Example #1
        public static Range <double> GetMinMax(this IDataSource2D <Vector> dataSource, Func <Vector, double> extractor)
            double min = Double.PositiveInfinity;
            double max = Double.NegativeInfinity;

            var data   = dataSource.Data;
            int width  = dataSource.Width;
            int height = dataSource.Height;

            for (int ix = 0; ix < width; ix++)
                for (int iy = 0; iy < height; iy++)
                    var vector = data[ix, iy];
                    var value  = extractor(vector);

                    if (value < min)
                        min = value;
                    if (value > max)
                        max = value;

            if (min > max)
                min = max = 0;
            return(new Range <double>(min, max));
Example #2
        public static Range <double> GetMinMaxLength(this IDataSource2D <Vector> dataSource)
            double minLength = double.PositiveInfinity;
            double maxLength = double.NegativeInfinity;

            int width  = dataSource.Width;
            int height = dataSource.Height;

            for (int ix = 0; ix < width; ix++)
                for (int iy = 0; iy < height; iy++)
                    var vector = dataSource.Data[ix, iy];
                    var length = vector.Length;

                    if (length < minLength)
                        minLength = length;
                    if (length > maxLength)
                        maxLength = length;

            if (minLength > maxLength)
                minLength = maxLength = 0;
            return(new Range <double>(minLength, maxLength));
Example #3
 protected virtual void DetachDataSource(IDataSource2D <double> dataSource)
     if (dataSource != null)
         dataSource.Changed -= OnDataSourceChanged;
        public ProbesDataSource(Guid guid, IDataSource2D <double> field, Host host)
            : base(guid)
            // set up the Ontology, a description of the kind of data we contain.
            // See DataSource sample for more details.
            OntologySpecification o = this.Ontology.Edit();

            o.PrimitiveTypes.Create("RasterPatch", "GeoEntity", typeof(RasterPatch2));

            EntitySpecification entitySpec = new EntitySpecification(this.Ontology.EntityTypes["GeoEntity"]); // the default entity type

            entity = this.EntityAuthorityReference.EntityAuthority.CreateEntity(true, entitySpec);

            this.wfield = field;

            System.Windows.Point[,] grid = wfield.Grid;
            Coordinate2D minCoordinate = new Coordinate2D(grid[0, 0].X, grid[0, 0].Y);
            Coordinate2D maxCoordinate = new Coordinate2D(grid[field.Width - 1, field.Height - 1].X, grid[field.Width - 1, field.Height - 1].Y);

            for (int j = 0; j < field.Height; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < field.Width; i++)
                    if (grid[i, j].X < minCoordinate.X)
                        minCoordinate.X = grid[i, j].X;

                    if (grid[i, j].X > maxCoordinate.X)
                        maxCoordinate.X = grid[i, j].X;

                    if (grid[i, j].Y < minCoordinate.Y)
                        minCoordinate.Y = grid[i, j].Y;

                    if (grid[i, j].Y > maxCoordinate.Y)
                        maxCoordinate.Y = grid[i, j].Y;

            gridBox = new GeoRect(
                maxCoordinate.X - minCoordinate.X,
                maxCoordinate.Y - minCoordinate.Y);

            dataType  = DSDataType.TwoDim;
            this.host = host;

            probesHelper = new ProbesHelper("ProbeSample.png", false);
		private void OnDataSourceReplaced(IDataSource2D<Vector> prevDataSource, IDataSource2D<Vector> currDataSource)
			if (prevDataSource != null)
				prevDataSource.Changed -= DataSource_OnChanged;
			if (currDataSource != null)
				currDataSource.Changed += DataSource_OnChanged;

        public GenericDataSource2D(IDataSource2D <T> dataSource)
            if (dataSource == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSource");

            this.dataSource = dataSource;
        public TransformedGridDataSource2D(IDataSource2D <T> child, Func <int, int, Point, Point> gridFunc)
            : base(child)
            if (gridFunc == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("gridFunc");

            this.gridFunc = gridFunc;
Example #8
        protected DecoratorDataSource2D(IDataSource2D <T> child)
            if (child == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("child");
            this.child = child;

            child.Changed += OnChildChanged;
        public VectorToMagnitudeDataSource(IDataSource2D <Vector> dataSource)
            if (dataSource == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSource");

            this.dataSource     = dataSource;
            dataSource.Changed += OnDataSource_Changed;
 private void AddDataSource(IDataSource2D <double> field, Guid guid)
     probesLayers.Add(new ProbesLayer
         Guid       = guid,
         IsVisible  = true,
         DataSource = new ProbesDataSource(guid, field, host),
         LayerID    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
         LayerName  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
     AddLayerToHost(probesLayers[probesLayers.Count - 1]);
Example #11
        private void OnDataSourceReplaced(IDataSource2D <Vector> prevDataSource, IDataSource2D <Vector> currDataSource)
            if (prevDataSource != null)
                prevDataSource.Changed -= DataSource_OnChanged;
            if (currDataSource != null)
                currDataSource.Changed += DataSource_OnChanged;

