Example #1
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     agent          = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
     seesPlayer     = new SeesPlayer(this);
     isInMeleeRange = new IsInMeleeRange(this);
     hasSeenPlayer  = new HasSeenPlayer(this);
Example #2
 public virtual void DecisionTypeNotSupported(IExpression expression, IDecision decision)
                 "The expression type '{0}' of the decision '{1}' is not supported. The decision will be ignored.",
                 expression.GetType().Name, decision.Name));
        public DecisionEvaluation(IDecision decision, IConcern concern, IForce force)
            Decision = decision;
            Concern  = concern;
            Force    = force;
            var connector = GetConnector(Force.Element);

            if (connector == null)
                Rating           = string.Empty;
                Rationale        = string.Empty;
                BackgroundColor  = Color.White.ToArgb();
                Changed          = true; //this is new so it has changed
                PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged;
            Rating    = connector.GetTaggedValueByName(RatingTag);
            Rationale = connector.GetTaggedValueByName(RationaleTag);
            int temp;

            int.TryParse(connector.GetTaggedValueByName(ColorTag), out temp);
            BackgroundColor = temp;

            PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged;
        public void ReloadDecisionDetailView(IDecision decision)
            IEAElement refreshedDecision = EAMain.Repository.GetElementByGUID(decision.GUID);

Example #5
 public WhereAmI(GameObject agent, Transform target, IDecision trueBranch, IDecision falseBranch)
     this.agent       = agent;
     this.target      = target;
     this.trueBranch  = trueBranch;
     this.falseBranch = falseBranch;
Example #6
    private void Update()
        totalBunnies = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Bunny");

        for (int i = 0; i < totalBunnies.Length; i++)
            if (!totalBunnies[i].GetComponent <BunnyAI>().healthyBunny)

        if (infectionMark != totalBunnies.Length)
            infectionMark = 0;

            currentDecision = BunnyAi;

            while (currentDecision != null)
                currentDecision = currentDecision.MakeDecision();
Example #7
        public given_CTB_Assessment_when_Nationality_eq_UK_and_UkPart_eq_England()
            // get a decisionTree with lambdas...
            _q = QuestionnaireFactory.GetCtbQuestionnaire();

            // get the next question, which is the first question
            var d1 = _q.GetNext(_q) as NationalityDecision;

            // poke UK answer on the mutator
            d1.Mutator(d1, new NationalityDecision {
                NationalityEnum = NationalityEnum.UK, Amount = 0.0f, Result = 1

            // get next question given the current state the assessment
            var d2 = _q.GetFollowOnDecisionBranch(_q.Result);

            // poke UK answer on the mutator
            d2.Mutator(d2, new UkPartDecision {
                UkPartEnum = UkPartEnum.England, Amount = 0.0f, Result = 1

            // get next question given the current state the assessment
            nxt = d2.GetFollowOnDecisionBranch(_q.Result);

            // REFACTOR  : asserting on d2 here but should be asserting on 1 ?....
Example #8
 void Start()
     target           = waypoints[0];
     decisionTreeRoot = new WaypointReached(target, gameObject,                                     // Additional Variables.
                                            new GetWaypoint(gameObject, waypoints, 0),              // True Branch
                                            new MoveTowardsPatrolpoint(target, gameObject, speed)); // False Branch
Example #9
 public WaypointReached(Transform target, GameObject agent, IDecision trueBranch, IDecision falseBranch)
     this.target      = target;
     this.agent       = agent;
     this.trueBranch  = trueBranch;
     this.falseBranch = falseBranch;
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for the vertex class, must have at least two nodes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Decision">The decision that determines which branch to go down.</param>
 /// <param name="FirstNode">The first branch, this will be used for: True if boolean and 0 if numeric.</param>
 /// <param name="SecondNode">The second branch, this will be used for: False if boolean and 1 if numeric.</param>
 /// <param name="AdditionalNodes">Any additional branches are put in here and will continue the numeric sequence.</param>
 public Vertex(IDecision Decision, INode FirstNode, INode SecondNode, params INode[] AdditionalNodes)
     decision = Decision;
Example #11
 public StakeholderAction(IDecision decision, string action, IStakeholder stakeholder)
     Stakeholder      = stakeholder;
     Decision         = decision;
     Action           = action;
     PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged;
        public void SingleSolution()
            CurrentState state = new CurrentState();
            IDecision[] decisions = new IDecision[] {
                new MoveToFridge(state),
                new KillFridgeGuardian(state),
                new OpenFridgeDecision(state),
                new GetBananaFromFridge(state)

