public GroupDetailsViewModel(IAppSettings appSettings, IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, IMvxResourceLoader resourceLoader)
     : base(appSettings)
     _dataServiceFactory = new DataServiceFactory(appSettings, _resourceLoader);
     _resourceLoader = resourceLoader;
     _groupedItems = new ObservableCollection<Group<Item>>();
Example #2
 public LocationDataImporter(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory)
     _locationServiceProxy = dataServiceFactory.CreateLocationDataService(DataSourceType.Remote);
     _snapshotServiceProxy = dataServiceFactory.CreateLocationSnapshotDataService(DataSourceType.Remote);
     _snapshotService      = dataServiceFactory.CreateLocationSnapshotDataService(DataSourceType.Local);
     _pictureServiceProxy  = dataServiceFactory.CreatePictureService(DataSourceType.Remote);
     _pictureService       = dataServiceFactory.CreatePictureService(DataSourceType.Local);
 public LoginService(IMessageService messageService, IDialogService dialogService,
                     ILogService logService, IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory,
                     IUserService userService)
     IsAuthenticated    = false;
     MessageService     = messageService;
     DialogService      = dialogService;
     LogService         = logService;
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
     UserService        = userService;
        private void SetUp()
            _dataServiceFactory   = Substitute.For <IDataServiceFactory>();
            _locationServiceProxy = Substitute.For <ILocationDataService>();
            _snapshotServiceProxy = Substitute.For <ILocationSnapshotDataService>();
            _snapshotService      = Substitute.For <ILocationSnapshotDataService>();
            _pictureServiceProxy  = Substitute.For <IPictureService>();
            _pictureService       = Substitute.For <IPictureService>();


            _locationToImport = new Location
                Id   = 1,
                Name = "Barcelona"
            _snapshotsToImport = new List <LocationSnapshot>
                new LocationSnapshot
                    Id              = 1,
                    LocationId      = 1,
                    PictureFileName = "Barcelona1.jpg"
                new LocationSnapshot
                    Id              = 2,
                    LocationId      = 1,
                    PictureFileName = "Barcelona2.jpg"

            _snapshotService.GetSnapshotsByLocationIdAsync(Arg.Any <int>())
            .Returns(_ =>
                var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <IEnumerable <LocationSnapshot> >();

            _pictureData = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
            _pictureService.GetSnapshotContentAsync(Arg.Any <LocationSnapshot>())
            .Returns(_ =>
                var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <byte[]>();
        public GroupedItemsViewModel(IAppSettings appSettings, IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, IMvxResourceLoader resourceLoader)
            : base(appSettings)
            _dataServiceFactory = new DataServiceFactory(appSettings, _resourceLoader);
            _resourceLoader = resourceLoader;

            _dataServices = new List<IDataService>();
            foreach (var source in DataServiceFactoryHelper.DataSources)

            _groupedItems = new ObservableCollection<Group<Item>>();
Example #6
 public CommandLineService(
     IMigrationServiceFactory migrationServiceFactory,
     IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory,
     IWorkspaceService workspaceService,
     IEnvironmentService environmentService,
     ITraceService traceService,
     IConfigurationService configurationService)
     this._workspaceService        = workspaceService;
     this._environmentService      = environmentService;
     this._traceService            = traceService;
     this._configurationService    = configurationService;
     this._migrationServiceFactory = migrationServiceFactory;
     this._dataServiceFactory      = dataServiceFactory;
        public void SetupTests()

            var settings = new Mock<IAppSettings>();
            settings.SetupProperty(s => s.DateFormatString, "ddd, d MMM yyyy");
            settings.SetupProperty(s => s.AutoPlayYoutubeVideos, true);
            settings.SetupProperty(s => s.ForceYoutubeVideosToLoadFullScreen, true);
            settings.SetupProperty(s => s.RssMaxItemsPerFeed, 30);

