Example #1
 public TextureSender(IDownloader downloader, GriderProxy _proxy, int discardLevel, uint packetNumber)
     proxy = _proxy;
     RequestedDiscardLevel = discardLevel;
     StartPacketNumber = packetNumber;
     m_downloader = downloader;
Example #2
 public void DeleteDownloader(Job job, IDownloader downloader)
     if (!(downloader is FileDispatch.Downloader))
         this.wwwFallback.DeleteDownloader(job, downloader);
        public DownloadViewModel(DownloadedChapterInfo downloadInfo, ISemaphore downloadSemaphore)
            if (downloadInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("downloadInfo");

            if (downloadSemaphore == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("downloadSemaphore");

            if (downloadInfo.ChapterRecord == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Chapter record is invalid.", "downloadInfo");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadInfo.ChapterRecord.ChapterId))
                throw new ArgumentException("Chapter record id is invalid.", "downloadInfo");

            if (downloadInfo.ChapterRecord.MangaRecord == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Manga record is invalid.", "downloadInfo");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadInfo.ChapterRecord.MangaRecord.MangaId))
                throw new ArgumentException("Manga record id is invalid.", "downloadInfo");

            _downloadInfo = downloadInfo;
            _downloadSemaphore = downloadSemaphore;

            _scraper = ScraperLoader.Instance.AllScrapers.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ScraperGuid == downloadInfo.ChapterRecord.Scraper);

            if (_scraper != null)
                _downloader = _scraper.GetDownloader();

                // register downloader events
                _downloader.DownloadProgress += _downloader_DownloadProgress;
                _downloader.DownloadCompleted += _downloader_DownloadCompleted;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_downloadInfo.Path))
                // file was already downloaded
                State = DownloadState.Unknown;
                Completed = true;
                // we will be downloading the file now
                State = DownloadState.Ok;
                Completed = false;

            CurrentActionText = String.Empty;

            _cancelDownloadCommand = new RelayCommand(Cancel, x => !Completed);
            _removeDownloadCommand = new RelayCommand(Remove);
            _openDownloadCommand = new RelayCommand(Open, x => DownloadExists);
            _retryDownloadCommand = new RelayCommand(RetryDownload, x => _downloader != null
                                                                         && Completed
                                                                         && !DownloadExists
                                                                         && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_downloadInfo.DownloadFolder));

            CancelText = ButtonCancelText;
 private JetImageLoaderConfig(Builder builder)
     IsLogEnabled     = builder.IsLogEnabled;
     CacheMode        = builder.CacheMode;
     DownloaderImpl   = builder.DownloaderImpl;
     MemoryCacheImpl  = builder.MemoryCacheImpl;
     StorageCacheImpl = builder.StorageCacheImpl;
Example #5
 public MainForm()
     foreach (var textBox in Controls.OfType<TextBox>())
         textBox.Text = Uri;
     _downloader = new Downloader(this);
Example #6
 public void DeleteDownloader(Job job, IDownloader idownloader)
     if (idownloader is WWWDispatch.Downloader)
         WWWDispatch.Downloader downloader = (WWWDispatch.Downloader)idownloader;
         downloader.Job = null;
         downloader.Download = null;
        public Updater()

            settingsservice = ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ISettingsService>();
            localizationService = ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ILocalizationService>();
            downloader = ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IDownloader>();
            Configuration = ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IConfiguration>();

Example #8
        public Updater()
            downloader = SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<IDownloader>();
            isoStorage = SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<IIsolatedStorageManager>();

            worker = new BackgroundWorker();
            worker.DoWork += worker_DoWork;
            worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = false;
            worker.RunWorkerCompleted += worker_RunWorkerCompleted;
            worker.ProgressChanged += worker_ProgressChanged;
 public XentoolsUpdate(ISleeper sleeper, IDownloader downloader, IChecksumValidator checksumValidator, IUnzipper unzipper, IInstaller installer, IFinalizer finalizer, IServiceRestarter _serviceRestarter,IConnectionChecker connectionChecker, IAgentUpdateMessageHandler agentUpdateMessageHandler, ILogger logger)
     _sleeper = sleeper;
     _downloader = downloader;
     _checksumValidator = checksumValidator;
     _unzipper = unzipper;
     _installer = installer;
     _finalizer = finalizer;
     this._serviceRestarter = _serviceRestarter;
     _connectionChecker = connectionChecker;
     _agentUpdateMessageHandler = agentUpdateMessageHandler;
     _logger = logger;
 public CopyImageLinkAction(
     ILinkParser linkParser,
     IImageFileInterpreter imageFileInterpreter,
     IDownloader downloader,
     IClipboardInjectionService clipboardInjectionService,
     IAsyncFilter asyncFilter)
     this.asyncFilter = asyncFilter;
     this.linkParser = linkParser;
     this.downloader = downloader;
     this.imageFileInterpreter = imageFileInterpreter;
     this.clipboardInjectionService = clipboardInjectionService;
        private bool disposedValue = false; // To detect redundant calls

