Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AutoUnregisterToken"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="factory"> The factory to unregister from. </param>
        /// <param name="interceptor"> The interceptor to remove on dispose. </param>
        public AutoUnregisterToken(IEasyPeasyFactory factory, IRequestInterceptor interceptor)
            Ensure.IsNotNull(factory, "factory");
            Ensure.IsNotNull(interceptor, "interceptor");

            this.factory     = factory;
            this.interceptor = interceptor;
Example #2
        private async Task RunExamples()
            // This is the based address of the server which gets passed into the
            // creation method
            Uri baseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:9000");

            // The factory can be created using MEF, the following is an example of how
            // you could do this:
            AssemblyCatalog      catalog   = new AssemblyCatalog(typeof(IEasyPeasyFactory).Assembly);
            CompositionContainer container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

            IEasyPeasyFactory factory = container.GetExportedValue <IEasyPeasyFactory>();

            // Interceptors can be added to the factory to perform actions on the HTTP request and
            // response objects.  This example simply logs out the events to the console
            factory.AddInterceptor(new LoggingInterceptor());

            // An alternative would be the more direct way:
            // IEasyPeasyFactory factory = new EasyPeasyFactory(new DefaultMediaTypeRegistry());

            // Auto generate an implementation of the IContactService interface.
            // The implementation is configured via the interface attributes to determine each
            // methods end point, serialization formats etc.
            IContactServiceAsync contactService = factory.Create <IContactServiceAsync>(baseAddress);

            // The following are examples of using the implementation

            // 1 - fetch a list of contacts from the server and print them out
            // This method call maps to:
            // GET http://localhost:9000/api/contact
            List <Contact> contacts = await contactService.GetContactsAsync();

            foreach (var contact in contacts)
                Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, Address: {1}", contact.Name, contact.Address);

            // Fetch a specific contact.  The value passed in here is used in the URL
            // GET http://localhost:9000/api/contact/Contact1
            Contact singleContact = await contactService.GetContactAsync("Contact1");

            Console.WriteLine("Fetched contact by name, Name: {0}, Address: {1}", singleContact.Name, singleContact.Address);

            singleContact.Address = "Changed Address";

            Console.WriteLine("Updating address for contact1");

            // Updates the contact on the server.  The supplied name is mapped to the URL,
            // the contact is serialized to the body as XML based on the Produces attribute
            await contactService.UpdateContactAsync(singleContact.Name, singleContact);

            // Another example of updating the address for a contact. This example
            // uses form encoded parameters to send the data:
            // PUT   http://localhost:9000/api/contact/Contact3
            // BODY: address=Updated_using_form_param
            await contactService.UpdateContactAsync("Contact3", "Updated_using_form_param");

            // Show the updates worked by reloading the data and printing the updated values
            Console.WriteLine("Re-fetching contact list");
            List <Contact> fetchedContacts = await contactService.GetContactsAsync();

            foreach (Contact contact in fetchedContacts)
                Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, Address: {1}", contact.Name, contact.Address);

            // Deletes a contact on the server using similar path mappings.
            // The DELETE attribute determines the verb to use:
            // DELETE http://localhost:9000/api/contact/Contact1
            Console.WriteLine("Deleting contact 1");
            await contactService.DeleteContactAsync("Contact1");

            // Reload to show the contact has been deleted
            Console.WriteLine("Re-fetching contact list");
            fetchedContacts = await contactService.GetContactsAsync();

            foreach (Contact contact in fetchedContacts)
                Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, Address: {1}", contact.Name, contact.Address);

            Console.WriteLine("Saved assembly to " + factory.SaveGeneratedAssembly().FullName);