public async Task <(long totalCount, int totalPages, List <DoctorListItemDTO>)> GetDoctorsListPagingAsync(DoctorFilterDTO filterModel, Lang lang, string hostAddress, int page = 0, int pageSize = 12)
            if (filterModel == null)
                return(0, 0, new List <DoctorListItemDTO>());

            var query = _serviceSupplyService.Table;

            // Only centers that support appointments
            query = query.Where(x => x.ShiftCenter.SupportAppointments);

            // Only one center type
            query = query.Where(x => x.ShiftCenter.Type == filterModel.CenterType && /*x.IsAvailable*/ x.Id != 1 && x.Id != 65);

            // Filter by service
            if (filterModel.ServiceId != null)
                query = query.Where(x => x.ShiftCenter.PolyclinicHealthServices.Any(ss => ss.HealthServiceId == filterModel.ServiceId));

            //Filter by city
            if (filterModel.CityId != null)
                query = query.Where(x => x.ShiftCenter.CityId == filterModel.CityId);

            if (filterModel.CenterType == ShiftCenterType.Polyclinic || filterModel.CenterType == ShiftCenterType.Dentist)
                if (filterModel.HospitalId != null)
                    query = query.Where(x => x.ShiftCenter.Clinic.HospitalId == filterModel.HospitalId);

                if (filterModel.ClinicId != null)
                    query = query.Where(x => x.ShiftCenter.ClinicId == filterModel.ClinicId);

            //Filter by expertise category
            if (filterModel.SpecialityId != null)
                query = query.Where(x => x.ServiceSupplyInfo != null && x.DoctorExpertises.Any(fe => filterModel.SpecialityId == fe.Expertise.ExpertiseCategoryId));

            if (filterModel.SubSpecialityId != null)
                query = query.Where(x => x.ServiceSupplyInfo != null && x.DoctorExpertises.Any(de => de.ExpertiseId == filterModel.SubSpecialityId));

            if (filterModel.Expertises != null && filterModel.Expertises.Any())
                query = query.Where(x => x.ServiceSupplyInfo != null && x.DoctorExpertises.Any(e => filterModel.Expertises.Contains(e.ExpertiseId)));

            //Filter by name
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterModel.FilterString))
                query = query.Where(x =>
                                    (Global.Doctor + " " + x.Person.FirstName + " " + x.Person.SecondName + " " + x.Person.ThirdName).Contains(filterModel.FilterString) ||
                                    (Global.Doctor + " " + x.Person.FirstName_Ku + " " + x.Person.SecondName_Ku + " " + x.Person.ThirdName_Ku).Contains(filterModel.FilterString) ||
                                    (Global.Doctor + " " + x.Person.FirstName_Ar + " " + x.Person.SecondName_Ar + " " + x.Person.ThirdName_Ar).Contains(filterModel.FilterString));

            if (filterModel.ConsultancyEnabled != null && filterModel.ConsultancyEnabled == true)
                query = query.Where(x => x.ConsultancyEnabled);

            // Filter by insurance
            if (filterModel.InsuranceId != null)
                query = query.Where(x => x.Insurances.Any(i => i.InsuranceId == filterModel.InsuranceId));

            var totalCount = await query.LongCountAsync();

            var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalCount / pageSize);

            if (!filterModel.HaveTurns)
                query = query.OrderByDescending(x => x.TotalRating).ThenByDescending(x => x.Appointments.Count).Skip(pageSize * page).Take(pageSize);

            var doctors = (from x in query.AsEnumerable()
                           let shiftCenterService = x.ShiftCenter.PolyclinicHealthServices.FirstOrDefault(ss => ss.HealthServiceId == filterModel.ServiceId)
                                                    let firstExpertise = x.DoctorExpertises.FirstOrDefault()
                                                                         select new DoctorListItemDTO
                Id = x.Id,
                FullName = filterModel.CenterType == ShiftCenterType.BeautyCenter ? lang == Lang.KU ? x.ShiftCenter.Name_Ku : lang == Lang.AR ? x.ShiftCenter.Name_Ar : x.ShiftCenter.Name : lang == Lang.KU ? x.Person.FullName_Ku : lang == Lang.AR ? x.Person.FullName_Ar : x.Person.FullName,
                Avatar = x.Person.RealAvatar,
                ExpertiseCategory = firstExpertise != null ? lang == Lang.AR ? firstExpertise.Expertise.ExpertiseCategory.Name_Ar : lang == Lang.KU ? firstExpertise.Expertise.ExpertiseCategory.Name_Ku : firstExpertise.Expertise.ExpertiseCategory.Name : "",
                Address = lang == Lang.KU ? x.ShiftCenter.Address_Ku : lang == Lang.AR ? x.ShiftCenter.Address_Ar : x.ShiftCenter.Address,
                AverageRating = x.AverageRating != null ? (double)Math.Round((decimal)x.AverageRating, 2) : 5,
                CenterServiceId = shiftCenterService?.Id,
                Service = shiftCenterService == null ? "" : lang == Lang.KU ? shiftCenterService.Service.Name_Ku : lang == Lang.AR ? shiftCenterService.Service.Name_Ar : shiftCenterService.Service.Name,
                ReservationType = x.ReservationType,
                CenterType = x.ShiftCenter.Type,
                // TODO: Reminder => Find Offers Too in this method (FindFirstDateEmptyTimePeriodsFromNow)
                TimePeriods = shiftCenterService == null ? new DoctorTimePeriods() : _doctorServiceManager.FindFirstDateEmptyTimePeriodsFromNow(x, shiftCenterService),
                ConsultancyEnabled = x.ConsultancyEnabled,
                CanRequestTurn = x.ServiceSupplyInfo != null && x.ServiceSupplyInfo.Description.Contains("#Requested")

            if (filterModel.HaveTurns == true)
                doctors = doctors.Where(d => d.TimePeriods.TimePeriods.Any()).ToList();

                totalCount = doctors.Count;

                totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalCount / pageSize);

                var result = doctors.Skip(pageSize * page).Take(pageSize).ToList();

            return(totalCount, totalPages, doctors);
        public async Task <List <NearByDoctorDTO> > GetNearbyShiftCentersAsync(double x_longitude, double y_latitude, DoctorFilterDTO filterModel, double radiusMeters, Lang lang)
            if (filterModel == null)
                return(new List <NearByDoctorDTO>());

            var myLocation = new Point(x_longitude, y_latitude)
                SRID = 4326

            var query = _serviceSupplyService.Table;