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public SonarWebService(IDownloader downloader, string server)
            if (downloader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("downloader");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(server))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("server");

            this.downloader = downloader;
            this.server = server.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? server.Substring(0, server.Length - 1) : server;
 public UpdaterUpdate(ISleeper sleeper, IDownloader downloader, IChecksumValidator checksumValidator, IUnzipper unzipper, IFileCopier fileCopier, IFinalizer finalizer, IServiceStopper serviceStopper, IServiceStarter serviceStarter, IConnectionChecker connectionChecker, IAgentUpdateMessageHandler agentUpdateMessageHandler, ILogger logger)
     _sleeper = sleeper;
     _downloader = downloader;
     _checksumValidator = checksumValidator;
     _unzipper = unzipper;
     _fileCopier = fileCopier;
     _finalizer = finalizer;
     _serviceStopper = serviceStopper;
     _serviceStarter = serviceStarter;
     _connectionChecker = connectionChecker;
     _agentUpdateMessageHandler = agentUpdateMessageHandler;
     _logger = logger;
Example #13
        public UpdateService(
            IDownloader fileDownloader,
            IFileManager fileManager,
            IProcessManager processManager,
            ILogger logger,
            IGitHubClientFactory clientFactory)
            client = clientFactory.CreateClient();

            this.fileDownloader = fileDownloader;
            this.fileManager = fileManager;
            this.processManager = processManager;
            this.logger = logger;
Example #14
        public UpdateService(
            IDownloader fileDownloader,
            IFileManager fileManager,
            IProcessManager processManager,
            IEnvironmentInformation environmentInformation,
            ILogger logger)
            client = CreateClient();

            this.fileDownloader = fileDownloader;
            this.fileManager = fileManager;
            this.processManager = processManager;
            this.environmentInformation = environmentInformation;
            this.logger = logger;
Example #15
 public override void Inject(IDownloader downloader, ISpider spider, bool pauseBeforeInject = true)
     if (Driver == null)
     if (!CheckFrequency())
     spider.Pause(() =>
Example #16
 public TumblrBlogCrawler(IShellService shellService, CancellationToken ct, PauseToken pt,
                          IProgress <DownloadProgress> progress, ICrawlerService crawlerService, IWebRequestFactory webRequestFactory,
                          ISharedCookieService cookieService, IDownloader downloader, ICrawlerDataDownloader crawlerDataDownloader,
                          ITumblrToTextParser <Post> tumblrJsonParser, ITumblrParser tumblrParser, IImgurParser imgurParser,
                          IGfycatParser gfycatParser, IWebmshareParser webmshareParser, IMixtapeParser mixtapeParser, IUguuParser uguuParser,
                          ISafeMoeParser safemoeParser, ILoliSafeParser lolisafeParser, ICatBoxParser catboxParser,
                          IPostQueue <TumblrPost> postQueue, IPostQueue <TumblrCrawlerData <Post> > jsonQueue, IBlog blog)
     : base(shellService, crawlerService, ct, pt, progress, webRequestFactory, cookieService, tumblrParser, imgurParser,
            gfycatParser, webmshareParser, mixtapeParser, uguuParser, safemoeParser, lolisafeParser, catboxParser, postQueue,
     this.downloader            = downloader;
     this.tumblrJsonParser      = tumblrJsonParser;
     this.jsonQueue             = jsonQueue;
     this.crawlerDataDownloader = crawlerDataDownloader;
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute <see cref="ITargetUrlsExtractor"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary xml:lang="zh-CN">
        /// 执行目标链接解析器
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page">页面数据 <see cref="Page"/></param>
        /// <param name="downloader">下载器 <see cref="IDownloader"/></param>
        /// <param name="spider">爬虫 <see cref="ISpider"/></param>
        public override void Handle(ref Page page, IDownloader downloader, ISpider spider)
            if (_targetUrlsExtractor == null || page == null)

            var requests = _targetUrlsExtractor.ExtractRequests(page, spider.Site);

            foreach (var request in requests)

            page.SkipExtractTargetUrls = !_extractByProcessor;
Example #18
 public StockUpdateService(IStockQuoteRepository stockQuoteRepository,
                           ILogger logger,
                           IDownloader downloader,
                           IProjectSettings projectSettings,
                           IStockQuotesDownloadService stockQuotesDownloadService,
                           IStocksBulkDeserializer stocksBulkDeserializer,
                           ICompanyRepository companyRepository)
     _stockQuoteRepository = stockQuoteRepository;
     _logger                     = logger;
     _downloader                 = downloader;
     _projectSettings            = projectSettings;
     _stockQuotesDownloadService = stockQuotesDownloadService;
     _stocksBulkDeserializer     = stocksBulkDeserializer;
     _companyRepository          = companyRepository;
        public DownloadForm(IUpdater updater, IAppCast appcast)

            this.updater = updater;
            this.appcast = appcast;

            downloader = ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IDownloader>();
            installer = ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IInstaller>();
            localizationService = ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ILocalizationService>();

Example #20
 public void Clear()
     downloader = null;
     try {
         for (int i = 0; i < packetPath.Length; i++)
             System.IO.File.Delete(packetPath [i]);
             dictPacket [i].Clear();
         packetPath = null;
         dictPacket = null;
     } catch (Exception e) {
Example #21
 protected AstmIOController(
     IAstmChannel stream,
     AstmLowLevelSettings lowLevelSettings,
     IUploader uploader,
     IDownloader downloader,
     ITimersManager timersManager,
     ILogger <AstmIOController> log)
     _stream           = stream;
     _uploader         = uploader;
     _downloader       = downloader;
     _lowLevelSettings = lowLevelSettings;
     _timersManager    = timersManager;
     _log = log;
Example #22
        public static IDisposable SubscribeReport(this IDownloader @this)
            const long oneM      = 1024 * 1024;
            const long blockSize = 1024 * 1024 * 20;

            var previousDateTimeOffset = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            var previousCompletedSize  = 0L;

