Example #1
 private async Task CreateFolderIfAbsent(string name)
     if (await directory.ContainsItemAsync("Templates"))
         await directory.CreateDirectoryAsync("Templates");
 public static FileSystemResult <IDirectory> CreateDirectory(this IDirectory directory, string name, Dictionary <string, object> properties)
     return(Task.Run(async() => await directory.CreateDirectoryAsync(name, properties)).Result);
Example #3
        public void MoveFileIfRequired()
                logger.Trace("Attempting to MOVE file: {0}", this.FullServerPath);

                // check if this file is in the drop folder
                // otherwise we don't need to move it
                if (ImportFolder.IsDropSource == 0)
                    logger.Trace("Not moving file as it is NOT in the drop folder: {0}", this.FullServerPath);
                IFileSystem f = this.ImportFolder.FileSystem;
                if (f == null)
                    logger.Trace("Unable to MOVE, filesystem not working: {0}", this.FullServerPath);

                FileSystemResult <IObject> fsrresult = f.Resolve(FullServerPath);
                if (!fsrresult.IsOk)
                    logger.Error("Could not find the file to move: {0}", this.FullServerPath);
                IFile source_file = fsrresult.Result as IFile;
                if (source_file == null)
                    logger.Error("Could not find the file to move: {0}", this.FullServerPath);
                // find the default destination
                ImportFolder destFolder = null;
                foreach (ImportFolder fldr in RepoFactory.ImportFolder.GetAll().Where(a => a.CloudID == ImportFolder.CloudID))
                    if (fldr.IsDropDestination == 1)
                        destFolder = fldr;

                if (destFolder == null)

                FileSystemResult <IObject> re = f.Resolve(destFolder.ImportFolderLocation);
                if (!re.IsOk)

                // keep the original drop folder for later (take a copy, not a reference)
                ImportFolder dropFolder = this.ImportFolder;

                // we can only move the file if it has an anime associated with it
                List <CrossRef_File_Episode> xrefs = this.VideoLocal.EpisodeCrossRefs;
                if (xrefs.Count == 0)
                CrossRef_File_Episode xref = xrefs[0];

                // find the series associated with this episode
                AnimeSeries series = RepoFactory.AnimeSeries.GetByAnimeID(xref.AnimeID);
                if (series == null)

                // find where the other files are stored for this series
                // if there are no other files except for this one, it means we need to create a new location
                bool   foundLocation = false;
                string newFullPath   = "";

                // sort the episodes by air date, so that we will move the file to the location of the latest episode
                List <AnimeEpisode> allEps = series.GetAnimeEpisodes().OrderByDescending(a => a.AniDB_EpisodeID).ToList();

                IDirectory destination = null;

                foreach (AnimeEpisode ep in allEps)
                    // check if this episode belongs to more than one anime
                    // if it does we will ignore it
                    List <CrossRef_File_Episode> fileEpXrefs = RepoFactory.CrossRef_File_Episode.GetByEpisodeID(ep.AniDB_EpisodeID);
                    int? animeID   = null;
                    bool crossOver = false;
                    foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode fileEpXref in fileEpXrefs)
                        if (!animeID.HasValue)
                            animeID = fileEpXref.AnimeID;
                            if (animeID.Value != fileEpXref.AnimeID)
                                crossOver = true;
                    if (crossOver)

                    foreach (VideoLocal vid in ep.GetVideoLocals().Where(a => a.Places.Any(b => b.ImportFolder.CloudID == destFolder.CloudID && b.ImportFolder.IsDropSource == 0)))
                        if (vid.VideoLocalID != this.VideoLocalID)
                            VideoLocal_Place place        = vid.Places.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ImportFolder.CloudID == destFolder.CloudID);
                            string           thisFileName = place?.FullServerPath;
                            string           folderName   = Path.GetDirectoryName(thisFileName);