        private void OnDataSourceReplaced(IDataSource2D <double> prevDataSource, IDataSource2D <double> currDataSource)
            if (prevDataSource != null)
                prevDataSource.Changed -= OnDataSourceChanged;
            if (currDataSource != null)
                currDataSource.Changed += OnDataSourceChanged;

		private void OnDataSourceReplaced(IDataSource2D<double> prevDataSource, IDataSource2D<double> currDataSource)
			if (prevDataSource != null)
				prevDataSource.Changed -= OnDataSourceChanged;
			if (currDataSource != null)
				currDataSource.Changed += OnDataSourceChanged;

Example #14
        public static IDataSource2D <T> ChangeGrid <T>(this IDataSource2D <T> dataSource, Func <int, int, Point> gridFunc) where T : struct
            if (dataSource == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSource");
            if (gridFunc == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("gridFunc");

            Func <int, int, Point, Point> func = (ix, iy, oldPoint) => gridFunc(ix, iy);

            return(new TransformedGridDataSource2D <T>(dataSource, func));
        protected virtual void OnDataSourceChanged(IDataSource2D <double> prevDataSource, IDataSource2D <double> currDataSource)
            if (prevDataSource != null)
                prevDataSource.Changed -= OnDataSourceChanged;
            if (currDataSource != null)
                currDataSource.Changed += OnDataSourceChanged;


            RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(BackgroundRenderer.UpdateRequested));
		private void OnDataSourceReplaced(IDataSource2D<Vector> prevDataSource, IDataSource2D<Vector> currDataSource)
			var dataSource = this.GetValueSync<IDataSource2D<Vector>>(DataSourceProperty);
			var contentBounds = dataSource.Grid.GetGridBounds();
			if (Parent != null)
				Viewport2D.SetContentBounds(Parent, contentBounds);
			ViewportPanel.SetViewportBounds(this, contentBounds);

			int width = currDataSource.Width;
			int height = currDataSource.Height;
			bmp = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32, null);
			Source = bmp;

			Task task = new Task(() => CreateConvolutionBmp(width, height));
Example #17
        public static Range <double> GetMinMax(this IDataSource2D <double> dataSource, DataRect area)
            if (dataSource == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSource");

            double min    = Double.PositiveInfinity;
            double max    = Double.NegativeInfinity;
            int    width  = dataSource.Width;
            int    height = dataSource.Height;
            var    grid   = dataSource.Grid;
            var    data   = dataSource.Data;

            for (int ix = 0; ix < width; ix++)
                for (int iy = 0; iy < height; iy++)
                    if (area.Contains(grid[ix, iy]))
                        var value = data[ix, iy];
                        if (value < min)
                            min = value;
                        if (value > max)
                            max = value;

            if (min < max)
                return(new Range <double>(min, max));
                return(new Range <double>());
Example #18
        private void OnDataSourceReplaced(IDataSource2D <Vector> prevDataSource, IDataSource2D <Vector> currDataSource)
            var dataSource    = this.GetValueSync <IDataSource2D <Vector> >(DataSourceProperty);
            var contentBounds = dataSource.Grid.GetGridBounds();

            if (Parent != null)
                Viewport2D.SetContentBounds(Parent, contentBounds);
            ViewportPanel.SetViewportBounds(this, contentBounds);

            int width  = currDataSource.Width;
            int height = currDataSource.Height;

            bmp    = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32, null);
            Source = bmp;

            Task task = new Task(() => CreateConvolutionBmp(width, height));

Example #19
        private void AddDataSource(IDataSource2D <double> field, Guid guid)
            List <PolylineGeometry> geometry = new List <PolylineGeometry>();
            List <VisualPushpin>    labels   = new List <VisualPushpin>();

            isolineBuilder.DataSource = field;
            IsolineCollection collection = isolineBuilder.Build();

            annotater.WayBeforeText = 20.0;

            foreach (LevelLine segment in collection.Lines)
                List <Coordinate2D> points = new List <Coordinate2D>();
                points.Add(new Coordinate2D(segment.StartPoint.X, segment.StartPoint.Y));
                foreach (Point point in segment.OtherPoints)
                    points.Add(new Coordinate2D(point.X, point.Y));
                PolyInfo style = PolyInfo.DefaultPolyline;
                Color    color = palette.GetColor(segment.Value01);
                style.LineColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(color.A, color.R, color.G, color.B);