            .Distinct(item => item.Status)
            .Subscribe(item => WriteLine($"{item.Timestamp:HH:mm:ss}: Status is {item.Value.Status}"), error =>
                WriteLine($"ERROR: {error}");

                   .Where(item => item.Status == TransferStatus.Transferring)
                   .Subscribe(item =>
                var timestamp = item.Timestamp;
                var notification = item.Value;
                var completedSize = @this.GetCompletedSize();

                var message = $"{notification.CurrentBlockId:B}: " +
                              $"{notification.Status} " +
                              (notification.CurrentBlockId == Guid.Empty
                                      ? string.Empty
                                      : $"{@this.BlockContexts[notification.CurrentBlockId].Offset / blockSize:D3} --> {@this.BlockContexts[notification.CurrentBlockId].TotalSize / blockSize} "
                              ) +
                              $"{1.0 * (completedSize - previousCompletedSize) / (timestamp - previousDateTimeOffset).TotalSeconds / oneM:00.00} MB/s " +
                              $"{100.0 * completedSize / @this.Context.TotalSize: 00.00}% " +


                previousCompletedSize = completedSize;
                previousDateTimeOffset = timestamp;
            }, error =>
                WriteLine($"ERROR: {error}");
            }, () =>
                WriteLine($"======= Completed! Time: {DateTimeOffset.Now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} =======");
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads the specified link.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="link">The link.</param>
        /// <param name="token">The token.</param>
        public void Download(Link link, string token)
            if (link.FileURL.StartsWith("magnet:"))
                DownloadFileCompleted(null, new EventArgs<string, string, string>(link.FileURL, null, token));

            _td = new TaskDialog
                    Title           = "Downloading...",
                    Instruction     = link.Release,
                    Content         = "Sending request to " + new Uri(link.FileURL).DnsSafeHost.Replace("www.", string.Empty) + "...",
                    CommonButtons   = TaskDialogButton.Cancel,
                    ShowProgressBar = true

            _td.Destroyed   += TaskDialogDestroyed;
            _td.ButtonClick += TaskDialogDestroyed;

            new Thread(() => _res = _td.Show().CommonButton).Start();

            var prm = true;

            _dl                          = link.Source.Downloader;
            _dl.DownloadFileCompleted   += DownloadFileCompleted;
            _dl.DownloadProgressChanged += (s, a) =>
                    if (_td != null && _td.IsShowing)
                        if (prm)
                            prm = false;

                        _td.Content = "Downloading file... ({0}%)".FormatWith(a.Data);
                        _td.ProgressBarPosition = a.Data;

            _dl.Download(link, Utils.GetRandomFileName(link.Source.Type == Types.Torrent ? "torrent" : link.Source.Type == Types.Usenet ? "nzb" : null), !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(token) ? token : "DownloadFile");

            Utils.Win7Taskbar(state: TaskbarProgressBarState.Indeterminate);
        public async Task <IEnumerable <IWorkTask> > WorkAsync(IDownloader downloader, IParserFactory parserFactory)
            var html = await downloader.Down(url);

            var parser = parserFactory.CreateParser("xpath");

            var keyValuePairs = parser.Parser(new ParaseRule[] {
                new ParaseRule()
                    Name  = "博客列表",
                    Path  = "//div[@class=\"post_item\"]",
                    Rules = new   ParaseRule[] {
                        new ParaseRule()
                            Path = "*//a[@class=\"titlelnk\"]",
                            Name = "标题"
                        new ParaseRule()
                            Path     = "*//a[@class=\"titlelnk\"]",
                            Name     = "链接",
                            AttrName = "href"

            foreach (var item in keyValuePairs)

            var nextUrlKv = parser.Parser(new ParaseRule[] {
                new ParaseRule()
                    Name     = "下一页",
                    Path     = "//div[@class=\"pager\"]/a[contains(@class,'current')]/following-sibling::a[1]",
                    AttrName = "href"

            var results = nextUrlKv.Select(x => (IWorkTask) new SpiderTask(x.Value));

            return(await Task.FromResult(results));
Example #25
        void Start()
            Uri baseUri = new Uri(BundleUtil.GetReadOnlyDirectory());
            DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo("./AssetBundles/StandaloneWindows/1.0.0/");

            if (!dir.Exists)
                Debug.LogFormat("Directory '{0}' does not exist.", dir.FullName);

            Uri baseUri = new Uri(dir.FullName);
            this.downloader = new WWWDownloader(baseUri, false);
        public NuGetInstaller(IInstallerFactory factory, IEngineEnvironmentSettings settings, string installPath, IDownloader packageDownloader, IUpdateChecker updateChecker)
            Factory = factory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(factory));
            _environmentSettings = settings ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settings));
            _packageDownloader   = packageDownloader ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(packageDownloader));
            _updateChecker       = updateChecker ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(updateChecker));