            Planner planner = new Planner(StateOffset.Heuristic);
            for (int i = 0; i < decisions.Length; i++) {

            StateOffset goal = new StateOffset();
            goal.Set("HasBanana", true);

            Queue<IDecision> plan = planner.CreatePlan(goal);

            Assert.Greater(plan.Count, 0);
            Assert.AreSame(decisions[0], plan.Dequeue()); // MoveToFridge
            Assert.AreSame(decisions[1], plan.Dequeue()); // KillFridgeGuardian
            Assert.AreSame(decisions[1], plan.Dequeue()); // KillFridgeGUardian
            Assert.AreSame(decisions[1], plan.Dequeue()); // KillFridgeGuardian
            Assert.AreSame(decisions[2], plan.Dequeue()); // OpenFridge
            Assert.AreSame(decisions[3], plan.Dequeue()); // GetBananaFromFridge
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the code source.
        /// Depending on metadata type final class will implement different interfaces and thus will have different class body.
        /// 1. metadata is a DecisionMetadata - the final source class is going to implement IDecisionModule interface,
        /// 2. metadata is a LoopScopeMetadata - the final source class is going to implement ILoopDecisionModule interface
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metadata">The metadata.</param>
        /// <param name="typeDirectories">The type directories.</param>
        /// <param name="successorNodeLabelIdLookup">The successor node label id lookup.</param>
        /// <param name="predeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup">The predeccessors outputs name type lookup.</param>
        /// <param name="logger">The logger.</param>
        /// <param name="assembliesReferenceLocations">Output the list of assemblies locations that must be reference by DecisionCompilator</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string BuildCodeSource(IDecision metadata, List<string> typeDirectories, Dictionary<string, string> successorNodeLabelIdLookup,
                                          Dictionary<string, string> predeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup, ComponentLogger logger, out HashSet<string> assembliesReferenceLocations)
            string bodyCode, moduleInterface;

            if (metadata is DecisionMetadata)
                //parse the code written by user
                DecisionCodeParser codeParser = new DecisionCodeParser(metadata.DecisionCode, successorNodeLabelIdLookup, predeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup);
                string userDecisionCodeSnippet = codeParser.ParseCode();
                bodyCode = String.Format(DECISION_MODULE_BODY, userDecisionCodeSnippet);
                moduleInterface = typeof(IDecisionModule).FullName;
                //append ';' to the end just in case so that user condition can be simplified
                string decisionCode = (metadata.DecisionCode.EndsWith(";")) ? metadata.DecisionCode : metadata.DecisionCode + ";";

                DecisionCodeParser codeParser = new DecisionCodeParser(decisionCode, successorNodeLabelIdLookup, predeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup);
                string userDecisionCodeSnippet = codeParser.ParseCode();
                bodyCode = String.Format(LOOP_DECISION_MODULE_BODY, userDecisionCodeSnippet);
                moduleInterface = typeof(ILoopDecisionModule).FullName;