                geometry.Add(new PolylineGeometry(guid.ToString(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), new Polyline2(Wgs84CoordinateReferenceSystem.Instance,
                                                                                                            Coordinate2DCollection.CreateUnsafe(points.ToArray())), style));

            foreach (IsolineTextLabel label in annotater.Annotate(collection, new Rect()))
                labels.Add(new VisualPushpin(30, 30, label.Text, LatLonAlt.CreateUsingDegrees(label.Position.Y, label.Position.X, 0), this, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));

            layers.Add(new IsolinesLayer()
                Geometry = geometry, IsVisible = true, Guid = guid, Labels = labels
            AddLayerToHost(layers[layers.Count - 1]);
		private void AddDataSource(IDataSource2D<double> field, Guid guid)
			List<PolylineGeometry> geometry = new List<PolylineGeometry>();
			List<VisualPushpin> labels = new List<VisualPushpin>();

			isolineBuilder.DataSource = field;
			IsolineCollection collection = isolineBuilder.Build();
			annotater.WayBeforeText = 20.0;

			foreach (LevelLine segment in collection.Lines)
				List<Coordinate2D> points = new List<Coordinate2D>();
				points.Add(new Coordinate2D(segment.StartPoint.X, segment.StartPoint.Y));
				foreach (Point point in segment.OtherPoints)
					points.Add(new Coordinate2D(point.X, point.Y));
				PolyInfo style = PolyInfo.DefaultPolyline;
				Color color =  palette.GetColor(segment.Value01);
                style.LineColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(color.A, color.R, color.G, color.B);

				geometry.Add(new PolylineGeometry(guid.ToString(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), new Polyline2(Wgs84CoordinateReferenceSystem.Instance,
					Coordinate2DCollection.CreateUnsafe(points.ToArray())), style));

			foreach (IsolineTextLabel label in annotater.Annotate(collection, new Rect()))
				labels.Add(new VisualPushpin(30, 30, label.Text, LatLonAlt.CreateUsingDegrees(label.Position.Y, label.Position.X, 0), this, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));

			layers.Add(new IsolinesLayer() { Geometry = geometry, IsVisible = true, Guid = guid, Labels = labels });
			AddLayerToHost(layers[layers.Count - 1]);

Example #21
        private void AddDataSource(IDataSource2D<double> field, Guid guid)
            double minT, maxT;

            //if (colorMapControl.PaletteType == PaletteType.FromMaxMin)
            //    minT = colorMapControl.MinValue;
            //    maxT = colorMapControl.MaxValue;
            MathHelper.GetMaxMin(field.Data, out maxT, out minT);

            //colorMapControl.MinValue = minT;
            //colorMapControl.MaxValue = maxT;

            double k = 1.0 / (maxT - minT);

            List<Vertex.PositionColored> vertices = new List<Vertex.PositionColored>();

            double altitude = layerHelper.GetNewAltitude();

            for (int i = 0; i < field.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < field.Height; j++)
                    float x = (float)field.Grid[i, j].X;
                    float y = (float)field.Grid[i, j].Y;
                    LatLonAlt position = LatLonAlt.CreateUsingDegrees(y, x, altitude);
                    Vector3F vec = new Vector3F(position.GetVector());
                    System.Windows.Media.Color color = palette.GetColor((field.Data[i, j] - minT) * k);
                    vertices.Add(new Vertex.PositionColored(vec, Color.FromArgb(opacity, color.R, color.G, color.B).ToArgb()));

            MeshGraphicsObject<Vertex.PositionColored, ushort> mesh = new MeshGraphicsObject<Vertex.PositionColored, ushort>(
                vertices.Count * 6,

            Material material = new Material { AmbientColor = Color.White, DiffuseColor = Color.White, SpecularColor = Color.White };
            int id = mesh.Materials.Add(material);


            for (int i = 0; i < field.Width - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < field.Height - 1; j++)


                        (ushort)(i * field.Height + j),
                        (ushort)(i * field.Height + j + 1),

                        (ushort)((i + 1) * field.Height + j),

                        PrimitiveType.TriangleList, id);

                        (ushort)(i * field.Height + j + 1),
                        (ushort)((i + 1) * field.Height + j + 1),
                        (ushort)((i + 1) * field.Height + j),