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(installPath))
                throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(installPath)} should not be null or empty", nameof(installPath));
            if (!_environmentSettings.Host.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(installPath))
            _installPath = installPath;
        public OnlineVersionHelper(UpdateInformationProvider updateInformationProvider, ITempFolderProvider tempFolderProvider, IVersionHelper versionHelper, IUpdateChangeParser changeParser, IFileCacheFactory fileCacheFactory, IDownloader downloader, ICurrentSettings <ApplicationSettings> applicationSettingsProvider)
            _updateInformationProvider = updateInformationProvider;
            _tempFolderProvider        = tempFolderProvider;
            _versionHelper             = versionHelper;
            _changeParser                = changeParser;
            _fileCacheFactory            = fileCacheFactory;
            _downloader                  = downloader;
            _applicationSettingsProvider = applicationSettingsProvider;

            if (_applicationSettingsProvider != null)
                _fileCache = GetFileCache();
                _applicationSettingsProvider.SettingsChanged += ApplicationSettingsProviderOnSettingsChanged;
            _onlineVersion = new ApplicationVersion(new System.Version(0, 0, 0, 0), "", "", new List <Release>());
Example #28
        public RssHolder(IDownloader loader, IParser parser, IEventAggregator aggregator)
            this.aggregator = aggregator;
            this.parser = parser;
            this.loader = loader;
            TimerCallback callback = this.RefreshOnTime;

            this.timer = new Timer(callback, null, 60000, 3000);
            var conn = new SQLiteConnection("feedDB.db");

            conn.CreateTable <RssItem>();
            conn.CreateTable <RssFeed>();
            var savedHeaders = conn.Query <RssFeed>("select * from RssFeed");

            newsHeaders = new ObservableCollection <RssFeed>(savedHeaders);
Example #29
        private async Task downloadAll(ImageDownloadQueue queue, IDownloader downloader, CancellationToken token)
            while (true)
                if (_abort)

                var task = queue.PopTaskFor(downloader);
                if (task == null)

                if (isAlreadyDownloaded(task))
                    Console.WriteLine("[Skip] {0} {1}", task.QualityGroup.Name ?? string.Empty, task.Dir.Subdir);
                    Interlocked.Add(ref _countInDownloadedDirs, task.FilesOnline.Count);
                    Interlocked.Add(ref _countInDownloadedDirs, task.FilesDownloaded.Count);

                    bool success = await downloader.Download(task, token);

                    if (success)
                        if (queue.PushFailedTaskBack(downloader, task))
                            Console.WriteLine("Other download source available for {0}", task.Dir.Subdir);
                            Console.WriteLine("No other download source available for {0}", task.Dir.Subdir);
        public override void Handle(ref Page page, IDownloader downloader, ISpider spider)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(page?.Content))

            string          textValue  = string.Empty;
            MatchCollection collection =
                Regex.Matches(page.Content, _pattern, RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            foreach (Match item in collection)
                textValue += item.Value;
            page.Content = textValue;
Example #31
        public void Init()
            int packets = RandomData.Random.Next(3, 6);

            packetPath = new string[packets];
            dictPacket = new Dictionary <string, byte[]> [packets];
            versions   = new int[packets];

            int fileOffset = 0;
            int version    = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < packets; i++)
                dictPacket [i] = new Dictionary <string, byte[]> ();

                string where = (i == 0) ? Application.streamingAssetsPath : Application.persistentDataPath;
                string postFix = (i == 0) ? "_bass.pak" : string.Format("_update_{0}.pak", i);

                versions [i]   = version;
                packetPath [i] = System.IO.Path.Combine(where, packetName + postFix).Replace("\\", "/");
                PreparePacket(dictPacket [i], packetPath [i], versions [i], fileOffset);

                int adder = RandomData.Random.Next(1, dictPacket [i].Count - 1);
                fileOffset += adder;

            // 初始化时,数据包必须已经存在。
            DownloaderFactory.Instance.Initialize(DownloadMode.Packet, packetName);
            downloader = DownloaderFactory.Instance.Downloader;

            // 收集最新版本的文件字典。版本号是按照从小到大排列好的。
            for (int i = dictPacket.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Dictionary <string, byte[]> .Enumerator e = dictPacket [i].GetEnumerator();
                while (e.MoveNext())
                    string f = e.Current.Key;
                    byte[] d = e.Current.Value;
                    if (!dictNewestPacket.ContainsKey(f))
                        dictNewestPacket.Add(f, d);
Example #32
        public IDownloader Download(string torrentUri, string savePath)
            // Get the associated downloader
            ObjectPath  path       = engine.RegisterTorrent(torrentUri, savePath);
            IDownloader downloader = bus.GetObject <IDownloader> (BusName, path);

            if (downloader.GetState() == TorrentState.Stopped)
                Console.WriteLine("Started: {0}", downloader.GetPath());
                Console.WriteLine("{0} already running", downloader.GetPath());
Example #33
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建下载器
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">下载器类型</param>
        /// <param name="start">开始时间</param>
        /// <param name="end">结束时间</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IDownloader CreateDownloader(NewsPaperTypeEnum type, DateTime start, DateTime end)
            IDownloader downloader = null;

            switch (type)
            case NewsPaperTypeEnum.ChinaTeacher:
                downloader = new TeacherDownLoader(start, end);

            case NewsPaperTypeEnum.ChinaEducation:
                downloader = new EducationDownLoader(start, end);

