //Automation 默认发送邀请 switch ((BUPType)type.Value.Type) { case BUPType.School: errorMsg = _bupProcessBusiness.ProcessSchool(dt, user.ID, originFileName, file.Name, user, out identity, BUPProcessType.Automation, item.CommunityId); break; case BUPType.Classroom: errorMsg = _bupProcessBusiness.ProcessClassroom(dt, user.ID, originFileName, file.Name, user, item.CommunityId, out identity, BUPProcessType.Automation); break; case BUPType.Class: errorMsg = _bupProcessBusiness.ProcessClass(dt, user.ID, originFileName, file.Name, user, out identity, BUPProcessType.Automation, item.CommunityId); break; case BUPType.Teacher: errorMsg = _bupProcessBusiness.ProcessTeacher(dt, user.ID, "1", originFileName, file.Name, user, out identity, BUPProcessType.Automation, item.CommunityId); break; case BUPType.Student: errorMsg = _bupProcessBusiness.ProcessStudent(dt, user.ID, originFileName, file.Name, user, out identity, BUPProcessType.Automation, item.CommunityId); break; case BUPType.CommunityUser: errorMsg = _bupProcessBusiness.ProcessCommunityUser(dt, user.ID, false, "1", originFileName, file.Name, user, item.CommunityId, out identity, BUPProcessType.Automation); break; case BUPType.CommunitySpecialist: errorMsg = _bupProcessBusiness.ProcessCommunityUser(dt, user.ID, true, "1", originFileName, file.Name, user, item.CommunityId, out identity, BUPProcessType.Automation); break; case BUPType.Principal: errorMsg = _bupProcessBusiness.ProcessPrincipal(dt, user.ID, false, originFileName, file.Name, "1", user, item.CommunityId, out identity, BUPProcessType.Automation); break; case BUPType.SchoolSpecialist: errorMsg = _bupProcessBusiness.ProcessPrincipal(dt, user.ID, true, originFileName, file.Name, "1", user, item.CommunityId, out identity, BUPProcessType.Automation); break; case BUPType.Parent: errorMsg = _bupProcessBusiness.ProcessParent(dt, user.ID, originFileName, file.Name, out identity, BUPProcessType.Automation); break; default: errorMsg = "Can not find this action: " + type.Value.Type; break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMsg)) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Result: Error. Message: {0}", errorMsg)); LoggerHelper.Info(string.Format("Result: Error. Message: {0}", errorMsg)); WriteErrorMsg(sftp, localPath, failedPath, file, errorMsg); continue; } //执行数据导入操作 try { if (identity > 0) { ProcessHandler handler = new ProcessHandler(BUPTaskBusiness.Start); IAsyncResult asyncResult = handler.BeginInvoke(identity, user.ID, null, null); handler.EndInvoke(asyncResult); //此方法会等待异步执行完成后再往下执行 ProcessData(identity, user, LoggerHelper, sftp, successPath, file); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Result: Error. Message: {0}", ex.Message)); LoggerHelper.Info(string.Format("Result: Error. Message: {0}", errorMsg)); WriteErrorMsg(sftp, localPath, failedPath, file, ex.Message); continue; } } } } } } sftp.Disconnect(); } else { LoggerHelper.Debug("Can not find user with the ID: " + item.CreatedBy + ". DateTime: " + DateTime.Now.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (sftp.IsConnected) { sftp.Disconnect(); } Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); LoggerHelper.Info(string.Format("Result: Error. Message: {0}", ex.Message)); LoggerHelper.Debug(ex); } } else { LoggerHelper.Info("can not connect to the sftp server"); Console.WriteLine("can not connect to the sftp server"); } } } LoggerHelper.Info("end ......"); Console.WriteLine("end ......"); }
public static bool SaveWorkerRole(B_WORKER_ROLE entity) { using (MainDataContext dbContext = new MainDataContext()) { using (MainDataContext dsContext = new MainDataContext(AppConfig.ConnectionStringDispatch)) { try { //同步Tperson if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.EmpNo)) { B_WORKER worker = GetWorkerById(entity.WorkerID); B_ORGANIZATION unit = Organize.GetUnit(entity.OrgID); if (dsContext.TPerson.Count(t => t.编码 == entity.TPerson编码) == 0) { //string empNo = GetCoding(); IApplicationContext ctx = ContextRegistry.GetContext(); IEncrypt encrypt = ctx["Encrypt"] as IEncrypt; TPerson person = new TPerson(); person.编码 = entity.TPerson编码; person.单位编码 = unit.Type == (int)OrgType.Branch ? unit.编码 : "-1"; person.通话号码 = worker.Tel ?? string.Empty; person.短信号码 = worker.Mobile ?? string.Empty; person.分站编码 = unit.Type == (int)OrgType.Station ? unit.编码 : AppConfig.GetStringConfigValue("VirtualCode"); person.类型编码 = entity.RoleID; person.姓名 = worker.Name; person.工号 = entity.EmpNo; person.口令 = new HashEncrypt().DESEncrypt(encrypt.Decrypt(worker.PassWord), ""); person.次操作时间 = DateTime.Now; person.顺序号 = int.Parse(entity.TPerson编码); person.是否有效 = true; dsContext.TPerson.InsertOnSubmit(person); } else { var tp = dsContext.TPerson.FirstOrDefault(t => t.编码 == entity.TPerson编码); tp.单位编码 = unit.Type == (int)OrgType.Branch ? unit.编码 : "-1"; tp.分站编码 = unit.Type == (int)OrgType.Station ? unit.编码 : AppConfig.GetStringConfigValue("VirtualCode"); tp.类型编码 = entity.RoleID; tp.工号 = entity.EmpNo; } } //人员 if (entity.ID == 0) { var list = from a in dbContext.B_WORKER_ROLE select a.ID; long total = list.LongCount(); if (total == 0) { entity.ID = 1; } else { entity.ID = dbContext.B_WORKER_ROLE.Max(a => a.ID) + 1; } entity.EmpNo = entity.EmpNo ?? string.Empty; entity.TPerson编码 = entity.TPerson编码 ?? string.Empty; dbContext.B_WORKER_ROLE.InsertOnSubmit(entity); } else { var model = dbContext.B_WORKER_ROLE.FirstOrDefault(b => b.ID == entity.ID); model.OrgID = entity.OrgID; model.WorkerID = entity.WorkerID; model.RoleID = entity.RoleID; model.EmpNo = entity.EmpNo ?? string.Empty; model.ID = entity.ID; model.TPerson编码 = entity.TPerson编码 ?? string.Empty; } dbContext.SubmitChanges(); dsContext.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Log4Net.LogError("SaveWorkerRole", ex.ToString()); return(false); } } } }