public Object GetValue() { Object pRetVal = null; IDebugBinder binder = this.m_Context.Binder; if (null == this.m_RuntimeType) { binder.ResolveRuntimeType(this.m_Object, out this.m_RuntimeType); } if (null != this.m_RuntimeType) { IDebugObject pObject = this.m_Object; IDebugField type = this.m_RuntimeType; IDebugEnumField enumField = null; enumField = this.m_RuntimeType as IDebugEnumField; if (null != enumField) { IDebugField underlyingField = null; enumField.GetUnderlyingSymbol(out underlyingField); if (null != underlyingField) { IDebugObject underlyingObject = null; binder.Bind(this.m_Object, underlyingField, out underlyingObject); if (null != underlyingObject) { pObject = underlyingObject; } IDebugField underlyingType = null; underlyingField.GetType(out underlyingType); if (null != underlyingType) { type = underlyingType; } } } if (null != pObject) { uint size = 0; pObject.GetSize(out size); if (0 < size) { byte[] valueBytes = new byte[size]; if (null != valueBytes) { pObject.GetValue(valueBytes, size); if (null != valueBytes) { FIELD_KIND fieldKind = 0; type.GetKind(out fieldKind); if (0 != fieldKind) { if (0 != (fieldKind & FIELD_KIND.FIELD_TYPE_PRIMITIVE)) { FIELD_INFO fieldInfo; type.GetInfo(FIELD_INFO_FIELDS.FIF_NAME, out fieldInfo); if (null != fieldInfo.bstrName) { switch (size) { case 1: if (0 == String.Compare("whole", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { pRetVal = valueBytes[0]; } else if (0 == String.Compare("uwhole", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { pRetVal = valueBytes[0]; } break; case 2: if (0 == String.Compare("whole", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { UInt16 temp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { temp <<= 8; temp |= valueBytes[1 - i]; } pRetVal = (Int16 )temp; //pRetVal->vt = VT_I2; //pRetVal->iVal = *reinterpret_cast<SHORT*>(valueBytes); } else if (0 == String.Compare("char", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { UInt16 temp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { temp <<= 8; temp |= valueBytes[1 - i]; } pRetVal = temp; //pRetVal->vt = VT_UI2; //pRetVal->uiVal = *reinterpret_cast<USHORT*>(valueBytes); } else if (0 == String.Compare("uwhole", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { UInt16 temp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { temp <<= 8; temp |= valueBytes[1 - i]; } pRetVal = temp; //pRetVal->vt = VT_UI2; //pRetVal->uiVal = *reinterpret_cast<USHORT*>(valueBytes); } break; case 4: if (0 == String.Compare("whole", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { Int32 temp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp <<= 8; temp |= valueBytes[3 - i]; } pRetVal = temp; //pRetVal->vt = VT_I4; //pRetVal->lVal = *reinterpret_cast<LONG*>(valueBytes); } else if (0 == String.Compare("uwhole", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { UInt32 temp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp <<= 8; temp |= valueBytes[3 - i]; } pRetVal = temp; //pRetVal->vt = VT_UI4; //pRetVal->ulVal = *reinterpret_cast<ULONG*>(valueBytes); } else if (0 == String.Compare("real", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { Int32 temp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp <<= 8; temp |= valueBytes[3 - i]; } pRetVal = temp; //pRetVal->vt = VT_R4; //pRetVal->fltVal = *reinterpret_cast<FLOAT*>(valueBytes); } break; case 8: if (0 == String.Compare("whole", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { //pRetVal->vt = VT_I8; //pRetVal->llVal = *reinterpret_cast<LONGLONG*>(valueBytes); } else if (0 == String.Compare("uwhole", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { //pRetVal->vt = VT_UI8; //pRetVal->ullVal = *reinterpret_cast<ULONGLONG*>(valueBytes); } else if (0 == String.Compare("real", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { //pRetVal->vt = VT_R8; //pRetVal->dblVal = *reinterpret_cast<DOUBLE*>(valueBytes); } break; } if (0 == String.Compare("bool", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { //pRetVal->vt = VT_BOOL; pRetVal = false; for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (valueBytes[i] != 0) { pRetVal = true; } } } else if (0 == String.Compare("string", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { //VSASSERT(size >= 2, "String length is too short"); //VSASSERT(size % 2 == 0, "String of odd byte length"); //UINT chars = (size-2)/2; // Debug engine adds 2 for terminating L'\0' //pRetVal->vt = VT_BSTR; //pRetVal->bstrVal = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, chars); //wcsncpy(pRetVal->bstrVal, reinterpret_cast<WCHAR*>(valueBytes), chars); //pRetVal->bstrVal[chars] = L'\0'; pRetVal = (new System.Text.UnicodeEncoding()).GetString(valueBytes); } } } } } } } } } return(pRetVal); }