Example #34
 public TumblrHiddenCrawler(IShellService shellService, CancellationToken ct, PauseToken pt, IProgress <DownloadProgress> progress,
                            ICrawlerService crawlerService, IWebRequestFactory webRequestFactory, ISharedCookieService cookieService, IDownloader downloader,
                            ICrawlerDataDownloader crawlerDataDownloader, ITumblrToTextParser <Post> tumblrJsonParser, IImgurParser imgurParser,
                            IGfycatParser gfycatParser, IWebmshareParser webmshareParser, IPostQueue <TumblrPost> postQueue,
                            IPostQueue <TumblrCrawlerData <Post> > jsonQueue, IBlog blog)
     : base(shellService, ct, progress, webRequestFactory, cookieService, postQueue, blog)
     this.crawlerService        = crawlerService;
     this.downloader            = downloader;
     this.pt                    = pt;
     this.tumblrJsonParser      = tumblrJsonParser;
     this.imgurParser           = imgurParser;
     this.gfycatParser          = gfycatParser;
     this.webmshareParser       = webmshareParser;
     this.jsonQueue             = jsonQueue;
     this.crawlerDataDownloader = crawlerDataDownloader;
Example #35
        private async Task RunCrawlerTasks(CancellationToken ct, PauseToken pt)
            while (true)

                if (pt.IsPaused)

                if (crawlerService.ActiveItems.Count() < QueueManager.Items.Count())
                    IEnumerable <QueueListItem> queueList = QueueManager.Items.Except(crawlerService.ActiveItems);
                    QueueListItem nextQueueItem           = queueList.First();
                    IBlog         blog = nextQueueItem.Blog;

                    IDownloader downloader = DownloaderFactory.GetDownloader(blog.BlogType, shellService, crawlerService, blog);

                    if (crawlerService.ActiveItems.Any(item => item.Blog.Name.Contains(nextQueueItem.Blog.Name)))
                        QueueOnDispatcher.CheckBeginInvokeOnUI(() => QueueManager.RemoveItem(nextQueueItem));

                    if (!nextQueueItem.Blog.Online)
                        QueueOnDispatcher.CheckBeginInvokeOnUI(() => QueueManager.RemoveItem(nextQueueItem));

                    await StartSiteSpecificDownloader(nextQueueItem, ct, pt);
                    await Task.Delay(4000, ct);
Example #36
        public AgentService(
            IMessageQueue messageQueue,
            IOptions <AgentOptions> options,
            IHostApplicationLifetime applicationLifetime,
            IDownloader downloader, HostBuilderContext hostBuilderContext, ILogger <AgentService> logger,
            IStatisticsClient statisticsClient)
            _options             = options.Value;
            _logger              = logger;
            _statisticsClient    = statisticsClient;
            _messageQueue        = messageQueue;
            _applicationLifetime = applicationLifetime;
            _downloader          = downloader;
            _consumers           = new List <AsyncMessageConsumer <byte[]> >();

            hostBuilderContext.Properties[Const.DefaultDownloader] = downloader.Name;
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches the current content for all occurrences of a specified regular expression, using the specified matching options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page">页面数据</param>
        /// <param name="downloader">下载器</param>
        /// <param name="spider">爬虫</param>
        public override void Handle(ref Page page, IDownloader downloader, ISpider spider)
            if (page == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(page.Content))

            string          textValue  = string.Empty;
            MatchCollection collection = Regex.Matches(page.Content, _pattern, _regexOptions);

            foreach (Match item in collection)
                textValue += item.Value;

            page.Content = textValue;
Example #38
        public UpdateService(
            IDownloader fileDownloader,
            IFileManager fileManager,
            IProcessManager processManager,
            ILogger logger,
            IGitHubClientFactory clientFactory,
            IEnvironmentInformation environmentInformation,
            ISettingsManager settingsManager)
            client = clientFactory.CreateClient();

            this.fileDownloader         = fileDownloader;
            this.fileManager            = fileManager;
            this.processManager         = processManager;
            this.logger                 = logger;
            this.environmentInformation = environmentInformation;
            this.settingsManager        = settingsManager;
Example #39
        /// <summary>
        /// 当页面数据中的异常信息包含指定内容时触发ADSL拨号
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page">页面数据</param>
        /// <param name="downloader">下载器</param>
        /// <param name="spider">爬虫</param>
        public override void Handle(ref Page page, IDownloader downloader, ISpider spider)
            if (page == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(page.Content) || page.Exception == null)
            if (page.Exception.Message.Contains(_exceptionMessage))
                if (NetworkCenter.Current.Executor.Redial() == RedialResult.Failed)
                    Logger.Log(spider.Identity, "Exit program because redial failed.", Level.Error);

                Spider.AddToCycleRetry(page.Request, spider.Site);
                page.Exception = new DownloadException("Download failed and redial finished already.");
Example #40
        /// <summary>
        /// 開始任務
        /// </summary>
        public bool Start()
            if (BasePlugin == null)
                Status = DownloadStatus.Error;
                throw new Exception("Plugin Not Found");
            if (_downloader == null)
                _downloader          = BasePlugin.CreateDownloader();
                _downloader.TaskInfo = this;
            //resourceDownloader = BasePlugin.CreateDownloader();
            //resourceDownloader.taskInfo = this;