                            FileSystemResult <IObject> dir = f.Resolve(folderName);
                            if (dir.IsOk)
                                destination   = (IDirectory)dir.Result;
                                newFullPath   = folderName;
                                foundLocation = true;
                    if (foundLocation)

                if (!foundLocation)
                    // we need to create a new folder
                    string newFolderName = Utils.RemoveInvalidFolderNameCharacters(series.GetAnime().PreferredTitle);

                    newFullPath = Path.Combine(destFolder.ParsedImportFolderLocation, newFolderName);
                    FileSystemResult <IObject> dirn = f.Resolve(newFullPath);
                    if (!dirn.IsOk)
                        dirn = f.Resolve(destFolder.ImportFolderLocation);
                        if (dirn.IsOk)
                            IDirectory d = (IDirectory)dirn.Result;
                            FileSystemResult <IDirectory> d2 = Task.Run(async() => await d.CreateDirectoryAsync(newFolderName, null)).Result;
                            destination = d2.Result;
                    else if (dirn.Result is IFile)
                        logger.Error("Destination folder is a file: {0}", newFolderName);
                        destination = (IDirectory)dirn.Result;

                string newFullServerPath         = Path.Combine(newFullPath, Path.GetFileName(this.FullServerPath));
                Tuple <ImportFolder, string> tup = VideoLocal_PlaceRepository.GetFromFullPath(newFullServerPath);
                if (tup == null)
                    logger.Error($"Unable to LOCATE file {newFullServerPath} inside the import folders");

                logger.Info("Moving file from {0} to {1}", this.FullServerPath, newFullServerPath);

                FileSystemResult <IObject> dst = f.Resolve(newFullServerPath);
                if (dst.IsOk)
                    logger.Trace("Not moving file as it already exists at the new location, deleting source file instead: {0} --- {1}",
                                 this.FullServerPath, newFullServerPath);

                    // if the file already exists, we can just delete the source file instead
                    // this is safer than deleting and moving
                    FileSystemResult fr = new FileSystemResult();
                        fr = source_file.Delete(false);
                        if (!fr.IsOk)
                            logger.Warn("Unable to DELETE file: {0} error {1}", this.FullServerPath, fr?.Error ?? String.Empty);
                        this.ImportFolderID = tup.Item1.ImportFolderID;
                        this.FilePath       = tup.Item2;

                        // check for any empty folders in drop folder
                        // only for the drop folder
                        if (dropFolder.IsDropSource == 1)
                            FileSystemResult <IObject> dd = f.Resolve(dropFolder.ImportFolderLocation);
                            if (dd != null && dd.IsOk && dd.Result is IDirectory)
                                RecursiveDeleteEmptyDirectories((IDirectory)dd.Result, true);
                        logger.Error("Unable to DELETE file: {0} error {1}", this.FullServerPath, fr?.Error ?? String.Empty);
                    FileSystemResult fr = source_file.Move(destination);
                    if (!fr.IsOk)
                        logger.Error("Unable to MOVE file: {0} to {1} error {2)", this.FullServerPath, newFullServerPath, fr?.Error ?? String.Empty);
                    string originalFileName = this.FullServerPath;

                    this.ImportFolderID = tup.Item1.ImportFolderID;
                    this.FilePath       = tup.Item2;

                        // move any subtitle files
                        foreach (string subtitleFile in Utils.GetPossibleSubtitleFiles(originalFileName))
                            FileSystemResult <IObject> src = f.Resolve(subtitleFile);
                            if (src.IsOk && src.Result is IFile)
                                string newSubPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(newFullServerPath), ((IFile)src.Result).Name);
                                dst = f.Resolve(newSubPath);
                                if (dst.IsOk && dst.Result is IFile)
                                    FileSystemResult fr2 = src.Result.Delete(true);
                                    if (!fr2.IsOk)
                                        logger.Warn("Unable to DELETE file: {0} error {1}", subtitleFile,
                                                    fr2?.Error ?? String.Empty);
                                    FileSystemResult fr2 = ((IFile)src.Result).Move(destination);
                                    if (!fr2.IsOk)
                                        logger.Error("Unable to MOVE file: {0} to {1} error {2)", subtitleFile,
                                                     newSubPath, fr2?.Error ?? String.Empty);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        logger.Error(ex, ex.ToString());

                    // check for any empty folders in drop folder
                    // only for the drop folder
                    if (dropFolder.IsDropSource == 1)
                        FileSystemResult <IObject> dd = f.Resolve(dropFolder.ImportFolderLocation);
                        if (dd != null && dd.IsOk && dd.Result is IDirectory)
                            RecursiveDeleteEmptyDirectories((IDirectory)dd.Result, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = $"Could not MOVE file: {this.FullServerPath} -- {ex.ToString()}";
                logger.Error(ex, msg);