public void SetValue(object val) { byte[] valueBytes = null; IDebugBinder binder = this.m_Context.Binder; if (null == this.m_RuntimeType) { binder.ResolveRuntimeType(this.m_Object, out this.m_RuntimeType); } if (null != this.m_RuntimeType) { IDebugObject pObject = this.m_Object; IDebugField type = this.m_RuntimeType; if (null != pObject) { uint size = 0; pObject.GetSize(out size); if (0 < size) { valueBytes = new byte[size]; if (null != valueBytes) { FIELD_KIND fieldKind = 0; type.GetKind(out fieldKind); if (0 != fieldKind) { if (0 != (fieldKind & FIELD_KIND.FIELD_TYPE_PRIMITIVE)) { FIELD_INFO fieldInfo; type.GetInfo(FIELD_INFO_FIELDS.FIF_NAME, out fieldInfo); if (null != fieldInfo.bstrName) { switch (size) { case 1: if (0 == String.Compare("whole", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { valueBytes[0] = (byte )val; } else if (0 == String.Compare("uwhole", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { valueBytes[0] = (byte )val; } break; case 2: if (0 == String.Compare("whole", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { Int16 temp = (Int16)val; valueBytes[0] = System.Convert.ToByte(temp & 0x00FF); valueBytes[1] = System.Convert.ToByte(temp >> 8); } else if (0 == String.Compare("char", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { UInt16 temp = (UInt16)val; valueBytes[0] = System.Convert.ToByte(temp & 0x00FF); valueBytes[1] = System.Convert.ToByte(temp >> 8); } else if (0 == String.Compare("uwhole", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { UInt16 temp = (UInt16)val; valueBytes[0] = System.Convert.ToByte(temp & 0x00FF); valueBytes[1] = System.Convert.ToByte(temp >> 8); } break; case 4: if (0 == String.Compare("whole", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { Int32 temp = (Int32)val; valueBytes[0] = System.Convert.ToByte(temp & 0xFF); valueBytes[1] = System.Convert.ToByte((temp >> 8) & 0xFF); valueBytes[2] = System.Convert.ToByte((temp >> 8) & 0xFF); valueBytes[3] = System.Convert.ToByte(temp >> 8); } else if (0 == String.Compare("uwhole", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { UInt32 temp = (UInt32)val; valueBytes[0] = System.Convert.ToByte(temp & 0xFF); valueBytes[1] = System.Convert.ToByte((temp >> 8) & 0xFF); valueBytes[2] = System.Convert.ToByte((temp >> 8) & 0xFF); valueBytes[3] = System.Convert.ToByte(temp >> 8); } else if (0 == String.Compare("real", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { UInt32 temp = (UInt32)val; valueBytes[0] = System.Convert.ToByte(temp & 0xFF); valueBytes[1] = System.Convert.ToByte((temp >> 8) & 0xFF); valueBytes[2] = System.Convert.ToByte((temp >> 8) & 0xFF); valueBytes[3] = System.Convert.ToByte(temp >> 8); } break; case 8: if (0 == String.Compare("whole", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { //pRetVal->vt = VT_I8; //pRetVal->llVal = *reinterpret_cast<LONGLONG*>(valueBytes); } else if (0 == String.Compare("uwhole", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { //pRetVal->vt = VT_UI8; //pRetVal->ullVal = *reinterpret_cast<ULONGLONG*>(valueBytes); } else if (0 == String.Compare("real", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { //pRetVal->vt = VT_R8; //pRetVal->dblVal = *reinterpret_cast<DOUBLE*>(valueBytes); } break; } if (0 == String.Compare("bool", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { //pRetVal->vt = VT_BOOL; bool temp = (bool)val; for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (temp) { valueBytes[i] = 1; } else { valueBytes[i] = 0; } } } else if (0 == String.Compare("string", fieldInfo.bstrName, true)) { //VSASSERT(size >= 2, "String length is too short"); //VSASSERT(size % 2 == 0, "String of odd byte length"); //UINT chars = (size-2)/2; // Debug engine adds 2 for terminating L'\0' //pRetVal->vt = VT_BSTR; //pRetVal->bstrVal = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, chars); //wcsncpy(pRetVal->bstrVal, reinterpret_cast<WCHAR*>(valueBytes), chars); //pRetVal->bstrVal[chars] = L'\0'; String temp = val as String; char[] charArray = temp.ToCharArray(); valueBytes = new byte[2 * charArray.Length + 2]; int i = 0; for ( ; i < charArray.Length; i++) { UInt16 temp1 = (UInt16)charArray[i]; valueBytes[2 * i] = System.Convert.ToByte(temp1 & 0x00FF); valueBytes[2 * i + 1] = System.Convert.ToByte(temp1 >> 8); } valueBytes[2 * i] = valueBytes[2 * i + 1] = 0; } } } } } } } } this.m_Object.SetValue(valueBytes, (uint)valueBytes.Length); }
public static String GetURTName(IDebugField type) { String translated = null; FIELD_INFO fieldInfo; uint size = 0; String name = null; type.GetInfo(FIELD_INFO_FIELDS.FIF_NAME, out fieldInfo); name = fieldInfo.bstrName; type.GetSize(out size); if (0 <= size ){ switch(size){ case 0: if (0 == String.Compare("string", name, true)) translated = "System.String"; else if (0 == String.Compare("void", name, true)) translated = "System.Void"; break; case 1: if (0 == String.Compare("whole", name, true)) translated = "System.SByte"; else if (0 == String.Compare("uwhole", name, true)) translated = "System.Byte"; else if (0 == String.Compare("bool", name, true)) translated = "System.Boolean"; break; case 2: if (0 == String.Compare("whole", name, true)) translated = "System.Int16"; else if (0 == String.Compare("char", name, true)) translated = "System.Char"; else if (0 == String.Compare("uwhole", name, true)) translated = "System.UInt16"; else if (0 == String.Compare("bool", name, true)) translated = "System.Boolean"; break; case 4: if (0 == String.Compare("whole", name, true)) translated = "System.Int32"; else if (0 == String.Compare("uwhole", name, true)) translated = "System.UIn32"; else if (0 == String.Compare("real", name, true)) translated = "System.Float"; else if (0 == String.Compare("bool", name, true)) translated = "System.Boolean"; break; case 8: if (0 == String.Compare("whole", name, true)) translated = "System.Int64"; else if (0 == String.Compare("uwhole", name, true)) translated = "System.UInt64"; else if (0 == String.Compare("real", name, true)) translated = "System.Double"; break; } } return translated; }