private void CreateClient(IDebugClient client) { DebuggerInterface = client; _spaces = (IDebugDataSpaces)DebuggerInterface; _spacesPtr = (IDebugDataSpacesPtr)DebuggerInterface; _symbols = (IDebugSymbols)DebuggerInterface; _control = (IDebugControl2)DebuggerInterface; // These interfaces may not be present in older DbgEng dlls. _spaces2 = DebuggerInterface as IDebugDataSpaces2; _symbols3 = DebuggerInterface as IDebugSymbols3; _advanced = DebuggerInterface as IDebugAdvanced; _systemObjects = DebuggerInterface as IDebugSystemObjects; _systemObjects3 = DebuggerInterface as IDebugSystemObjects3; Interlocked.Increment(ref s_totalInstanceCount); if (_systemObjects3 == null && s_totalInstanceCount > 1) { throw new ClrDiagnosticsException("This version of DbgEng is too old to create multiple instances of DataTarget.", ClrDiagnosticsExceptionKind.DebuggerError); } if (_systemObjects3 != null) { _systemObjects3.GetCurrentSystemId(out _instance); } }
// source location support, not implemented yet! //public string SourceFileName { get; set; } //public uint SourceLineNumber { get; set; } //public uint SourceLineNumberEnd { get; set; } //public uint SourceColumnNumber { get; set; } //public uint SourceColumnNumberEnd { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Constructor for native frame /// </summary> /// <param name="frame"></param> /// <param name="debugSymbols"></param> public CombinedStackFrame(DEBUG_STACK_FRAME frame, IDebugSymbols3 debugSymbols) { Type = StackFrameType.Native; //native frame InstructionPointer = frame.InstructionOffset; StackPointer = frame.StackOffset; ReturnOffset = frame.ReturnOffset; uint moduleIndex; ulong dummy; //if no module is associated with this frame, the method is unknown, can happen with CLR-JIT code if (debugSymbols.GetModuleByOffset(InstructionPointer, 0, out moduleIndex, out dummy) != 0) { ModuleName = "UNKNOWN"; MethodName = "UNKNOWN"; return; //no more action needed } var name = new StringBuilder(1024); //create buffer for storing method name ulong displacement; uint nameSize; Utility.CheckHRESULT(debugSymbols.GetNameByOffset(InstructionPointer, name, name.Capacity, out nameSize, out displacement)); OffsetInMethod = displacement; //offset of InstructionPointer and base location of symbol, could be null //get module name and method name, example for name : string[] parts = name.ToString().Split('!'); ModuleName = parts[0]; //module is the first part before '!' if (parts.Length > 1) { MethodName = parts[1]; //second part, after the '!' } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ModuleName)) { ModuleName = "UNKNOWN"; } // check if method name was found or not if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MethodName)) { MethodName = "UNKNOWN"; } // get source information uint line; var fileBuffer = new StringBuilder(4 * 1024); uint fileSize; debugSymbols.GetLineByOffset(InstructionPointer, out line, fileBuffer, fileBuffer.Capacity, out fileSize, out displacement); if (fileSize > 0) { this.SourceInfo = new SDFileAndLineNumber { File = fileBuffer.ToString(), Line = (int)line }; } }
public WindowsDebugEngine(string winDbgPath) { logger.Debug("WindowsDebugEngine"); object obj = null; Guid clsid = CLSID(typeof(IDebugClient5)); this.winDbgPath = winDbgPath; hDll = LoadWin32Library(Path.Combine(winDbgPath, "dbgeng.dll")); hProc = GetProcAddress(hDll, "DebugCreate"); DebugCreate debugCreate = (DebugCreate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(hProc, typeof(DebugCreate)); if (debugCreate(ref clsid, out obj) != 0) { Debugger.Break(); } dbgClient = (IDebugClient5)obj; dbgControl = (IDebugControl4)obj; dbgSymbols = (IDebugSymbols3)obj; dbgSystemObjects = (IDebugSystemObjects)obj; // Reset events loadModules.Reset(); exitProcess.Reset(); handlingException.Reset(); handledException.Reset(); exitDebugger.Reset(); // Reset output output = new StringBuilder(); dbgSymbols.SetSymbolPath(@"SRV*"); dbgClient.SetOutputCallbacks(new OutputCallbacks(this)); dbgClient.SetEventCallbacks(new EventCallbacks(this)); }