            //build the string of all usings of all namespace found in types assemblies
            string usingsNamespacesCodeSnippet = ReferenceTypesAssemblies(typeDirectories, logger, out assembliesReferenceLocations);

            return BuildDecisionCodeSource(metadata.Classname, moduleInterface, bodyCode, usingsNamespacesCodeSnippet);
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Compiles all decision nodes code and loops code in the given experiment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="experiment">The experiment.</param>
        /// <param name="availableInputMappingsPerNode">The available input mappings per node.</param>
        /// <param name="workspaceTypesDirectories">The workspace types directories.</param>
        /// <param name="loggerNameRoot">The logger name root.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if there were no errors, otherwise false
        /// </returns>
        public static bool CompileAllDecisionNodes(IExperiment experiment, InputMappings availableInputMappingsPerNode,
                                                   List <string> workspaceTypesDirectories, LoggerNameRoot loggerNameRoot)
            bool noErrors = true;

            foreach (ExperimentNode node in experiment.Vertices)
                IDecision decisionMetadata = node.Data.Metadata as IDecision;
                if (decisionMetadata != null)
                        //build successor nodes label id lookup
                        Dictionary <string, string> successorNodeLabelIdLookup         = PrepareSuccessorNodesLabelIdLookup(node, experiment);
                        Dictionary <string, string> predeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup = PreparePredeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup(node, availableInputMappingsPerNode);


                        BuildSourceAndCompileDecisionModule(decisionMetadata, successorNodeLabelIdLookup,
                                                            predeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup, workspaceTypesDirectories, loggerNameRoot);
                    catch (ArgumentException ex)
                        noErrors = false;

 public HistoryEntry(IDecision decision, string state, DateTime modified)
     State           = state;
     Modified        = modified;
     TaggedValueGUID = "";
     Decision        = decision;
Example #16
        void Options_NewDecision(IDecision decision)
            pickPowerCard = decision as Select.PowerCard;             // capture so we can display card-action
            this.options  = pickPowerCard != null
                                ? pickPowerCard.CardOptions
                                : decision.Options.OfType <PowerCard>().ToArray();


            foreach (var deck in decks)
                if (deck.PowerCards.Intersect(options).Any())

            // If there are cards to display but we aren't on them
            if (choiceLocations.Any() && !choiceLocations.Contains(CurrentLocation))
                CurrentLocation = choiceLocations.First();                 // switch
            else if (GetCardsForLocation(CurrentLocation).Count == 0)
                CurrentLocation = Img.Deck_Hand;

Example #17
        // listeners ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

        protected internal virtual void NotifyTransformListeners(IDecision decision, IDmnDecision dmnDecision)
            foreach (var transformListener in transformListeners)
                transformListener.transformDecision(decision, dmnDecision);
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the code source.
        /// Depending on metadata type final class will implement different interfaces and thus will have different class body.
        /// 1. metadata is a DecisionMetadata - the final source class is going to implement IDecisionModule interface,
        /// 2. metadata is a LoopScopeMetadata - the final source class is going to implement ILoopDecisionModule interface
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metadata">The metadata.</param>
        /// <param name="typeDirectories">The type directories.</param>
        /// <param name="successorNodeLabelIdLookup">The successor node label id lookup.</param>
        /// <param name="predeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup">The predeccessors outputs name type lookup.</param>
        /// <param name="logger">The logger.</param>
        /// <param name="assembliesReferenceLocations">Output the list of assemblies locations that must be reference by DecisionCompilator</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string BuildCodeSource(IDecision metadata, List <string> typeDirectories, Dictionary <string, string> successorNodeLabelIdLookup,
                                             Dictionary <string, string> predeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup, ComponentLogger logger, out HashSet <string> assembliesReferenceLocations)
            string bodyCode, moduleInterface;

            if (metadata is DecisionMetadata)
                //parse the code written by user
                DecisionCodeParser codeParser = new DecisionCodeParser(metadata.DecisionCode, successorNodeLabelIdLookup, predeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup);
                string             userDecisionCodeSnippet = codeParser.ParseCode();
                bodyCode        = String.Format(DECISION_MODULE_BODY, userDecisionCodeSnippet);
                moduleInterface = typeof(IDecisionModule).FullName;
                //append ';' to the end just in case so that user condition can be simplified
                string decisionCode = (metadata.DecisionCode.EndsWith(";")) ? metadata.DecisionCode : metadata.DecisionCode + ";";