Example #41
        public static void ClassInit(TestContext context)
            EndpointUrl              = "http://localhost:5000/";
            ServerFilesDirectory     = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/../../TestServerFiles/";
            DownloadedFilesDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/../../TestDownloadedFiles/";
            BackgroundWorker BW = new BackgroundWorker {
                WorkerReportsProgress = true

            Hasher     = new Md5Hasher();
            Downloader = new HttpClientDownloader(BW, Hasher);
            Server     = new Thread(ServerThread);
            new FileInfo(DownloadedFilesDirectory).Directory.Create();
Example #42
        public DefaultFeedManager(IMessenger messenger, IUrlFetcher urlFetcher, IOptions options,
                                  IProxy proxy, IDownloader downloader, ILeague league)
            _messenger  = messenger;
            _urlFetcher = urlFetcher;
            _options    = options;
            _proxy      = proxy;
            _league     = league;
            _downloader = downloader;

            _startDate = _endDate = (options.Date != null) ? DateTime.Parse(options.Date) : DateTime.Now;
            _startDate = _startDate.Subtract(new TimeSpan(24 * options.Days, 0, 0));

            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, certificate, chain, errors) =>
 public override void Handle(ref Page page, IDownloader downloader, ISpider spider)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(page?.Content))
         var content        = page.Content;
         var containContent = _contents.FirstOrDefault(c => content.Contains(c));
         if (containContent != null)
             if (NetworkCenter.Current.Executor.Redial() == RedialResult.Failed)
                 Logger.AllLog(spider.Identity, "Exit program because redial failed.", LogLevel.Error);
             page           = Spider.AddToCycleRetry(page.Request, spider.Site);
             page.Exception = new DownloadException($"Content downloaded contains string: {containContent}.");
Example #44
 protected AbstractCrawler(IShellService shellService, ICrawlerService crawlerService, IProgress <DownloadProgress> progress, IWebRequestFactory webRequestFactory,
                           ISharedCookieService cookieService, IPostQueue <AbstractPost> postQueue, IBlog blog, IDownloader downloader,
                           PauseToken pt, CancellationToken ct)
     ShellService      = shellService;
     CrawlerService    = crawlerService;
     WebRequestFactory = webRequestFactory;
     CookieService     = cookieService;
     PostQueue         = postQueue;
     Blog       = blog;
     Downloader = downloader;
     Progress   = progress;
     Pt         = pt;
     // TODO: Find a better way for this construct
     InterruptionTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
     LinkedTokenSource       = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(ct, InterruptionTokenSource.Token);
     Ct = LinkedTokenSource.Token;
Example #45
        private void btnCheckUrl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Initialize an instance of HttpDownloadClient.
            downloader = new HttpDownloadClient(tbURL.Text);

            // Register the events of HttpDownloadClient.
            downloader.DownloadCompleted       += DownloadCompleted;
            downloader.DownloadProgressChanged += DownloadProgressChanged;
            downloader.StatusChanged           += StatusChanged;

                string filename = string.Empty;
                downloader.CheckUrl(out filename);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
                    this.DownloadPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}",
                    this.DownloadPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}",

                this.tbURL.Enabled       = false;
                this.btnCheckUrl.Enabled = false;

                this.tbPath.Enabled      = true;
                this.btnDownload.Enabled = true;
                // If there is any exception, like System.Net.WebException or
                // System.Net.ProtocolViolationException, it means that there may be an
                // error while reading the information of the file and it cannot be
                // downloaded.
                MessageBox.Show("There is an error while get the information of the file."
                                + " Please make sure the url is accessible.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously submits a task to the downloader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">The DownloadTask instance.</param>
        private void SubmitTaskAsync(DownloadTask task)
            IDownloader downloader = GetDownloader(task);

            if (FeedSource.EnclosureCacheSize != FeedSource.DefaultEnclosureCacheSize)
                //BUGBUG: If we don't know the file size then we don't error because we treat it is -1 to
                //err on the side of allowing instead of disallowing.
                long limitInBytes = FeedSource.EnclosureCacheSize * 1024 * 1024;
                long filesize     = GetFileSize(task);

                var  targetDir = new DirectoryInfo(FeedSource.EnclosureFolder);
                long spaceUsed = FileHelper.GetSize(targetDir);

                if (!String.Equals(FeedSource.EnclosureFolder, FeedSource.PodcastFolder, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    DirectoryInfo podcastDir = new DirectoryInfo(FeedSource.PodcastFolder);
                    spaceUsed += FileHelper.GetSize(podcastDir);

                if ((filesize + spaceUsed) > limitInBytes)

                    string fileName = task.DownloadItem.File.LocalName;
                    int    limit    = FeedSource.EnclosureCacheSize;
                    throw new DownloaderException(String.Format(ComponentsText.ExceptionEnclosureCacheLimitReached,
                                                                fileName, limit));

            // If there's no files to download
            // Consider the download as done
            if ((downloader == null) || (task.DownloadItem.File == null))
                OnDownloadCompleted(null, new TaskEventArgs(task));
        public void Setup()
            _agentUpdateInfo = "http://something.com/file.zip,544564abc453de787ad";

            _downloader = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IDownloader>();
            _checksumValidator = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IChecksumValidator>();
            _unzipper = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IUnzipper>();
            _installer = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IInstaller>();
            _finalizer = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IFinalizer>();
            _connectionChecker = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IConnectionChecker>();
            _sleeper = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ISleeper>();
            _logger = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ILogger>();
            _serviceRestarter = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IServiceRestarter>();
            _agentUpdateMessageHandler = new AgentUpdateMessageHandler();