                        PrimitiveType.TriangleList, id);

            mesh.RenderState.Lighting.Enabled = false;
            mesh.RenderState.Alpha.Enabled = true;
            mesh.RenderState.Alpha.AlphaTestEnable = true;
            mesh.RenderState.Alpha.SourceBlend = Blend.BothInvSourceAlpha;
            mesh.RenderState.Alpha.DestinationBlend = Blend.BothInvSourceAlpha;
            mesh.RenderState.Cull.Enabled = false;

            meshLayers.Add(new MeshLayer { LayerAltitude = altitude, Mesh = mesh, Guid = guid, IsVisible = true, ScalarField = field });

        public bool CheckIntersection(LatLonAlt location)
            bool hasIntersections = false;

            foreach (VisualPushpin pin in intersectedValues)
                host.Geometry.RemoveGeometry(pin.Pushpin.LayerId, pin.Pushpin.Id);

            lock (probesLayers)
                foreach (ProbesLayer probesLayer in probesLayers)
                    if (probesLayer.IsVisible)
                        if (probesLayer.DataSource.Field is IDataSource2D <double> )
                            //for warped grids
                            IDataSource2D <double> field = probesLayer.DataSource.Field as IDataSource2D <double>;
                            System.Windows.Point[,] grid = field.Grid;

                            Coordinate2D minCoordinate = new Coordinate2D(grid[0, 0].X, grid[0, 0].Y);
                            Coordinate2D maxCoordinate = new Coordinate2D(grid[field.Width - 1, field.Height - 1].X, grid[field.Width - 1, field.Height - 1].Y);

                            bool intersectionFound = false;
                            for (int j = 0; j < field.Height; j++)
                                for (int i = 0; i < field.Width; i++)
                                    if (grid[i, j].X < minCoordinate.X)
                                        minCoordinate.X = grid[i, j].X;

                                    if (grid[i, j].X > maxCoordinate.X)
                                        maxCoordinate.X = grid[i, j].X;

                                    if (grid[i, j].Y < minCoordinate.Y)
                                        minCoordinate.Y = grid[i, j].Y;

                                    if (grid[i, j].Y > maxCoordinate.Y)
                                        maxCoordinate.Y = grid[i, j].Y;

                            if (location.LatitudeDegrees > minCoordinate.Y && location.LongitudeDegrees > minCoordinate.X && location.LongitudeDegrees < maxCoordinate.X && location.LatitudeDegrees < maxCoordinate.Y)
                                for (int i = 0; i < field.Width; i++)
                                    for (int j = 0; j < field.Height; j++)
                                        LatLonAlt gridPos = LatLonAlt.CreateUsingDegrees(field.Grid[i, j].Y, field.Grid[i, j].X, 0);
                                        if (CheckEnvirons(gridPos, location, probesLayer.DataSource.Step))
                                            if (!hasIntersections)
                                                hasIntersections = true;

                                            intersectedValues.Add(new VisualPushpin(60, 60, field.Data[i, j].ToString(), gridPos, null, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));
                                            intersectionFound = true;
                                    if (intersectionFound)
                        else if (probesLayer.DataSource.Field is PointSet)
                            PointSet pointSet = probesLayer.DataSource.Field as PointSet;
                            if (probesLayer.IsVisible)
                                for (int i = 0; i < pointSet.Data.Count; i++)
                                    LatLonAlt gridPos = LatLonAlt.CreateUsingDegrees(pointSet.Data[i].Latitude, pointSet.Data[i].Longitude, 0);
                                    if (CheckEnvirons(gridPos, location, probesLayer.DataSource.Step))
                                        if (!hasIntersections)
                                            hasIntersections = true;

                                        intersectedValues.Add(new VisualPushpin(60, 60, pointSet.Data[i].Value.ToString(), gridPos, null, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));
Example #23
        public RasterPatch2 GetTilePatch(IDataSource2D<double> field, Box2 regionBox, double iconSize)
            System.Windows.Point[,] grid = field.Grid;

            Coordinate2D minCoordinate = new Coordinate2D(grid[0, 0].X, grid[0, 0].Y);
            Coordinate2D maxCoordinate = new Coordinate2D(grid[field.Width - 1, field.Height - 1].X, grid[field.Width - 1, field.Height - 1].Y);

            for (int j = 0; j < field.Height; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < field.Width; i++)
                    if (grid[i, j].X < minCoordinate.X)
                        minCoordinate.X = grid[i, j].X;

                    if (grid[i, j].X > maxCoordinate.X)
                        maxCoordinate.X = grid[i, j].X;

                    if (grid[i, j].Y < minCoordinate.Y)
                        minCoordinate.Y = grid[i, j].Y;

                    if (grid[i, j].Y > maxCoordinate.Y)
                        maxCoordinate.Y = grid[i, j].Y;

            GeoRect gridBox = new GeoRect(
                maxCoordinate.X - minCoordinate.X,
                maxCoordinate.Y - minCoordinate.Y);