            // Only centers that support appointments
            query = query.Where(x => x.ShiftCenter.SupportAppointments);

            // Only one center type
            query = query.Where(x => x.ShiftCenter.Type == filterModel.CenterType && /*x.IsAvailable*/ x.Id != 1 && x.Id != 65);

            // Filter by service
            query = query.Where(x => x.ShiftCenter.PolyclinicHealthServices.Any(ss => ss.HealthServiceId == filterModel.ServiceId));

            //Filter by city
            if (filterModel.CityId != null)
                query = query.Where(x => x.ShiftCenter.CityId == filterModel.CityId);

            if (filterModel.CenterType == ShiftCenterType.Polyclinic || filterModel.CenterType == ShiftCenterType.Dentist)
                if (filterModel.HospitalId != null)
                    query = query.Where(x => x.ShiftCenter.Clinic.HospitalId == filterModel.HospitalId);

                if (filterModel.ClinicId != null)
                    query = query.Where(x => x.ShiftCenter.ClinicId == filterModel.ClinicId);

            //Filter by expertise category
            if (filterModel.SpecialityId != null)
                query = query.Where(x => x.ServiceSupplyInfo != null && x.DoctorExpertises.Any(fe => filterModel.SpecialityId == fe.Expertise.ExpertiseCategoryId));

            if (filterModel.SubSpecialityId != null)
                query = query.Where(x => x.ServiceSupplyInfo != null && x.DoctorExpertises.Any(de => de.ExpertiseId == filterModel.SubSpecialityId));

            if (filterModel.Expertises != null && filterModel.Expertises.Any())
                query = query.Where(x => x.ServiceSupplyInfo != null && x.DoctorExpertises.Any(e => filterModel.Expertises.Contains(e.ExpertiseId)));

            //Filter by name
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterModel.FilterString))
                query = query.Where(x =>
                                    (Global.Doctor + " " + x.Person.FirstName + " " + x.Person.SecondName + " " + x.Person.ThirdName).Contains(filterModel.FilterString) ||
                                    (Global.Doctor + " " + x.Person.FirstName_Ku + " " + x.Person.SecondName_Ku + " " + x.Person.ThirdName_Ku).Contains(filterModel.FilterString) ||
                                    (Global.Doctor + " " + x.Person.FirstName_Ar + " " + x.Person.SecondName_Ar + " " + x.Person.ThirdName_Ar).Contains(filterModel.FilterString));

            if (filterModel.ConsultancyEnabled != null && filterModel.ConsultancyEnabled == true)
                query = query.Where(x => x.ConsultancyEnabled);

            // Find NearBy
            query = query.Where(x => x.ShiftCenter.Location.Distance(myLocation) <= radiusMeters);

            var doctorsWithinRadius = (from x in query.AsEnumerable()
                                       let shiftCenterService = x.ShiftCenter.PolyclinicHealthServices.FirstOrDefault(ss => ss.HealthServiceId == filterModel.ServiceId)
                                                                let firstExpertise = x.DoctorExpertises.FirstOrDefault()
                                                                                     select new NearByDoctorDTO
                Id = x.Id,
                FullName = lang == Lang.KU ? x.Person.FullName_Ku : lang == Lang.AR ? x.Person.FullName_Ar : x.Person.FullName,
                CenterId = x.ShiftCenterId,
                CenterName = lang == Lang.AR ? x.ShiftCenter.Name_Ar : lang == Lang.KU ? x.ShiftCenter.Name_Ku : x.ShiftCenter.Name,
                CenterAddress = lang == Lang.AR ? x.ShiftCenter.Address_Ar : lang == Lang.KU ? x.ShiftCenter.Address_Ku : x.ShiftCenter.Address,
                X_Longitude = x.ShiftCenter.Location.Coordinate.X,
                Y_Latitude = x.ShiftCenter.Location.Coordinate.Y,
                Distance = x.ShiftCenter.Location.Distance(myLocation),
                Avatar = x.Person.RealAvatar,
                AverageRating = x.AverageRating ?? 5,
                HasEmptyTurn = false,
                CenterServiceId = shiftCenterService.Id,
                Service = shiftCenterService == null ? "" : lang == Lang.KU ? shiftCenterService.Service.Name_Ku : lang == Lang.AR ? shiftCenterService.Service.Name_Ar : shiftCenterService.Service.Name,
                ReservationType = x.ReservationType,
                ExpertiseCategory = firstExpertise != null ? lang == Lang.AR ? firstExpertise.Expertise.ExpertiseCategory.Name_Ar : lang == Lang.KU ? firstExpertise.Expertise.ExpertiseCategory.Name_Ku : firstExpertise.Expertise.ExpertiseCategory.Name : "",
                TimePeriods = shiftCenterService == null ? new DoctorTimePeriods() : _doctorServiceManager.FindFirstDateEmptyTimePeriodsFromNow(x, shiftCenterService),

            if (filterModel.HaveTurns == true)
                var result = doctorsWithinRadius.Where(d => d.TimePeriods.TimePeriods.Any()).ToList();