                DecisionCodeParser codeParser = new DecisionCodeParser(decisionCode, successorNodeLabelIdLookup, predeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup);
                string             userDecisionCodeSnippet = codeParser.ParseCode();
                bodyCode        = String.Format(LOOP_DECISION_MODULE_BODY, userDecisionCodeSnippet);
                moduleInterface = typeof(ILoopDecisionModule).FullName;

            //build the string of all usings of all namespace found in types assemblies
            string usingsNamespacesCodeSnippet = ReferenceTypesAssemblies(typeDirectories, logger, out assembliesReferenceLocations);

            return(BuildDecisionCodeSource(metadata.Classname, moduleInterface, bodyCode, usingsNamespacesCodeSnippet));
Example #19
 public FindLocation(GameObject a, Transform t, IDecision tB, IDecision fB)
     agent   = a;
     target  = t;
     tBranch = tB;
     fBranch = fB;
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Compiles the decision.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The node.</param>
        /// <param name="experiment">The experiment.</param>
        /// <param name="workspaceTypesDirectories">The workspace types directories.</param>
        /// <param name="loggerNameRoot">The logger name root.</param>
        private static void CompileDecisionInternal(ExperimentNode node, IExperiment experiment, List <string> workspaceTypesDirectories,
                                                    LoggerNameRoot loggerNameRoot, Dictionary <string, string> successorNodeLabelIdLookup)
            InputMappings availableInputMappingsPerNode = new InputMappings(experiment);

            Dictionary <string, string> predeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup = PreparePredeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup(node, availableInputMappingsPerNode);

            IDecision decisionMetadata = (IDecision)node.Data.Metadata;

                if (decisionMetadata != null)

                    BuildSourceAndCompileDecisionModule(decisionMetadata, successorNodeLabelIdLookup, predeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup, workspaceTypesDirectories, loggerNameRoot);

                    decisionMetadata.CompilationStatus = TraceLab.Core.Components.CompilationStatus.Successful;
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                decisionMetadata.CompilationStatus = TraceLab.Core.Components.CompilationStatus.Failed;
Example #21
 public TestCase(IDocument doc, string alias, string path)
     Doc      = doc;
     Alias    = alias;
     Path     = path;
     Decision = Doc.Allow(Alias, Path);
Example #22
    public AmIInBush(IDecision _trueBranch, IDecision _falseBranch, Wanderer wanderer)                    // use radius
        float minDistance = Mathf.Infinity;                                                               // setup distance
        float newDist;                                                                                    // challenger distance

        for (int i = 0; i < wanderer.bush.Count; i++)                                                     // could be .Count or .size for vectors
            newDist = Vector3.Distance(wanderer.transform.position, wanderer.bush[i].transform.position); // Distance check

            if (newDist < minDistance)                                                                    // if new distance is less than set distance
                minDistance = newDist;                                                                    // set dist becomes new dist

        if (minDistance < 0.6f) // distance check between the closest bush and the wanderer
            wanderer.InBush = true;
            value           = true;
            wanderer.InBush = false;
            value           = false;

        trueBranch  = _trueBranch;
        falseBranch = _falseBranch;
Example #23
    public void Update()
        if (!waitingForAction)
            actor = NextOf(combatants, actor);
            IHealth <int> actorHealth = actor.GetComponent <IHealth <int> >();


            // A dead actor can't make moves, so we'll simply return
            if (actorHealth.IsDead || targets.Count == 0)

            if (actor.tag == "Player")
                decision = new PlayerDecision(actor, targets);
                decision = new AIDecision(actor, targets);

            waitingForAction = true;