            _logger.Stub(x => x.Log(Arg<string>.Is.Anything));

            _xentoolsUpdate = new XentoolsUpdate(_sleeper, _downloader, _checksumValidator, _unzipper, _installer, _finalizer, _serviceRestarter, _connectionChecker, _agentUpdateMessageHandler, _logger);
Example #48
        /// <summary>
        /// Check whether the destination file exists. If not, create a file with the same
        /// size as the file to be downloaded.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CheckFileOrCreateFile(IDownloader downloader, object fileLocker)
            // Lock other threads or processes to prevent from creating the file.
            lock (fileLocker)
                FileInfo fileToDownload = new FileInfo(downloader.DownloadPath);
                if (fileToDownload.Exists)

                    // The destination file should have the same size as the file to be downloaded.
                    if (fileToDownload.Length != downloader.TotalSize)
                        throw new ApplicationException(
                            "The download path already has a file which does not match"
                            + " the file to download. ");

                // Create a file.
                    if (downloader.TotalSize == 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException("The file to download does not exist!");

                    using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create(downloader.DownloadPath))
                        long createdSize = 0;
                        byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
                        while (createdSize < downloader.TotalSize)
                            int bufferSize = (downloader.TotalSize - createdSize) < 4096
                                ? (int)(downloader.TotalSize - createdSize) : 4096;
                            fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
                            createdSize += bufferSize;
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads the specified link.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="link">The link.</param>
        public void Download(Subtitle link)
            _td = new TaskDialog
                    Title           = "Downloading...",
                    Instruction     = link.Release,
                    Content         = "Sending request to " + new Uri(link.FileURL ?? link.InfoURL).DnsSafeHost.Replace("www.", string.Empty) + "...",
                    CommonButtons   = TaskDialogButton.Cancel,
                    ShowProgressBar = true

            _td.Destroyed   += TaskDialogDestroyed;
            _td.ButtonClick += TaskDialogDestroyed;

            new Thread(() => _res = _td.Show().CommonButton).Start();

            var prm = true;

            _dl                          = link.Source.Downloader;
            _dl.DownloadFileCompleted   += DownloadFileCompleted;
            _dl.DownloadProgressChanged += (s, a) =>
                    if (_td != null && _td.IsShowing)
                        if (prm)
                            prm = false;

                        _td.Content = "Downloading file... ({0}%)".FormatWith(a.Data);
                        _td.ProgressBarPosition = a.Data;

            _dl.Download(link, Utils.GetRandomFileName());

            Utils.Win7Taskbar(state: TaskbarProgressBarState.Indeterminate);
        /// <summary>
        /// Only constructor for DownloaderManager.  All parameters required for proper function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="downloader">instance of IDownloader implementation</param>
        /// <param name="validator">instance of IValidator implementation</param>
        /// <param name="downloadJob">encapsulation of Job information in DownloadJobStatusEntry instance, such as app name job status job id</param>
        /// <param name="mustStop">an MRE used by Updater to tell this object it must clean up and leave or be Interrupt()ed</param>
        /// <param name="badExitCbk">delegate instance this class will call on on unrecoverable error, such as an unanticpated exception that compromises too badly to contine</param>
        public DownloaderManager( 
            IDownloader downloader,
            IValidator validator,
            DownloadJobStatusEntry downloadJob,
            ManualResetEvent mustStop,
            BadExitCallback badExitCbk
            _downloader = downloader;
            _validator = validator;
            _dnldJob = downloadJob;
            _mustStopUpdating = mustStop;

            //  using our app's name, look up the application object (ApplicationConfiguration) in array of applications--
            //  since WE are working on one, but there may be many
            _application = UpdaterConfiguration.Instance[ _dnldJob.ApplicationName ];

            //  set out internal delegate instance of BadExitCallback.
            //  this is the function pointer we'll use to notify UpdaterManager of really poor exits (fatal exceptions etc.)
            _badExitCbk = badExitCbk;
Example #51
        /// <summary>
        /// Проверить, существует ли файл назначения. Если нет, то создайте файл с тем же размер файла для загрузки.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CheckFileOrCreateFile(IDownloader downloader, object fileLocker)
            lock (fileLocker)
                FileInfo fileToDownload = new FileInfo(downloader.DownloadPath);
                if (fileToDownload.Exists)
                    if (fileToDownload.Length != downloader.TotalSize)
                        downloader.Status = StateDownload.Nofile;
                        throw new ApplicationException("Загрузка невозможна");

                // Создать файл
                    if (downloader.TotalSize == 0)
                        downloader.Status = StateDownload.Nofile;
                        throw new ApplicationException("Файл невозможно создать");

                    using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create(downloader.DownloadPath))
                        long createdSize = 0;
                        byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
                        while (createdSize < downloader.TotalSize)
                            int bufferSize = (downloader.TotalSize - createdSize) < 4096
                                ? (int)(downloader.TotalSize - createdSize) : 4096;
                            fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
                            createdSize += bufferSize;
        public DownloadViewModel(IDownloader downloader, ChapterRecord chapter)
            : base()
            if (downloader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("downloader");
            if (chapter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("chapter");

            _downloader = downloader;
            _chapter = chapter;