            GeoRect tileBox = new GeoRect(
                regionBox.MaxCoordinate.X - regionBox.MinCoordinate.X,
                regionBox.MaxCoordinate.Y - regionBox.MinCoordinate.Y);

            GeoRect intersectionRect = GeoRect.Intersect(gridBox, tileBox);

            if (intersectionRect != null)
                int width = 256;
                int height = 256;
                Bitmap resultBitmap = new Bitmap(width, height);
                Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(resultBitmap);
                for (int i = 0; i < field.Width; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < field.Height; j++)
                        GeoRect workingRect = new GeoRect(
                            field.Grid[i, j].X - iconSize / 2.0,
                            field.Grid[i, j].Y - iconSize / 2.0,
                        if (GeoRect.IntersectionExist(workingRect, intersectionRect))
                            int x0 = (int)(Math.Min(width, Math.Max(0, field.Grid[i, j].X - iconSize / 2.0 - tileBox.Left) / tileBox.Width * width));
                            int y0 = (int)(Math.Min(height, Math.Max(0, tileBox.Top - field.Grid[i, j].Y - iconSize / 2.0) / tileBox.Height * height));

                            int x1 = (int)(Math.Min(width, Math.Max(0, field.Grid[i, j].X + iconSize / 2.0 - tileBox.Left) / tileBox.Width * width));
                            int y1 = (int)(Math.Min(height, Math.Max(0, tileBox.Top - field.Grid[i, j].Y + iconSize / 2.0) / tileBox.Height * height));

                            double widthX = Math.Min(tileBox.Width, iconSize);
                            double heightY = Math.Min(tileBox.Height, iconSize);

                            lock (icon)
                                int x2 = 0;
                                if (field.Grid[i, j].X - iconSize / 2.0 < tileBox.Left)
                                    x2 = icon.Width - (int)((double)(x1 - x0) * icon.Width / (widthX / tileBox.Width * width));

                                int y2 = 0;
                                if (tileBox.Top - field.Grid[i, j].Y - iconSize / 2.0 < 0)
                                    y2 = icon.Height - (int)((double)(y1 - y0) * icon.Height / (heightY / tileBox.Height * height));

                                    new Rectangle(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0),
                                    (int)((double)(x1 - x0) * icon.Width / (widthX / tileBox.Width * width)),
                                    (int)((double)(y1 - y0) * icon.Height / (heightY / tileBox.Height * height)),

                return new RasterPatch2(
                return null;
        public ProbesDataSource(Guid guid, IDataSource2D<double> field, Host host)
            : base(guid)
            // set up the Ontology, a description of the kind of data we contain.
            // See DataSource sample for more details.
            OntologySpecification o = this.Ontology.Edit();
            o.PrimitiveTypes.Create("RasterPatch", "GeoEntity", typeof(RasterPatch2));

            EntitySpecification entitySpec = new EntitySpecification(this.Ontology.EntityTypes["GeoEntity"]); // the default entity type
            entity = this.EntityAuthorityReference.EntityAuthority.CreateEntity(true, entitySpec);

            this.wfield = field;

            System.Windows.Point[,] grid = wfield.Grid;
            Coordinate2D minCoordinate = new Coordinate2D(grid[0, 0].X, grid[0, 0].Y);
            Coordinate2D maxCoordinate = new Coordinate2D(grid[field.Width - 1, field.Height - 1].X, grid[field.Width - 1, field.Height - 1].Y);

            for (int j = 0; j < field.Height; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < field.Width; i++)
                    if (grid[i, j].X < minCoordinate.X)
                        minCoordinate.X = grid[i, j].X;

                    if (grid[i, j].X > maxCoordinate.X)
                        maxCoordinate.X = grid[i, j].X;

                    if (grid[i, j].Y < minCoordinate.Y)
                        minCoordinate.Y = grid[i, j].Y;

                    if (grid[i, j].Y > maxCoordinate.Y)
                        maxCoordinate.Y = grid[i, j].Y;

            gridBox = new GeoRect(
                maxCoordinate.X - minCoordinate.X,
                maxCoordinate.Y - minCoordinate.Y);

            dataType = DSDataType.TwoDim;
            this.host = host;

            probesHelper = new ProbesHelper("ProbeSample.png", false);
Example #25
        private void AddDataSource(IDataSource2D <double> field, Guid guid)
            double minT, maxT;

            //if (colorMapControl.PaletteType == PaletteType.FromMaxMin)
            //    minT = colorMapControl.MinValue;
            //    maxT = colorMapControl.MaxValue;
            MathHelper.GetMaxMin(field.Data, out maxT, out minT);

            //colorMapControl.MinValue = minT;
            //colorMapControl.MaxValue = maxT;

            double k = 1.0 / (maxT - minT);

