Example #1
        public void InsertUsTreasuryRealLongTermRate(List <TreasuryRealLongTermRate> treasuryRealLongTermRates)
            using (var scope = _dbContextScopeFactory.CreateWithTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted))
                var assetProduct = _assetProductRepository.FindAll().Single(x => x.Name.Equals("US Treasury"));

                var usTreasuryDatas = _usTreasuryDataRepository.FindAll().Where(x => x.AssetProduct.Id == assetProduct.Id).ToList();

                var usTreasuryCache = new ConcurrentDictionary <DateTime, UsTreasuryData>();

                foreach (var treasuryData in usTreasuryDatas)
                    usTreasuryCache[treasuryData.Timestamp] = treasuryData;

                foreach (var treasuryRealLongTermRate in treasuryRealLongTermRates)
                    if (usTreasuryCache.ContainsKey(treasuryRealLongTermRate.Timestamp))

                    var usTreasuryData = new UsTreasuryData
                        Timestamp               = treasuryRealLongTermRate.Timestamp,
                        AssetProduct            = assetProduct,
                        LongTermRealAverageRate = treasuryRealLongTermRate.LongTermRealAverageRate

Example #2
        public ActionResult Save()
            var province = new Province()
                Population = 3000000,
                Name       = "BeiJing",

            var province1 = new Province()
                Population = 1000000,
                Name       = "jiangsu",

            var company = new Company()
                Name          = "Augumentum",
                EstablishDate = DateTime.Now,
                LegalPerson   = "zack",

            using (var dbScope = _dbContextScopeFactory.CreateWithTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted))
                _provinceRepository.BulkInsert(new List <Province>
                    province, province1


        /// <summary>
        /// Forces the creation of a new ambient DbContextScope (i.e. does not
        /// join the ambient scope if there is one) and wraps all DbContext instances
        /// created within that scope in an explicit database transaction with
        /// the provided isolation level.
        /// WARNING: the database transaction will remain open for the whole
        /// duration of the scope! So keep the scope as short-lived as possible.
        /// Don't make any remote API calls or perform any long running computation
        /// within that scope.
        /// This is an advanced feature that you should use very carefully
        /// and only if you fully understand the implications of doing this.
        /// </summary>
        public static TDbContext Open <TDbContext>(this IDbContextScopeFactory self, IsolationLevel isolationLevel) where TDbContext : DbContext
            var dbContextScope = self.CreateWithTransaction(isolationLevel);

            return(dbContextScope.Get <TDbContext>());
Example #4
        public IWynnDbContextScope CreateWithReadCommittedTransaction(string transactionUser)
            var dbContextScope = _dbContextScopeFactory.CreateWithTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);

            return(new WynnDbContextScope(dbContextScope, _dbContextLocator));
Example #5
        public ResponseHelper Purchase(int courseId, string userId)
            var rh = new ResponseHelper();

                using (var ctx = _dbContextScopeFactory.CreateWithTransaction(
                    var user   = _applicationUserRepo.Single(x => x.Id == userId);
                    var course = _courseRepo.Single(x => x.Id == courseId);

                    var hasTaken = _userPerCourseRepo.Find(x =>
                                                           x.UserId == userId &&
                                                           x.CourseId == courseId

                    // Si el curso ya fue tomado no hacemos nada
                    if (hasTaken)
                        rh.SetResponse(false, "El curso ya ha sido tomado por este alumno");
                    // Si el precio del curso es mayor a los créditos actuales
                    else if (course.Price > user.Credit)
                        rh.SetResponse(false, "Usted no cuenta con los créditos necesarios para adquirir el curso");
                        var hasPriorCourses = _userPerCourseRepo.Find(x =>
                                                                      x.UserId == userId

                        // Verificamos si es la primera vez que compra el curso. Si fuera así, asignamos el rol de estudiante
                        if (!hasPriorCourses)
                            var role = _roleRepo.Single(x =>
                                                        x.Name == RoleNames.Student

                            _applicationUserRole.Insert(new ApplicationUserRole
                                UserId = userId,
                                RoleId = role.Id

                        // Asignamos un curso a un usuario
                        _userPerCourseRepo.Insert(new UsersPerCourse {
                            UserId   = userId,
                            CourseId = courseId

                        // Actualizamos el crédito del usuario
                        user.Credit = user.Credit - course.Price;

                        var incomes = new List <Income>
                            // Ingreso total
                            new Income {
                                EntityType = Enums.EntityType.Courses,
                                EntityID   = course.Id,
                                IncomeType = Enums.IncomeType.Total,
                                Total      = course.Price

                            // Ingreso profesor
                            new Income
                                EntityType = Enums.EntityType.Courses,
                                EntityID   = course.Id,
                                IncomeType = Enums.IncomeType.TeacherTotal,
                                Total      = course.Price * (Convert.ToDecimal(Parameters.TeacherComission) / 100)

                            // Ingreso para la empresa
                            new Income
                                EntityType = Enums.EntityType.Courses,
                                EntityID   = course.Id,
                                IncomeType = Enums.IncomeType.CompanyTotal,
                                Total      = course.Price * (Convert.ToDecimal(Parameters.SalesCommission) / 100)



            catch (Exception e)
                rh.SetResponse(false, e.Message);