            // register downloader events
            _downloader.DownloadProgress += _downloader_DownloadProgress;
            _downloader.DownloadCompleted += _downloader_DownloadCompleted;

            _cancelDownloadCommand = new CancelDownloadCommand(this);
            _removeDownloadCommand = new RemoveDownloadCommand(this);
            _openDownloadCommand = new OpenDownloadCommand(this);

            State = DownloadState.Ok;
            Completed = false;
            CancelText = ButtonCancelText;
 public YBSquareService(IApiConfiguration configuration, IDownloader downloader)
     _configuration = configuration;
     _downloader = downloader;
Example #54
        /// <summary>
        /// 開始任務
        /// </summary>
        public bool Start()
            if (BasePlugin == null)
                Status = DownloadStatus.Error;
                throw new Exception("Plugin Not Found");
            if (_downloader == null)
                _downloader = BasePlugin.CreateDownloader();
                _downloader.TaskInfo = this;
            //resourceDownloader = BasePlugin.CreateDownloader();
            //resourceDownloader.taskInfo = this;

            return _downloader.Download();
Example #55
        /// <summary>
        /// Проверить URL 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="downloader"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string CheckUrl(IDownloader downloader)
            string fileName = string.Empty;
            var webRequest = InitializeHttpWebRequest(downloader);

            using (var response = webRequest.GetResponse())
                foreach (var header in response.Headers.AllKeys)
                    if (header.Equals("Accept-Ranges", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        downloader.IsRangeSupported = true;

                    if (header.Equals("Content-Disposition", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        string contentDisposition = response.Headers[header];

                        string pattern = ".[^;]*;\\s+filename=\"(?<file>.*)\"";
                        Regex r = new Regex(pattern);
                        Match m = r.Match(contentDisposition);
                        if (m.Success)
                            fileName = m.Groups["file"].Value;
                // downloader.IsRangeSupported = true;

                fileName = MessageClientServer.GenerateFileNameFromUri(downloader.Url.AbsoluteUri);

                downloader.TotalSize = response.ContentLength;

                if (downloader.TotalSize <= 0)
                    downloader.Status = StateDownload.Nofile;
                    throw new ApplicationException("Файл не найден");

                if (!downloader.IsRangeSupported)
                    downloader.StartPoint = 0;
                    downloader.EndPoint = int.MaxValue;

            if (downloader.IsRangeSupported &&
                (downloader.StartPoint != 0 || downloader.EndPoint != long.MaxValue))
                webRequest = InitializeHttpWebRequest(downloader);

                if (downloader.EndPoint != int.MaxValue)
                    webRequest.AddRange(downloader.StartPoint, downloader.EndPoint);
                using (var response = webRequest.GetResponse())
                    downloader.TotalSize = response.ContentLength;

            return fileName;
Example #56
        public static HttpWebRequest InitializeHttpWebRequest(IDownloader downloader)
            var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(downloader.Url);

            if (downloader.Credentials != null)
                webRequest.Credentials = downloader.Credentials;
                webRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

            if (downloader.Proxy != null)
                webRequest.Proxy = downloader.Proxy;
                webRequest.Proxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy;

            return webRequest;
Example #57
 public void SetWebClient(IDownloader client)
     _downloader = client;
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler for <c>FileSearch.FileSearchDone</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="RoliSoft.TVShowTracker.EventArgs&lt;System.Collections.Generic.List&lt;System.String&gt;&gt;"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void NearVideoFileSearchDone(object sender, EventArgs<List<string>>  e)
            _files = e.Data ?? new List<string>();

            if (_files.Count == 0)
                Utils.Win7Taskbar(state: TaskbarProgressBarState.NoProgress);

                if (_td != null && _td.IsShowing)

                if (_res == Result.Cancel)

                new TaskDialog
                        CommonIcon    = TaskDialogIcon.Stop,
                        Title         = "No files found",
                        Instruction   = _link.Release,
                        Content       = "No files were found for this episode.\r\nUse the first option to download the subtitle and locate the file manually.",
                        CommonButtons = TaskDialogButton.OK

            _td.Content = "Sending request to " + new Uri(_link.FileURL ?? _link.InfoURL).DnsSafeHost.Replace("www.", string.Empty) + "...";

            var prm = true;

            _dl                          = _link.Source.Downloader;
            _dl.DownloadFileCompleted   += NearVideoDownloadFileCompleted;
            _dl.DownloadProgressChanged += (s, a) =>
                    if (_td != null && _td.IsShowing)
                        if (prm)
                            prm = false;

                        _td.Content = "Downloading file... ({0}%)".FormatWith(a.Data);
                        _td.ProgressBarPosition = a.Data;

            _dl.Download(_link, Utils.GetRandomFileName());
Example #59
 public RssFeed(string url, IDownloader downloader)
     _url = url;
     _downloader = downloader;
Example #60
        private bool InstallList(HashSet<string> toInstall, RelationshipResolverOptions options, IDownloader downloader)
            if (toInstall.Any())
                // actual magic happens here, we run the installer with our mod list
                var module_installer = ModuleInstaller.GetInstance(manager.CurrentInstance, GUI.user);
                module_installer.onReportModInstalled = OnModInstalled;
                return WasSuccessful(
                    () => module_installer.InstallList(toInstall.ToList(), options, downloader));

            return true;