            List <Vertex.PositionColored> vertices = new List <Vertex.PositionColored>();

            double altitude = layerHelper.GetNewAltitude();

            for (int i = 0; i < field.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < field.Height; j++)
                    float     x        = (float)field.Grid[i, j].X;
                    float     y        = (float)field.Grid[i, j].Y;
                    LatLonAlt position = LatLonAlt.CreateUsingDegrees(y, x, altitude);
                    Vector3F  vec      = new Vector3F(position.GetVector());
                    System.Windows.Media.Color color = palette.GetColor((field.Data[i, j] - minT) * k);
                    vertices.Add(new Vertex.PositionColored(vec, Color.FromArgb(opacity, color.R, color.G, color.B).ToArgb()));

            MeshGraphicsObject <Vertex.PositionColored, ushort> mesh = new MeshGraphicsObject <Vertex.PositionColored, ushort>(
                vertices.Count * 6,

            Material material = new Material {
                AmbientColor = Color.White, DiffuseColor = Color.White, SpecularColor = Color.White
            int id = mesh.Materials.Add(material);


            for (int i = 0; i < field.Width - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < field.Height - 1; j++)

                        (ushort)(i * field.Height + j),
                        (ushort)(i * field.Height + j + 1),

                        (ushort)((i + 1) * field.Height + j),

                        PrimitiveType.TriangleList, id);

                        (ushort)(i * field.Height + j + 1),
                        (ushort)((i + 1) * field.Height + j + 1),
                        (ushort)((i + 1) * field.Height + j),

                        PrimitiveType.TriangleList, id);

            mesh.RenderState.Lighting.Enabled       = false;
            mesh.RenderState.Alpha.Enabled          = true;
            mesh.RenderState.Alpha.AlphaTestEnable  = true;
            mesh.RenderState.Alpha.SourceBlend      = Blend.BothInvSourceAlpha;
            mesh.RenderState.Alpha.DestinationBlend = Blend.BothInvSourceAlpha;
            mesh.RenderState.Cull.Enabled           = false;

            meshLayers.Add(new MeshLayer {
                LayerAltitude = altitude, Mesh = mesh, Guid = guid, IsVisible = true, ScalarField = field
Example #26
        public static Range <double> GetMinMax(this IDataSource2D <double> dataSource, double missingValue)

            return(GetMinMax(dataSource.Data, missingValue));
 private void OnDataSourceReplaced(IDataSource2D <Vector> prevDataSource, IDataSource2D <Vector> currDataSource)
     whiteNoizeBmp = CreateWhiteNoizeBmp(currDataSource.Width, currDataSource.Height);
        public GenericDataSource2D(IDataSource2D <T> dataSource)
            Contract.Assert(dataSource != null);

            this.dataSource = dataSource;
 public static Rect GetGridBounds <T>(this IDataSource2D <T> dataSource)
		protected virtual void DetachDataSource(IDataSource2D<double> dataSource)
			if (dataSource != null)
				dataSource.Changed -= OnDataSourceChanged;
Example #31
        private void AddDataSource(IDataSource2D <double> field, Guid guid)
            // Get data and min/max.
            double[,] data = field.Data;
            double minT, maxT;

            MathHelper.GetMaxMin(data, out maxT, out minT);

            double k = 1.0 / (maxT - minT);

            double altitude = layerAltitude;

            //TODO: Perform right calculation depending on grid
            step = 0.3;

            List <Vertex.PositionColored> vertices = new List <Vertex.PositionColored>();

            for (int i = 0; i < field.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < field.Height; j++)
                    float     x        = (float)field.Grid[i, j].X;
                    float     y        = (float)field.Grid[i, j].Y;
                    LatLonAlt position = LatLonAlt.CreateUsingDegrees(y + step, x + step, altitude);
                    Vector3F  vec      = new Vector3F(position.GetVector());
                    vertices.Add(new Vertex.PositionColored(vec, Color.Red.ToArgb()));

                    position = LatLonAlt.CreateUsingDegrees(y - step, x - step, altitude);
                    vec      = new Vector3F(position.GetVector());
                    vertices.Add(new Vertex.PositionColored(vec, Color.Red.ToArgb()));

                    position = LatLonAlt.CreateUsingDegrees(y + step, x - step, altitude);
                    vec      = new Vector3F(position.GetVector());
                    vertices.Add(new Vertex.PositionColored(vec, Color.Red.ToArgb()));

                    position = LatLonAlt.CreateUsingDegrees(y - step, x + step, altitude);
                    vec      = new Vector3F(position.GetVector());
                    vertices.Add(new Vertex.PositionColored(vec, Color.Red.ToArgb()));