        if (decision.IsReady)
            bsm.Change(BattleState.Execute, decision.Action);
 public ForceEvaluation(IDecision decision, IForce force, IConcern concern, string result)
     _decisionGUID = decision.GUID;
     Force         = force;
     Concern       = concern;
     Result        = result;
     Decision      = decision;
Example #25
 private void Update()
     curTarget = findNewTarget;
     while (curTarget.MakeDecision() != null)
         curTarget = curTarget.MakeDecision();
Example #26
 public StakeholderAction(IDecision decision, IEAConnector connector)
     Stakeholder      = Model.Stakeholder.Load(connector.GetClient());
     Action           = connector.Stereotype;
     ConnectorGUID    = connector.GUID;
     Decision         = decision;
     PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged;
 //  Every frame makes a decision on what to do;
 private void Update()
     curDec = enemCheck;
     while (curDec != null)
         curDec = curDec.MakeDecision();
        public void InsertDecisionTable(IDecision decision)
            ISlide detailSlide = new DetailSlide(_doc, _detailSlideTemplate, decision);

        public void OnDecisionChanged(int index, IDecision decision)
            //TODO dit werkt denk ik niet met deletes
            //var column = dataGridView1.Columns[FirstDecisionColumnindex + index];
            //column.HeaderCell.Value = decision.Name;

            //ColorCellAccordingToState(column.HeaderCell, decision.State);
Example #30
    //Sets up your tree here, assigning additional decisions to the
    //left and right of the tree
    void Start()
        BooleanDecision boolDecision = new BooleanDecision(true);

        boolDecision.trueDecision  = new CustomPrintDecision("True");  //prints "true" if true
        boolDecision.falseDecision = new CustomPrintDecision("False"); //prints "false" if false
        boolDecision.falseDecision = new WaypointReachedDecision();
        decisionTreeRoot           = boolDecision;
Example #31
    void Update()
        IDecision currentDecision = decisionTreeRoot;

        while (currentDecision != null)
Example #32
        void Action_NewWaitingDecision(IDecision decision)
            // Decision
            currentDecision       = decision;
            this.promptLabel.Text = decision.Prompt;

Example #33
 public IDecision EvaluateNextOneGetFollowOnBranch(IDecision questionnaire)
     IDecision q = questionnaire;
     if (q.Result == 0)
         q.Mutator(q, null);
     var nxt = q.GetFollowOnDecisionBranch(q.Result);
     q = nxt;
     return q;
Example #34
        public given_CTB_Assessment_when_Nationality_eq_UK()
            // get a decisionTree with lambdas...
            _q = QuestionnaireFactory.GetCtbQuestionnaire();

            // get the next question, which is the first question
            var d1 = _q.GetNext(_q) as NationalityDecision;

            // poke answer on the mutator
            d1.Mutator(d1, new NationalityDecision { NationalityEnum = NationalityEnum.UK, Amount = 0.0f, Result = 1 });

            // get next question given the current state the assessment
            nxt = _q.GetFollowOnDecisionBranch(_q.Result);
        private static DecisionLoader ConstructDecisionModuleInComponentsAppDomain(IDecision decisionMetadata, IWorkspaceInternal workspaceWrapper, AppDomain componentsAppDomain)
            // DecisionLoader must be MarshalByRef, otherwise the properties don't get filled out the 
            // way that we want them to.
            DecisionLoader loader = (DecisionLoader)componentsAppDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(
                Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName, typeof(DecisionLoader).FullName, false,
                BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.CreateInstance | BindingFlags.Instance, null,
                new object[] { decisionMetadata.Classname, decisionMetadata.SourceAssembly, workspaceWrapper },
                System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, new object[] { });

            // Perform the actual load by passing a reference to the Loader's Load function to the new 
            // AppDomain to execute
            return loader;
        private Planner BasicPlanner()
            CurrentState state = new CurrentState();
            IDecision[] decisions = new IDecision[] {
                new MoveToFridge(state),
                new KillFridgeGuardian(state),
                new OpenFridgeDecision(state),
                new GetBananaFromFridge(state)

            Planner planner = new Planner(StateOffset.Heuristic);
            for (int i = 0; i < decisions.Length; i++) {

            return planner;
Example #37
        public given_CTB_Assessment_when_Nationality_eq_UK_and_UkPart_eq_England()
            // get a decisionTree with lambdas...
            _q = QuestionnaireFactory.GetCtbQuestionnaire();

