Example #1
 Type TryGetType(string typeName)
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the aggregate root of the specified type with the specified ID by hydrating it with events from the event store. The
        /// root will have events replayed until the specified <seealso cref="maxGlobalSequenceNumber"/> ceiling. If the root has
        /// no events (i.e. it doesn't exist yet), a newly initialized instance is returned.
        /// </summary>
        public AggregateRoot Get <TAggregateRoot>(string aggregateRootId, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, long maxGlobalSequenceNumber = long.MaxValue, bool createIfNotExists = false)
            var domainEventsForThisAggregate = _eventStore.Load(aggregateRootId);

            var eventsToApply = domainEventsForThisAggregate
                                .Where(e => e.GetGlobalSequenceNumber() <= maxGlobalSequenceNumber)
                                .Select(e => _domainEventSerializer.Deserialize(e));

            AggregateRoot aggregateRoot = null;

            foreach (var e in eventsToApply)
                if (aggregateRoot == null)
                    if (!e.Meta.ContainsKey(DomainEvent.MetadataKeys.Owner))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Attempted to load aggregate root with ID {0} but the first event {1} did not contain metadata with the aggregate root type name!",
                                                                          aggregateRootId, e));

                    var aggregateRootTypeName = e.Meta[DomainEvent.MetadataKeys.Owner];
                    var aggregateRootType     = _domainTypeNameMapper.GetType(aggregateRootTypeName);
                    aggregateRoot = CreateNewAggregateRootInstance(aggregateRootType, aggregateRootId, unitOfWork);

                aggregateRoot.ApplyEvent(e, ReplayState.ReplayApply);

            if (aggregateRoot == null)
                if (!createIfNotExists)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Attempted to load aggregate root with ID {0} as {1}, but it didn't exist!", aggregateRootId, typeof(TAggregateRoot)));

                aggregateRoot = CreateNewAggregateRootInstance(typeof(TAggregateRoot), aggregateRootId, unitOfWork);