            MeshGraphicsObject <Vertex.PositionColored, ushort> mesh = new MeshGraphicsObject <Vertex.PositionColored, ushort>(

            Material material = new Material {
                AmbientColor = Color.White, DiffuseColor = Color.White, SpecularColor = Color.White
            int id = mesh.Materials.Add(material);


            List <ushort> indexData = new List <ushort>();

            for (int i = 0; i < field.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < field.Height; j++)
                    indexData.Add((ushort)((i * field.Height + j) * 4));
                    indexData.Add((ushort)((i * field.Height + j) * 4 + 1));
                    indexData.Add((ushort)((i * field.Height + j) * 4 + 2));
                    indexData.Add((ushort)((i * field.Height + j) * 4 + 3));


            mesh.RenderState.Lighting.Enabled = false;
            mesh.RenderState.Cull.Enabled     = false;

            meshLayers.Add(new MeshLayer {
                LayerAltitude = altitude, Mesh = mesh, Guid = guid, IsVisible = true, ScalarField = field, Step = step
        protected virtual void OnDataSourceChanged(IDataSource2D<double> prevDataSource, IDataSource2D<double> currDataSource)
            if (prevDataSource != null)
                prevDataSource.Changed -= OnDataSourceChanged;
            if (currDataSource != null)
                currDataSource.Changed += OnDataSourceChanged;


            RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(BackgroundRenderer.UpdateRequested));
        public RasterPatch2 GetTilePatch(IDataSource2D <double> field, Box2 regionBox, double iconSize)
            System.Windows.Point[,] grid = field.Grid;

            Coordinate2D minCoordinate = new Coordinate2D(grid[0, 0].X, grid[0, 0].Y);
            Coordinate2D maxCoordinate = new Coordinate2D(grid[field.Width - 1, field.Height - 1].X, grid[field.Width - 1, field.Height - 1].Y);

            for (int j = 0; j < field.Height; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < field.Width; i++)
                    if (grid[i, j].X < minCoordinate.X)
                        minCoordinate.X = grid[i, j].X;

                    if (grid[i, j].X > maxCoordinate.X)
                        maxCoordinate.X = grid[i, j].X;

                    if (grid[i, j].Y < minCoordinate.Y)
                        minCoordinate.Y = grid[i, j].Y;

                    if (grid[i, j].Y > maxCoordinate.Y)
                        maxCoordinate.Y = grid[i, j].Y;

            GeoRect gridBox = new GeoRect(
                maxCoordinate.X - minCoordinate.X,
                maxCoordinate.Y - minCoordinate.Y);

            GeoRect tileBox = new GeoRect(
                regionBox.MaxCoordinate.X - regionBox.MinCoordinate.X,
                regionBox.MaxCoordinate.Y - regionBox.MinCoordinate.Y);

            GeoRect intersectionRect = GeoRect.Intersect(gridBox, tileBox);

            if (intersectionRect != null)
                int      width        = 256;
                int      height       = 256;
                Bitmap   resultBitmap = new Bitmap(width, height);
                Graphics graphics     = Graphics.FromImage(resultBitmap);
                for (int i = 0; i < field.Width; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < field.Height; j++)
                        GeoRect workingRect = new GeoRect(
                            field.Grid[i, j].X - iconSize / 2.0,
                            field.Grid[i, j].Y - iconSize / 2.0,
                        if (GeoRect.IntersectionExist(workingRect, intersectionRect))
                            int x0 = (int)(Math.Min(width, Math.Max(0, field.Grid[i, j].X - iconSize / 2.0 - tileBox.Left) / tileBox.Width * width));
                            int y0 = (int)(Math.Min(height, Math.Max(0, tileBox.Top - field.Grid[i, j].Y - iconSize / 2.0) / tileBox.Height * height));

                            int x1 = (int)(Math.Min(width, Math.Max(0, field.Grid[i, j].X + iconSize / 2.0 - tileBox.Left) / tileBox.Width * width));
                            int y1 = (int)(Math.Min(height, Math.Max(0, tileBox.Top - field.Grid[i, j].Y + iconSize / 2.0) / tileBox.Height * height));

                            double widthX  = Math.Min(tileBox.Width, iconSize);
                            double heightY = Math.Min(tileBox.Height, iconSize);

                            lock (icon)
                                int x2 = 0;
                                if (field.Grid[i, j].X - iconSize / 2.0 < tileBox.Left)
                                    x2 = icon.Width - (int)((double)(x1 - x0) * icon.Width / (widthX / tileBox.Width * width));

                                int y2 = 0;
                                if (tileBox.Top - field.Grid[i, j].Y - iconSize / 2.0 < 0)
                                    y2 = icon.Height - (int)((double)(y1 - y0) * icon.Height / (heightY / tileBox.Height * height));