public void Execute(CommandExecutionContext context) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SpecificModule)) { var module = context.Runtime.Modules.FirstOrDefault( m => String.Equals(Path.GetFileName(m.Name), SpecificModule, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (module != null) { var moduleInfo = context.Runtime.DataTarget.EnumerateModules().Single( m => String.Equals(m.FileName, module.FileName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); context.WriteLine("Module: {0}", module.Name); context.WriteLine("PDB name: {0}", moduleInfo.Pdb.FileName); context.WriteLine("Debug mode: {0}", module.DebuggingMode); } else { // Couldn't find managed module, try to find native: using (var target = context.CreateTemporaryDbgEngTarget()) { var moduleInfo = context.Runtime.DataTarget.EnumerateModules().FirstOrDefault( m => String.Equals(Path.GetFileName(m.FileName), SpecificModule, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (moduleInfo == null) { return; } IDebugSymbols3 debugSymbols = (IDebugSymbols3)target.DebuggerInterface; uint loaded, unloaded; if (0 != debugSymbols.GetNumberModules(out loaded, out unloaded)) { return; } for (uint moduleIdx = 0; moduleIdx < loaded; ++moduleIdx) { StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(2048); uint nameSize; if (0 != debugSymbols.GetModuleNameString(DEBUG_MODNAME.IMAGE, moduleIdx, 0, name, (uint)name.Capacity, out nameSize)) { continue; } if (!String.Equals(name.ToString(), moduleInfo.FileName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { continue; } DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS[] modInfo = new DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS[1]; if (0 != debugSymbols.GetModuleParameters(1, null, moduleIdx, modInfo)) { return; } name = new StringBuilder(2048); debugSymbols.GetModuleNameString(DEBUG_MODNAME.SYMBOL_FILE, moduleIdx, 0, name, (uint)name.Capacity, out nameSize); context.WriteLine("Module: {0}", moduleInfo.FileName); context.WriteLine("PDB loaded: {0}", modInfo[0].SymbolType == DEBUG_SYMTYPE.DIA || modInfo[0].SymbolType == DEBUG_SYMTYPE.PDB); context.WriteLine("PDB name: {0}", name.ToString()); } } } return; } context.WriteLine("{0,-20:x16} {1,-10} {2,-20} {3}", "start", "size", "version", "filename"); foreach (var module in context.Runtime.DataTarget.EnumerateModules()) { context.WriteLine("{0,-20:x16} {1,-10:x} {2,-20} {3}", module.ImageBase, module.FileSize, module.Version, module.FileName); } }
private void CreateClient(IDebugClient client) { _client = client; _spaces = (IDebugDataSpaces)_client; _spacesPtr = (IDebugDataSpacesPtr)_client; _symbols = (IDebugSymbols)_client; _control = (IDebugControl2)_client; // These interfaces may not be present in older DbgEng dlls. _spaces2 = _client as IDebugDataSpaces2; _symbols3 = _client as IDebugSymbols3; _advanced = _client as IDebugAdvanced; _systemObjects = _client as IDebugSystemObjects; _systemObjects3 = _client as IDebugSystemObjects3; Interlocked.Increment(ref s_totalInstanceCount); if (_systemObjects3 == null && s_totalInstanceCount > 1) throw new ClrDiagnosticsException("This version of DbgEng is too old to create multiple instances of DataTarget.", ClrDiagnosticsException.HR.DebuggerError); if (_systemObjects3 != null) _systemObjects3.GetCurrentSystemId(out _instance); }
public Symbols(IDebugSymbols3 symbols) { _symbols = symbols; }
public SymbolsSearch(IDebugSymbols3 symbols, string pattern) { _symbols = symbols; _symbols.StartSymbolMatchWide(pattern, out _searchHandle); }