public string DoAThing(string withThis, int withThat)
            var someResult = _dep1.Result(withThis);

            someResult += withThat;
        public void Lib2AutofixtureAutoFakeItEasy(
            [Frozen] IDependency1 dep1,
            string withThis,
            int withThat,
            AwesomeClass sut)
            // Arrange no longer needed:
            // no test specific setup is required for this test

            // Act
            sut.DoAThing(withThis, withThat);

            // Assert
            A.CallTo(() => dep1.Result(withThis)).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly();
        public void DoAThing_WhenCalled_ExampleWithSetup(
            [Frozen] IDependency1 dep1,
            AwesomeClass sut)
            // Arrange
            var withThis = "<SomeUserInputThatWillLookLikeThis>";
            var withThat = 3; // Also a specific case

            // Setup the interface to respond with the value expected from that
            // interface when calling it.
            A.CallTo(() => dep1.Result(withThis)).Returns(5);

            // Act
            var result = sut.DoAThing(withThis, withThat);

            // Assert