public void NavigateToSolution(string path, IDteWrapper dte) { Logger.AddInfo("NavigateToSolutionCommand. Start Navigate to: " + path); try { dte.OpenSolution(path); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.AddError("Can`t navigate to solution", e); MessageBox.Show("Can`t navigate to solution"); } Logger.AddInfo("NavigateToSolutionCommand. End navigate"); }
public void NavigateToSolution(DXVcsBranch currentBranch, IDteWrapper dte) { try { string filePath = Port.ProjectFilePath; string vcsFilePath = GetMergeVcsPathByOriginalPath(filePath, currentBranch); IDXVcsRepository repository = DXVcsRepositoryFactory.Create(Port.VcsServer); string targetPath = repository.GetFileWorkingPath(vcsFilePath); dte.OpenSolution(targetPath); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Can`t navigate to solution"); } }