            var resourceLoader = new Mock<IMvxResourceLoader>();
            resourceLoader.Setup(r => r.GetTextResource(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>" +
                                                                                     "<items xmlns:xsi=\"\">" +
                                                                                     "<item>" +
                                                                                     "<title>If you see me, \"LocalItemsFile\" is enabled!</title>" +
                                                                                     "<subtitle>Warning</subtitle>" +
                                                                                     "<description>To disable, set \"EnableLocalItemsFile = false\" in AppSettings.cs &lt;/br&gt;&lt;a href=\"\"&gt;By the way, I am html, click me and I'll take you to Bing&lt;/a&gt;</description>" +
                                                                                     "<image></image>" +
                                                                                     "<group>Local Data</group>" +
                                                                                     "</item>" +
                                                                                     "<item>" +
                                                                                     "<title>Shi Tzu</title>" +
                                                                                     "<subtitle>small</subtitle>" +
                                                                                     "<description>A shih tzu is a toy dog breed weighing 5–7.25 kilograms with long silky hair. The breed originated in China. Shih Tzu were officially recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1969. The name is both singular and plural.</description>" +
                                                                                     "<image></image>" +
                                                                                     "<group>Dog</group>" +
                                                                                     "</item>" +
                                                                                     "<item>" +
                                                                                     "<title>HTML Example</title>" +
                                                                                     "<subtitle>This uses JavaScript, too!</subtitle>" +
                                                                                     "<description>&lt;html&gt; &lt;body&gt; &lt;font face = \"Comic Sans MS\"&gt; &lt;font size=5&gt;There are all kinds of &lt;font color=\"blue\"&gt;&lt;i&gt;super fun&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/font&gt; things you can do with HTML in your XML files. &lt;br&gt;&lt;font size=3&gt;You can use to preview your HTML. Then you can use Notepad++ to condense it all into one line easily. Just select all the text and press Ctrl+J for Join Lines in Notepad++. (It's also in the Edit menu under Line Operations.)&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;  &lt;p id=\"demo\"&gt;Hey, what day is it??&lt;/p&gt; &lt;button onclick=\"myFunction()\"&gt;JavaScript Button&lt;/button&gt; &lt;script&gt; function myFunction() { var d = new Date(); var weekday=new Array(7); weekday[0]=\"It's Sunday\"; weekday[1]=\"It's Monday\"; weekday[2]=\"It's Tuesday\"; weekday[3]=\"It's Wednesday\"; weekday[4]=\"It's Thursday\"; weekday[5]=\"It's Friday\"; weekday[6]=\"It's Saturday\";  var x = document.getElementById(\"demo\"); x.innerHTML=weekday[d.getDay()]; } &lt;/script&gt;  &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; &lt;font face = \"Arial\"&gt; If you want to link to websites within your app, you can add &lt;font color=\"red\"&gt;target=_blank&lt;/font&gt; to your URL links and change the AppSettings.cs file to allow for it. By default, it is disabled. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; It's also helpful to know that you can use Excel to edit your XML files, but you don't have to. Sometimes Excel just gets in the way and it'd be easier to use something like Notepad++ to edit the code directly. But you have to remember that things need to be converted first. Use this website to convert things:&lt;br&gt; &lt;br&gt;But if you do use Excel, make sure you copy all the HTML into the one line for the description. It might help to double-click the cell and then paste it. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; &lt;font face=\"Courier New\"&gt; Also, you can make your own RSS feeds for your website, even free Google sites. Then you can write up your own XML file to upload (much like this file) using this guide:&lt;br&gt;;br&gt;If you use your own RSS feed, make sure there is an image somewhere in the HTML in the description (even if it's at the bottom of the page), and it'll show up in your app (both on the main page and the sub page). &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;center&gt; You can even make tables. And center them. &lt;table border=\"1\"&gt;   &lt;tr&gt;     &lt;th&gt;Column 1&lt;/th&gt;     &lt;th&gt;Column 2&lt;/th&gt;   &lt;/tr&gt;   &lt;tr&gt;     &lt;td&gt;Row 1&lt;/td&gt;     &lt;td&gt;abcde&lt;/td&gt;   &lt;/tr&gt;   &lt;tr&gt;   &lt;td&gt;Row 2&lt;/td&gt;   &lt;td&gt;fghij&lt;/td&gt;   &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;/table&gt; &lt;/center&gt; &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;  Or you can &lt;a href=\"\" target=_blank&gt;click here&lt;/a&gt; to order Dominos pizza. If you leave default settings on, you'll be ordering the pizza from within the app, but if you change AppSettings.cs like mentioned earlier, it'll open a new window. Or you could just call them at (713) 747-3800.  &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; ...and this is &lt;b&gt;&lt;font color=\"green\"&gt;&lt;font size=5&gt;just the beginning.&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/b&gt; What else can &lt;b&gt;you&lt;/b&gt; think of to do?&lt;br&gt; &lt;br&gt;&lt;center&gt; &lt;img src=\"\" width=\"500\" height=\"15\" alt=\"border\"&gt; &lt;font size=2&gt;&lt;br&gt;If you find an image you like online, you can right-click and copy the URL and also view the image info to see the pixel dimensions--all without downloading it. &lt;/center&gt; &lt;/font&gt; &lt;/body&gt; &lt;/html&gt;</description>" +
                                                                                     "<image></image>" +
                                                                                     "<group>HTML</group>" +
                                                                                     "</item>" +