                                    new Rectangle(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0),
                                    (int)((double)(x1 - x0) * icon.Width / (widthX / tileBox.Width * width)),
                                    (int)((double)(y1 - y0) * icon.Height / (heightY / tileBox.Height * height)),
                return(new RasterPatch2(
        public static Range <double> GetMinMax(this IDataSource2D <double> dataSource)

Example #35
        public ColorMapServer(IDataSource2D <double> dataSource)
            Contract.Requires(dataSource != null);

            this.dataSource = dataSource;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="IsolineBuilder"/> class for specified 2d scalar data source.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataSource">The data source with 2d scalar data.</param>
 public IsolineBuilder(IDataSource2D <double> dataSource)
     DataSource = dataSource;
Example #37
 public static DataRect GetGridBounds <T>(this IDataSource2D <T> dataSource) where T : struct
Example #38
        private void AddDataSource(IDataSource2D<double> field, Guid guid)
            // Get data and min/max.
            double[,] data = field.Data;
            double minT, maxT;
            MathHelper.GetMaxMin(data, out maxT, out minT);

            double k = 1.0 / (maxT - minT);

            double altitude = layerAltitude;

            //TODO: Perform right calculation depending on grid
            step = 0.3;

            List<Vertex.PositionColored> vertices = new List<Vertex.PositionColored>();
            for (int i = 0; i < field.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < field.Height; j++)
                    float x = (float)field.Grid[i, j].X;
                    float y = (float)field.Grid[i, j].Y;
                    LatLonAlt position = LatLonAlt.CreateUsingDegrees(y + step, x + step, altitude);
                    Vector3F vec = new Vector3F(position.GetVector());
                    vertices.Add(new Vertex.PositionColored(vec, Color.Red.ToArgb()));

                    position = LatLonAlt.CreateUsingDegrees(y - step, x - step, altitude);
                    vec = new Vector3F(position.GetVector());
                    vertices.Add(new Vertex.PositionColored(vec, Color.Red.ToArgb()));

                    position = LatLonAlt.CreateUsingDegrees(y + step, x - step, altitude);
                    vec = new Vector3F(position.GetVector());
                    vertices.Add(new Vertex.PositionColored(vec, Color.Red.ToArgb()));

                    position = LatLonAlt.CreateUsingDegrees(y - step, x + step, altitude);
                    vec = new Vector3F(position.GetVector());
                    vertices.Add(new Vertex.PositionColored(vec, Color.Red.ToArgb()));


            MeshGraphicsObject<Vertex.PositionColored, ushort> mesh = new MeshGraphicsObject<Vertex.PositionColored, ushort>(

            Material material = new Material { AmbientColor = Color.White, DiffuseColor = Color.White, SpecularColor = Color.White };
            int id = mesh.Materials.Add(material);


            List<ushort> indexData = new List<ushort>();
            for (int i = 0; i < field.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < field.Height; j++)

                    indexData.Add((ushort)((i * field.Height + j) * 4));
                    indexData.Add((ushort)((i * field.Height + j) * 4 + 1));
                    indexData.Add((ushort)((i * field.Height + j) * 4 + 2));
                    indexData.Add((ushort)((i * field.Height + j) * 4 + 3));



            mesh.RenderState.Lighting.Enabled = false;
            mesh.RenderState.Cull.Enabled = false;

            meshLayers.Add(new MeshLayer { LayerAltitude = altitude, Mesh = mesh, Guid = guid, IsVisible = true, ScalarField = field, Step = step });
Example #39
 public static IDataSource2D <double> GetMagnitudeDataSource(this IDataSource2D <Vector> dataSource)
     return(new VectorToMagnitudeDataSource(dataSource));
Example #40
 private void AddDataSource(IDataSource2D<double> field, Guid guid)
     probesLayers.Add(new ProbesLayer
         Guid = guid,
         IsVisible = true,
         DataSource = new ProbesDataSource(guid, field, host),
         LayerID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
         LayerName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
     AddLayerToHost(probesLayers[probesLayers.Count - 1]);
		private void OnDataSourceReplaced(IDataSource2D<Vector> prevDataSource, IDataSource2D<Vector> currDataSource)
			whiteNoizeBmp = CreateWhiteNoizeBmp(currDataSource.Width, currDataSource.Height);
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="IsolineBuilder"/> class for specified 2d scalar data source.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="dataSource">The data source with 2d scalar data.</param>
		public IsolineBuilder(IDataSource2D<double> dataSource)
			DataSource = dataSource;
		public ColorMapServer(IDataSource2D<double> dataSource)
			Contract.Requires(dataSource != null);

			this.dataSource = dataSource;