            // get the next question, which is the first question
            var d1 = _q.GetNext(_q) as NationalityDecision;

            // poke UK answer on the mutator
            d1.Mutator(d1, new NationalityDecision { NationalityEnum = NationalityEnum.UK, Amount = 0.0f, Result = 1 });

            // get next question given the current state the assessment
            var d2 = _q.GetFollowOnDecisionBranch(_q.Result);

            // poke UK answer on the mutator
            d2.Mutator(d2, new UkPartDecision { UkPartEnum = UkPartEnum.England, Amount = 0.0f, Result = 1 });

            // get next question given the current state the assessment
            nxt = d2.GetFollowOnDecisionBranch(_q.Result);

            // REFACTOR  : asserting on d2 here but should be asserting on 1 ?....
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the source of decision module and compile decision module into the assembly
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metadata">The metadata.</param>
        /// <param name="successorNodeLabelIdLookup">The successor node label id lookup.</param>
        /// <param name="predeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup">The predeccessors outputs name type lookup.</param>
        /// <param name="workspaceTypesDirectories">The workspace types directories.</param>
        /// <param name="loggerNameRoot">The logger name root.</param>
        private static void BuildSourceAndCompileDecisionModule(IDecision metadata, Dictionary<string, string> successorNodeLabelIdLookup,
                                            Dictionary<string, string> predeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup, 
                                            List<string> workspaceTypesDirectories, LoggerNameRoot loggerNameRoot)

            //create local componentlogger (ComponentLoggerImplementation implements MarshalByRefObject, thanks to which it can pass logs between appdomains
            TraceLabSDK.ComponentLogger logger = LoggerFactory.CreateLogger(loggerNameRoot, metadata.UniqueDecisionID, metadata);

            //construct the final code, and collect types assemblies locations to be referenced by the compilator
            HashSet<string> assembliesReferenceLocations;
            string finalDecisionModuleSourceCode = DecisionCodeBuilder.BuildCodeSource(metadata, workspaceTypesDirectories, 
                                successorNodeLabelIdLookup, predeccessorsOutputsNameTypeLookup, logger, out assembliesReferenceLocations);

            // Create the new domain with whatever current security evidence we're running with using the library helper
            LibraryHelper helper = new LibraryHelper(workspaceTypesDirectories);

            AppDomain newDomain = helper.CreateDomain("DecisionModuleCompilation");

            //// Load our output assembly into the other domain.
            DecisionModuleCompilator compiler =
                (DecisionModuleCompilator)newDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName, typeof(DecisionModuleCompilator).FullName,
                                                                            BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.CreateInstance | BindingFlags.Instance, null,
                                                                            new object[] { },
                                                                            System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, new object[] { });
            compiler.CompileDecisionModule(finalDecisionModuleSourceCode, metadata.SourceAssembly, assembliesReferenceLocations);

            //when developing on mono in MonoDevelop application crashes when unloading appdomain.
            //it only happens from within of MonoDevelop with attached debugger. Running normally, works fine.
Example #39
 public IDecision GetNext(IDecision d)
     // Code
     if (d.Result == (int)DeeTree.BranchChoiceEnum.NotKnown)
         return d;
         return GetNext(this.GetFollowOnDecisionBranch(Result));
Example #40
 public void AddDecision(IDecision decision)
Example #41
 private void BeginInicio()
     decision = new IniciarSatelite(_data);
Example #42
 private void BeginEspera()
     decision = new Esperar(_data);
Example #43
 private void BeginCalculo()
     decision = new CalcularValoresOrbitales(_data);
Example #44
    private void FinalizaDecision()
        switch (estado)
            case state.inicio: EndInicio(); break;
            case state.calculoValores: EndCalculo(); break;
            case state.espera: EndEspera(); break;
            default: throw new ArgumentException("Estado no implementado");

        decision = null;