            _dataServiceFactory = new DataServiceFactory(settings.Object, resourceLoader.Object);
 public TalukService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, ILogService logService)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
     LogService         = logService;
Example #9
 public LookupTables(ILogService logService, IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory)
     LogService         = logService;
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
 public ExpenseHeadService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, ILogService logService)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
     LogService         = logService;
Example #11
 public UserFacade(IDataServiceFactory factory)
     this.factory = factory;
Example #12
 public StudentEvaluationService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory) : base(dataServiceFactory)
 public TeacherService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory) : base(dataServiceFactory)
Example #14
 public PropertyFacade(IDataServiceFactory service)
     this.service = service;
Example #15
 public RolePermissionService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, ILogService logService)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
     LogService         = logService;
 public CustomerService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, ILogService logService)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
     LogService         = logService;
Example #17
 public StudentService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory) : base(dataServiceFactory)
 public DataServiceRole(IDataServiceFactory serviceFactory)
     : base(serviceFactory)
Example #19
 public UserRoleService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, ILogService logService)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
     LogService         = logService;
 protected DataServiceBase(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
Example #21
 public ReceiptService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, ILogService logService)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
     LogService         = logService;
Example #22
 public UserFacade(IDataServiceFactory factory)
     this.factory = factory;
Example #23
 public PropCheckListMasterService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, ILogService logService)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
     LogService         = logService;
Example #24
 public PropertyCheckListService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, ILogService logService)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
     LogService         = logService;
Example #25
 public CourseRecordService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory) : base(dataServiceFactory)
Example #26
 public PlaceService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, ILogService logService)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
     LogService         = logService;
Example #27
 public OrderItemService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
 public BankAccountService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, ILogService logService)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
     LogService         = logService;
 public DropDownService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, ILogService logService)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
     LogService         = logService;
 public PaymentService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, ILogService logService)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
     LogService         = logService;
Example #31
 public FirstViewModel(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory)
     _dataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
Example #32
 public PropertyMergeService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, ILogService logService)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
     LogService         = logService;
 public GroupsService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, ILogService logService)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
     LogService         = logService;
 public DataServiceWorker(IDataServiceFactory serviceFactory)
     : base(serviceFactory)
Example #35
 public ProductService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory, ILogService logService)
     DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
     LogService         = logService;
Example #36
 protected AbstractDataService(IDataServiceFactory serviceFactory)
     _serviceFactory = serviceFactory;
Example #37
 public ListingFacade(IDataServiceFactory dataFactory)
     this.dataFactory = dataFactory;